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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

In regards to Election Day, do you people really have three hour long lineups for voting? Have you considered ... like ... opening more polling places? That's not a sign of an engaged electorate, it's a sign of a really shittily designed voting process.

Normally the lines are quite short but such lines have been known to occur.

We had long lines here one year--they had just switched to electronic voting machines and they weren't living up to the hype, there simply weren't enough of them.

You also see vote-suppression efforts at times. Election officials being willfully blind to population growth and using the census data to figure demand.

Personally, I think the election officials should at a minimum face a loss of their jobs if things go too badly.
Well, it really doesn't sound like lack of sufficient polling booths are a problem for white people. Forget I brought it up.
Since '03 I've voted in a mixed race precinct, with an incredible amount of economic diversity.
Well, it really doesn't sound like lack of sufficient polling booths are a problem for white people. Forget I brought it up.
Since '03 I've voted in a mixed race precinct, with an incredible amount of economic diversity.
And for over two decades I voted in a majority black district (Georgia's 4th Congressional district) and never saw any long lines at the polls, quite often no line at all.

Although there are apparently some states where there are long lines, it is hard to believe it is a major national problem if the "whipping boy" (Georgia) for claims of racial problems doesn't seem to have a problem with long voter lines.
Since '03 I've voted in a mixed race precinct, with an incredible amount of economic diversity.
And for over two decades I voted in a majority black district (Georgia's 4th Congressional district) and never saw any long lines at the polls, quite often no line at all.

Although there are apparently some states where there are long lines, it is hard to believe it is a major national problem if the "whipping boy" (Georgia) for claims of racial problems doesn't seem to have a problem with long voter lines.
It happens, but it isn't systemic. Typically inner city.
In regards to Election Day, do you people really have three hour long lineups for voting? Have you considered ... like ... opening more polling places? That's not a sign of an engaged electorate, it's a sign of a really shittily designed voting process.
I have wondered about the reports of long lines too. There are lots of polling stations. I have voted in every election since the early 1970s even living for well over two decades in the densest population area of the state and I have never had to wait to vote for more than ten minutes. For most elections, there was no lines and voting booths available and waiting by the time they checked to see that I was registered. Maybe some states aren't as organized as Georgia?

I have never had an issue with long lines for early voting, but "day of" voting always means long lines and long waits. This is at different precincts, too.

The longest line was to vote for President Obama the first time. That was well worth it, and I have never seen such an up-beat happy crowd of people, either.
Millennials look on in horror as the Boomers destroy what is left of the economy. Gen-X, exhausted and dead inside, sigh as we look for our old goth boots.

There is a great divide in this country, and I feel like I'm caught in the middle between one camp willing to do anything for the cause of "2+2=3" and the other camp doing the same for "2+2=5".


As we enter the final stretch of this vitriolic, deplorable, venomous, propaganda saturated, deceitful, rigged presidential election spectacle, it becomes painfully obvious this Fourth Turning is careening toward bloodshed, bedlam, confrontation, and civil war. The linear fixated establishment, who fancy themselves intellectually superior to the irredemables, are too blinded by their sociopathic, increasingly audacious subversion of the Constitution, to grasp the level of rage and disillusionment of a white working class that has been screwed over for decades.


The rescue of Wall Street and destruction of Main Street by the Fed, Wall Street and the captured politicians of both parties in Washington D.C. has created the angry, acrimonious, throw the bums out mood boiling over in flyover America. The widening Grand Canyon gap in wealth between the haves and the have nots, produced by solutions from sociopaths in suits has reached the pitchfork and torch level.


These sociopaths are so consumed with their ravenous fleecing of the middle class, waging wars for profit, and shredding the Constitution, they failed to recognize 2008 for the seismic earth shattering event that will change everything. The mood of the country shifted like tectonic plates beneath the nation. The mood continues to grow dimmer, as the peasants grow poorer and the modern day aristocracy (Wall Street bankers, corporate executives, corrupt politicians, shadowy billionaires) accumulate obscene ill-gotten wealth through their complete capture of the system.


Based upon the reaction of the citizens in the last ten months, the dire problem facing the nation, perceived as the largest threat to our future, happens to be the Deep State establishment currently ruling the country. The captured mainstream media and grey beards running both political parties were completely stunned, horrified, and irate at the unprecedented success achieved by the two anti-establishment candidates, Trump and Sanders.

This election was supposed to follow the script as planned and coordinated by the establishment, with Hillary Clinton defeating Jeb Bush and continuing the corrupt status quo policies agreed to by the bought off leaders of both parties. They badly miscalculated the mood of the country and the whirlwind of change seeking to sweep away the stubborn remnants of a crooked, decrepit, putrid, existing social order. This collective middle finger to the establishment could only happen during a Fourth Turning.


All signs point toward this Fourth Turning being a life or death struggle between the ruling class of sociopathic bankers, corporate elites, and sleazy politicians versus the oppressed and infuriated middle class. The lying, deceit, rigging, deception, theft and other crimes perpetrated by the ruling elites will be atoned for. The heroic patriotic revelations from Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Bradley (Chelsea) Manning proving the government and politicians to be lying, corrupt, immoral, sociopathic traitors to the Constitution have undermined the last vestiges of trust in the system and the establishment. The alignment of generational dynamics will provoke the responses to events moving forward. We have been badly led. A silent coup by Deep State perpetrators has led to the complete capture of our economic, financial, judicial and political systems.

A vast swath of the populace has been lured into living beyond their means. The existing system is unsustainable. The Boomer generation does not want to yield on their perceived entitlements. The Millennial generation is saddled with un-payable debts, living in their parents’ basements, working the night shift at Ruby Tuesday. Generation X is trapped in the middle of this generational struggle. The huge economic imbalances, created by politicians buying votes and engineering wealth inequality to benefit the few, have built up over decades like flood waters behind a weakening levee. When the levee breaks the morally bankrupt criminal social order will be swept away in the raging torrent to follow.
What will happen when Hillary is arrested and charged half way through, if not before her term? All this will have been for nought. Will Americans be asked to vote again, or will the vice president take over?
What will happen when Hillary is arrested and charged half way through, if not before her term? All this will have been for nought. Will Americans be asked to vote again, or will the vice president take over?
Do please keep up mate.FBI found nothing.
What will happen when Hillary is arrested and charged half way through, if not before her term? All this will have been for nought. Will Americans be asked to vote again, or will the vice president take over?

It's not going to happen; your irrational fantasies are not actionable under US law, so to arrest and charge the president, she first has to do something demonstrably illegal. Being a woman isn't actually sufficient, you may be shocked to learn.
What is it with Trump and the number 650,000 and 650,000,000?Emails and immigrants respectively.I would think he would use 666,000 and 666,000,000 for the She Devil.
What will happen when Hillary is arrested and charged half way through, if not before her term? All this will have been for nought. Will Americans be asked to vote again, or will the vice president take over?

If she is unable to serve in the capacity for which she has been elected, the Vice President will be at the helm.
What will happen when Hillary is arrested and charged half way through, if not before her term? All this will have been for nought. Will Americans be asked to vote again, or will the vice president take over?

If she is unable to serve in the capacity for which she has been elected, the Vice President will be at the helm.

This. If that were to happen Kaine would be able to appoint a VP to replace him, but the Senate would have to confirm his pick.
Don't know on that one. I haven't heard of there being a tie with no vice president. That doesn't mean there never has been, just that I haven't heard about it.
If it comes out as a tie, how about they settle it with fisticuffs? Clinton is scrappy and I can see her beating Drumpf to the ground and then just fucking tearing his heart out and eating it.
I think that the authors of the Constitution were right when they had the second place candidate become the Vice President.
You may have missed the whole VP has not role in Governance thing (and OMG, imagine Trump as the ambassador to the world), though it was used once, however, by an assassin to change the faction in power of the White House via the assassination of President Garfield.
If it comes out as a tie, how about they settle it with fisticuffs? Clinton is scrappy and I can see her beating Drumpf to the ground and then just fucking tearing his heart out and eating it.

You're assuming that Trump's patented WWF crotch-grab move doesn't work.



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I think that the authors of the Constitution were right when they had the second place candidate become the Vice President.
You may have missed the whole VP has not role in Governance thing (and OMG, imagine Trump as the ambassador to the world), though it was used once, however, by an assassin to change the faction in power of the White House via the assassination of President Garfield.

By the time Garfield was president, that system had already been changed by amendment. That amendment, the twelfth, was passed in 1804. Garfield was elected in 1880. Garfield and Arthur were both Republicans.
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