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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Well, tomorrow is Friday. What October ,, errr November Surprise will show up?


I hope something happens. After everything in this campaign, it would be really disappointing if neither team had a big ball of shit to hurl right at the end.
For Trump to win it's not just about FL and OH. He needs to win all his safe states, PLUS sweep all of NC, FL, OH, NV, ME, NE, AZ, UT, GA, PLUS he has to take one of Clinton's safe states.

All Clinton has to do is win her safe states, she doesn't need any swing states.

It's still possible Trump could win, but not likely.

(meant to post in the tanking thread, but will leave here)
Well, tomorrow is Friday. What October ,, errr November Surprise will show up?


I hope something happens. After everything in this campaign, it would be really disappointing if neither team had a big ball of shit to hurl right at the end.

Yep, having the feds perp-walk Trump out of a rally for being a Russian spy or the feds perp-walking Clinton out of a rally for selling government favors while she was Secretary of State would be an exciting finally. Even better, if both happened. Maybe they could be cell mates. :D

The following election, Johnson vs. Stien, could then follow up as the clown show.
I do find it funny, Clinton off the ticket and Sanders replaces her and crushes Trump!

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Please USA don't do it!Trump is insane.Oh,please oh,please!

What a choice Americans have, an insane person or a crooked to the teeth politician that cannot finish her four year term because she'll be imprisoned!

Just like Obama couldn't finish a four year term because it will be proven that he was born in Kenya.

Seriously, if the GOP had enough evidence to imprison Hillary, she would already be in jail.

She's just another boring mainstream politician. But with twice the usual number of X chromosomes.
No, because the facts aren't comparable. It doesn't appear you know what the facts are either one or both cases.


You are a funny dude. Of course they aren't comparable. General Petraeus only kept a journal. He didn't mishandle anything that was classified by any government agencies.

You don't know what you are talking about. He gave classified info to his journalist mistress who was writing a book.

"Kelley, a Florida socialite who frequently entertained senior military personnel at her and her husband's Tampa mansion,[186] had approached an acquaintance who worked for the FBI Tampa Field Office in the late spring with regard to anonymous emails she considered threatening.[185] The Bureau traced the emails to Broadwell, and noted that Broadwell appeared to be exchanging intimate messages with an email account belonging to Petraeus, which instigated an investigation into whether that account had been hacked into or was someone posing as Petraeus.[187][188][189] According to an Associated Press report, rather than transmit emails to each other's inbox, which would have left a more obvious email trail, Petraeus and Broadwell left messages in a draft folder and the draft messages were then read by the other person when they logged into the same account.[190]

Although US Attorney General Eric Holder was aware that the FBI had discovered the affair,[191] it was not until November 6, 2012, that Petraeus's nominal superior, Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper, was advised. That same evening Clapper called Petraeus and urged him to resign. Clapper notified the White House the next day, November 7. After being briefed on November 8, President Obama summoned Petraeus to the White House where Petraeus offered his resignation.[192] Obama accepted his resignation on November 9,[193][194] and Petraeus cited his affair when announcing that same day that he would resign as CIA Director.[195] Eventually, he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified information Petraeus allegedly provided to his mistress and biographer."
What a choice Americans have, an insane person or a crooked to the teeth politician that cannot finish her four year term because she'll be imprisoned!

Just like Obama couldn't finish a four year term because it will be proven that he was born in Kenya.

Seriously, if the GOP had enough evidence to imprison Hillary, she would already be in jail.

She's just another boring mainstream politician. But with twice the usual number of X chromosomes.

Correct. All this talk about her being crooked is just to paint her as dishonest. They've been after her for 30 years.
Just like Obama couldn't finish a four year term because it will be proven that he was born in Kenya.

Seriously, if the GOP had enough evidence to imprison Hillary, she would already be in jail.

She's just another boring mainstream politician. But with twice the usual number of X chromosomes.

Correct. All this talk about her being crooked is just to paint her as dishonest. They've been after her for 30 years.

Yeah, but any day now. Soon, I swear. They're going to find the smoking gun and it's all going to come crashing down on her. Fox news says so.

It is almost time for Trump to finally let us all in on the joke. He has been running all along just to show the American people how easily they are led and how polarized they are. He has said outlandish thing after outlandish thing to try to lose the election and his base will not turn on him. He is going to pull off the greatest hoax of all time.
In regards to Election Day, do you people really have three hour long lineups for voting? Have you considered ... like ... opening more polling places? That's not a sign of an engaged electorate, it's a sign of a really shittily designed voting process.
In regards to Election Day, do you people really have three hour long lineups for voting? Have you considered ... like ... opening more polling places? That's not a sign of an engaged electorate, it's a sign of a really shittily designed voting process.
I have wondered about the reports of long lines too. There are lots of polling stations. I have voted in every election since the early 1970s even living for well over two decades in the densest population area of the state and I have never had to wait to vote for more than ten minutes. For most elections, there was no lines and voting booths available and waiting by the time they checked to see that I was registered. Maybe some states aren't as organized as Georgia?
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In regards to Election Day, do you people really have three hour long lineups for voting? Have you considered ... like ... opening more polling places? That's not a sign of an engaged electorate, it's a sign of a really shittily designed voting process.

In some places that's the case. The lack of sufficient polling places is deliberate. It's intended to make it more difficult for people to vote, usually minorities since they're heavily Democratic in their voting patterns. Republicans control most of the state legislatures and most of the governorships.

Given that the number of Americans who vote typically falls well short of the maximum number who could, in principle, vote if they so chose, US polling places should be practically deserted.

If everyone decided to excercise their right to vote, the system would collapse. Which to me renders the right of all citizens to vote purely hypothetical. It doesn't actually exist, unless sufficient provision of polling places is in place to handle a 100% turnout within the time allotted.
Given that the number of Americans who vote typically falls well short of the maximum number who could, in principle, vote if they so chose, US polling places should be practically deserted.

If everyone decided to excercise their right to vote, the system would collapse. Which to me renders the right of all citizens to vote purely hypothetical. It doesn't actually exist, unless sufficient provision of polling places is in place to handle a 100% turnout within the time allotted.

They could do what the state of Oregon does if the turnout was that high and it would likely work. Oregon has opt-out voter registration for those who have Oregon driver licenses or state ID and are citizens eligible to vote. Oregon also has mail in elections, all eligible voters receive a ballot in the mail 2-3 weeks prior to the election. No need for polling places there, just get a driver license or state ID and you're good to go.


In regards to Election Day, do you people really have three hour long lineups for voting? Have you considered ... like ... opening more polling places? That's not a sign of an engaged electorate, it's a sign of a really shittily designed voting process.
The longest I've ever waited was about 15 to 30 minutes.
Well, it really doesn't sound like lack of sufficient polling booths are a problem for white people. Forget I brought it up.
Well, it really doesn't sound like lack of sufficient polling booths are a problem for white people. Forget I brought it up.
Let me get this straight. If you want Trump to win, you think Trump supporters should make it easier for their opposition to win. Who wins is more important than moral principles. Canadians, no wonder it's cold up there.
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