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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Check the Congressional questioning of Comey on his statement. He agreed that classified material was improperly handled, a felony - in fact several counts of it. He agreed that Clinton lied during the investigation, a crime - in fact several counts of it. He agreed that evidence was intentionally destroyed, a crime and even a greater crime is that it was destroyed after being subpoenaed.

Others can and have been convicted for far less of these same illegal acts.

No, you check it and post the exact quotes where he said anything to the effect that "quite a few things that were done that were provably illegal."

I remember when you said what Clinton did was worse than what Petraeus did. This is what Comey said to Congress.

CUMMINGS: So the question is, do you agree with the claim that General Petraeus, and I quote, "got in trouble for far less," end of quote? Do you agree with that statement?

COMEY: No, it's the reverse.

CUMMINGS: And what do you mean by that?

COMEY: His conduct, to me, illustrates the categories of behavior that mark the prosecutions that are actually brought. Clearly intentional conduct, knew what he was doing was a violation of the law, huge amounts of information that even if you couldn't prove he knew it, it raises the inference that he did it, an effort to obstruct justice. That combination of things makes it worthy of a prosecution. A misdemeanor prosecution, but a prosecution nonetheless.

CUMMINGS: Sitting here today, do you stand by the FBI's recommendation to prosecute General Petraeus?

COMEY: Oh, yeah.

CUMMINGS: Do you stand by the FBI's recommendation not to prosecute Hillary Clinton?

COMEY: Oh -- yes.

Sorry, I don't trust you as a news source.
Check the Congressional questioning of Comey on his statement. He agreed that classified material was improperly handled, a felony - in fact several counts of it. He agreed that Clinton lied during the investigation, a crime - in fact several counts of it. He agreed that evidence was intentionally destroyed, a crime.

Others can and have been convicted for far less of these same illegal acts.

Hillary Clinton did not lie to FBI investigators during their probe into her use of a private server as secretary of state, FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday.

"We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI," Comey told House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) during one of the hearing's opening exchanges.

Unless you have a link to some subsequent testimony, it seems you are misinformed about the FBI claiming HRC lied.
The investigation was more than the FBI. It also included the Congressional investigation. Lying to the FBI or Congress is a crime. You can judge for yourself whether or not Comey agreed that she lied to the investigation in this Congressional questioning of Comey with this short clip of a much longer series of questioning:

Comey stated several times that statements by Clinton were not true. My understanding of the meaning of a lie is stating something known to be untrue.
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Hillary Clinton did not lie to FBI investigators during their probe into her use of a private server as secretary of state, FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday.

"We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI," Comey told House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) during one of the hearing's opening exchanges.

Unless you have a link to some subsequent testimony, it seems you are misinformed about the FBI claiming HRC lied.
The investigation was more than the FBI. It also included the Congressional investigation. Lying to the FBI or Congress is a crime. You can judge for yourself whether or not Comey agreed that she lied to the investigation in this Congressional questioning of Comey with this short clip of a much longer series of questioning:

Comey stated several times that statements by Clinton were not true. My understanding of the meaning of a lie is stating something known to be untrue.
Your understanding is faulty. A lie is a false statement used with a deliberate intent to deceive. Uttering something that is false is not necessarily a lie. Knowingly uttering something that is false is a lie.

For example, Director Comey explicitly stated that the FBI had no basis to conclude Mrs. Clinton lied to them. Yet you claimed Comey agreed she lied during the investigation. Now, according to your understanding, your false statement is a lie. However, according to the actual normal meaning of the term, your false statement is not a lie but simply a mistake due to your misunderstanding of what a lie is.
Hillary Clinton did not lie to FBI investigators during their probe into her use of a private server as secretary of state, FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday.

"We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI," Comey told House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) during one of the hearing's opening exchanges.

Unless you have a link to some subsequent testimony, it seems you are misinformed about the FBI claiming HRC lied.
The investigation was more than the FBI. It also included the Congressional investigation. Lying to the FBI or Congress is a crime. You can judge for yourself whether or not Comey agreed that she lied to the investigation in this Congressional questioning of Comey with this short clip of a much longer series of questioning:

Comey stated several times that statements by Clinton were not true. My understanding of the meaning of a lie is stating something known to be untrue.
Your understanding is faulty. A lie is a false statement used with a deliberate intent to deceive. Uttering something that is false is not necessarily a lie. Knowingly uttering something that is false is a lie.

For example, Director Comey explicitly stated that the FBI had no basis to conclude Mrs. Clinton lied to them. Yet you claimed Comey agreed she lied during the investigation. Now, according to your understanding, your false statement is a lie. However, according to the actual normal meaning of the term, your false statement is not a lie but simply a mistake due to your misunderstanding of what a lie is.
"A lie is a false statement used with a deliberate intent to deceive... Knowingly uttering something that is false is a lie. "


Are you claiming that Clinton is so ignorant of her own actions that she was unaware of what she did? .. I suppose dementia could be an exculpatory excuse.
Are you claiming that Clinton is so ignorant of her own actions that she was unaware of what she did?
I showed that your claim that the Directory Comey agreed Clinton lied during the investigation is utterly false. She may have lied. She may simply been mistaken. I don't know. Nor do I care. And it is not relevant to your blatantly false claim about what Director Comey said.

.. I suppose dementia could be an exculpatory excuse.
For Mrs. Clinton or for someone who blatantly made a false claim about the director of the FBI or for someone who did not appear to know what a lie really is?
I showed that your claim that the Directory Comey agreed Clinton lied during the investigation is utterly false. She may have lied. She may simply been mistaken. I don't know. Nor do I care. And it is not relevant to your blatantly false claim about what Director Comey said.

.. I suppose dementia could be an exculpatory excuse.
For Mrs. Clinton or for someone who blatantly made a false claim about the director of the FBI or for someone who did not appear to know what a lie really is?
Comey stated that many of her sworn statements were untruths. Unless you want to claim she has dementia so was incapable of knowing the truth then speakers of the English would read those false statements as being lies - especially since if she had told the truth it would be her admitting to the crime she was being investigated for.
I showed that your claim that the Directory Comey agreed Clinton lied during the investigation is utterly false. She may have lied. She may simply been mistaken. I don't know. Nor do I care. And it is not relevant to your blatantly false claim about what Director Comey said.

For Mrs. Clinton or for someone who blatantly made a false claim about the director of the FBI or for someone who did not appear to know what a lie really is?
Comey stated that many of her sworn statements were untruths. Unless you want to claim she has dementia so was incapable of knowing the truth then speakers of the English would read those false statements as being lies - especially since if she had told the truth it would be her admitting to the crime she was being investigated for.
Perhaps she was lying. Perhaps she simply made some mistakes. The point is that stating a falsehood is not necessarily lying. You can try to spin what Comey said all you wish - but Comey said she did not lie to the FBI. Nothing you have posted has supported your blatant falsehood.

You can make a case Clinton lied. But you cannot make the case that the director of the FBI said she lied as you so claimed. So, are you now retracting your blatantly false claim that the the director of the FBI said she lied?
Hillary Clinton did not lie to FBI investigators during their probe into her use of a private server as secretary of state, FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday.

"We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI," Comey told House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) during one of the hearing's opening exchanges.

Unless you have a link to some subsequent testimony, it seems you are misinformed about the FBI claiming HRC lied.
The investigation was more than the FBI. It also included the Congressional investigation. Lying to the FBI or Congress is a crime. You can judge for yourself whether or not Comey agreed that she lied to the investigation in this Congressional questioning of Comey with this short clip of a much longer series of questioning:

Comey stated several times that statements by Clinton were not true. My understanding of the meaning of a lie is stating something known to be untrue.
Your understanding is faulty. A lie is a false statement used with a deliberate intent to deceive. Uttering something that is false is not necessarily a lie. Knowingly uttering something that is false is a lie.

For example, Director Comey explicitly stated that the FBI had no basis to conclude Mrs. Clinton lied to them. Yet you claimed Comey agreed she lied during the investigation. Now, according to your understanding, your false statement is a lie. However, according to the actual normal meaning of the term, your false statement is not a lie but simply a mistake due to your misunderstanding of what a lie is.

There are different levels of lying? Trump is a liar, Clinton is a paragon of virtue?
There are different levels of lying?
Yes, it is called magnitude and frequency. How big are the lies and how frequent are they. It was widely demonstrated that Trump lies much more often than Clinton, by a long shot. That doesn't make Clinton a saint (enough with that fucking strawman!!!)
Hillary Clinton did not lie to FBI investigators during their probe into her use of a private server as secretary of state, FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday.

"We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI," Comey told House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) during one of the hearing's opening exchanges.

Unless you have a link to some subsequent testimony, it seems you are misinformed about the FBI claiming HRC lied.
The investigation was more than the FBI. It also included the Congressional investigation. Lying to the FBI or Congress is a crime. You can judge for yourself whether or not Comey agreed that she lied to the investigation in this Congressional questioning of Comey with this short clip of a much longer series of questioning:

Comey stated several times that statements by Clinton were not true. My understanding of the meaning of a lie is stating something known to be untrue.
Your understanding is faulty. A lie is a false statement used with a deliberate intent to deceive. Uttering something that is false is not necessarily a lie. Knowingly uttering something that is false is a lie.

For example, Director Comey explicitly stated that the FBI had no basis to conclude Mrs. Clinton lied to them. Yet you claimed Comey agreed she lied during the investigation. Now, according to your understanding, your false statement is a lie. However, according to the actual normal meaning of the term, your false statement is not a lie but simply a mistake due to your misunderstanding of what a lie is.

There are different levels of lying? Trump is a liar, Clinton is a paragon of virtue?

To the best of my knowledge Trump has not lied under oath. Clinton clearly has made statements under oath to Congress that were counter factual. The choices are either that she lied under oath or is so unaware of the world that she, among other things, did State business in such a way that it could be discovered by potentially hostile foreign actors.
What Comey decided was that lack of intent was exculpatory. The statute is clear; intent is not required.
https://youtu.be/F_Dz6fGi8kI <-- Comey admits he added "willfully" to the law.
https://youtu.be/6oZmpXmfx-Y <-- Gowdy roasts Lynch about different levels of prosecution
https://youtu.be/Hy79LqDPY-0 <--- Gowdy lists cases where Hillary lied to Congress under oath.
I never put government data on my work computer. She accidentally put a private server in her basement, accidentally put government data on the private server, accidentally mixed data, and the whole time did absolutely nothing wrong I am sure.

She did nothing provably illegal.

I didn't say she did anything wrong. That's why I used the word "accidentally" to describe her actions. Accidentally putting a private server in your basement is a common occurrence I am sure.

Why would you think anything would change in the House when we didn't change the people we are sending there? For all that the Trumpsters have told us that they voted for Cheeto Jesus to drain the swamp, and change politics in the country for good, they still voted in the same old representatives as always.
I don't recall Pelosi being the reason the Democrats lost. The Democrats won the popular vote for President for the 6th time in the last 7 elections. Pelosi didn't fail in connecting with white voters. The Republican AM Radio / Internet empire has convinced poor, uneducated white people to vote against their own interests very well.
I don't recall Pelosi being the reason the Democrats lost. The Democrats won the popular vote for President for the 6th time in the last 7 elections.
If Democrats continue to believe that the popular vote for president means shit then they just may continue to lose the presidential elections to the Republicans. They really need to learn that it is the States that elect the President if they want to get back in contention. For someone to solve what they see as a problem they must first learn that what they think "ought to be" doesn't matter - it is what "is" that matters.
Pelosi didn't fail in connecting with white voters. The Republican AM Radio / Internet empire has convinced poor, uneducated white people to vote against their own interests very well.
Yet another problem with the Democrat strategy. The population, in general, is becoming more and more repulsed by identity politics.
The Democrats won the popular vote for President for the 6th time in the last 7 elections.

Well then, they must be doing great in the counts that actually result in winning offices too.

Stay the course.

If anything give even more responsibility to the same old Democrats who have been in Washington for decades.

Hillary 2020!

Rigging the primaries may be harder this time, but if the superdelegates start declaring for Her now maybe the fresh and exciting candidates like Biden and Kerry will stay out.
I don't recall Pelosi being the reason the Democrats lost. The Democrats won the popular vote for President for the 6th time in the last 7 elections.
If Democrats continue to believe that the popular vote for president means shit then they just may continue to lose the presidential elections to the Republicans. They really need to learn that it is the States that elect the President if they want to get back in contention. For someone to solve what they see as a problem they must first learn that what they think "ought to be" doesn't matter - it is what "is" that matters.
Pelosi didn't fail in connecting with white voters. The Republican AM Radio / Internet empire has convinced poor, uneducated white people to vote against their own interests very well.
Yet another problem with the Democrat strategy. The population, in general, is becoming more and more repulsed by identity politics.

Hmmm.... the popular vote is irrelevant but "the population in general" is?
It doesn't matter at the end of the day. Republican gerrymandering ensures that as long as AM radio-ignorance pervades the people in their target districts, "the population in general" can go fuck itself, and they'll stay in control.
The Democrats won the popular vote for President for the 6th time in the last 7 elections.

It's like a football game where the losing team gets more rushing and passing yards but the winning team scores more points.

More like a situation where the home team gets to change the field geometry, so it's 60 yards wide at the opponent's endzone and only 30 yards wide at their own endzone.
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