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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

We don't shut down if 1 person gets the flu.
And again, it's not the flu, Halfie.

There are signs that people who survive this disease can get it again.
If we go back to normal interaction without a vaccine, we're just going yo do thus all again.

It's a mutated version of the flu, yes. A more evolved form. Some people are more prone to it than others, just like the flu.
Considering you'reca creationist, could you possibly explain whst you think the term 'more evolved' means in this context? I'm not sure how you think this matters?
It is bad out there, but plenty of experts say that you can't get the virus from touching surfaces or cardboard. That's just the fear mongering.
nameless experts? Experts in what fields? How many is 'plenty?'
Making customers and store workers wear gloves and masks gives it a more scary and deadly look. Media wants you to be afraid.
So, it's 'the media' inventing rules about face masks, gloves?
So, no doctors suggest masks?
I was at a Walmart recently
Oh, a Halfie anecdote!

That's so compelling.

Yeah.... someone's desperate, and the Fuck-knuckle won't let qualified experts give out real info, so laugh at thrur confusion. Ha. And ha, again.
That's just the fear mongering.

I feel it's important to point out that when Trump downplayed the threat of COVID-19, WE called it incompetent lying, but YOU said it was his job to sound confident, though what he said was not true.
With thst in mind, is there any reason to think your confident dismissing of the threat of COVID-19 is any more truthful than Lying Don's attempts to, as you suggested, allay panic?

Esp. as you offer dick in the way of support?
Most stores here limit the customers; everyone waits outside in a straggly line. Some stores require masks.

I gotta hand it to the workers at WalMart - and I say that very grudgingly. They are doing a superlative job keeping things clean and managing traffic. There are sanitizer gel and wipe dispensers everywhere. Shelf stockers wear gloves and masks, checkers wipe down between every customer, and the self checkout lanes have people with spray bottles following every person who checks out. Most of all, they all seem very upbeat. I was impressed!

I have to agree. But it's the customers you have to watch out for.
Trump removes watchdog at head of committee overseeing coronavirus relief funds

President Donald Trump has removed a top Pentagon official leading the committee tasked with overseeing implementation of the $2 trillion coronavirus law, putting his own pick in place.

Trump is replacing acting Pentagon Inspector General Glenn Fine, who a panel of inspectors general had named to lead the oversight committee, with EPA inspector general Sean O’Donnell.

O’Donnell will now temporarily be lead watchdog for both the agencies, pending the confirmation of Jason Abend, who Trump has nominated to fill the Defense Department role.

The move comes amid Trump’s increasing involvement in trying to shape the ranks of independent federal oversight. Late Friday night, Trump fired intelligence community inspector general Michael Atkinson, who flagged the Ukraine whistleblower complaint to Congress that ultimately led to the president’s impeachment.
We don't shut down if 1 person gets the flu.
And again, it's not the flu, Halfie.

There are signs that people who survive this disease can get it again.
If we go back to normal interaction without a vaccine, we're just going yo do thus all again.

It's a mutated version of the flu, yes. A more evolved form.

Absolutely wrong. The only thing COVID-19 has in common with the flu is that they are both viruses.

Some people are more prone to it than others, just like the flu.

Some people are more prone to religion than others, that doesn't make Christianity a more evolved form of the flu. Though, now that I think of it, that would explain a lot.

It is bad out there, but plenty of experts say that you can't get the virus from touching surfaces or cardboard.

Name one expert. Just one qualified medical expert. No, Jared Kushner will not do.

That's just the fear mongering. Making customers and store workers wear gloves and masks gives it a more scary and deadly look. Media wants you to be afraid.

It is not the media that is recommending those things. Qualified medical experts are recommending them.

I was at a Walmart recently and one person said to the cashier, "Don't give me the pennies. I heard the virus can live up to 4 hours on the pennies." He took the nickels and dimes, though. I laughed silently to myself.

I don't believe you. You have been wrong nearly every time you have stated something that could be verified. There is no way I am going to believe you when you provide some bullshit just-so story that cannot be verified.
Most stores here limit the customers; everyone waits outside in a straggly line. Some stores require masks.

I gotta hand it to the workers at WalMart - and I say that very grudgingly. They are doing a superlative job keeping things clean and managing traffic. There are sanitizer gel and wipe dispensers everywhere. Shelf stockers wear gloves and masks, checkers wipe down between every customer, and the self checkout lanes have people with spray bottles following every person who checks out. Most of all, they all seem very upbeat. I was impressed!

I have to agree. But it's the customers you have to watch out for.

I disagree. I unfortunately had my primary pharmacy listed at a walmart near where I USED to live... not convenient... but more importantly, Walmart failed to accommodate those picking up critical medical prescriptions from their pharmacy, by forcing all customers to stand in a line together prior to entering. I asked the security guard if there was another line for the pharmacy and he rudely said, "everyone has to stand in line".

So fuck you walmart for the failure to prioritize those picking up antibiotics over those picking up lawn chairs.

I have contacted my insurance company to report their refusing service (by refusing entry) at the pharmacy and requested they be delisted from their site for services.
I have switched from Walmart to Walgreens for my family's medical needs, now on.

Right now I am feeling like I will never set foot in a walmart again if at all possible because of their covid-19 procedures fail.
I have to agree. But it's the customers you have to watch out for.

I disagree. I unfortunately had my primary pharmacy listed at a walmart near where I USED to live... not convenient... but more importantly, Walmart failed to accommodate those picking up critical medical prescriptions from their pharmacy, by forcing all customers to stand in a line together prior to entering. I asked the security guard if there was another line for the pharmacy and he rudely said, "everyone has to stand in line".

So fuck you walmart for the failure to prioritize those picking up antibiotics over those picking up lawn chairs.

I have contacted my insurance company to report their refusing service (by refusing entry) at the pharmacy and requested they be delisted from their site for services.
I have switched from Walmart to Walgreens for my family's medical needs, now on.

Right now I am feeling like I will never set foot in a walmart again if at all possible because of their covid-19 procedures fail.

They dictate which pharmacies you can use? You can’t use Express Scripts?
As usual you are just plain wrong, he said this two days ago:

"they say taking it before the fact is good. But what do you have to lose? They say, “Take it.”

You can check for yourself at the White House website:


Oh yeah, I left out a lot of the quotes from that drunk guy at the end of the bar giving medical advice.

And the other thing that we bought a tremendous amount of is the hydroxychloroquine — hydroxychloroquine — which I think — as you know, it’s a great malaria drug. It’s worked unbelievably. It’s this powerful drug on malaria. And there are signs that it works on this. Some very strong signs. And, in the meantime, it’s been around a long time. It also works very powerfully on lupus. Lupus.

So there are some very strong, powerful signs, and we’ll have to see. Because again, it’s being tested now. This is a new thing that just happened to us — the “invisible enemy,” we call it.

And, if you can, if you have a — no signs of heart problems, the azrithromycin [sic] — azithromycin — which will kill certain things that you don’t want living within your body — it’s powerful drug — if you don’t have a problem, a heart problem, we would say: Let your doctor think about it. But as a combination, I think they’re going to be — I think they’re two things that should be looked at very strongly.

Now, we have purchased and we have stockpiled 29 million pills of the hydroxychloroquine — 29 million. A lot of drugstores have them by prescription, and also — and they’re not expensive. Also, we’re sending them to various labs, our military. We’re sending them to the hospitals. We’re sending them all over.

I just think it’s something — you know the expression, I’ve used it for certain reasons: “What do you have to lose?” What do you have to lose? And a lot of people are saying that when — and are taking it — if you’re a doctor, a nurse, a first responder, a medical person going into hospitals, they say taking it before the fact is good. But what do you have to lose? They say, “Take it.”

I’m not looking at it one way or the other, but we want to get out of this. If it does work, it would be a shame if we didn’t do it early. But we have some very good signs. So that’s hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

And, again, you have to go through your medical people, get the approval. But I’ve seen things that I sort of like. So what do I know? I’m not a doctor. I’m not a doctor. But I have common sense. The FDA feels good about it. They’ve — as you know, they’ve approved it. They gave it a rapid approval. And the reason: because it’s been out there for a long time and they know the side effects and they also know the potential. So, based on that, we have sent it throughout the country and we have it stockpiled — about 29 million doses. Twenty-nine million doses. We have a lot of it. We hope it works.

Q Mr. President, as President of the United States, your words carry enormous weight in this country and around the world. And while you acknowledge you’re not a physician, you do promote these medicines extensively here. How do you not go so far as to be giving medical advice? And you said, yesterday, you might take some of these medicines, even though you don’t have symptoms. Are you still planning to do that? And how do you calibrate being enthusiastic —


Q — and not playing doctor?

THE PRESIDENT: Because I want people to live and I’m seeing people dying. And I see people that are going to die without it. And you know the expression. When that’s happening, they should do it. What really do we have to lose?

We also have — this medicine has been tested for many years for malaria and for lupus, so it’s been out there. So it’s a very strong, powerful medicine, but it doesn’t kill people. We have some very good results and some very good tests. You’ve seen the same test that I have.

Q But for those without symptoms, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: In France, they had a very good test; they’re continuing. But we don’t have time to go and say, “Gee, let’s take a couple of years and test it out. And let’s go and test with the test tubes and the laboratories.” We don’t have time. I’d love to do that. But we have people dying today. As we speak, there are people dying. If it works, that would be great. If it doesn’t work — we know, for many years, malaria, it — it’s incredible what it’s done for malaria; it’s incredible what it’s done for lupus. But it doesn’t kill people.

That’s one of the things with a vaccine. When we have a vaccine, we have to do tests because when you inject that vaccine, when they take whatever ever it is they have to take, we have to make sure it doesn’t have a horrible impact, destroy somebody. Good? So we have to test it for a long period of time. This one, not so much because it’s been out there.

Now, I’m not acting as a doctor. I’m saying, “Do what you want, but there are some good signs.” You’ve read the signs, I’ve read the signs. With the other one, there’s some very good signs also. Different — going together works very well. But there may be an indication that if you have a problem with your heart, you shouldn’t take what we call the Z-Pak. You shouldn’t take it, and that’s okay.

But I would love to go to a laboratory and spend a couple of years testing something. We don’t have time. We don’t have two hours, because there are people dying right now. If it does help, great. If it doesn’t help, we gave it a shot. We gave it a shot. That’s the way I feel.

Q Were you serious about taking it, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: You know, we passed something — yeah, I would — I would be very serious about taking it.

We passed something that I’m very proud of. It’s called Right to Try. For 45, 50 years, they’ve been trying. It makes so much sense. We have the greatest doctors and labs and lab technicians, the greatest medicines, the greatest minds in the world. Everybody admits it. And when we’re close to having something, or when we have something that tests incredibly well, you couldn’t use it for years because they would take years and years to test.

So with the help of also Democrats — I got it bipartisan, but they’ve been trying to get this passed for — for decades. You know that. It’s called Right to Try. So a person would be diagnosed terminally ill from something. And in the old days, meaning before a year ago, they would say, “Do you think I could try this — this pill, this whatever, this medicine that’s testing so well?” “No, you can’t do that. You can’t do that under no circumstances.” They’d leave for Asia, they’d leave for Europe, they’d leave for — if they had money. If they had no money, they’d go home and die with no hope.

We got a thing called Right to Try. If somebody is very ill, terminally ill, they’re going to die. They — and it was very complex. It wasn’t as easy as it sounds because there were huge liability problems. The drug companies didn’t want to do it because they didn’t want it on test results — because these are very sick people, so they didn’t want to bring down their test results. The insurance companies had tremendous problems.

I got everybody in the room, I said, “Look, we’ll sign a waiver.” The person taking it will say, “We’re not going to sue.” The family is not going to sue the drug company, not going to sue the insurance company, not going to sue the state, the city, or the federal government. Okay? It’s called “exculpation.” And we got it done. It’s a very simple agreement. I don’t know why nobody ever thought of it, but they never thought of it. I did. And we got it done.

Now we have Right to Try, which is actually, in my opinion, much more difficult than what we’re talking about here. But if there’s a medicine or something, a possible cure, or something that’s looking good and somebody has something that’s going — they’re going to die or they’re very sick, they take it. And, you know, we’ve had some unbelievable results. Unbelievable results. And it also gives the people hope.

Yes, please.

Q Mr. President, but the doctors who are treating coronavirus patients, they have the medical expertise to determine whether or not they should prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

THE PRESIDENT: That’s true. And many of them do.

Q And there are already clinical trials in place —


Q — looking at hydroxychloroquine.


Q So, why not —

THE PRESIDENT: They should be finished in about a year.

Q Why not just let the science speak for itself? Why are you promoting this drug?

THE PRESIDENT: I’m not. I’m not. I’m just saying —

Q You’re coming out —

THE PRESIDENT: — very simply. I’m not at all. I’m not.

Look, you know what I’m trying to do? I’m trying to save lives.

Q Well, you come out here every day — right, sir? — talking about the benefits of hydroxychloroquine.

THE PRESIDENT: I want them to try it. And it may work, and it may not work. But if it doesn’t work, it’s nothing lost by doing it. Nothing.

Q What do you —

THE PRESIDENT: Because we know — long term, what I want, I want to save lives. And I don’t want it to be in a lab for the next year and a half as people are dying all over the place.

Q But it’s already out there. Doctors are already able to prescribe it off label.

THE PRESIDENT: That’s right.

Q Right? So what do you accomplish?

THE PRESIDENT: All I’m doing is saying — well, I’ll tell you what I accomplish. We bought massive amounts of it — 29 million doses of it. We have it coming from all of the labs. We’re actually now doing it here, because in case it does work, we want to have it. And we’ve given it to drugstores, we’re — we’re sending it all over. FEMA is doing it. FEMA is doing it. We’re doing it through different channels, many different channels, including the companies that make it.

Q So you —

THE PRESIDENT: It’s a very special thing. Now, it may not work, in which case, hey, it didn’t work. And it may work, in which case, it’s going to save a lot of lives. Now, a lot of people say, if the people walking in prior to getting it, if they take it, it has a profound effect. Well, maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t.

Q Where is the conclusive medical evidence of that, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t want to wait a year and a half to find out.

And only CNN would ask that question. Fake news.

Q Thank you, sir. I wanted to follow up on the hydroxy question. Thanks for the numbers. Has there been any tension with the medical staff on that? Are they in agreement with all these numbers?

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, we — we discussed it with the staff. We discussed it with FDA. Well, the FDA approved it. So, you know — which is another point. I mean it’s been approved by FDA, which is very important. If it wasn’t approved by FDA, then I couldn’t do this. But FDA has approved it, the hydroxy.

Q And also, if this turns out not to work, are hospitals and doctors going to be exculpatory from the federal government under the Right to Try?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, we’ll see if it works. No, it’s not going to — it’s not going to hurt people. It can help them, but it’s not going to hurt them. That’s the beauty of it, you see. It can help them, but it’s not going to hurt them. What do you have to lose?
... by April we will be laughing going,
"Remember how everyone panicked over the coronavirus
because the media started fear mongering?"

My timing was a little off. It looks like April will be the worst of it and then May should be the downhill part of the curve and then by June 1 (possibly a roaring speech by Trump announcing the re-opening of the economy for Memorial Day weekend) the economy will be roaring ready for a nice 5 months of smooth sailing right into Trump's 2nd term.

your "timing being off" does nothing to make this any less callous. Really, this is such a horrible thing to have said in the first place, but now with over EIGHTY THOUSAND HUMAN BEINGS DEAD, you think the problem with your statement was the timing? You're just, what, holding off your laughter for a few more weeks?

This is something a complete sociopath would say.
Shame on you.
... by April we will be laughing going,
"Remember how everyone panicked over the coronavirus
because the media started fear mongering?"

My timing was a little off. It looks like April will be the worst of it and then May should be the downhill part of the curve and then by June 1 (possibly a roaring speech by Trump announcing the re-opening of the economy for Memorial Day weekend) the economy will be roaring ready for a nice 5 months of smooth sailing right into Trump's 2nd term.

your "timing being off" does nothing to make this any less callous. Really, this is such a horrible thing to have said in the first place, but now with over EIGHTY THOUSAND HUMAN BEINGS DEAD, you think the problem with your statement was the timing?

This is something a complete sociopath would say.

In January, Dr. Fauci said that we have nothing to worry about:


"Idiotic armchair quarterbacks are trying to rewrite history claiming that we could see this coming in January. No one did. Not even Dr. Anthony Fauci, who on many shows in January repeatedly said Coronavirus was nothing to worry about. Here he is on January 21st with Greg Kelly on his Newsmax show: "


I was just going by an expert's opinion. It's flattering that you guys think Trump is smarter than Fauci and how Trump should've known it was more serious than Fauci said it was.
I was just going by an expert's opinion.
no, you weren't.
I'd like to see if there was more to his response.
See, he DID say to follow CDC guidelines.
And he said 'right now' it was nothing yo worry about. Did he go on to qualify when it would be something to worry about?
Because RIGHT NOW this same expert wants exery stste in lockdown. That 'fearmongering' you dismissed, so clearly you're not going by expert opinions unless they agree with what you want to do.
I'm wondering if the azithromycin is the more effective drug treatment against CV-19 and the hydroxychloroquine doesn't do crap. Z-Pak is very effective against pneumonia.
I was just going by an expert's opinion.
no, you weren't.
I'd like to see if there was more to his response.
See, he DID say to follow CDC guidelines.
And he said 'right now' it was nothing yo worry about. Did he go on to qualify when it would be something to worry about?
Because RIGHT NOW this same expert wants exery stste in lockdown. That 'fearmongering' you dismissed, so clearly you're not going by expert opinions unless they agree with what you want to do.

No, Keith, you guys have said that Trump should've done more drastic measures in January, which was back when Fauci was saying "there's no problem."
I was just going by an expert's opinion.
no, you weren't.
I'd like to see if there was more to his response.
See, he DID say to follow CDC guidelines.
And he said 'right now' it was nothing yo worry about. Did he go on to qualify when it would be something to worry about?
Because RIGHT NOW this same expert wants exery stste in lockdown. That 'fearmongering' you dismissed, so clearly you're not going by expert opinions unless they agree with what you want to do.

No, Keith, you guys have said that Trump should've done more drastic measures in January, which was back when Fauci was saying "there's no problem."
Well, you spelled my name right. Nothing else in that is correct.

'We' were not asking for 'more drastic' measures. We are saying ANY measures would have been better. He got the same briefings as thise senators who dropped travel stocks and invested in PPE and ventilators. He should have been prepping accordingly.
Fauci did not say "there's no problem." [You really are fucking poor at quotes] If there were no problem, he would not have mentioned adhering to CDC guidelines, nu? That's something else the Dotard should have been doing. Opening the pandemic playbook and seeing what needed done.

So, we're criticizing him NOT for take steps that were not drastic enough, but for doing fuck-all to prepare the nation.
And pretending tge experts' opinion was expressed completely in that tiny clip is disengenuous at best.
No, Keith, you guys have said that Trump should've done more drastic measures in January, which was back when Fauci was saying "there's no problem."
Well, you spelled my name right. Nothing else in that is correct.

'We' were not asking for 'more drastic' measures. We are saying ANY measures would have been better. He got the same briefings as thise senators who dropped travel stocks and invested in PPE and ventilators. He should have been prepping accordingly.
Fauci did not say "there's no problem." [You really are fucking poor at quotes] If there were no problem, he would not have mentioned adhering to CDC guidelines, nu? That's something else the Dotard should have been doing. Opening the pandemic playbook and seeing what needed done.

So, we're criticizing him NOT for take steps that were not drastic enough, but for doing fuck-all to prepare the nation.
And pretending tge experts' opinion was expressed completely in that tiny clip is disengenuous at best.

Trump banned flights from China on January 31, Keith. Also declared a national emergency, too.
Putting all these quotes in one post to address the fallacy of the hyperbolic straw man extremes being used repeatedly by Half Life.

Every one of these comments is absolutely barren of meaningful content. They are the thrashings of a mind unable to understand context. It's on or it's off. It's my way or it's the worst possible example. The vast untruth is that NO ONE said these were the choices. All of these are responses to posts from people who discussed meaningful middle ground, reasonable ramps or declines, thoughtful interactions and well supported evidences.

Then Half Life comes swaggering in to the conversation, discards all of the useful conversation and inserts a masturbatory conversation with himself, replacing everyone else's words with his own fantastical extremes.

Half life is not in a conversation with us, he is in a conversation with himself, one for which he pats himself on the back as he goes. Yay you. Hooray for your attempts to stop talking about real and meaningful data and changing the conversation to be about your pursuit of stupid and vapid dramatic hyperbole.

I type this response as a way to address, for all those reading (who are many many more than are responding), who might be inclined to think, "hey, does Halfie have a point?" that he does not. You are merely watching him masturbate in front of you.

To wit:

First the fallacy of "if you're homeless then you're a willful drunk" fallacy. There's no in between, no mental health issue, no systemic issue to be fixed. It is full blame.
And we've all seen homeless people hanging outside a liquor store begging people for money so they can get their 40oz liquor.
Why not hang out by an unemployment office and ask the workers for help finding a job? Because a lot of them just don't care.

We move on to, the fallacy of, "either you squeeze everything you can get, or you've got nothing." Obviously no one said that. Halfie can read the post to know they didn't say that.

You're saying if you give someone $10,000 to start a company and you get a return on your investment every month, that is bad? So you just want to donate your $10,000 for free and get nothing back?

Now the fallacy of, "If you are talking about cuts to military spending, you can only be talking about cutting ALL the spending!" Obviously no one said that. Halfie can read the post to know they didn't say that. But it's more pleasurable to him to thrust away at the straw man than to engage his brain in the actual statement.

You act like having a military is wrong. Fine, let's slash their budget to next to nothing and then watch Russia or North Korea come and take us over. They'd be laughing.

Sometimes he pleasures himself by creating his fallacious extreme all by himself. Watch as he takes a slow down and takes it all the way to "exciting." Not relieved, nor optimistic, but EXCITING! Done deal, all better now. No middle story.

Cases are already slowing down. This is exciting news.

Let's add more. Halfie can go on all day like this. Never addressing what anyone actually says, just inserting his own fantasy enemy - the ridiculous extreme. Obviously no one said this. Halfie can read the post to know they didn't say this. No we don't need to wait for zero cases, but Halfie doesn't want to address that, he just wants to stroke himself with his straw man.

So, you're saying we can't reopen the economy until nobody in the whole U.S. has it anymore? That isn't realistic. We'd be waiting forever, then.

We don't shut down if 1 person gets the flu.

In short, for the sake of the discussion, Half Life has worked hard to remove everyone from the discussion but himself. He is not engaging with the ideas of the community, he is fabricating his own conversation and replying to it.

I will give him some kudos, though, for at least starting his own thread and not derailing someone else's, so hooray for that at least.

This crisis seems almost like a gift to Trump. He loses the great economy but in return is handed a situation where he works best. He got his wealth through real estate development. But what does a real estate developer do? Doesn't design the building. Doesn't build it either. The developer is the guy who gets disparate parties together - builder, finance, supply, regulation, etc - to complete the project. And the developer has to lie a lot, talk things up, to keep everyone on board. That's Trump's schtick.
Putting all these quotes in one post to address the fallacy of the hyperbolic straw man extremes being used repeatedly by Half Life.

Every one of these comments is absolutely barren of meaningful content. They are the thrashings of a mind unable to understand context. It's on or it's off. It's my way or it's the worst possible example. The vast untruth is that NO ONE said these were the choices. All of these quotes are from people who discussed meaningful middle ground, reasonable ramps or declines, thoughtful interactions and well supported evidences.

Then Half Life comes swaggering in to the conversation, discards all of the useful conversation and inserts a masturbatory conversation with himself, replacing everyone else words with his own fantastical extremes.

Half life is not in a conversation with us, he is in a conversation with himself, one for which he pats himself on the back as he goes. Yay you. Hooray for your attempts to stop talking about real and meaningful data and changing the conversation to be about your pursuit of stupid and vapid dramatic hyperbole.

I type this response as a way to address, for all those reading (who are many many more than are responding), who might be inclined to think, "hey, does halfie have a point?" that he does not. You are merely watching him masturbate in front of you.

To wit:

First the fallacy of "if you're homeless then you're a willful drunk" fallacy. There's no in between, no mental health issue, no systemic issue to be fixed. It is full blame.

We move on to, the fallacy of, "either you squeeze everything you can get, or you've got nothing. Obviously no one said that. Halfie can read the post to know they didn't say that.

Now the fallacy of, "If you are talking about cuts to military spending, you can only be talking about cutting ALL the spending! Obviously no one said that. Halfie can read the post to know they didn't say that. But it's more pleasurable to him to thrust away at the straw man than to engage his brain in the actual statement.

You act like having a military is wrong. Fine, let's slash their budget to next to nothing and then watch Russia or North Korea come and take us over. They'd be laughing.

Sometimes he pleasures himself by creating his fallacious extreme all by himself. Watch as he takes a slow down and takes it all the way to "exciting." Not relieved, nor optimistic, but EXCITING! Done deal, all better now. No middle story.

Cases are already slowing down. This is exciting news.

Let's add more. Halfie can go on all day like this. Never addressing what anyone actually says, just inserting his own fantasy enemy - the ridiculous extreme. Obviously no one said this. Halfie can read the post to know they didn't say this. No we don't need to wait for zero cases, but Halfie doesn't want to address that, he just wants to stroke himself with his straw man.

So, you're saying we can't reopen the economy until nobody in the whole U.S. has it anymore? That isn't realistic. We'd be waiting forever, then.

We don't shut down if 1 person gets the flu.

In short, for the sake of the discussion, Half Life has worked hard to remove everyone from the discussion but himself. He is not engaging with the ideas of the community, he is fabricating his own conversation and replying to it.

I will give him some kudos, though, for at least starting his own thread and not derailing someone else's, so hooray for that at least.

I'm the one pointing out things that prove you guys wrong. For example, many people on this board take China's word as Gospel that the virus has stopped. They are taking a COMMUNIST REGIME'S word as Gospel....because communist regimes ALWAYS have the best interest of their people at heart, right? And I'm wrong to point out that we shouldn't believe their lies? We already know they lied to us since the beginning and have been under reporting their death count.
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