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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Do you think we will have an 'anyone but Bush' campaign like last time with Romney?
We already are. Romney was the establishment choice. Bush clearly is as well. Even the Perry's and Christie's don't have much of a chance (Perry is an idiot, Christie will say something reasonable that will make the Tea Party folk crap their pants). Forget the scum that is Cruz and Paul or the bottle of the barrel Graham and Carson. For having a dozen or so candidates, it is amazing how many of them aren't even remotely electable.
Remember one thing about most of these wannabees. They believe in a magical big daddy in the sky. It's sheer lunacy. They have a mental problem. Are you sure you want to make a theist president?
Exactly: Australia had an atheist leader and she worked out quite well, as I'm sure Angelo agrees. Now we've got a fundy Catholic and things have gone to shit.
We will agree to disagree on this matter. I will say this : The Gillard experiment has left a sour taste in most peoples minds. It has put the case of womanhood in roles of absolute power perhaps decades.
We will agree to disagree on this matter. I will say this : The Gillard experiment has left a sour taste in most peoples minds. It has put the case of womanhood in roles of absolute power perhaps decades.

Sour "taste" in "minds"?

Womanhood? If Gillard is representative of how women perform in power, and Abbott is of men, then we probably should have another male PM for a century or more.

Stop voting based on gender, you dinosaur.

And 'absolute power'? Just...I don't even...

How embarassing for you.

ETA: do you think the Mad Monk is a better PM than Gillard?
"Feel the Bern"

"Bernie Mania"

Someone at All in With Chris Hayes is having fun :lol:
We will agree to disagree on this matter. I will say this : The Gillard experiment has left a sour taste in most peoples minds. It has put the case of womanhood in roles of absolute power perhaps decades.

Sour "taste" in "minds"?

Womanhood? If Gillard is representative of how women perform in power, and Abbott is of men, then we probably should have another male PM for a century or more.

Stop voting based on gender, you dinosaur.

And 'absolute power'? Just...I don't even...

How embarassing for you.

ETA: do you think the Mad Monk is a better PM than Gillard?

The Americans don't seem to think so

Tony Abbott himself named a man (and a fellow Liberal) - Billy McMahon - as worse than Gillard.

One term Tony has managed one achievement that truly impressed me; every time I think he can't possibly get any more embarrassing, he manages to prove me wrong. That was remarkable in his first month in office, but, unbelievably, he is still going. The guy is a bottomless pit of stupid and cringeworthy remarks. We will not see his like again (I fervently hope).

It's almost as if he is trying to outdo Billy McMahon, to become the undisputed paragon of awfulness in The Lodge.
I didn't say the Libertarian Party was founded by Ron Paul any more than you said the Republican Party was founded by Lincoln. You have a had a couple of pages now to show that Libertarians don't vote Republican, and all you have been able to come up with is "Those aren't True Liberterians!"

The people in that poll don't even consider themselves libertarians. What does that tell you?

It would tell you something if you didn't want your false point to be true.
I read in my local paper that a poll in the States is showing Jeb Bush miles in front of his nearest rival. If all goes according to the prevailing conditions, it may well be another Bush V Clinton. Presidential contest.
We will agree to disagree on this matter. I will say this : The Gillard experiment has left a sour taste in most peoples minds. It has put the case of womanhood in roles of absolute power perhaps decades.

Sour "taste" in "minds"?

Womanhood? If Gillard is representative of how women perform in power, and Abbott is of men, then we probably should have another male PM for a century or more.

Stop voting based on gender, you dinosaur.

And 'absolute power'? Just...I don't even...

How embarassing for you.

ETA: do you think the Mad Monk is a better PM than Gillard?

Mickey Mouse would be a better PM than Gillard!
Sour "taste" in "minds"?

Womanhood? If Gillard is representative of how women perform in power, and Abbott is of men, then we probably should have another male PM for a century or more.

Stop voting based on gender, you dinosaur.

And 'absolute power'? Just...I don't even...

How embarassing for you.

ETA: do you think the Mad Monk is a better PM than Gillard?

Mickey Mouse would be a better PM than Gillard!

Yes, but what about Abbott? You think he is a better PM than Gillard? Because Mickey Mouse would be a far better PM than the Mad Monk.
Chris Christie 2016: New Jersey wants Christie to resign - POLITICO
A majority of New Jerseyans think their governor has abandoned the state (56 percent to 35 percent) and that he should resign (57 percent to 37 percent) because he is now campaigning for office. Just 26 percent of those surveyed said Christie could govern the state well while running for the presidency, while 71 percent said he could not.

2016 Presidential Candidates: 14 GOP and 5 Dem hopefuls have formally announced - National Conservative | Examiner.com

Republicans: Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Rick Perry, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz

Possible Republicans: Scott Walker, Jim Kasich, Sarah Palin

Democrats: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, Lincoln Chaffee, Jim Webb
Republicans: Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Rick Perry, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz

Possible Republicans: Scott Walker, Jim Kasich, Sarah Palin

This is one of those times when I play the "used to be a Republican" card and ask "are you fucking kidding me?"

This is it? This is the best you can do?

Democrats: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, Lincoln Chaffee, Jim Webb

Or to put it another way, likely nominee, liberal Ron Paul, some guy, and a couple former Republicans.

Am I missing anything?
Likely nominee? Don't you mean the nominee and the people there to pretend there's a race?
Mickey Mouse would be a better PM than Gillard!

Yes, but what about Abbott? You think he is a better PM than Gillard? Because Mickey Mouse would be a far better PM than the Mad Monk.
As much as I hate to admit it as I can't stand the man, neither his mannerism or his communication skills. I would say the mad monk is far better than Gillard. In saying that, I think Malcolm Turnbull should be leader of the Libs.
I didn't say the Libertarian Party was founded by Ron Paul any more than you said the Republican Party was founded by Lincoln. You have a had a couple of pages now to show that Libertarians don't vote Republican, and all you have been able to come up with is "Those aren't True Liberterians!"

The people in that poll don't even consider themselves libertarians.

When did I mention a poll? My observations come from Libertarians I know in real life, and I know quite a few. They talk about being fiscally conservative and socially liberal, but when it comes down to it, they always vote for the fiscal conservatives, who are exclusively Republican (and occasionally a Republican in Libertarian guise).

What does that tell you?

It tells me that you are confused as to who you are responding.

It would tell you something if you didn't want your false point to be true.

Do tell. My original point was that your post about Democrats being stupid and Republicans just acting stupid, was so stupid itself that it deserved a good riffing. Go ahead and disabuse me of that notion if you can.
My observations come from Libertarians I know in real life, and I know quite a few. They talk about being fiscally conservative and socially liberal, but when it comes down to it, they always vote for the fiscal conservatives, who are exclusively Republican (and occasionally a Republican in Libertarian guise).
Something like the old joke that Libertarians are Republicans who smoke pot.
Scott Walker Makes It Official: 'I'm Running for President' - ABC News
"I am running for president to fight and win for the American people," he says in the video. "Without sacrificing our principles, we won three elections in four years in a blue state. We did it by leading."

Walker, 47, joins a crowded field of Republican contenders vying for the presidency, bringing the tally of declared candidates to 15. But despite his late entry into the race, Walker is already considered the front-runner in Iowa, polling ahead of the rest of the GOP field in the all-important first-in-the nation caucus state where he made a strong first impression on likely caucus-goers earlier this year with a breakout speech at the Iowa Freedom Summit in January.
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