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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Prince Jared:
I learned this early on that neither party is really a party. They’re collections of tribes. Right? And so the Republican Party was a collection of a bunch of tribes. And then, you know, parties as they grow tend to be more about being exclusive than inclusive. And so, you know, you look at, like, the Republican Party platform, it’s a document meant to, like, piss people off basically. Because it’s done by activists.
CNN: "Months later, during its national convention, the Republican Party declined to update its platform and instead chose to readopt the 2016 platform."

In fairness to Prince Jared, he is fundamentally correct about the two parties, that they are collections of factions.

Prince Jared:
The most dangerous people around the president are over-confident idiots. Right? Because that has a way, sometimes, of getting past his defense mechanism because if you’re overconfident, then sometimes, you know, on a topic where he doesn’t have other people around to kind of validate it, then he can sometimes say, okay, let’s go with that. So that’s kind of – I think if you look at the evolution over time, we’ve gotten rid of a lot of the over-confident idiots, and now he’s got a lot more thoughtful people who kind of know their place and know what to do.
In "Rage," Woodward writes that he believed Kushner was referring to former Cabinet members and advisers James Mattis, Rex Tillerson and Gary Cohn. In a September interview on NBC's "Today" show, Kushner claimed Woodward "mischaracterized" him and denied he had called those three men "overconfident idiots."
Then who might qualify?
From Vanity Fair,
Of course dead Americans have never much bothered the first son-in-law, who, in March, said of the exploding cases in New York: “[Governor Andrew Cuomo’s] people are going to suffer and that’s their problem,” according to reporter Katherine Eban. (That comment can now be seen on a billboard in Times Square, which Kushner’s lawyer would really like taken down.)
Study links Trump rallies to more than 700 Covid deaths

President Donald Trump's campaign rallies between June and September may have caused some 30,000 coronavirus infections and more than 700 deaths, according to a new study by Stanford University economists.

The working paper, released late Friday, examined the impact of 18 rallies held between June 20 and Sept. 30 by comparing spread of the virus after each event to parts of the country that didn't host rallies. The findings illustrate the risks of not heeding public health warnings to wear masks and avoid large gatherings to mitigate the risks of Covid-19, the authors — including B. Douglas Bernheim, the chair of Stanford's economics department — wrote.

“The communities in which Trump rallies took place paid a high price in terms of disease and death,” they wrote. Fifteen of the 18 events studied were held outdoors.

Trump has drawn criticism for continuing to hold events with large, tightly packed crowds in states that are experiencing outbreaks. Many in attendance, including Trump, have not worn masks.
I just hope they were waiting until Nov 3rd to vote.
Trump is a bungler, that much is certain. It should be obvious, however, that Trump certainly didn't want to do anything to threaten his businesses. He wants people to gamble, golf, go to resorts and basically use those things that bring in cash. This is his business, lockdowns and protocols and masks make doing these things tedious, if they get done at all.

So it shouldn't be a mystery as to his refusal to acknowledge the pandemic. He's never been interested in cures, only in guests.
What is Biden's plan for dealing with COVID? Has he said anything officially?
He's putting Hunter Biden in charge of the task force. They'll lead the charge.

Ha ha ha. J/K.
Can you IMAGINE a professional dealing with a world-spanning plague putting it in the hands of someone who doesn't have anything like an appropriate degree, any experience, but is related?
Who thd fuck would do that?
What is Biden's plan for dealing with COVID? Has he said anything officially?

Biden coronavirus task force doctor says 4 to 6 week lockdown could control the pandemic

I don't think Joe plans to say much. He is going to let task force members say plenty, though.

You don't need to ask anyone for their opinion on that. Observation always beats theory. Melbourne proved that a strongly enforced severe lockdown works. But it needs to be sustained for more like three months, not four to six weeks, if the outbreak has already become widespread in the community.

And you need very strict controls at your borders, with any arrivals from outside your locked down region placed in mandatory quarantine.
What is Biden's plan for dealing with COVID? Has he said anything officially?

Biden coronavirus task force doctor says 4 to 6 week lockdown could control the pandemic

I don't think Joe plans to say much. He is going to let task force members say plenty, though.

You don't need to ask anyone for their opinion on that. Observation always beats theory. Melbourne proved that a strongly enforced severe lockdown works. But it needs to be sustained for more like three months, not four to six weeks, if the outbreak has already become widespread in the community.

And you need very strict controls at your borders, with any arrivals from outside your locked down region placed in mandatory quarantine.
We are way passed that. In the US, there will be assholes getting themselves infected on purpose to spite a Democrat in the White House. They are that fucked in their brains.

People might start caring again about 4 or 5 weeks too late, when the hospitals can't handle it anymore. People mistake this spike with the NYC/NJ spike followed Miami, Houston, Phoenix spikes which occurred in areas with large hospital capacities. This thing breaks out in regional areas, now, and those hospitals don't have a prayer to contain this.
Here in UT, we're seeing full ICUs, and people getting turned away now even in emergencies. It's going to get much worse soon.

Here in PA we were treated to that campaign add where Dumpho tells everyone how wonderful his healthcare was that he received for Covid and how everyone will be getting the same care soon, all free. So you need to have that running on every electronic billboard in the state. Should fix everything and make everyone relax, feel better, solve the problem.

Then we can all get back to the casinos, golf courses, luxury hotels, resorts, etc. Easy peasy.
More than 130 Secret Service officers are said to be infected with coronavirus or quarantining in wake of Trump’s campaign travel


More than 130 Secret Service officers who help protect the White House and the president when he travels have recently been ordered to isolate or quarantine because they tested positive for the coronavirus or had close contact with infected co-workers, according to three people familiar with agency staffing.

The spread of the coronavirus — which has sidelined roughly 10 percent of the agency’s core security team — is believed to be partly linked to a series of campaign rallies that President Trump held in the weeks before the Nov. 3 election, according to the people, who, like others interviewed for this report, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the situation.

The outbreak comes as coronavirus cases have been rapidly rising across the nation, with more than 152,000 new cases reported Thursday.

The virus is having a dramatic impact on the Secret Service’s presidential security unit at the same time that growing numbers of prominent Trump campaign allies and White House officials have fallen ill in the wake of campaign events, where many attendees did not wear masks.

The agency is also examining whether some portion of the current infections are not travel-related, one government official said, but instead trace back to the site where many Secret Service officers report for duty each day: the White House.

White House staff largely eschew wearing masks, despite public health guidelines that they help contain the spread of the virus, and some Secret Service officers on duty at the complex have also been seen without them.

The Pig in the White House has no regard for anyone but himself. But we've known that for years.
What is Biden's plan for dealing with COVID? Has he said anything officially?

Biden coronavirus task force doctor says 4 to 6 week lockdown could control the pandemic

I don't think Joe plans to say much. He is going to let task force members say plenty, though.

Unfortunately, no--lockdown won't deal with it. The problem is people won't actually obey well enough. We need to stick to what's possible--first on that last should be closing high risk activities. Second is mask ordinances with real teeth.
What is Biden's plan for dealing with COVID? Has he said anything officially?

Biden coronavirus task force doctor says 4 to 6 week lockdown could control the pandemic

I don't think Joe plans to say much. He is going to let task force members say plenty, though.

Unfortunately, no--lockdown won't deal with it. The problem is people won't actually obey well enough. We need to stick to what's possible--first on that last should be closing high risk activities. Second is mask ordinances with real teeth.
We can't even get these assholes to wear masks! Pretty much we are stuck with status quo until they close bars and limit capacity at churches.
Watched Trump's press conference. Not a word about losing the election, but it seemed like his main point about the Covid-19 vaccine was that Cuomo needs to bend the knee and kiss the ring or New York won't get it.
Unfortunately, no--lockdown won't deal with it. The problem is people won't actually obey well enough. We need to stick to what's possible--first on that last should be closing high risk activities. Second is mask ordinances with real teeth.

The ground needs to be softened up first. Of course another few hundred thousand more bodies hitting the ground might soften it a little, but it will probably take a massive PR campaign to raise compliance to an effective level.
Watched Trump's press conference. Not a word about losing the election, but it seemed like his main point about the Covid-19 vaccine was that Cuomo needs to bend the knee and kiss the ring or New York won't get it.

The NY AG has fired back on this one already. Dumph was just crapping his pants in public again.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner's children withdrawn from school after administrators raised concerns about adherence to Covid precautions

(CNN)Administrators at the posh Washington private school that the three young children of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner attended for the last three years expressed concern about the couple's public flouting of Covid-19 guidelines, ultimately resulting in President Donald Trump's daughter and son-in-law withdrawing their children from the school, a longtime parent at the school told CNN.

Out of safety and privacy concerns for minor children, CNN is not naming the school.

Kushner and Trump "repeatedly violated a number of the guidelines" outlined in the school's parent handbook for Covid-19 precautionary rules, according to the source.

"There was no secret about their behaviors, because everyone could see them," the parent said, referencing the televised nature of Trump's and Kushner's jobs, as well as news reports of positive Covid-19 cases in their workplace, the White House.

So the Prince and Princess Drump had to yank their kids out of their school for the parents repeated violation of their signed agreement to follow C19 avoidance protocols. Absolute Rumps to the core. Perhaps they need a visit from the Department of Children and Families for neglecting their kids safety.
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