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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Kemp is the biggest idiot, we've ever had for governor. Of course, he won the election by cheating via voter suppression, but that's another matter. He keeps saying that adults don't need a mandate to wear masks because they will do the right thing without being forced. Well, I've got news for him. It's not happening.
Does your state have a process for recall of horrible governors? This guy is unbelievable, even for a southern Republican.

Yeah. Our former Republican governor is scheduled to speak at the DNC. I guess there’s republicans and then there’s republicans. This Kemp dude is down right malignant.
NY Forward | New York Forward - the whole state is now in Phase 4, though with some restrictions, especially in NYC.

Phase Four Industries | New York Forward

  • Higher Education
  • Pre-K to Grade 12 Schools
  • Low-Risk Outdoor Arts & Entertainment
  • (Low-Risk Indoor Arts & Entertainment)
  • Media Production
  • Professional Sports Competitions With No Fans
  • (Malls)
Upstate-only is in ()'s
  • Low-Risk Outdoor: "outdoor zoos, botanical gardens, nature parks, grounds of historic sites and cultural institutions, outdoor museums, outdoor agritourism, local agricultural demonstrations and exhibitions; and other similar institutions/activities."
  • Low-Risk Indoor: "indoor museums, historical sites, aquariums, and other related institutions or activities."
New York City Eases Into Phase 4 of Reopening, but Indoor Limits Remain - The New York Times
But stringent restrictions will remain on indoor activities: Gyms, malls, movie theaters and museums will remain shuttered, and indoor dining will still not be allowed.

Officials are increasingly concerned about the possibility that visitors from other states will spread the virus in New York, once the epicenter of the pandemic. Last month, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo put in place an executive order that requires travelers from states with high infection rates to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.
Fauci holds up New York as model for fighting coronavirus — 'They did it correctly'
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci on Friday praised New York for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, saying the state did it “correctly.”
  • “We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” Fauci said in an interview on “PBS NewsHour.”
  • Gov. Andrew Cuomo instituted some of the strictest reopening requirements in the country, insisting that stay-at-home orders remain in place and many businesses remain closed far longer than other states.

New York was once the epicenter of the outbreak in the United States with more than 10,000 new cases a day during its peak outbreak in April. The state has dramatically reduced daily new infections to 776 as of Thursday.

New York is one of nine U.S. states that has the virus under control, according to the tracking project Covid Act Now. Less than 1% of New Yorkers tested for the virus were positive Thursday, down from a high of more than 40%.

Last Sunday, Florida reported more than 15,000 new infections, more than New York during the peak of its outbreak.
Congress, White House talk coronavirus aid as U.S. infections surge - Reuters
The Republican-led Senate and Democratic-controlled House of Representatives have less than two weeks to agree on a legislative package before assistance runs out for tens of millions of Americans made jobless by the coronavirus pandemic.

“The Republicans don’t seem to have their own act together. It’s hard to negotiate when the president says one thing, Senate Republicans say another and many of them are divided,” Senate Democratic leader Schumer told CNN.
Trump wants a payroll tax cut. ???

It is like he is incapable of having a good idea. The unemployed don't benefit from payroll tax cuts... nor do the employed! The economy benefits a bit because it is a little money that adds up... but you need to be able to spend it!
WASHINGTON DC -- With testing in America nearing 1,000,000 tests a day, parts of the country struggle to keep infections up with testing. States like Massachusetts have seen positive rates well below 5%, indicating the spread of the disease simply isn't keeping up with increased testing. However, in the south, many Americans, led by pioneering state Governors, have worked hard to ensure infections rise up with testing, and in some cases well above testing.

In a series of Tweets, President Trump congratulated southern States like South Carolina and Alabama for rising to the challenge to keep positive test rates ahead of testing infrastructure, well above 10% daily averages. "The south is doing us proud," noted the President. "The northern states are making testing a complete waste of time with low positive rates. Sad!"

WASHINGTON DC -- Senate that isn't actually meeting in person while in Session, discusses plans for $105 billion in proposed funding to help open schools. Senate Majority Leader McConnell noted "While us Senators aren't actually showing up to work in person, we feel it is necessary for teachers, children, bus drivers, and all supporting staff have to go to school in person."

The proposed funding is approximately $100,000 per public school in the US and is equivalent to "piss nothing".

I'm paraphrasing, but only a little.
Kemp is the biggest idiot, we've ever had for governor. Of course, he won the election by cheating via voter suppression, but that's another matter. He keeps saying that adults don't need a mandate to wear masks because they will do the right thing without being forced. Well, I've got news for him. It's not happening.
Does your state have a process for recall of horrible governors? This guy is unbelievable, even for a southern Republican.

We do, but I doubt we could get him on one of the provisions required for a recall election. Unfortunately, being incompetent isn't a reason for a recall election.

The relevant legislation requires at least one of the following grounds for calling a recall election:

an act of malfeasance or misconduct while in office,
violation of the oath of office,
failure to perform duties prescribed by law, or
willfully misusing, converting, or misappropriating, without authority, public property or public funds entrusted to or associated with the elective office to which the official has been elected or appointed.

OF course, about half of us believe that he did commit malfeasance when he was SOS and controlled his own election. But, the other. half would never agree to that. Plus, the Georgia Congress is controlled by Republicans and as you know, they don't care about incompetent leaders as long as they have an R after their names.
Trump admits that virus will get worse before it gets better!


President Trump abruptly departed on Tuesday from his rosy projections about the coronavirus, warning Americans from the White House briefing lectern that the illness would get worse before widespread recovery.

“It will probably, unfortunately, get worse before it gets better,” Mr. Trump said. “Something I don’t like saying about things, but that’s the way it is.”

In his first virus-focused news conference in weeks, Mr. Trump appeared before reporters to defend his track record, which has been widely criticized for his tendency to downplay the severity of the pandemic. Appearing without Vice President Mike Pence, Dr. Deborah Birx or Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, key members of his White House coronavirus task force, Mr. Trump also implored citizens — especially young people — to wear masks.

“Get a mask,” said Mr. Trump, who has been reluctant to wear them in public himself. “Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact. They will have an effect and we need everything we can get.”

I guess he's worried about his ratings and falling in the polls. :rolleyes:
That’s funny, I remember it getting better then it got worse. What was behind that?
That’s funny, I remember it getting better then it got worse. What was behind that?
It was horrible in New York City, but it's being overcome there. But then certain Sunbelt-state governors wanted to end lockdowns prematurely, and that ended up spreading the disease there.

U.S. coronavirus cases and deaths rising amid ineffective response to pandemic - The Washington Post - "Dysfunctional politics, a lack of funding for public health and a rush to reopen the economy ignited the resurgence of the virus"
Many countries have rigorously driven infection rates nearly to zero. In the United States, coronavirus transmission is out of control. The national response is fragmented, shot through with political rancor and culture-war divisiveness. Testing shortcomings that revealed themselves in March have become acute in July, with week-long waits for results leaving the country blind to real-time virus spread and rendering contact tracing nearly irrelevant.

The United States may be heading toward a new spasm of wrenching economic shutdowns or to another massive spike in preventable deaths from covid-19 — or both.

How the world’s richest country got into this dismal situation is a complicated tale that exposes the flaws and fissures in a nation long proud of its ability to meet cataclysmic challenges.
That article only discussed Trump's bad leadership only a little bit, not as much as I think that that subject deserves. Harry Truman famously had a sign on his desk that stated "The Buck Stops Here". That does not seem very apparent for Trump.
“You look at the Great Depression and how Roosevelt made a concerted effort to unite the country — the fireside chats, the New Deal. That is the instinctive reaction of almost every president in crisis. Even if you don’t succeed, you try to convince people that they’re all in this together,” Grossman said. “This presidency is the exception and anomaly.”

Many Americans now believe the pandemic has been exaggerated, or even fabricated, by scientists and the mainstream news media. The rejection of scientific expertise has flowered into a conspiracy theory holding that the experts are lying as part of a political agenda.

“The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust,” former “Wheel of Fortune” game show host Chuck Woolery tweeted July 12.

Trump retweeted that. Days later, Woolery revealed his son was sick with the virus, and he has since taken down his Twitter account.
That’s funny, I remember it getting better then it got worse. What was behind that?

Can't help myself. Here's a trip down memory lane.

In all seriousness, the actions of this administration and its enablers has been nothing short of criminally negligent. Much like the decisions of senators to acquit this criminal during impeachment. the decisions and policies Republicans carried out to exacerbate this pandemic should be wrapped around their necks like a fucking albatross forever. And unless a conscious effort is made to do so, historical revision is going to occur instead.
That’s funny, I remember it getting better then it got worse. What was behind that?

Can't help myself. Here's a trip down memory lane.

In all seriousness, the actions of this administration and its enablers has been nothing short of criminally negligent. Much like the decisions of senators to acquit this criminal during impeachment. the decisions and policies Republicans carried out to exacerbate this pandemic should be wrapped around their necks like a fucking albatross forever. And unless a conscious effort is made to do so, historical revision is going to occur instead.

The sad thing is that Trump and his True Believers actually think this has happened. Trump himself has touted the "best job numbers" in history despite the fact that the unemployment rate is still higher than it was at any point during the post-recession Obama years. They think that the economy is "roaring back" and will continue to do so until November, when they can have another coronation for their Dear Leader. If there's 200,000 dead by then? Well...gotta break some eggs to make an omelet, right?
But he wore a mask!
And they control the numbers, now.
So the numbers will go down.
And we will have turned the vorner!
Because he promoted a mask...that one time....
Senate republicans just dumped SCROTUS's demand for a payroll tax cut in the next COVID relief bill. Prepare for the tweet-storm.
Who the heck called for a payroll tax cut in the WH to begin with? Couldn’t be more worthless right now. Such a bad idea the GOP said so.
SCROTUS will really be upset with Fauci now. The doctor will throw out the first pitch in the first game of the World Champion Washington Nationals tonight.
So Trump was forced to cancel the convention in Jacksonville, and Melania's son Barron's school has announced it will not fully reopen, which I guess means the CHIY-nah virus invisible enemy has won.
Oh gawd, Trump is gonna have to homeschool. SNL sketch is being written as we speak.
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