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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Fear not, the gambling community is hard on the side of Hillary.


That 76% for Hillary is pretty much common across all betting sites. It doesn't mean we don't need to vote, but it appears that with average turnout, Trump goes away in early November.

That said, I can't remember ever actually feeling afraid of a Presidential nominee. I've felt disgusted, but never actually afraid like I do now. Donald Trump in the White House is fucking scary.
How'd they do predicting Brexit?

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Bookmakers set it up so they win. Their odds adjust depending on betting. The goal is to have half the money on each side of the bet. Bettors in Vegas think Hillary will win.
How'd they do predicting Brexit?

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Bookmakers set it up so they win. Their odds adjust depending on betting. The goal is to have half the money on each side of the bet. Bettors in Vegas think Hillary will win.
They also thought brexit would fail so there you go

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Meanwhile, NBC polling release today... Trump may want to order up a "I ran for President, but all I got was this t-shirt, and $50 million in personal losses." t-shirt.

This poll release indicates North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, and Florida are in Clinton's camp and outside the margin of error.
Meanwhile, NBC polling release today... Trump may want to order up a "I ran for President, but all I got was this t-shirt, and $50 million in personal losses." t-shirt.

This poll release indicates North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, and Florida are in Clinton's camp and outside the margin of error.
What did Angelo mean two posts back?

Um, three
Meanwhile, NBC polling release today... Trump may want to order up a "I ran for President, but all I got was this t-shirt, and $50 million in personal losses." t-shirt.

This poll release indicates North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, and Florida are in Clinton's camp and outside the margin of error.
What did Angelo mean two posts back?

Um, three
When trying to keep up with American Politics (and Australian from what I've read by others), it is best to just let angelo do his own thing and forget about it.

However, regarding Florida, the polls have been a bit over the place, depending on who is doing the polling. With the difficulty of reaching people, it is hard to tell which companies are calibrating the data appropriately.

Donald Trump named Indiana governor Mike Pence as his running mate Friday morning, and the ticket already has a logo that puts the graphic back in graphic design.

This is what unpaid interns get you:
Meanwhile, PPP released a poll indicating Missouri residents are unqualified to vote.

  • 92% of voters in the state think women should receive equal pay for equal work,
  • 72% think that all on duty police officers should be required to wear body cameras
  • 68% think workers should have the right to collectively bargain for fair wages and benefits
  • 66% support expanding Medicaid in Missouri
  • 65% think state employees should get 10 days of paid leave upon the birth or adoption of a child
  • 62% say they would vote yes on a ballot issue that would legalize marijuana for medical purposes
  • 62% say they support the Missouri Nondiscrimination Act, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in employment,

Yup... Trump 50 to Clinton 40. :beatdeadhorse:
I see some other internet wit beat me to it. Someday I will be first!
I am listening to President Obama's speech for HRC in North Carolina a week or so ago... I am going to miss him so damned much as our President. Can't we please just keep him for a few more years?
Yes. A vote for Clinton is a vote for an Obama third term. So, I've heard.
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