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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

I have a high degree of confidence in our military leadership to not blindly follow ridiculous orders that violate American principles or law, or international agreements on the rules of engagement.

If Trump were ever to try to take things too far with unilateral decisions of that magnitude, the responses will start with, "I'm afraid I cannot do that, sir", and potentially escalate to, "someone call an ambulance, the President is having a heart attack".
I would hope so, but there are some nutjobs in the military (Flynn).
Are you insinuating that it's wrong to declare war on radical Islam? :realitycheck:
I thought the post was clear, we should bomb western Australia. Though it'd be a good idea to double check Trump's orders and make certain it doesn't say Austria.

Nah, it doesn't matter. Western Australia and Western Austria are basically the same place.
Ya, one of Dubya's biggest problems was that he wanted to be a war president. That meant that not only did he fuck up the US, he also fucked up a lot of the rest of the world as well. If the bulk of Trump's damage can be limited to America, that would be a plus.

It's unlikely, though. I can't see Trump going four years without declaring war on someone. I hope I'm wrong, though.

At least with W you had some clue who he would go to war against. It was bound to be someone in the Islamic world, and Iraq was obviously on the shortlist from day one.

With Trump, it's quite possible to envisage him going to war with almost any nation on Earth, if he feels like they have insulted or slighted him. And he is incredibly quick to insult.

War against Sweden, for not backing him against the perpetrators of his fictional terror attack? Against China? India? France? North Korea? Nuclear armed states have generally not been considered safe targets in the past; But with a mad egotist in charge, who knows? Invade Mexico to stop the 'illegals' at source? Invade Canada for providing refuge to Tom Sawyer, who wouldn't stop mocking Trump on an Internet Discussion Board? Attack South America for stealing their name from the Greatest Nation on EarthTM? All of these seem less unlikely with Trump than I would like to think they should be.

I think the most likely target will be Scotland. They really know how to rip el Cheato a new one. :D
At least with W you had some clue who he would go to war against. It was bound to be someone in the Islamic world, and Iraq was obviously on the shortlist from day one.

With Trump, it's quite possible to envisage him going to war with almost any nation on Earth, if he feels like they have insulted or slighted him. And he is incredibly quick to insult.

War against Sweden, for not backing him against the perpetrators of his fictional terror attack? Against China? India? France? North Korea? Nuclear armed states have generally not been considered safe targets in the past; But with a mad egotist in charge, who knows? Invade Mexico to stop the 'illegals' at source? Invade Canada for providing refuge to Tom Sawyer, who wouldn't stop mocking Trump on an Internet Discussion Board? Attack South America for stealing their name from the Greatest Nation on EarthTM? All of these seem less unlikely with Trump than I would like to think they should be.

I think the most likely target will be Scotland. They really know how to rip el Cheato a new one. :D

They also have oil.

And nuclear weapons.
I have a high degree of confidence in our military leadership to not blindly follow ridiculous orders that violate American principles or law, or international agreements on the rules of engagement.

If Trump were ever to try to take things too far with unilateral decisions of that magnitude, the responses will start with, "I'm afraid I cannot do that, sir", and potentially escalate to, "someone call an ambulance, the President is having a heart attack".

Exactly! But don't let a simple truth get in the way of the scaremongers!
I think the most likely target will be Scotland. They really know how to rip el Cheato a new one. :D
Doesn't Trump own a golf course in Scotland?
They're safe...

He's losing his other people's shirt on that golf course. Invading Scotland will give him a chance to re-write all the restrictions that are keeping him from lining his pockets.

Lol. Trump was talking about a terror attack. He said that the source was Nils Bildt on Fox News. Nils Bildt is a racist troll in Sweden with no government affiliation nor credibility. Yet he managed to bullshit his way onto Fox News claiming to be a Swedish expert on national security. Where he promptly said things that weren't true. They were so false that everybody in Sweden, including the racists, wondered wtf was the event he was talking about.


Angelo... fact check!!! Your endless stream of easily checkable bullshit is pretty tiring.

Amusing how Jihadwatch tries to come to Trumps rescue and spin his idiotic gaffe to something else. But even Jihadwatch's alternative explanation is just more alternative facts.
He lies about everything. It is causing truth fatigue, and will eventually make the electoral lightweights in the US start thinking the press is just attacking him at every opportunity. His plan is working and it is going to destroy us.
He lies about everything. It is causing truth fatigue, and will eventually make the electoral lightweights in the US start thinking the press is just attacking him at every opportunity. His plan is working and it is going to destroy us.

Wait, wait. The press should attack him at every opportunity. In a democracy, that's what the press is for. What Trump needs to do is give them less opportunities to attack him. That is something else entirely.

I think we're all suffering from truth fatigue. If people had problems with trusting their politicians before this... well... I wonder if next election we'll see a candidate who is honest about lying. We'll see that as an improvement
He lies about everything. It is causing truth fatigue, and will eventually make the electoral lightweights in the US start thinking the press is just attacking him at every opportunity. His plan is working and it is going to destroy us.

Wait, wait. The press should attack him at every opportunity. In a democracy, that's what the press is for.
And they should, but what I think will happen is that some Americans (the lightweights) will perceive the attacks as unjust eventually and "The press is always attacking him". They should leave him alone.
What Trump needs to do is give them less opportunities to attack him.
In a perfect world yes, but this is a world where one party is trying to destroy the other party and have single party rule. The continuous lying works. So we are pretty much in a race to get him out of the White House (legally) before enough people think he is a victim. Just think of the 2010 election where the Democrats were absolutely crushed in the midterms because they passed the ACA. It is all about perception.
And they should, but what I think will happen is that some Americans (the lightweights) will perceive the attacks as unjust eventually and "The press is always attacking him". They should leave him alone.

Well, that's different. But I don't think so. I see his core of supporters as a kind of religious cult. Attacks against him will chip away at their confidence. They'll be impervious to facts until one day when a penny drops and it all will come crashing down. One by one they'll leave his side, disillusioned. At this rate he'll be pretty much alone at the end of his first term. That's my prediction. Unless he wisens up. But I think the damage is done.
And they should, but what I think will happen is that some Americans (the lightweights) will perceive the attacks as unjust eventually and "The press is always attacking him". They should leave him alone.

Well, that's different. But I don't think so. I see his core of supporters as a kind of religious cult. Attacks against him will chip away at their confidence. They'll be impervious to facts until one day when a penny drops and it all will come crashing down. One by one they'll leave his side, disillusioned. At this rate he'll be pretty much alone at the end of his first term. That's my prediction. Unless he wisens up. But I think the damage is done.
He won the Presidency. The Republicans used a propaganda war against Obama to win the House and Senate in landslides in 2010 and used state legislative majorities to strangle Democrat districts. The truth does not win out. His cult following won't go away and my fear is that the political lightweights will start believing the lies just like they did during 2009-2010 and voted in a landslide against the Democrats because of 'death panels'.

And this is ignoring Trump's clear conflicts of interest with Russia.

Lol. Trump was talking about a terror attack. He said that the source was Nils Bildt on Fox News. Nils Bildt is a racist troll in Sweden with no government affiliation nor credibility. Yet he managed to bullshit his way onto Fox News claiming to be a Swedish expert on national security. Where he promptly said things that weren't true. They were so false that everybody in Sweden, including the racists, wondered wtf was the event he was talking about.


Angelo... fact check!!! Your endless stream of easily checkable bullshit is pretty tiring.

Amusing how Jihadwatch tries to come to Trumps rescue and spin his idiotic gaffe to something else. But even Jihadwatch's alternative explanation is just more alternative facts.
Butt, butt.....Nobody knew it could be so complicated.
He won the Presidency. The Republicans used a propaganda war against Obama to win the House and Senate in landslides in 2010 and used state legislative majorities to strangle Democrat districts. The truth does not win out. His cult following won't go away and my fear is that the political lightweights will start believing the lies just like they did during 2009-2010 and voted in a landslide against the Democrats because of 'death panels'.

And this is ignoring Trump's clear conflicts of interest with Russia.

It's easy to buy into any bullshit as long as your candidate is in opposition. "If only he was in power then it all would be different". Supporters in the opposition really are bullet proof to facts. It's a completely different situation when that candidate is in power.
And this is ignoring Trump's clear conflicts of interest with Russia.

Uh... conflicts with Russia? Trump has no conflicts with Russia, they're 100% on the same page. Ever since Russia "gave" Trump $50m when he was down and out, that time a Russian billionaire paid Trump $95 million for a mansion, they are best buds.

At this point, Trump has to make as much overture as he can to his Komrades, or they might jerk his loans from the Cypriot, Russian-owned bank, or worse yet, release the videos from his pissing party in Moscow. Nope - not one single conflict of interest between Trump and Russia.
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