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Upgrading to Windows 10 anyone?


Staff member
Mar 15, 2001
Massachusetts USA
Basic Beliefs
Secular Humanism
I have a brand new (6 weeks old) computer that came with Windows 7. I have already had to do a total Windows factory reset on windows because, it seems, an update broke stuff. After my system reinstall Windows started the update thing again and I have stopped allowing updates at this point when it reached the point where an update screwed up the system. The first symptom before all hell broke loose the first time was that the updates did not automatically install on shut down and the update icon did not appear as it was supposed to so I did the update from Windows Update.

Right now i am at the point again where updates don't install on shutdown even though all the settings are such that it should. So while otherwise my Windows 7 is performing correctly, Windows Update is semi-busted. It's collecting updates to install but doesn't put the icon on the shut down button and I'm extremely reluctant to install them from Windows Update for rear that all hell will break loose again.

So now Windows 10 is on the verge of release. But I have a Nvidia graphics card and news is that Windows 10 installs a faulty driver making the graphics card faulty.

So what to do?

Are you going to update to Windows 10? And if you are how does it go?
I have a brand new (6 weeks old) computer that came with Windows 7. I have already had to do a total Windows factory reset on windows because, it seems, an update broke stuff. After my system reinstall Windows started the update thing again and I have stopped allowing updates at this point when it reached the point where an update screwed up the system. The first symptom before all hell broke loose the first time was that the updates did not automatically install on shut down and the update icon did not appear as it was supposed to so I did the update from Windows Update.

Right now i am at the point again where updates don't install on shutdown even though all the settings are such that it should. So while otherwise my Windows 7 is performing correctly, Windows Update is semi-busted. It's collecting updates to install but doesn't put the icon on the shut down button and I'm extremely reluctant to install them from Windows Update for rear that all hell will break loose again.

So now Windows 10 is on the verge of release. But I have a Nvidia graphics card and news is that Windows 10 installs a faulty driver making the graphics card faulty.

So what to do?

Are you going to update to Windows 10? And if you are how does it go?

I put the app on my computers, but I'm still doing research to see if I actually want to install it. Right now, I have a desktop that has Windows 7 on it, and it runs perfectly, so I don't think I want to touch it. My laptop, on the other hand, is Windows 8, which means it might as well be broken. :) It's been giving me some trouble lately, and as of right now I plan on upgrading, though I would be interested in any information ya'll might have for me. I can be convinced otherwise on this.
I'm going to update my gaming PC to Win10 at some point during the upgrade offer period.

I can be casual about it because I don't use Windows for anything other than DirectX-dependent games and gaming console emulators, therefore if it turns out to be a total turd then I can just return to an older version of Windows.

I think we need a 'So I heard you're sick of Windows' thread.
General Motors has sent messages to all its dealerships, telling them to not upgrade to Windows 10 at this time. GM needs more time to make their comprehensive website compatible. This monster site handles all financial transactions between GM, as well as program downloads for vehicle on-board computers.

They don't expect to be Windows 10 ready until sometime in 2016.
I'll probably upgrade my laptop and if I like it, I will upgrade the rest. I hated Windows 8. I have yet to recommend an upgrade to it for a single client. The learning curve is unnecessary and far too steep for smaller business users. Microsoft was not savvy enough to realize that we don't all have billions in the bank and can go and retrain staff on a whim.


9 reasons not to upgrade to Windows 10 -- yet

General Motors has sent messages to all its dealerships, telling them to not upgrade to Windows 10 at this time. GM needs more time to make their comprehensive website compatible. This monster site handles all financial transactions between GM, as well as program downloads for vehicle on-board computers.

They don't expect to be Windows 10 ready until sometime in 2016.

From my understanding, this is pretty standard business practice with big software updates. This is especially true with Windows networks and Internet Explorer. There are just too many risks involved in the upgrade. Why ruin a system that works for a newer system that might not? I'm talking to you, Windows 8! I'd rather have Vista than you!
If I was positive that allowing Win7 Update to install updates will not break my computer again I'd install them and then wait a while before updating to Win10. But as it is, if I do allow win7 to do the updates and it breaks BITS service and Update service again, I'll be dead again and have to do another fresh reinstall of Win7.

The Win10 download requires windows update to be working. Mime appears to be sort of working. it looks like I can install updates from the update section in control panel even though it's not on the shut down button. But I swear when I looked in there this morning it was showing 7, not 6 recommended updates as it showed yesterday. But now it's showing only 6 again. And still 3 important updates are listed.

I have the feeling that allowing my computer to download the win10 update but not actually installing it right away would be the least risky path forward. If win7 breaks itself again I might be able to still get Win10 to install with the files actually already loaded.

And it appears that while I have a Nvidia graphics card on my computer, I don't play games so it's currently only using the built in Intel graphics. Also latest word is that 30 minutes ago the Win10 beta testers out there did finally get a win10 fix for the Nvidia issues.

One thing is for sure, I'm not installing any updates for win7 or installing win10 until I get back from vacation August 10. I will have no internet to speak of there, except my hot spot with 1 gig per month. Not going to download updates or even connect to the internet for the week I'm away.
General Motors has sent messages to all its dealerships, telling them to not upgrade to Windows 10 at this time. GM needs more time to make their comprehensive website compatible. This monster site handles all financial transactions between GM, as well as program downloads for vehicle on-board computers.

They don't expect to be Windows 10 ready until sometime in 2016.

From my understanding, this is pretty standard business practice with big software updates. This is especially true with Windows networks and Internet Explorer. There are just too many risks involved in the upgrade. Why ruin a system that works for a newer system that might not? I'm talking to you, Windows 8! I'd rather have Vista than you!

Whenever I have trouble with the GM site, a button that won't click, or a menu that won't drop down, tech support always asks what browser I am using. If I say IE, they tell me to reopen in Chrome. If I say Chrome, they say to reopen in IE. This has never failed to correct the problem.
Interesting. The install updates icon just showed up on my shut down button. It added a 4th important update to the list. There were 3 this morning.
Well I hit shutdown/install. It installed only one update, the new one. There are three still waiting and two of the three were checked off to install. And the install icon on the shutdown button is gone again. Whenever I try to check box the third to install the check doesn't stick.

Update is still behaving flaky
I've heard that Windows 10 has several security loopholes. Also stuff about how it collects your data.
I'm really surprised. The hidden directory in my root "$windows.~BT" which is the Windows 10 files is already filling up. It's at 4.66gb out of what is expected to ultimately be about 10gb.

I had expected it to be at least a few days before they got to me.
OK, just made the switch on my laptop. I'm surprised. I expected to have to reinstall all my programs. Didn't have to. I am now communicating with you via the "Edge" browser. Not particularly impressive, but not bad. Now I am off to check out Cortana.
Did you happen to check what the options looked like to postpone actual install for later? Did you notice if one has to set and exact day and time or was it more general. I don't want to do the actual install until sometime after I get back from vacation on August 10.
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