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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

You may have missed the whole VP has not role in Governance thing (and OMG, imagine Trump as the ambassador to the world), though it was used once, however, by an assassin to change the faction in power of the White House via the assassination of President Garfield.

By the time Garfield was president, that system had already been changed by amendment. That amendment, the twelfth, was passed in 1804. Garfield was elected in 1880. Garfield and Arthur were both Republicans.
I said Faction, not Party. Look it up.

"I am a Stalwart of the Stalwarts! I did it and I want to be arrested! Arthur is President now!'" -- Charles Guiteau
Glenn Beck calls Trump "dangerously unhinged".


That was the old Beck, he insists: “I did a lot of freaking out about Barack Obama.” But, he said, “Obama made me a better man.” He regrets calling the President a racist and counts himself a Black Lives Matter supporter. “There are things unique to the African-American experience that I cannot relate to,” he said. “I had to listen to them.”

Beck’s interactions with Donald Trump helped, too. He told a story of Trump summoning him to a guest room at Mar-a-Lago; Trump then telephoned him from an adjacent room. “We had this weird, almost Howard Hughes-like conversation,” Beck said. He left convinced that Trump was nuts. “This guy is dangerously unhinged,” he said. “And, for all the things people have said about me over the years, I should be able to spot Dangerously Unhinged.
Glenn Beck calls Trump "dangerously unhinged".


That was the old Beck, he insists: “I did a lot of freaking out about Barack Obama.” But, he said, “Obama made me a better man.” He regrets calling the President a racist and counts himself a Black Lives Matter supporter. “There are things unique to the African-American experience that I cannot relate to,” he said. “I had to listen to them.”

Beck’s interactions with Donald Trump helped, too. He told a story of Trump summoning him to a guest room at Mar-a-Lago; Trump then telephoned him from an adjacent room. “We had this weird, almost Howard Hughes-like conversation,” Beck said. He left convinced that Trump was nuts. “This guy is dangerously unhinged,” he said. “And, for all the things people have said about me over the years, I should be able to spot Dangerously Unhinged.

Just a quick edit there. Beck rolled back the claim that he is a BLM supporter. He replaced it with "He empathizes with BLM."
I think that the authors of the Constitution were right when they had the second place candidate become the Vice President.

That was changed by amendment *very* quickly, because of how impractical it was.

Would you really want these sorts of presidencies?
Clinton - Trump
Obama - Romney
Obama - McCain
Bush II - Kerry
Bush II - Gore
Clinton - Dole
Clinton - Bush I
Bush I - Dukakis
Reagan - Mondale
Reagan - Carter
Carter - Ford
Nixon - McGovern
Nixon - Humphrey
Johnson - Goldwater
Kennedy - Nixon
Eisenhower - Stevenson
I think that the authors of the Constitution were right when they had the second place candidate become the Vice President.

That was changed by amendment *very* quickly, because of how impractical it was.

Would you really want these sorts of presidencies?
Clinton - Trump
Obama - Romney
Obama - McCain
Bush II - Kerry
Bush II - Gore
Clinton - Dole
Clinton - Bush I
Bush I - Dukakis
Reagan - Mondale
Reagan - Carter
Carter - Ford
Nixon - McGovern
Nixon - Humphrey
Johnson - Goldwater
Kennedy - Nixon
Eisenhower - Stevenson

Yes. Because the less the government does is better and less would get done if VP actually acted as president of the senate.
Would you really want these sorts of presidencies?
Clinton - Trump
Obama - Romney
Obama - McCain
Bush II - Kerry
Bush II - Gore
Clinton - Dole
Clinton - Bush I
Bush I - Dukakis
Reagan - Mondale
Reagan - Carter
Carter - Ford
Nixon - McGovern
Nixon - Humphrey
Johnson - Goldwater
Kennedy - Nixon
Eisenhower - Stevenson
Yes. Because the less the government does is better and less would get done if VP actually acted as president of the senate.
So a government that does nothing at all is the best kind of government. Sort of like a figurehead monarchy.

Or why not abolish the Federal Government outright and turn the US into 50+ separate nations?
So anyway, 6.5 million Floridians voted early. So the question is, does Florida get called out of the gate? With so many early votes, it may be easier to call a state like Florida.
Or why not abolish the Federal Government outright and turn the US into 50+ separate nations?

Been there, done that.
Yeah, Shay's Rebellion seems to come to mind. I remember talking with someone about states rights and I raised the Articles of Confederation. They'd never heard of it. It was at this point I realized many right-wingers are very informed. Granted, a lot of left-wingers aren't as well.
Just saw a video of Trump voting... presumably for himself. Why do they always show this with political candidates? Has there ever been one that didn't vote for themselves?
Just saw a video of Trump voting... presumably for himself. Why do they always show this with political candidates? Has there ever been one that didn't vote for themselves?
What was interesting was him looking over at his wife seeing how she voted.
Just saw a video of Trump voting... presumably for himself. Why do they always show this with political candidates? Has there ever been one that didn't vote for themselves?

If I were running for President, I'd vote for the other guy. The reasons for this are:

1) It makes for a good political line in saying that I'm going to be President of the whole country, including X's voters, by making the point of becoming one of X's voters myself
2) If I lose, at least I have consolation that the person I voted for won
3) If I lose by just that one vote, my name will be remembered for a thousand years with my name constantly being brought up when people talk about how their vote doesn't matter
4) I'm not an American citizen and therefore am ineligible to be President, so voting for the other guy helps avoid the constitutional crisis which would result from my getting elected
Just saw a video of Trump voting... presumably for himself. Why do they always show this with political candidates? Has there ever been one that didn't vote for themselves?
What was interesting was him looking over at his wife seeing how she voted.

Is that even legal? LOCK HIM UP! (We can sort out the charges later.)
Oh, and his kid Eric too - LOCK HIM UP!
Well the 2016 election is now over. I just voted so I know who won but I don't want to spoil the surprise by telling.

I was a bit surprised at the poll. There were two county deputies in the parking lot, six poll workers inside, and only two people voting when I arrived so I had my choice of quite a few empty voting booths. By the time I finished voting, I was the only voter in the building. I did meet four people arriving to vote as I was walking to the parking lot. I would have thought that there would me more people there during the lunch hour.
What was interesting was him looking over at his wife seeing how she voted.

Is that even legal? LOCK HIM UP! (We can sort out the charges later.)
Oh, and his kid Eric too - LOCK HIM UP!

Eric also looked at his wife's ballot and also took a photo of his ballot, which is illegal in his state.
Can't they ever stay within the law? Unbelievable - three documented Trump crimes JUST TODAY! (before noon!)

Eric Trump posted a picture of his completed ballot Tuesday in violation of New York’s state election laws.

New York election law dictates any person who “hows his ballot after it is prepared for voting, to any person so as to reveal the contents … is guilty of a misdemeanor,” according to a BuzzFeed report.
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