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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

It's come down to this it seems. Clinton is possibly the most unsuitable candidate for US president ever, only surpassed by DT.
Clinton leaves behind her a weak foreign relations record, had received donation funds from foreign governments, including from those that murder gays and violate women's rights, issues she pretends to support which makes her highly unsuitable to be leader of the free world!
Her aide Huma Abedin had observer in a leaked e-mail, that she is often confused. If that's not enough, the FBI has found her careless in matters of security. Another lesser person would surely have been jailed.
Trump's suitability for this highest of office? No, Not if he opens his mouth before he thinks as he's prone to do.
What a grand choice of candidates! Goofy with running mate Pluto would be much more suitable!

I would say that you should stick to Australian politics, but you are probably just as challenged there as you are here.

The email is a non-issue. Anyone working in the government will tell you that when an appointee in any department wants something you will be hard pressed to find anyone who would tell them otherwise. She was guilty of not taking IT security issues seriously. At this point I would say that she does take them seriously. But anyway if thats all you've got, and it is, then you haven't got shit.
It's come down to this it seems. Clinton is possibly the most unsuitable candidate for US president ever, only surpassed by DT.
Clinton leaves behind her a weak foreign relations record, had received donation funds from foreign governments, including from those that murder gays and violate women's rights, issues she pretends to support which makes her highly unsuitable to be leader of the free world!
Her aide Huma Abedin had observer in a leaked e-mail, that she is often confused. If that's not enough, the FBI has found her careless in matters of security. Another lesser person would surely have been jailed.
Trump's suitability for this highest of office? No, Not if he opens his mouth before he thinks as he's prone to do.
What a grand choice of candidates! Goofy with running mate Pluto would be much more suitable!

I would say that you should stick to Australian politics, ...

Please, no. We already have four One Nation senators, plus Jaquie Lambie, David Leyonhjelm and Derryn Hinch. The last thing Australian politics needs is any more input from enthusiasts with delusions of competence.
I submit this list of worse candidates than Clinton (there are none worse than Trump). Indeed, there are several candidates throughout history that I consider worse than Clinton that did not make this list. Being wildly unsuccessful was not a criteria here: Only flagrant corruption, bizarre personality problems, and terrible judgement. For example, Mondale is not here, as his main flaw was being ahead of his time, and boring. Names marked with an asterisk were actually elected President.

Fremont (R)
Buchanan (D)*
McClellan (D)
Grant (R)*
Butler (G)
William Jennings Bryan (D)
Harding (R)*
Goldwater (R)
Wallace (AI)
McGovern (D)
Dukakis (D)
Perot (I)
It's come down to this it seems. Clinton is possibly the most unsuitable candidate for US president ever, only surpassed by DT.
Clinton leaves behind her a weak foreign relations record, had received donation funds from foreign governments, including from those that murder gays and violate women's rights, issues she pretends to support which makes her highly unsuitable to be leader of the free world!
Her aide Huma Abedin had observer in a leaked e-mail, that she is often confused. If that's not enough, the FBI has found her careless in matters of security. Another lesser person would surely have been jailed.
Trump's suitability for this highest of office? No, Not if he opens his mouth before he thinks as he's prone to do.
What a grand choice of candidates! Goofy with running mate Pluto would be much more suitable!

I would say that you should stick to Australian politics, but you are probably just as challenged there as you are here.

The email is a non-issue. Anyone working in the government will tell you that when an appointee in any department wants something you will be hard pressed to find anyone who would tell them otherwise. She was guilty of not taking IT security issues seriously. At this point I would say that she does take them seriously. But anyway if thats all you've got, and it is, then you haven't got shit.

Had Clinton being a GOP candidate instead of a Democrat, would you still hold that position?
I would say that you should stick to Australian politics, ...

Please, no. We already have four One Nation senators, plus Jaquie Lambie, David Leyonhjelm and Derryn Hinch. The last thing Australian politics needs is any more input from enthusiasts with delusions of competence.

It should be stated of course, that Bilby thinks that only those of the left are competent enough to run a government. ??????
Dukakis (D)

What made Dukakis such a bad candidate? He was well liked in MA - and were it not for Willie Horton raping and murdering his wife courtesy of Bush the Elder's supporting PACs I think he could have won. He certainly did better in the South and Midwest than any non-Southern D candidate that I can remember.

He took public transportation to work, and was one of the drivers behind MA becoming a major tech belt in the 80s - which is still paying dividends today.
Seems to me that this election is going the way of the 1972 election.

Back then, the Democratic Party was split between organized labor and the New Left. The New Left regarded organized labor as stodgy and provincial; organized-labor leaders responded with similar low opinions. AFL-CIO leader George Meany said about the New York delegation that "They've got six open fags and only three AFL-CIO people on that delegation!" Another one stated about the Democratic convention that "There is too much hair and not enough cigars at this convention." Despite George McGovern's good record on labor issues, the organized-labor lobby did not support him very much.

Likewise, the Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate, Thomas Eagleton, hid the fact that he once had psychiatric treatment, electroshock for depression. When it turned up, he resigned.

Republican candidate Richard Nixon won with a huge margin, getting all the states' electoral votes except for Massachusetts and the pseudo-state of Washington, DC.


It seems to me that the Republican Party of this year's election is going the way of the Democratic Party of back then. Except that George McGovern was much more sane than Donald Trump.
It seems to me that the Republican Party of this year's election is going the way of the Democratic Party of back then. Except that George McGovern was much more sane than Donald Trump.

I don't know if that's an apt comparison. In fact I don't know that there's any Presidential candidate that compares to Donald Trump.

But I do see a bit of Richard M. Nixon in Hillary Clinton. Ruthless ambition. Questionable ethics. Brilliant mind and extensive grasp of world affairs. Not quite likeable enough to stand up against a more charismatic challenger in an election. He was "Tricky Dick." She's "Crooked Hillary." I'd rather have either one of them in the Oval Office than Trump.
Has there ever been a presidential campaign in which one of the topics of discussion was whether one of the two candidates was going to drop out?
I would say that you should stick to Australian politics, but you are probably just as challenged there as you are here.

The email is a non-issue. Anyone working in the government will tell you that when an appointee in any department wants something you will be hard pressed to find anyone who would tell them otherwise. She was guilty of not taking IT security issues seriously. At this point I would say that she does take them seriously. But anyway if thats all you've got, and it is, then you haven't got shit.

Had Clinton being a GOP candidate instead of a Democrat, would you still hold that position?

Yes if clinton was a republican I would still think you should stick to Australian politics.
I would say that you should stick to Australian politics, but you are probably just as challenged there as you are here.

The email is a non-issue. Anyone working in the government will tell you that when an appointee in any department wants something you will be hard pressed to find anyone who would tell them otherwise. She was guilty of not taking IT security issues seriously. At this point I would say that she does take them seriously. But anyway if thats all you've got, and it is, then you haven't got shit.

Had Clinton being a GOP candidate instead of a Democrat, would you still hold that position?

For me the answer is "yes".

And further, if HRC were the GOP candidate and Trump were the Democratic candidate, I'd be voting Republican this year
Latest Huffington Post Polling

47% Hillary Clinton
39% Donald Trump
Hillary by 8%

Including Libertarian candidate Johnson in polling

44% Hillary Clinton
36% Donald Trump
Hillary by 8%

Der Trumpster is getting down towards the 1/3 of American voters support level. Looks like a coming epic wipeout.
Latest Huffington Post Polling

47% Hillary Clinton
39% Donald Trump
Hillary by 8%

Including Libertarian candidate Johnson in polling

44% Hillary Clinton
36% Donald Trump
Hillary by 8%

Der Trumpster is getting down towards the 1/3 of American voters support level. Looks like a coming epic wipeout.

There's still a long ways to go. HRC may be peaking. Trump is maybe at the bottom. Secondly, the third parties may continue to grow, and they will hurt HRC more than Trump.
Secondly, the third parties may continue to grow, and they will hurt HRC more than Trump.

This makes no sense.

I expect a larger-than-usual number of Republicans to vote Libertarian this year (if they vote at all).

The Greens don't seem to be peeling off very many Berniacs...
Latest Huffington Post Polling

47% Hillary Clinton
39% Donald Trump
Hillary by 8%

Including Libertarian candidate Johnson in polling

44% Hillary Clinton
36% Donald Trump
Hillary by 8%

Der Trumpster is getting down towards the 1/3 of American voters support level. Looks like a coming epic wipeout.

There's still a long ways to go. HRC may be peaking. Trump is maybe at the bottom. Secondly, the third parties may continue to grow, and they will hurt HRC more than Trump.

It looks like adding in Libertarian and Green party candidates don't greatly change Clinton's lead.

We can hope Trump loses votes as he continues to run his mouth. As for Clinton, her e-mail problems and Benghazi! seem to have done their worse. Yelling "Crooked Hillary!" might work with the Faux News watching crowd, but they weren't going to vote for Hillary anyway. That has gone as far as its going to go. It's Trump who keeps shooting himself in the foot with his wild and crazy rhetoric, which I don't think he can control.

It's only 90 days til election day.
Secondly, the third parties may continue to grow, and they will hurt HRC more than Trump.

This makes no sense.

I expect a larger-than-usual number of Republicans to vote Libertarian this year (if they vote at all).

The Greens don't seem to be peeling off very many Berniacs...

Well, there is numerous links that show that HRC will be hurt more by the third parties than Trump. Here's just one:

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Well,so long as the third party voters vote Democratic on the down tickets, it doesn't matter. Trump doesn't really have a path to victory, so it's only the Congressional races which are important now.
We have debates coming up. Trump may not debate, which will hurt him if he doesn't. He may lose to Clinton, who studies while Trump shoots from the hip. Lots of room here for surprises and goofs. Stay tuned.
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