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Twitter likely to take idiots offer to buy them for $43 billion

The verified symbol used to mean something useful. Musk clearly didn't understand that. View attachment 41043
Ugh... Now same-names or close-names can get verified and recreate collisions with famous persons.

The whole point of verification was "this is exactly who you think it is, if you are thinking of a famous person".
You don’t think people n H-1Bs can find work within 60 days? I’ll bet they don’t even have to look. The work will find them.
H1-Bs? Nope. Lots of paperwork. They're going home.
No it’s not. People on H-1Bs can change jobs. Imagine the employer abuse if they couldn’t. The new employer simply files a new petition. This is an HR function. They do not have to wait for approval. This aspect actually makes the prospective employee more attractive in that they can start immediately. And they are not subject to visa lottery caps in that they’ve already won.
Further, I don’t think they even have to leave the country if they do not find a job. They may be permitted to stay until the departure date on their I-94.
Twitter has realized that some employees were laid off due to administrative errors, and, more importantly, they now realize they laid off some employees whose experience and expertise are needed to implement some of the new features Musk wants. They’re in the process of asking (begging?) them to come back.

No one could have seen this coming. Picking the correct 50% of staff to dump should be easy, even if you’re an outsider and did it all in less than a week.

Oh, they also violated Federal and CA labor laws governing mass layoffs.

I’m gonna need more popcorn.
you can not censor anyone's speech in the public square regardless...
You can censor anyone's speech on platforms you own, and it would be a serious infringement on your rights if you were forced to publish their speech after you had decided you didn't want to.
Funny how quickly Right Wingers forget all about private property rights when they get butthurt.
The anguish Elon Musk elicits from some quarters is fascinating. Here’s a guy, trying to save the planet and people are rounding on him like he has just pissed in their corn flakes.

It is strange. He's done some great things. The internet has allowed the pants-shitting shrill to metastasize into these little groups that subsequently have an outsized voice (see the anti J.K. Rowling crowd).

At the same time though, why would Musk give the slightest two shits about people like that? This transformation from super-rich kid wanting to do good to cartoon super villain is just weird. How does someone with so much wealth have such thin skin? Did no one ever tell him that not everyone is going to like him all the time and that's just part of life, especially when it comes to being a celebrity?

Musk thin skinned?! LOL!! So many precious snowflakes are losing their shit and throwing their toys out the pram, waaaaaa!! It's hilarious that people people get so worked up about it but it is weird.

His reaction to these powerless screaming meemies is more like that of a tantrum throwing toddler than a grown man. It would be funny if he weren't on the verge of re-platforming the most prolific drooling self-centered sack of human skin stuffed with shit in American history along with those who support that thing.

Oh my, the TDS is strong in this one.
As for Musk, and pardon the following expression, but god-damn, what an enormous pussy he's turned out to be. Some college kids say mean things and that's his villain origin story? It's not like Obama accidentally killed his parents in a bombing raid or something.

I see, when Trump puts out mean tweets they need to be censored but when college kids do it, it’s ok. I’m just trying to figure out the rules but it’s starting to get a bit clearer.
Technically the Tweets that finally did Trump in were the ones that were fence sitting on the on-going riot at the Capitol building which attempted to overthrow the election results... a riot he tried to be at.

It wasn't because Trump was being mean. All of Trump's dickish tweets were published by Twitter.
Twitter has realized that some employees were laid off due to administrative errors, and, more importantly, they now realize they laid off some employees whose experience and expertise are needed to implement some of the new features Musk wants. They’re in the process of asking (begging?) them to come back.

No one could have seen this coming. Picking the correct 50% of staff to dump should be easy, even if you’re an outsider and did it all in less than a week.

Oh, they also violated Federal and CA labor laws governing mass layoffs.

I’m gonna need more popcorn.
Who in their right mind would go back? Musk is pretty much an economic sociopath as a boss. What is your value to me today?! Fuck working for an asshole like that.
I see, when Trump puts out mean tweets they need to be censored but when college kids do it, it’s ok.
Pretty much. It's pointless and unnecessary to censor something that everyone is going to ignore anyway.

When someone lies, the damage done is proportional to the number of people who will hear and believe that lie. So it's more important to block access when an influential person with millions of slavish cult members followers tells a lie than it is when some jerk nobody's heard of does the same.

I am bemused (but sadly not surprised) that this isn't bleeding obvious to you.
Nice try but you can not censor anyone's speech in the public square regardless of their popularity if you expect democracy to continue.

Furthermore, I would argue just the opposite anyway. If a college kid puts out a mean post that's just his opinion we cant hear. But if an elected politician is suppressed, that is political speech that has been suppressed.from the public.

And next time around it might just be your ox that gets gored and slaughtered.
Trump instigated a riot at the US Capitol and then used Twitter keep the embers glowing. That isn't political speech, that is promoting violence, which isn't protected speech... the Government can put you in prison for it... forget about getting banned on Twitter.
Amongst all the supposition and accusations, here something real where Musk's proposed/presumed actions affects people's lives now.

From China to Thailand, dissidents fear Musk’s Twitter reign
Across Asia, activists, journalists, and Twitter users plugged into human rights and social justice issues are worried about how the social media platform will change under the leadership of the world’s richest man.

Many live in countries where freedom of speech is severely curtailed by authorities. For such users, Twitter can be a vital window to the outside world, a rare platform for open debate – often from behind the veil of anonymity – or both.

In countries like Myanmar, where Twitter has played an important role in sharing information since a military coup in 2021, Musk’s takeover has prompted anxiety and concern.

Despite a government crackdown on social media and both domestic and foreign media, anonymous accounts have continued to disseminate information about state-sponsored violence and anti-government protests.

The rest of us (where twitter is about as important as the shape of a bowel movement) will live while we wait and see.
I see, when Trump puts out mean tweets they need to be censored but when college kids do it, it’s ok.
Pretty much. It's pointless and unnecessary to censor something that everyone is going to ignore anyway.

When someone lies, the damage done is proportional to the number of people who will hear and believe that lie. So it's more important to block access when an influential person with millions of slavish cult members followers tells a lie than it is when some jerk nobody's heard of does the same.

I am bemused (but sadly not surprised) that this isn't bleeding obvious to you.
"The first lie is the truth"
Musk suggests people vote Republican, to split power in DC.

article said:
New Twitter owner Elon Musk tweeted Monday encouraging “independent-minded voters” to vote Republican, marking a major departure for leaders of social media companies, who typically steer clear of partisan political advocacy.

“Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic,” he tweeted.
He hasn't said he thinks broad power sharing is a good idea at Twitter though, as he hopes some people he had recklessly fired come back to work for him until they get fired again.
Oh, they also violated Federal and CA labor laws governing mass layoffs.
I've already pointed out: no, it didn't.

All the people laid off are being paid until February 2023. They have been given three months notice, but are not required to perform any work duties. This is 50% longer than California's 60-day notice requirement.

If nothing else, Twitter has become entertaining. Shame no one wants to advertise on it anymore.
Oh, they also violated Federal and CA labor laws governing mass layoffs.
I've already pointed out: no, it didn't.

All the people laid off are being paid until February 2023. They have been given three months notice, but are not required to perform any work duties. This is 50% longer than California's 60-day notice requirement.
There are employees who claim they were terminated without notice or severance, so we’ll have to let it play out in court.

If nothing else, Twitter has become entertaining. Shame no one wants to advertise on it anymore.

I love the parody thing. Someone needs to open an account with a blue checkmark and call themselves Elon Musk parody and just quote Musk’s tweets verbatim.
You don’t think people n H-1Bs can find work within 60 days? I’ll bet they don’t even have to look. The work will find them.
H1-Bs? Nope. Lots of paperwork. They're going home.
No it’s not. People on H-1Bs can change jobs. Imagine the employer abuse if they couldn’t. The new employer simply files a new petition. This is an HR function. They do not have to wait for approval. This aspect actually makes the prospective employee more attractive in that they can start immediately. And they are not subject to visa lottery caps in that they’ve already won.
Further, I don’t think they even have to leave the country if they do not find a job. They may be permitted to stay until the departure date on their I-94.
My understanding is that that new petition has to be approved before they can go to the new position.

And, yes, it's ripe for abuse. H1-Bs are basically about abusing foreign workers.
Oh, they also violated Federal and CA labor laws governing mass layoffs.
I've already pointed out: no, it didn't.

All the people laid off are being paid until February 2023. They have been given three months notice, but are not required to perform any work duties. This is 50% longer than California's 60-day notice requirement.
There are employees who claim they were terminated without notice or severance, so we’ll have to let it play out in court.
It seems that he realized the problem and is paying out the 60 days but we still have old reports. He's being his usual stupid self.
Musk has met the enemy.
The anguish Elon Musk elicits from some quarters is fascinating. Here’s a guy, trying to save the planet and people are rounding on him like he has just pissed in their corn flakes.
Own-the-libs gloating. Should I have expected anything more?

Nope, you shouldn't. TSwizzle was born sometime after the right had a melt down when Elon criticized Trumps Muslim ban and decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement. Can't really blame someone that was nearly born yesterday. It also doesn't help that Elon voted mostly for the democrats his whole life and that a few tweets can't undo that record.
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