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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Trump should poach Clinton's writers. Good comeback:


He just does not want to win this election.
Sheriff's badges are represented with little balls on the pointy ends of the stars.

Then again if you had just ignored the protests, Mr. Trump, and quietly changed it, it would have been forgotten by now.
Sheriff's badges are represented with little balls on the pointy ends of the stars.

Then again if you had just ignored the protests, Mr. Trump, and quietly changed it, it would have been forgotten by now.

Ya, this should have been a good week for Trump where he could continuously hammer Clinton over the email thing and the FBI Director castigating her, but half of the stories are about him re-tweeting white supremacist stuff. He really blew an opportunity here.
Sheriff's badges are represented with little balls on the pointy ends of the stars.

Then again if you had just ignored the protests, Mr. Trump, and quietly changed it, it would have been forgotten by now.

Ya, this should have been a good week for Trump where he could continuously hammer Clinton over the email thing and the FBI Director castigating her, but half of the stories are about him re-tweeting white supremacist stuff. He really blew an opportunity here.

HRC's emails are not all about him :shrug:
Meanwhile in Poll Land, we have a consensus:

Rasmussen - Clinton 40 Trump 42
Reuters - Clinton 44 Trump 33

Oddly in Rasmussen, Clinton's number is below her low, while Trump is floating near where he has been. The opposite for Reuters, Trump's numbers are way low while Clinton's are where they have been.

Apparently polling is real hard these days. Of course, this is a national poll and only really matters in whether Trump is dumped in Cleveland.
Sheriff's badges are represented with little balls on the pointy ends of the stars.

Then again if you had just ignored the protests, Mr. Trump, and quietly changed it, it would have been forgotten by now.

Ya, this should have been a good week for Trump where he could continuously hammer Clinton over the email thing and the FBI Director castigating her, but half of the stories are about him re-tweeting white supremacist stuff. He really blew an opportunity here.
Yes, it again illustrates how incredibly incompetent Trump is when it comes to politics. But it also illustrates again something that several analysts (Psychological and Sociological) have written in the past several months, and that is the immaturity displayed by Trump. He is a spoiled child. He has spent his whole life getting his way. He has spent his whole life ignoring the flaws in his personality and demanding that others do the same. Any adult would have recognized this tweet as a mistake, acknowledged it as that and moved on. Trump reminds me of a child, who even though he is caught red handed, denies he has done anything wrong.

Clinton will play him like an old Ken Doll. She already is-she knew her speech yesterday in front of one of his vacant buildings in Atlantic city would enrage him. She wasn't even done with the speech and he was going off. He's actually starting to get quite shrill-doing a lot of yelling.
huh, clinton's people also steal tweets, but use common sense:


Also, Trump has basically tripled down on the tweet:
Cincinnati, Ohio (CNN) — Donald Trump on Wednesday said his staff "shouldn't have" deleted a tweet from his account that immediately drew criticism for evoking anti-Semitic imagery.
"Should have left it up," Trump said of his staff, who deleted the tweet less than three hours after it was posted amid the swift backlash from different corners of the political world. "I would've rather defended it."

Will he quadruple down and repost the tweet? Need more popcorn!
So Trump isn't tweeting, it is his staff that is retweeting anti-Semitic things. Can we head back to that whole "management" issue he has?
Maybe, it is possible that he retweeted the image himself and then went to do an interview or something and then shitstorm hit and the staffer pulled it down.

But seeming more likely his staff is doing it.
I think it would be totally awesome if Bernie Sanders just blew his top and went full on righteous rant for 20 minutes. He has motherfucking earned it.
I think it would be totally awesome if Bernie Sanders just blew his top and went full on righteous rant for 20 minutes. He has motherfucking earned it.

But I suspect that what he will do is to tell his supporters to get off their asses and work for change.

At our state convention volunteers were allowed by the host facility to come in and place banners for their candidate the night before the convention. No Sanders people showed up, hence no banners. As the people were coming into the convention I overhead a Sanders supporter comment upon seeing the Banners: "Why don't they just call it Hillary's convention?"
Meanwhile in Poll Land, we have a consensus:

Rasmussen - Clinton 40 Trump 42
Reuters - Clinton 44 Trump 33

Oddly in Rasmussen, Clinton's number is below her low, while Trump is floating near where he has been. The opposite for Reuters, Trump's numbers are way low while Clinton's are where they have been.

Apparently polling is real hard these days. Of course, this is a national poll and only really matters in whether Trump is dumped in Cleveland.

Poll results like these are why it's best to look at poll averages like those that HuffPo and RCP maintain rather than single polls.
Meanwhile in Poll Land, we have a consensus:

Rasmussen - Clinton 40 Trump 42
Reuters - Clinton 44 Trump 33

Oddly in Rasmussen, Clinton's number is below her low, while Trump is floating near where he has been. The opposite for Reuters, Trump's numbers are way low while Clinton's are where they have been.

Apparently polling is real hard these days. Of course, this is a national poll and only really matters in whether Trump is dumped in Cleveland.

Poll results like these are why it's best to look at poll averages like those that HuffPo and RCP maintain rather than single polls.
Always throw out Rasmussen. There biased to Republican.
For the sake of democracy it's best that parties take turns in the White House. Otherwise one Party takes the people for granted. Having said that though, both likely Party candidates are not worthy to be leaders of the free world.

On the left there's a proven liar, on the right a man who's all bluster with weird ideas.
What a dilemma!
For the sake of democracy it's best that parties take turns in the White House. Otherwise one Party takes the people for granted. Having said that though, both likely Party candidates are not worthy to be leaders of the free world.

On the left there's a proven liar, on the right a man who's all bluster with weird ideas.
What a dilemma!


No one has "proven" HRC "lied" and Director Comey said precisely the opposite - that she did NOT lie to the FBI
Rep Issa (R-Cal) is now ranting about shutting down the government over the Clinton e-mails


Out of curiosity, I looked up polls for Issa's race for re-election. For a long time he did very well due to being in a very right wing district. With changes over the years, his district is marginally more competitive. And now in the one poll that has been taken, he is running neck and neck with his Democratic challenger. With luck, he'll overplay his cussed righ wingedness and bite it election day.

According to a poll done by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee:
Democratic challenger Doug Applegate ties Republican incumbent Darrell Issa in a DCCC poll of likely general election voters conducted on June 15-16, 2016 in California’s 49th Congressional District. Each candidate receives 43% of the vote, with just 14% of voters undecided. In addition to consolidating 85% of the Democratic base, Applegate performs particularly well with Decline to State voters, leading Issa by 32 points among this critical voting bloc (51% to 19%, with 29% undecided). He also leads Hispanic/Latino voters, who make up nearly 16% of the district, by 26 points (56% to 30%, with 14% undecided).


It would be so very nice if this ass monkey got beaten come November.
Rep Issa (R-Cal) is now ranting about shutting down the government over the Clinton e-mails

This reminds me of when I was in college, and a few relatively high-ranking members of my fraternity's local chapter decided to inflict some hazing on the new pledges.

One of the things they did was "Kangaroo Court," where the pledge would be dragged up in front of them and asked a slew of questions. The catch was, all the answers they gave would be wrong...even if they were right.

Our chapter shut down that shit after one semester, but apparently Issa's fraternity didn't get the memo.
For the sake of democracy it's best that parties take turns in the White House. Otherwise one Party takes the people for granted. Having said that though, both likely Party candidates are not worthy to be leaders of the free world.

On the left there's a proven liar, on the right a man who's all bluster with weird ideas.
What a dilemma!


No one has "proven" HRC "lied" and Director Comey said precisely the opposite - that she did NOT lie to the FBI

damn, I thought you were more sanguine and less of a partisan hack than that. She lied the american people.

No one has "proven" HRC "lied" and Director Comey said precisely the opposite - that she did NOT lie to the FBI

damn, I thought you were more sanguine and less of a partisan hack than that. She lied the american people.

She also lied under oath
during an exchange over false statements made by Clinton on her private email server.

“Did Hillary Clinton lie under oath?” Chaffetz asked.

“Not to the FBI,” Comey responded. “Not in a case we were working.”

Chaffetz then reminded the FBI director that Clinton claimed under oath that “there was nothing marked classified” in her emails, either “sent or received.”

Comey said was “aware” of the comments but the FBI has not investigated the testimony because there has not been a referral from Congress.

“Do you need a referral from Congress to investigate her statements under oath?” Chaffetz pressed.

“Sure do,” Comey replied.

“You’ll have one,” Chaffetz said. “You’ll have one in the next few hours.”
(at about 10:26 a.m. before congress)
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