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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Lindsey Graham Jumps Into 2016 Presidential Race: ‘Ready to Be Commander-in-Chief on Day One’ - ABC News
"The Obama Administration, and some of my colleagues in Congress, have substituted wishful thinking for sound national security strategy," Graham, 59, said today. “I want to be president to defeat the enemies trying to kill us, not just penalize them or criticize them or contain them, but defeat them."

“Simply put, radical Islam is running wild," he said. "They are large, they are rich, they're entrenched. As president I will make them small, poor and on the run.”
Lindsey Graham Will Run For President The Way He Wants To, Even If He Gets Gored In The Process
It’s no secret that Graham is trying to recapture the feel-good, freewheeling magic that buoyed his erstwhile campaign trail buddy John McCain during the latter senator's 2000 presidential run. In that race, the Arizona Republican talked for as long as anyone was willing to listen on his way to an unlikely 18-point walloping of the George W. Bush juggernaut in New Hampshire. Eight years later, with Graham by his side for much of it, McCain triumphed here again after toying with -- and then abandoning -- a more careful, buttoned-up style and embracing his natural attitude: “Ah, to hell with it.”
Lindsey Graham interview raises question: Do we need a first lady? - CSMonitor.com
When asked who his first lady would be, Senator Graham retorted: “Well, I’ve got a sister, she could play that role if necessary.” And then quickly joked, “We’ll have a rotating first lady.” ...

To some, the role is more than just ceremonial. ...

To others, choosing china sets and guest lists is a relic of a bygone age.
Highest paid motivational speaker promises to go Ted Nugent on his speeches if Hillary Clinton wins:


When asked by Bloomberg Television whether he would continue to give paid speeches if Hillary Clinton is elected president, Bill Clinton replied: "I don't think so."

"I will still give speeches though on the subjects I'm interested in," he added. "I've really enjoyed those things."

Clinton said "it would be a very good thing for America" if his wife Hillary Clinton wins the presidency.
Jesus harry potter Christ, is Bush and Clinton families the only dynasty's ever in the modern age?

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Underground orgy hut! How in hell's name did you ever find that out? I thought I was beyond any prying eyes or ears!
Newest Democratic presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee recalls time in Bozeman | Politics | bozemandailychronicle.com -- he went to a school there where he learned how to nail horseshoes onto horses' hoofs. He worked for some years in various places as a farrier, nailing in horseshoes and doing other horse-hoof care.

He later went into politics as a moderate Republican, much like his father John Chafee. But in 2007, he became an Independent, and in 2013, a Democrat. There wasn't much of a place for him in today's Republican Party, it seems.
Lindsey Graham interview raises question: Do we need a first lady? - CSMonitor.com
When asked who his first lady would be, Senator Graham retorted: “Well, I’ve got a sister, she could play that role if necessary.” And then quickly joked, “We’ll have a rotating first lady.” ...

To some, the role is more than just ceremonial. ...

To others, choosing china sets and guest lists is a relic of a bygone age.
While I totally agree that the requirements that you can't be a president if you aren't married, .... this is priceless!
So he'll be more like #2 than #1, it seems.

Donald Trump is running for president in 2016 - CNNPolitics.com
Just over four years after he came closer than ever to launching a campaign before bowing out, Trump made his announcement at the lavish Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York, laying out a vision to match his incoming campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again."

The 68-story tower venue Trump used Tuesday is more than just the backdrop to Trump's presidential announcement, instead becoming a physical embodiment of what Trump is bringing to the table and the challenges he'll face as he formally entered politics.

Trump has already billed himself as the "most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far," pointing out even that he owns a "Gucci store that's worth more than Romney."

That Gucci store won't be far as Trump makes his announcement -- it's located in the lobby of the Trump Tower.
He also stated that his assets are worth $9 billion.
Oh, those poor other GOP candidates. No matter what weirdo, dipshit, moronic behaviour they engage in on a given day, they are going to be completely ignored because Trump will have said or did something even stupider and more nonsensical at the same time.

Say what you will about the guy, but there's no denying that he's a bombastic loudmouth with absolutely no sense of dignity or self-respect. Everyone else is going to try to step it up and it will be funny to watch, but they will fail miserably against the Master of Ridiculousness. Anyone who was concerned that the GOP campaign wouldn't be the nonstop laugh-fest that it was last time can put those concerns to bed because this one is going to be even better!
Nevertheless, he may just poll high enough to get to the debates. What a fucking joke.

It really amuses me when I hear people say that this year's batch is 'stronger' than 2012's.
Donald Trump is in.
I wonder if even Donald doesn't think he has a snowballs chance? Nah, he couldn't be doing it just for the publicity....

At what point can Donald Trump's children declare him mentally incompetent and take control of the corporation's assets? One would think the point would be when "I, Donald Trump, am running for President" was said in a non-ironic manner.

It's been a whole afternoon, though, and they haven't taken him to court yet.
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