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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

This reminds me of the fact that CEOs now have to sign that their company is following the rules. If the company is at fault the CEO should be fucked. But with a Comey investigating, maybe not.

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what if Clinton did not know for sure that she sent no (at the time) classified emails, but she claimed that she knew FOR SURE that she did NOT send any classified emails?

Is that a lie?

Only if she were aware of it. If I say that I know for sure that I left my keys on the counter, but it turns out I'd actually left them in the bedroom, I didn't lie about leaving them on the counter, I simply used a figure of speech.

She's actually a human being and not a straw man in a debating contest.

Lying about how sure she was, was the lie.
This reminds me of the fact that CEOs now have to sign that their company is following the rules. If the company is at fault the CEO should be fucked. But with a Comey investigating, maybe not.

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Only if she were aware of it. If I say that I know for sure that I left my keys on the counter, but it turns out I'd actually left them in the bedroom, I didn't lie about leaving them on the counter, I simply used a figure of speech.

She's actually a human being and not a straw man in a debating contest.

Lying about how sure she was, was the lie.
Saying I'm very confident that I'm correct about what I believe while having serious doubts about what I nevertheless believe would be deceitful, but claiming strong confidence in a belief while having no evidentiary reasoning for the strong confidence doesn't entail intentional deception.
By the way, this architect's name is Andrew Tesoro. Trump owes him some money as far as I am concerned. Cheap, chseling, conman Trump. Corrup, oh so corrupt. This burns me up.
Why doesn't Clinton start swinging. Trump's calling her Crooked Hillary. She ought to just call him Big Cheatin' Donald.
By the way, this architect's name is Andrew Tesoro. Trump owes him some money as far as I am concerned. Cheap, chseling, conman Trump. Corrup, oh so corrupt. This burns me up.
Why doesn't Clinton start swinging. Trump's calling her Crooked Hillary. She ought to just call him Big Cheatin' Donald.

Her strategy seems to be to hit him with hot button issues-things that sets him off-question his accomplishments. She attacks his ego-he can't stand it.
According to CNN, Bernie will endorse Hillary on Tuesday.

Who's Bernie?
He's that guy that didn't have a shot at the nomination, yet somehow has managed to get a good deal of his planks into the Party platform. Bernie Sanders has run the best campaign ever in primary politics.

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By the way, this architect's name is Andrew Tesoro. Trump owes him some money as far as I am concerned. Cheap, chseling, conman Trump. Corrup, oh so corrupt. This burns me up.
Why doesn't Clinton start swinging. Trump's calling her Crooked Hillary. She ought to just call him Big Cheatin' Donald.
Because it is much wiser to run commercials showing Trump talk or companies talking about how they were screwed by Trump. Name calling works for Trump's base, not the general electorate.
Who's Bernie?
He's that guy that didn't have a shot at the nomination, yet somehow has managed to get a good deal of his planks into the Party platform. Bernie Sanders has run the best campaign ever in primary politics.

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By the way, this architect's name is Andrew Tesoro. Trump owes him some money as far as I am concerned. Cheap, chseling, conman Trump. Corrup, oh so corrupt. This burns me up.
Why doesn't Clinton start swinging. Trump's calling her Crooked Hillary. She ought to just call him Big Cheatin' Donald.
Because it is much wiser to run commercials showing Trump talk or companies talking about how they were screwed by Trump. Name calling works for Trump's base, not the general electorate.
General Electorate? Isn't that just another big company?

Honestly I think Clinton needs to try to engage the idiots with Trump placards in their yards. They're vulnerable to Trump style stupidity and she ought to be clever enough to get their attention. Go for a good yuck and you might find a hillbilly coming over to your side.
He's that guy that didn't have a shot at the nomination, yet somehow has managed to get a good deal of his planks into the Party platform. Bernie Sanders has run the best campaign ever in primary politics.

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By the way, this architect's name is Andrew Tesoro. Trump owes him some money as far as I am concerned. Cheap, chseling, conman Trump. Corrup, oh so corrupt. This burns me up.
Why doesn't Clinton start swinging. Trump's calling her Crooked Hillary. She ought to just call him Big Cheatin' Donald.
Because it is much wiser to run commercials showing Trump talk or companies talking about how they were screwed by Trump. Name calling works for Trump's base, not the general electorate.
General Electorate? Isn't that just another big company?

Honestly I think Clinton needs to try to engage the idiots with Trump placards in their yards. They're vulnerable to Trump style stupidity and she ought to be clever enough to get their attention. Go for a good yuck and you might find a hillbilly coming over to your side.
That could turn out to be a terrible waste of effort. I think she should concentrate her efforts on getting those leaning away from Trump, and getting them to come out and vote for her if she can, but definitely to get themt not to vote for Trump.
Monmouth released polls recently. Three/four candidates races for Nevada and Iowa. Oddly, Clinton is up in Nevada while Trump is up a couple points in Iowa. This would be the first true Battleground state that Trump is up in a poll. The poll also shows Grassley clocking the Democrat competitor.

What is interesting is that in a number of polls the Johnson + Trump number is notably higher than Clinton, a sign of worry.

Will be interesting to see how Sanders supporters take the call from Sanders to support Clinton will affect the state polls.
Effect of email findings likely in, Clinton behind in many battleground states.

Quinnipiac released a poll that covered the last couple of weeks. The numbers aren't great for Clinton. In fact, this is the best polling result for Trump to this point. Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania all slide towards Trump, though within the margin of error. Big change was the swap with Independent voters in Florida.

Overall, Clinton is losing many voters across the board. But this would be the time to do so. It is kind of amazing that Trump can post anti-Semitic shit on his twitter account, then say his team shouldn't have taken it down... and not be affected negatively by it. This seems to imply that Trump has a protective bubble where such criticisms are just 'overblown' by the media. That is dangerous!
Effect of email findings likely in, Clinton behind in many battleground states.

Quinnipiac released a poll that covered the last couple of weeks. The numbers aren't great for Clinton. In fact, this is the best polling result for Trump to this point. Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania all slide towards Trump, though within the margin of error. Big change was the swap with Independent voters in Florida.

Overall, Clinton is losing many voters across the board. But this would be the time to do so. It is kind of amazing that Trump can post anti-Semitic shit on his twitter account, then say his team shouldn't have taken it down... and not be affected negatively by it. This seems to imply that Trump has a protective bubble where such criticisms are just 'overblown' by the media. That is dangerous!

Well, the race is going to go up and down. Trump will have another bump after the republican convention. I still think that Hillary will win, but it will be tight. Every vote counts.
Fear not, the gambling community is hard on the side of Hillary.


That 76% for Hillary is pretty much common across all betting sites. It doesn't mean we don't need to vote, but it appears that with average turnout, Trump goes away in early November.

That said, I can't remember ever actually feeling afraid of a Presidential nominee. I've felt disgusted, but never actually afraid like I do now. Donald Trump in the White House is fucking scary.
Fear not, the gambling community is hard on the side of Hillary.


That 76% for Hillary is pretty much common across all betting sites. It doesn't mean we don't need to vote, but it appears that with average turnout, Trump goes away in early November.

That said, I can't remember ever actually feeling afraid of a Presidential nominee. I've felt disgusted, but never actually afraid like I do now. Donald Trump in the White House is fucking scary.
That he is the candidate at all bothers me greatly.
Fear not, the gambling community is hard on the side of Hillary.


That 76% for Hillary is pretty much common across all betting sites. It doesn't mean we don't need to vote, but it appears that with average turnout, Trump goes away in early November.

That said, I can't remember ever actually feeling afraid of a Presidential nominee. I've felt disgusted, but never actually afraid like I do now. Donald Trump in the White House is fucking scary.
That he is the candidate at all bothers me greatly.

I predict there will be no more than three Republican candidates for President in 2020.
Fear not, the gambling community is hard on the side of Hillary.


That 76% for Hillary is pretty much common across all betting sites. It doesn't mean we don't need to vote, but it appears that with average turnout, Trump goes away in early November.

That said, I can't remember ever actually feeling afraid of a Presidential nominee. I've felt disgusted, but never actually afraid like I do now. Donald Trump in the White House is fucking scary.
How'd they do predicting Brexit?

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Fear not, the gambling community is hard on the side of Hillary.


That 76% for Hillary is pretty much common across all betting sites. It doesn't mean we don't need to vote, but it appears that with average turnout, Trump goes away in early November.

That said, I can't remember ever actually feeling afraid of a Presidential nominee. I've felt disgusted, but never actually afraid like I do now. Donald Trump in the White House is fucking scary.
How'd they do predicting Brexit?

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

I think that they said it was very close and the results would be within the margin of error, so any prediction was necessarily a shot in the dark. Clinton's victory won't be close.

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That he is the candidate at all bothers me greatly.

I predict there will be no more than three Republican candidates for President in 2020.

No, there'll be a lot. There are a number of Gingritch types who's entire career is based upon their running for President every few years in order to keep their names in the news to hawk their latest book or get decent guest spots on Fox News. Trying to actually become President is a tertiary goal at best.
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