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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Watched Trump's press conference. Not a word about losing the election, but it seemed like his main point about the Covid-19 vaccine was that Cuomo needs to bend the knee and kiss the ring or New York won't get it.

And everyone seems to have noticed his change in hair color from the baby blonde to silver gray. Is there something to be learned here about his narcissism?
Is there something to be learned here about his narcissism?

Yes, it's about contrast and color matching. As the six remaining hairs that are meticulously balled up on top of his head have become less and less adequate to cover his pallid pate, the contrast between the hairs and his ashen gray scalp skin had to be mitigated by turning the hairs a more closely matching color.
US reached 160K infections a day. China has 86K infections total.

That was a Saturday number. Friday was 187,907
(Do you really think China is producing accurate reports?)

The behavior of the people over there says Covid is a non-factor despite the high population density. There's no way they could be covering it up if it were hitting them like it hits us and if it's not tightly controlled it explodes. No tight control = basically no Covid. They do put their elephant-foot down when it shows up.

They certainly could fudge the numbers, but they do not have community spread.
Whitmer: Atlas’ call for Michiganders to ‘rise up’ against Covid restrictions ‘took my breath away’ - POLITICO

"Dr. Scott Atlas has won favor in the White House for his skepticism toward coronavirus mitigation strategies." - for telling Trump something he wants to believe, it seems.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said Monday that she was stunned by a call from one of President Donald Trump’s top coronavirus advisers for people in her state to “rise up” against new restrictions aimed at slowing the disease’s deadly surge.

“It actually took my breath away, to tell you the truth,” Whitmer told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” referring to a tweet posted over the weekend by Dr. Scott Atlas, whose skepticism toward Covid-19 mitigation strategies has been the subject of widespread criticism.
These GOP governors long resisted masks and coronavirus rules. Now their states are in crisis. - CNN
  • South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem
  • North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum
  • Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon
  • Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds
  • Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts
  • Idaho Gov. Brad Little

Governor Newsom Announces New Immediate Actions to Curb COVID-19 Transmission | California Governor - Nov 16
As COVID-19 cases sharply increase across the country and California, Governor Gavin Newsom and state public health officials announced immediate actions today to slow the spread of the virus. The state is pulling an emergency brake in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy resulting in 94.1 percent of California’s population in the most restrictive tier. This change is effective tomorrow. The state will reassess data continuously and move more counties back if necessary. California is also strengthening its face covering guidance to require individuals to wear a mask whenever outside their home, with limited exceptions.

“We are sounding the alarm,” said Governor Newsom. “California is experiencing the fastest increase in cases we have seen yet –faster than what we experienced at the outset of the pandemic or even this summer. The spread of COVID-19, if left unchecked, could quickly overwhelm our health care system and lead to catastrophic outcomes. That is why we are pulling an emergency brake in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. Now is the time to do all we can – government at all levels and Californians across the state – to flatten the curve again as we have done before.”
Another state.
Oregon governor officially orders new coronavirus restrictions | TheHill
Oregon's governor issued an executive order Tuesday implementing a new wave of restrictions on public life as part of the state's efforts to fight coronavirus.

A notice from Kate Brown's (D) office indicated that all restaurants in the state would be restricted to take-out and delivery service only while gyms, museums, and some other businesses would be forced to close entirely.

Stores that remain open will also operate under reduced maximum occupancy rules, and companies in the state have been directed to allow employees to work from home whenever possible.
These GOP governors long resisted masks and coronavirus rules. Now their states are in crisis. - CNN
  • South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem
  • North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum
  • Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon
  • Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds
  • Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts
  • Idaho Gov. Brad Little

Governor Newsom Announces New Immediate Actions to Curb COVID-19 Transmission | California Governor - Nov 16
As COVID-19 cases sharply increase across the country and California, Governor Gavin Newsom and state public health officials announced immediate actions today to slow the spread of the virus. The state is pulling an emergency brake in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy resulting in 94.1 percent of California’s population in the most restrictive tier. This change is effective tomorrow. The state will reassess data continuously and move more counties back if necessary. California is also strengthening its face covering guidance to require individuals to wear a mask whenever outside their home, with limited exceptions.

“We are sounding the alarm,” said Governor Newsom. “California is experiencing the fastest increase in cases we have seen yet –faster than what we experienced at the outset of the pandemic or even this summer. The spread of COVID-19, if left unchecked, could quickly overwhelm our health care system and lead to catastrophic outcomes. That is why we are pulling an emergency brake in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. Now is the time to do all we can – government at all levels and Californians across the state – to flatten the curve again as we have done before.”
You can add UT to that list. The goobernor here is awful.
Like the rest of Trump's friends who catch it he'll probably get the hookup to the monoclonals and be fine. Grassley hasn't been a covid denier in personal practice, but he is part of the craven gop Senate obstruction of covid relief.
The bigger issue is that McConnell is trying to ram that idiot Gold Standard fuckwad onto the Fed board for whatever fucking reason, and he can't afford to lose a single vote. VP-Elect Harris pulled a super hero act getting to the Senate to prevent a 48-48 tiebreaker vote.
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