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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

You didn't confuse anyone. We just laughed at your feeble attempt to paint the recovering recession as a depression by using a freaking sine wave instead of a chart of actual historic recessions and depressions, which we could only assume would not have supported your theory.

Yes, yes, we all know that is what you say now.

Yeah, too bad there is not some sort of system on this forum that saves our posts so that we can examine them later. If such a system existed, we could hypothetically link back to the posts we made in the past so as to not get into a he/she said he/she said situation. It might look something like this:


Now that you finally understand that the sine wave was to illustrate one particular point alone, and no other points beyond that point, I challenge you to find any quote from me where I describe the economy as a smooth, repetitive oscillation.

I understand what it was intended to illustrate. I also understand that it bears absolutely no relation to reality with regard to economics. In the very same post where you gave us your sine wave illustration, you also claimed that we were in the Great Depression II, with no other support for the assertion other than the sine wave. If the economy cannot be described as a smooth, repetitive oscillation, then there is no fucking reason to post a graph of a smooth, repetitive oscillation to illustrate anything regarding the economy, it's really that fucking simple.

If you're not too embarrassed over thinking that my sine wave was to illustrate additional points, and not too embarrassed over thinking that I did actually say the economy was like a sine wave. I'm glad that you FINALLY understand the point I was making, perhaps you might wish to finally own up to your own error of not understanding it in the first place and thinking I was saying more than I actually was. You are the one who made the mistake of thinking that I said the economy was like a sine wave, even though you know better now. That's a mistake of yours that you need to confront.

Maybe you should own up to your error of asserting that we are in the second great depression with no evidence other than a sine wave. Either that, or give us an actual graph of current and recent economic activity that shows we are in the second great depression. You can't do that, so I expect you to continue to defend your irrelevant sine wave.
And now Santorum is in! Huzzah!
What? He lost in a two horse, plus Ron Paul, race. He is running again? The only reason he went above 2% was the desperation of the Tea Party.

The sad part about this years crop of republicans: Huckabee seems the least objectionable.
With their hat in, yes (but that is jumping hurdles that are buried below in ten feet of sand). I'd say Bush would be less objectionable, on paper.
What? He lost in a two horse, plus Ron Paul, race. He is running again? The only reason he went above 2% was the desperation of the Tea Party.

The sad part about this years crop of republicans: Huckabee seems the least objectionable.
With their hat in, yes (but that is jumping hurdles that are buried below in ten feet of sand). I'd say Bush would be less objectionable, on paper.

Santorum brings a level of unabashed crazy which can't be matched. It's important for him to be featured prominently in order to keep the chuckle factor up.

I want it to be Bush simply so that we can get months and months of commentary about how another Bush vs Clinton matchup means that the US is/isn't an oligarchy.
Bush is an oaf.

Whatever he does, he can't just shake the impression that he's a guy born to be a middle manager in a dairy company, rather than the chief executive.

But i would agree he would be less objectionable IF he weren't surrounded by his brother's foreign policy advisers, which he is. That disqualifies him. He'll be just another neocon muppet, like his brother.
Bush is an oaf.

Whatever he does, he can't just shake the impression that he's a guy born to be a middle manager in a dairy company, rather than the chief executive.

But i would agree he would be less objectionable IF he weren't surrounded by his brother's foreign policy advisers, which he is. That disqualifies him. He'll be just another neocon muppet, like his brother.

Well, he's not going to win. Clinton's your next President. Full stop.

The only question is how interesting the campaign will be. The GOP are trotting out all of their resident crazies, so that's good and it will be a laugh. The Dems are having some token folk run so that Clinton isn't on the stage all by herself, which is nice of them, but that primary will be fairly dull and uneventful. How funny the general election will be is still up in the air.

Hopefully, the GOP will say to itself that they picked the electable moderate (from their point of view) last time and still lost, so they decide to go with a Santorum or the like and double down on the crazy. I would enjoy the Presidential debates to be centered around which of them is less likely to have the army invade Texas, for instance. If it is a moderate, I think that Bush would be the funniest due to the oligarchy angle.
Tom, I know that she has every advantage.

But I'm an american, and I've seen the democrats fuck up sure things before. I don't take anything for granted. I am pleased that she is not acting as if she has it in the bag, and seems to be working hard on it.
Tom, I know that she has every advantage.

But I'm an american, and I've seen the democrats fuck up sure things before. I don't take anything for granted. I am pleased that she is not acting as if she has it in the bag, and seems to be working hard on it.

This is true. She learned that lesson last time when she had the easiest stroll into the White House since Reagan found out he was up against Mondale and she dropped the ball spectacularly. She's not going to die of self-inflicted wounds this time and no one else is going to take her.
I am still hoping Warren becomes your next president. She's be awesome. If that won't happen, there has to be somebody else better than Hillary. Was Obama in the race by this point last time around? Maybe somebody yet unknown will run and win your next presidency. Anyway, US president races and debates are always entertaining. Santorum should definitely be good for some laughs.
Yes, yes, we all know that is what you say now.

Yeah, too bad there is not some sort of system on this forum that saves our posts so that we can examine them later. If such a system existed, we could hypothetically link back to the posts we made in the past so as to not get into a he/she said he/she said situation. It might look something like this:


Yes, and that referenced post clearly shows that is what you say now. It shows your embarrassment over having misunderstood it the first time, and your bravado and bluster trying to cover your embarrassment. It's sad that you're still keeping up that lame game. Just admit you misunderstood and you'll feel a lot better.
Speaking of backing out, I cannot get the modern definition of santorum (n.) out of my head.
It's looking more and more like the best candidate the Republicans have is Jed Bush! Will Americans embrace a third Bush is the question.
For all intents and purposes it is NOT A HORSERACE. It is a WHORE RACE. I really feel that people like Sanitorium should be eliminated from running by having to score higher than 75 on an IQ test. It also might pay to have a policy that anybody who becomes our president be either a eunuch or an woman who has had a complete hysterctomy. Make them sacrifice something and prove they really want to serve humanity. Actually, a better name for Santorum might just be Sanctamonium or perhaps just...InSanitorium. This man is an outrage on the political scene with his smug spraying about of "Christian Values," that are little else but campaign ploys (what he in his hayseed mind imagines might get him elected).:disgust:
If that kook was to be elected, then whatever respect I have for American values will wash down the gurgler.
After Dr. Carson was interviewed on Sunday, his numbers spiked. Does he have a chance?
At the nomination, perhaps, in the general, no. He's a conspiracy kook.
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