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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

I can't believe that over 51.000 people actually believe in Cinderella and living in LA LA land!

Does she think that 2 million votes were miscounted or maybe she should have gotten an extra 100 or so votes. At least Trump didn't complain about the outcome.

She is probably hoping that the margin between Trump and Hillary will be higher than her total. She knows there are idiots out there who believe that all votes belong to the two parties, and any vote that isn't given to them is stolen from them. Those idiots say "You are voting third party? That means you're voting for Trump because you're not voting for Clinton."

If she discovers that the margin is big enough, she knows the idiots won't blame her. They'll still blame Johnson (and why should Hillary appeal to libertarians???) but they won't blame her.
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I can't believe that over 51.000 people actually believe in Cinderella and living in LA LA land!

Does she think that 2 million votes were miscounted or maybe she should have gotten an extra 100 or so votes. At least Trump didn't complain about the outcome.

He did complain about the outcome but before there was an outcome--i.e., he called it a "rigged election" and by doing so he got more votes in the legitimate election. So, of course, he wouldn't complain about that afterward.
Does she think that 2 million votes were miscounted or maybe she should have gotten an extra 100 or so votes. At least Trump didn't complain about the outcome.

He did complain about the outcome but before there was an outcome--i.e., he called it a "rigged election" and by doing so he got more votes in the legitimate election. So, of course, he wouldn't complain about that afterward.


You apparently haven't read any of the extremist right. They are claiming that the Democrats did rig the election but Trump's voter support was so great that it even swamped the millions of illegal votes by non-citizens and voting dead that the Democrats thought would sweep them in.

The fucking extremists on both ends of the spectrum are nuts.

But to add to the right's paranoia, it is mostly the Democrat party that resists calls to purge the voter rolls of dead people and who resist calls for voter I.D. to insure that the person who is voting is a citizen and the one registered.
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But to add to the right's paranoia, it is mostly the Democrat party that resists calls to purge the voter rolls of dead people
and who resist calls for voter I.D. to insure that the person who is voting is a citizen and the one registered.
Because (1) voter-ID proposals are a de facto poll tax and (2) voter-ID proposals are often designed to be excessively restrictive -- restrictive in ways convenient for the authors of the proposals. Authors who just happen to be Republicans, and authors who have sometimes stated that they want to suppress the votes of people that they think are likely to vote Democratic.

A sensible voter-ID proposal would accept any legally-valid ID, and it would contain efforts to ID everybody well in advance of elections. Like having non-driver ID cards for everyone without a driver's license. I've had such ID cards for a long time. However, this would make voter ID much less useful for vote suppression.

Also, how much voter fraud is there?

Oppose Voter ID Legislation - Fact Sheet | American Civil Liberties Union
If that were true, asking people to get ID for tobacco or alcohol would be equally restrictive to those who "are likely to vote Democratic", whatever that is supposed to mean.

It seems very racist to me to assume that minorities can't get ID. But then, since that is a Democrat talking point, it can't be racist no matter how racist it is.

That is SO weird that you posted that. I just randomly came across that exact video about two hours ago and thought about posting it here at TFT. Freaky.

It makes good points about how white liberals, while generally good intentioned I believe, make some very condescending and, I think, racist statements about minorities that they are purporting to defend. The ole "Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations". Identity politics has got to go.
It seems very racist to me to assume that minorities can't get ID. But then, since that is a Democrat talking point, it can't be racist no matter how racist it is.
If every science teacher you run across teaches you that the Earth is flat and you express the sentiment that the earth is flat when asked, you didn't ASSUME the earth is flat. You assumed the science teachers were correct.
He did complain about the outcome but before there was an outcome--i.e., he called it a "rigged election" and by doing so he got more votes in the legitimate election. So, of course, he wouldn't complain about that afterward.


You apparently haven't read any of the extremist right. They are claiming that the Democrats did rig the election but Trump's voter support was so great that it even swamped the millions of illegal votes by non-citizens and voting dead that the Democrats thought would sweep them in.

The fucking extremists on both ends of the spectrum are nuts.

But to add to the right's paranoia, it is mostly the Democrat party that resists calls to purge the voter rolls of dead people and who resist calls for voter I.D. to insure that the person who is voting is a citizen and the one registered.

Elections are often rigged in third world countries where despots are rife, not in the civilized world. Although I suppose lying to get elected could in some cases be classed as minor fraud. But if that's the case, most politicians would be in jail.
Isn't that exactly what Clinton did?

I never put government data on my work computer. She accidentally put a private server in her basement, accidentally put government data on the private server, accidentally mixed data, and the whole time did absolutely nothing wrong I am sure.

She did nothing provably illegal.
I never put government data on my work computer. She accidentally put a private server in her basement, accidentally put government data on the private server, accidentally mixed data, and the whole time did absolutely nothing wrong I am sure.

She did nothing provably illegal.

That isn't what Comey, the FBI head, said. He said that prosecutors wouldn't press charges. He did point out quite a few things that were done that were provably illegal.

You apparently haven't read any of the extremist right. They are claiming that the Democrats did rig the election but Trump's voter support was so great that it even swamped the millions of illegal votes by non-citizens and voting dead that the Democrats thought would sweep them in.

The fucking extremists on both ends of the spectrum are nuts.

But to add to the right's paranoia, it is mostly the Democrat party that resists calls to purge the voter rolls of dead people and who resist calls for voter I.D. to insure that the person who is voting is a citizen and the one registered.

Elections are often rigged in third world countries where despots are rife, not in the civilized world. Although I suppose lying to get elected could in some cases be classed as minor fraud. But if that's the case, most politicians would be in jail.

Lying to be elected is considered to be politics.

Fucking idiocy. I guess Trump doesn't think anyone can lie as well as he does - which might be the case, given the amount of practice he has had. He wants to grill 'suspicious' immigrants about their beliefs.
If he doesn't believe them when they say they believe in the Christian god (whose political clout Trump just recently discovered), apple pie and the virtues of Trumpistan, what does he want to do then - waterboard them? Or perhaps his promised "much, much worse"?
That isn't what Comey, the FBI head, said. He said that prosecutors wouldn't press charges. He did point out quite a few things that were done that were provably illegal.

Nope. Or, please point out where exactly.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
Check the Congressional questioning of Comey on his statement. He agreed that classified material was improperly handled, a felony - in fact several counts of it. He agreed that Clinton lied during the investigation, a crime - in fact several counts of it. He agreed that evidence was intentionally destroyed, a crime and even a greater crime is that it was destroyed after being subpoenaed.

Others can and have been convicted for far less of these same illegal acts.
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Check the Congressional questioning of Comey on his statement. He agreed that classified material was improperly handled, a felony - in fact several counts of it. He agreed that Clinton lied during the investigation, a crime - in fact several counts of it. He agreed that evidence was intentionally destroyed, a crime.

Others can and have been convicted for far less of these same illegal acts.

Hillary Clinton did not lie to FBI investigators during their probe into her use of a private server as secretary of state, FBI Director James Comey testified Thursday.

"We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI," Comey told House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) during one of the hearing's opening exchanges.

Unless you have a link to some subsequent testimony, it seems you are misinformed about the FBI claiming HRC lied.
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