Prince Jared:
In fairness to Prince Jared, he is fundamentally correct about the two parties, that they are collections of factions.
Prince Jared:
CNN: "Months later, during its national convention, the Republican Party declined to update its platform and instead chose to readopt the 2016 platform."I learned this early on that neither party is really a party. They’re collections of tribes. Right? And so the Republican Party was a collection of a bunch of tribes. And then, you know, parties as they grow tend to be more about being exclusive than inclusive. And so, you know, you look at, like, the Republican Party platform, it’s a document meant to, like, piss people off basically. Because it’s done by activists.
In fairness to Prince Jared, he is fundamentally correct about the two parties, that they are collections of factions.
Prince Jared:
CNN:The most dangerous people around the president are over-confident idiots. Right? Because that has a way, sometimes, of getting past his defense mechanism because if you’re overconfident, then sometimes, you know, on a topic where he doesn’t have other people around to kind of validate it, then he can sometimes say, okay, let’s go with that. So that’s kind of – I think if you look at the evolution over time, we’ve gotten rid of a lot of the over-confident idiots, and now he’s got a lot more thoughtful people who kind of know their place and know what to do.
Then who might qualify?In "Rage," Woodward writes that he believed Kushner was referring to former Cabinet members and advisers James Mattis, Rex Tillerson and Gary Cohn. In a September interview on NBC's "Today" show, Kushner claimed Woodward "mischaracterized" him and denied he had called those three men "overconfident idiots."