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Trump wishes Gislaine Maxwell well

Well, the more grainy the picture, the older it likely is... What does one care about- What happened 30 years ago between people that do not matter today, or what happened 3 years ago between people that very much matter today?
I can't believe such a question even needs to be asked of an adult.
Not really certain what the quality of the picture has to do with the question at hand.

What makes that grainy shot your favorite? When I pick favorites, quality is a factor.
For you, I guess it's all about whether a Democrat* can be associated. Or is there something else?

* A current Democrat, that is... :D

When I looked for pictures of Epstein with 'famous' people I was surprised how many came up and that picture was the first on the list.

I am in Australia. The shenanigans of your presidents, past, present and undoubtedly future, get far too much air time in OZ.
The reach of Epstein is long, deep and seems to have no boundaries based on political affiliations.
As I said earlier we should choose our friends and associates very carefully.
Too many of your presidents and politicians do not seem to be careful enough and then it comes back to haunt them.
Australian pollies too have their little secrets. Almost an occupational risk it seems.
What makes you think that I am in favour of anyone in that sordid saga?

Because you went straight to "oh yeah, well what about Bill Clinton?"

Last time I checked, Bill Clinton was not President currently. Nor had he just given a press conference where he wished an accused sex trafficker well.

Trump is both of those things.

And once again, Trump's hand-picked Attorney General tried to remove the leadership at SDNY which had prosecuted Epstein and was tracking down Maxwell. Thanks to some clever maneuvering, SDNY stayed on the case and caught the "madam" of the child sex ring despite the best efforts of the Trump administration.

A reasonable person would have shared a pic of Trump and Epstein together and said "yeah, fuck that guy" but you didn't. You went straight to "but Bill Clinton!"

Please explain.

Why would I need to repost an already adequate picture of Trump and Epstein?
Epstein's reach was/is long and deep. He has tripped up many people past, present and undoubtedly in the future.
It depends upon what Maxwell knows and if she will talk.
Not really certain what the quality of the picture has to do with the question at hand.

What makes that grainy shot your favorite? When I pick favorites, quality is a factor.
For you, I guess it's all about whether a Democrat* can be associated. Or is there something else?

* A current Democrat, that is... :D

When I looked for pictures of Epstein with 'famous' people I was surprised how many came up and that picture was the first on the list.

I am in Australia. The shenanigans of your presidents, past, present and undoubtedly future, get far too much air time in OZ.
The reach of Epstein is long, deep and seems to have no boundaries based on political affiliations.
As I said earlier we should choose our friends and associates very carefully.
Too many of your presidents and politicians do not seem to be careful enough and then it comes back to haunt them.
Australian pollies too have their little secrets. Almost an occupational risk it seems.

Why do I think this post is disingenuous as fuck?

Oh, here's why. Trump was in the first two photos, and the image you posted was 13th in the list. So fuck off with your, "I was only" bullshit.

In case anyone is wondering, the famous person affiliated with Jeffery Epstein reported by Australian media the most is neither Trump or Clinton. It's Prince Andrew. So basically Tigers! argument just reeks of bullshit from start to finish.
What makes you think that I am in favour of anyone in that sordid saga?

Because you went straight to "oh yeah, well what about Bill Clinton?"

Last time I checked, Bill Clinton was not President currently. Nor had he just given a press conference where he wished an accused sex trafficker well.

Trump is both of those things.

And once again, Trump's hand-picked Attorney General tried to remove the leadership at SDNY which had prosecuted Epstein and was tracking down Maxwell. Thanks to some clever maneuvering, SDNY stayed on the case and caught the "madam" of the child sex ring despite the best efforts of the Trump administration.

A reasonable person would have shared a pic of Trump and Epstein together and said "yeah, fuck that guy" but you didn't. You went straight to "but Bill Clinton!"

Please explain.

Why would I need to repost an already adequate picture of Trump and Epstein?
Epstein's reach was/is long and deep. He has tripped up many people past, present and undoubtedly in the future.
It depends upon what Maxwell knows and if she will talk.

First question? That's not what I was talking about. You went straight to the "well, what about Bill Clinton?" misdirection. You don't need to post another picture. Just admit that the relevant issue at the moment is why in the ever-loving fuck the current President of the United States would say nice things about an alleged sex trafficker who allegedly procured underage prostitutes for a man he claimed as a friend.

Also, Epstein has not "tripped up" Trump. As he himself has said, Trump knew of Epstein's proclivity for young girls. Trump has also remarked on the topic, as he admitted to wandering into the dressing room of his "Miss Teen USA" pageant to see young girls in various states of undress.

So let's add up all that, shall we? Jeff likes 'em young. Trump likes 'em young. They were friends. Maxwell procured young victims for Jeff.

This is almost like the Comet Ping Pong conspiracy theory except in this case, the basement of the pizza parlor actually exists, is Epstein's private island, and instead of Hillary Clinton running the child sex ring, it's a woman whom Trump has met many times and wishes well.
Many people think the Bonespurs statement on Maxwell to be the equivalent of "Do you want the Jeffrey Epstein treatment or the Roger Stone treatment."
Many people think the Bonespurs statement on Maxwell to be the equivalent of "Do you want the Jeffrey Epstein treatment or the Roger Stone treatment."

Yes, and some even think water is wet.

But thank GAWD our Dear Leader isn't a {{shudder}} GROPER like sleepy joe. At least he has the cojones to come right out, grab 'em by the pussy and brag about it.
If we give Donald trump all possible benefit of the doubt, what we have is a President who went into a press meeting poorly prepared. At this point in his Presidency, the staff has given up on that. Trump remembers Maxwell as an attractive woman who treated him with flirtatious deference, as she did all powerful men. Trump puts women in two categories, either a potential sex partner, or a threat.

Whatever threat Maxwell may or may not be to Donald Trump, he doesn't actually wish her well. It was just a knee jerk reaction to an unexpected question. He doesn't actually care what happens to her, one way or another.
I am in Australia. The shenanigans of your presidents, past, present and undoubtedly future, get far too much air time in OZ.
The reach of Epstein is long, deep and seems to have no boundaries based on political affiliations.
As I said earlier we should choose our friends and associates very carefully.
Too many of your presidents and politicians do not seem to be careful enough and then it comes back to haunt them.
Australian pollies too have their little secrets. Almost an occupational risk it seems.
It's funny how media form obsessions with certain extra-national situations and ignore others. I feel the same way about the British monarchy on our TV. I don't think most anglophone Americans could tell you the name of the current Maxican president is, but they have opinions about Megan Markle and baby name suggestions for William & Kate.

'Course, it's their Andrew who got himself tied up with Epstein. A "convenient place to stay", indeed.

The only Aussie I've heard about getting tangled up in this mess so far is Katherine Keating.
If we give Donald trump all possible benefit of the doubt, what we have is a President who went into a press meeting poorly prepared. At this point in his Presidency, the staff has given up on that. Trump remembers Maxwell as an attractive woman who treated him with flirtatious deference, as she did all powerful men. Trump puts women in two categories, either a potential sex partner, or a threat.

Whatever threat Maxwell may or may not be to Donald Trump, he doesn't actually wish her well. It was just a knee jerk reaction to an unexpected question. He doesn't actually care what happens to her, one way or another.

I doubt he has any idea what's going on with her one way or another. There are clear signs that his dementia is worsening, and he is often confused by reporter questions these past few months.
In case anyone is wondering, the famous person affiliated with Jeffery Epstein reported by Australian media the most is neither Trump or Clinton. It's Prince Andrew. So basically Tigers! argument just reeks of bullshit from start to finish.

Prince Andrew does have many serious questions to answer. The sooner the better.
In case anyone is wondering, the famous person affiliated with Jeffery Epstein reported by Australian media the most is neither Trump or Clinton. It's Prince Andrew. So basically Tigers! argument just reeks of bullshit from start to finish.

Prince Andrew does have many serious questions to answer. The sooner the better.

But not as bad as KKKlinton amirite?
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