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Trump's wall

A 2000 mile wall across inhospitable land, much of which is currently inaccessible to construction equipment, so we'll have to build roads,
Hmm... wouldn't that mean those inhospitable areas would now be more attractive areas to cross? Once you get past the barrier, by tunnel, ladder, or whatever, you now have a road to follow to get to town.

:lol: exactly what I was thinking, too
A 2000 mile wall across inhospitable land, much of which is currently inaccessible to construction equipment, so we'll have to build roads,
Hmm... wouldn't that mean those inhospitable areas would now be more attractive areas to cross? Once you get past the barrier, by tunnel, ladder, or whatever, you now have a road to follow to get to town.

Maybe we can spend another inordinate amount of money to deconstruct all those roads afterward.

And really, to be safe, we should be building two walls. It's smart to have a backup.
Hmm... wouldn't that mean those inhospitable areas would now be more attractive areas to cross? Once you get past the barrier, by tunnel, ladder, or whatever, you now have a road to follow to get to town.

Maybe we can spend another inordinate amount of money to deconstruct all those roads afterward.

And really, to be safe, we should be building two walls. It's smart to have a backup.

I'm sure Il Douchebag is way ahead of you there, and the backup wall will be built around all of California.
Maybe we can spend another inordinate amount of money to deconstruct all those roads afterward.

And really, to be safe, we should be building two walls. It's smart to have a backup.

I'm sure Il Douchebag is way ahead of you there, and the backup wall will be built around all of California.

I'd like to request that the second wall be continued all the way up the Pacific Crest :D
There's nothing wrong however in the idea of keeping out non legal entries across the borders.
Well, border. One border. A 2000 mile wall across inhospitable land, much of which is currently inaccessible to construction equipment, so we'll have to build roads, which does nothing for blocking entry by water, plane, or subterfuge, which we'll pay for by, among other things, decreasing the Coast Guard budget, thus improving the chances of illegal entry by water... No, nothing wrong with that idea.

I just had a thought--the wall might increase land crossings. Building the roads would make it much easier for someone on the US side to pick up a border crosser.
Well, border. One border. A 2000 mile wall across inhospitable land, much of which is currently inaccessible to construction equipment, so we'll have to build roads, which does nothing for blocking entry by water, plane, or subterfuge, which we'll pay for by, among other things, decreasing the Coast Guard budget, thus improving the chances of illegal entry by water... No, nothing wrong with that idea.

I just had a thought--the wall might increase land crossings. Building the roads would make it much easier for someone on the US side to pick up a border crosser.

I wonder why nobody thought of that sooner. :rolleyes:

Still, as the great philosopher Josh Cunningham said, "Every time that you water the garden, you also water the weeds"
Like in the Pacific Crest Trail:

I think the west coast could live with being walled off from FFvC...

It would be a travesty to start building shit on the PCT, especially the John Muir section. The wall should more closely follow CA's eastern border... except maybe cut off Orange County. :D
I was trying to no be greedy...but I could live with the wall along the eastern boarders of our western states. Maybe we could turn Nevada into Westworld?
I'm thinking, that when the media reports on "The Wall", they should play the theme from John Carpenter's "Escape From New York"

Or Maybe, Pink Floyd's "The Wall"

I'm thinking, that when the media reports on "The Wall", they should play the theme from John Carpenter's "Escape From New York"

Or Maybe, Pink Floyd's "The Wall"
"Pee Wee's Big Adventure?"

Thankfully, I don't know that tune! But I'm sure it would be a perfect fit. I'd hate to see Pink Flyod's music associated with FFvC...
The whole Coast Guard cut is insane.They are military that was put under HLS by Bush.It's their job to secure the waters around USA from smugglers and illegal immigrants. Their budget is $9 billion.My state Senators better do their f$%^k job.

I am a bit biased.My Dad was USCG in WWII.And Alaskans consider them gods for what they do every day.
And isn't SCROTUS still insisting that, in the end, the Mexicans will foot the bill? I'm surprised this isn't being described as essentially a criminal notion, the product of a criminal mind. Imagine any country anywhere announcing that they will build a (whatever) and make America pay for it. We'd be out of our minds. The Repugnitards would be spewing lava. And yet this is how we now present ourselves to the world. AMERICA FIRST = AMERICA ON ITS OWN.
The whole Coast Guard cut is insane.They are military that was put under HLS by Bush.It's their job to secure the waters around USA from smugglers and illegal immigrants. Their budget is $9 billion.My state Senators better do their f$%^k job.

I am a bit biased.My Dad was USCG in WWII.And Alaskans consider them gods for what they do every day.
Can't you just equip some whales with missiles and laser beams?
And the first budgeting number is in for The Wall, and it comes in at just $16 million per mile. Which extrapolated out for the 2,000 mile border would be $32 billion (not including all the eminent domain purchaces El Cheato would have to pay for).
$1 billion — That’s how much the Trump administration wants to build a wall covering 62 miles of the Mexico-U.S. border, CNN reported, citing documents from the Department of Homeland Securityl.
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