To the Trump White House, every coronavirus wildfire is an ember - The Washington Post
The Trailer: Inside the swing-state covid-19 wars - The Washington Post
Yet more happy talk. What a maroon. He deserves an ignominious defeat, and it looks like he may well get one.“This is a copy of the map, and this is a — you have it right behind me,” he said. “That’s really very much indicating where the problems are. You see from — from that, it’s in great shape — lots of it,” meaning most of the country.
The Northeast has become very clean,” he continued. “The country is in very good shape, other than if you look South and West — some problems. That will all work out.”
Well, yeah, except for the Southern and Western parts of the country, all was well.
The Trailer: Inside the swing-state covid-19 wars - The Washington Post
As lockdowns and stay-at-home orders enter their fourth month, and as some states have pulled back from “reopening” to prevent new coronavirus infections, any hopes of political unity are long gone. Republican governors who resisted some prevention measures are absorbing blame for new infections. Republican governors who took action quickly are facing criticism for new mask mandates, either for acting slowly or for making moves opposed by some conservatives.
In states where Democratic governors face hostile Republican state legislatures, the conflict has reached another level. Four of those states — Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Wisconsin — are battlegrounds in the presidential election. The fights over how to deal with the pandemic could affect the race between President Trump and Joe Biden, with exhausted voters still supportive of stay-at-home orders and mask rules. States that were already expecting heated elections are now convulsed by fiscal crises, constitutional tugs-of-war, and accusations of King George III-style tyranny.