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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

a bit off topic.Pence said that the Repubs are the party of Lincoln. Why do they keep saying this? A lot changed from 1865 to 1965.
Had the GOP picked any other candidate but Trump, they would win by the proverbial country mile! But having dug their hole, they must now lay in it.
a bit off topic.Pence said that the Repubs are the party of Lincoln. Why do they keep saying this? A lot changed from 1865 to 1965.
They are also the same Party that had Teddy Roosevelt. They are pretty much bragging about stuff that is over 100 years old.

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Had the GOP picked any other candidate but Trump, they would win by the proverbial country mile! But having dug their hole, they must now lay in it.
Kasich would have won. I don't think any one else could have. Christie would be second in line, but he is terribly hated by New Jersey. What was amazing was how Trump stole Christie's signature bluster.
So, how long before Trump starts railing about the "five Jew bankers"? I saw a bit from today and he sounded like Alex Jones regarding a nation with no borders.
The funny thing is that do all those fundagelical Trump supporters think there is going to be borders in their dream heaven, keeping out the couple hundred million brownish Christians that are currently south of the border?

Yeah, dreams are definitely translated into actual policy the next year...:rolleyes:
Trump just told his followers at a rally in Florida to vote for him on November 28th.

I fully agree that every Trump supporter should go and vote on November 28th.
a bit off topic.Pence said that the Repubs are the party of Lincoln. Why do they keep saying this? A lot changed from 1865 to 1965.

They don't know that a party can change ideology without changing its name.

The Australian Liberal Party would blow their minds.
Trump just told his followers at a rally in Florida to vote for him on November 28th.

I fully agree that every Trump supporter should go and vote on November 28th.
I think this is historic. An actual gaffe from Trump. Gaffe - inaccurate statement made by accident. Not to be confused with an egregiously inappropriate comment.

It sounds like he had a court case in mind when he said the date.

They better get it back quick, before teh Donald has the fully resources of the US Treasury with which to sue them out of existence.
Yeah, he may be paying himself back with the loans he gave himself, assuming he loaned himself any more money. I think he was stuck with the first $50 million, because he couldn't raise enough, quickly enough.

While, from a political point of view, the optics on that are good, I really hope they don't get anything. They knew exactly who Trump was when they gave him the cash and it's only now that his hatred and bigotry is seen to be targeting white women instead of only the spics and the sand-niggers that they want a refund.

Fuck these assholes. They deserve to lose money.
a bit off topic.Pence said that the Repubs are the party of Lincoln. Why do they keep saying this? A lot changed from 1865 to 1965.
Because he's a national hero. Even though the Republican Party is nowadays the party of Jefferson Davis.
Had the GOP picked any other candidate but Trump, they would win by the proverbial country mile! But having dug their hole, they must now lay in it.

Cruz probably would have lost, but not by as much.
Had the GOP picked any other candidate but Trump, they would win by the proverbial country mile! But having dug their hole, they must now lay in it.

Cruz probably would have lost, but not by as much.
Adding to that...for those that stuck around for the actual primaries:

Kasich -- Probably would have had a decent chance of winning, but no country mile, and would a hard time getting thru the Repug primary
Rubio -- Ditto
Carson -- He should have applied to SNL...he would probably still be reading off his acceptance speech in Cleveland...
Bush -- He's just lucky that Trump didn't grab some of him...it would have probably been the second most hated match up other than Trump-Clinton
Paul -- Would have had a very hard time getting thru the Repug primary...and then probably loose.
Fiorina -- ditto
Gilmore -- who?
Sanatorium -- the re-run didn't get any better

What was that 'proverbial country mile' thingy?
Had the GOP picked any other candidate but Trump, they would win by the proverbial country mile! But having dug their hole, they must now lay in it.

Cruz probably would have lost, but not by as much.
It has been so long, I keep forgetting Cruz came in second. Fucking Ted Cruz! Kasich only came in third because everyone else was gone. That speaks poorly for the Republican's future as a party.
Cruz probably would have lost, but not by as much.
It has been so long, I keep forgetting Cruz came in second. Fucking Ted Cruz! Kasich only came in third because everyone else was gone. That speaks poorly for the Republican's future as a party.

Kasich may have been the smartest of the lot. He bet that things would end up just like this and was right. Cruz made the same bet but then folded in September when Trump started doing better than he figured the guy would. Now everybody just hates him.

Kasich has set himself up nicely to be beaten in the general election in 2020 and Cruz shot himself in the foot so that he won't get past the primaries again.
It has been so long, I keep forgetting Cruz came in second. Fucking Ted Cruz! Kasich only came in third because everyone else was gone. That speaks poorly for the Republican's future as a party.

Kasich may have been the smartest of the lot. He bet that things would end up just like this and was right. Cruz made the same bet but then folded in September when Trump started doing better than he figured the guy would. Now everybody just hates him.

Kasich has set himself up nicely to be beaten in the general election in 2020 and Cruz shot himself in the foot so that he won't get past the primaries again.
Why don't you think Kasich can win the 2020 election?
If he went up against Clinton in this election, I would think he'd have serious chances.
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