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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

After Dr. Carson was interviewed on Sunday, his numbers spiked. Does he have a chance?
You mean like how Bachmann spiked or Gingrich spiked (twice) or Cain spiked or Santorum spiked or Perry spiked?
Just to ease your angst let's replace Bernie with Jerry. He's younger than Bernie, he's a very successful administrator of the most populous state in the US and he dated Linda Ronstadt to boot. He's a progressive BTW.
Jerry Brown would be a disaster. His mishandling of the drought crises is criminal. The state of Arizona has far more progressive water regulation laws than California. There is still zero water drilling regulations in place in cal.
Can we change the title of this thread from the "Great Horse Race" to the "Great Stampede"? With this many GOP candidates more than one candidate will get trampled.
Can we change the title of this thread from the "Great Horse Race" to the "Great Stampede"? With this many GOP candidates more than one candidate will get trampled.

Yeah--I recently saw a cartoon with a bunch of elephants lined up at a gate like starts a horse race--and even more elephants scattered about behind or on the gates.
Can we change the title of this thread from the "Great Horse Race" to the "Great Stampede"? With this many GOP candidates more than one candidate will get trampled.

Yeah--I recently saw a cartoon with a bunch of elephants lined up at a gate like starts a horse race--and even more elephants scattered about behind or on the gates.

Actuall it looks more like the "Great Whores' Race." A bunch of Republican corporate panderers versus the Democratic panderers and then there's Sanders. I want to see some debates this year...and next...real debates!
Doesn't really matter where the next president comes from. As long as he/she stops pandering to islam! If it's a she, there's little chance of that happening! Make no mistake. Radical islam is the single most dangerous threat to Western civilisation!
Islam is the new Communism, it seems. The same sort of paranoia. It's as if Cold Warriors have finally found a new enemy as Communist countries have either become less hostile (China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba) or else have rejected Communism outright (European countries).
Islam is the new Communism, it seems. The same sort of paranoia. It's as if Cold Warriors have finally found a new enemy as Communist countries have either become less hostile (China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba) or else have rejected Communism outright (European countries).

We have always been at war with Mideastia. Eurasia and Eastasia are our allies.
Islam is the new Communism, it seems. The same sort of paranoia. It's as if Cold Warriors have finally found a new enemy as Communist countries have either become less hostile (China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba) or else have rejected Communism outright (European countries).


Gist of article: not too nutty, really...

Humans are survivors. Of wars. Wars do not decide who's right but who's left. How to be effective at war? Motivate your best fighters.

Use dogmatic differences: political dogma, religious dogma, sex-practice dogma. Those filthy Commies, Muslims and (homos, polygamists, child mutilators, rapists | choose one or more}.

If history be our guide great nations will sacrifice, yet again, hordes of humanity at their highest potential killing Them as they kill Us.
Lincoln Chaffee joins in one the Democrat side of things. The once New England Republican didn't change parties as much as the party change and he was left outside of it. He is now a Democrat. He is what us normal people would call a moderate.
Islam is the new Communism, it seems. The same sort of paranoia. It's as if Cold Warriors have finally found a new enemy as Communist countries have either become less hostile (China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba) or else have rejected Communism outright (European countries).

We have always been at war with Mideastia. Eurasia and Eastasia are our allies.

Been re-reading 1984, eh B. bro. Update. Some stupid fucks have red and green painted on their toes and the sane one is cut in half by a propeller.
So who thinks Jeb Bush is thumbing his nose at the campaigne finance laws?

Yes. What sort of silly rule is it that candidates can coordinate with their superPACs up until the point that they announce nomination? Candidates can just delay their announcement indefinately and have continuous complete control of unlimited loosely regulated funds.
So who thinks Jeb Bush is thumbing his nose at the campaigne finance laws?

At this point thumbing your nose at campaign finance laws is like thumbing your nose at a mall cop.

Actually that's not fair. Mall cops can actually kick you out of the mall. If you really cause trouble they can call the real cops.

Our campaign finance laws are like mall cops without the authority to kick you out of the mall or a radio to call the real cops.
Biggest laugh I've had all week last night watching Back To The Future. When Mc Fly tells the prof that he's from 1985. The prof sceptically asks Mc Fly : " Okay, you claim to be from 1985, then who will be president in 1985? " McFly replies: " Ronald Reagan!" What, the actor, What!! then who's the vice president, Jerry Lewis?" Best lines of the movie I think!
I seriously cannot believe those Republicans. They're running a candidate who opposed gay marriage, voted for the Iraq War, is part of the 1%, and covered up the sexual harassment of women.

Oh wait...

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