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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Idiot Article said:
like Republicans in the years of their dominance of the White House from 1952 to 1988

I seem to remember some sort of 12-year gap and a Republican being elected in 1988...

there have been 16 elections following the re-election of an incumbent president; in 11 of those races, there was no incumbent on the ballot.
Amazing since we have term limits, but let's not let that pesky fact spoil the bad stats.

But wait, let's look at more relevant elections:
I'm still not convinced that Trump is serious about running for president.

And if he isn't intending to try to win, then what is he doing?

Now while everyone here is dissecting his statements to find the cause of his support, everyone here is forgetting that most voters don't dissect his statements. They like that he's not like the rest of the pack. He's putting on a good show.
I'm still not convinced that Trump is serious about running for president.

I think he is absolutely 100 percent serious about running for President.

I also think he is absolutely 100 percent serious about winning the election.

I don't for a nanosecond think he is serious about actually being President.

For Trump, this is a race to win. A hill to summit. A conquest. He seems unaware of the fact that should he win the election, he'd be obligated to actually BE President for at least 4 years.
He seems a lot more like the Democrat stereotype of a Republican than an actual Republian.

And I still don't think he has any intent to win this. Or even finish it. He may be running to get concessions. Hey may be running for an ego trip.

And why run as a Republican?
Another Black Lives Matter interruption of Sanders yesterday. This time is Seattle. Bunch of narcissistic cunts.

Have these idiots heard of the 1968 Chicago Convention sideshow of protests turning off a lot of America.
He seems a lot more like the Democrat stereotype of a Republican than an actual Republian.

And I still don't think he has any intent to win this. Or even finish it. He may be running to get concessions. Hey may be running for an ego trip.

And why run as a Republican?
Why wouldn't he run as a republican? He's pro-life, anti-tax, anti-Iran deal, favors US boots on the ground in the ME, anti immigration, anti ACA, and very pro-business.
Trump's almost gone. His campaign manager bailed, the GOP is shutting him out, and even conservative women are down on him.

Soon enough it'll be time to discuss which Republican candidate is actually the most likely to get the nomination--'cause it ain't gonna be Trump. He might do a third party thing in order to exact revenge on the GOP, but he has never been and never will be a serious candidate.
He seems a lot more like the Democrat stereotype of a Republican than an actual Republian.

And I still don't think he has any intent to win this. Or even finish it. He may be running to get concessions. Hey may be running for an ego trip.

And why run as a Republican?
Why wouldn't he run as a republican? He's pro-life, anti-tax, anti-Iran deal, favors US boots on the ground in the ME, anti immigration, anti ACA, and very pro-business.

The bolded explain why he could run as a Democrat.
Breitbart for sale
While Fox News is frantically struggling to scuttle the Trump’s presidential campaign, there is one media outlet that has been proudly and loudly in his corner: Breitbart.
Breitbart Staffers Believe Trump Has Given Money To Site For Favorable Coverage - BuzzFeed News
According to four sources with knowledge of the situation, editors and writers at the outlet have privately complained since at least last year that the company’s top management was allowing Trump to turn Breitbart into his own fan website — using it to hype his political prospects and attack his enemies. One current editor called the water-carrying “despicable” and “embarrassing,” and said he was told by an executive last year that the company had a financial arrangement with Trump. A second Breitbart staffer said he had heard a similar description of the site’s relationship with the billionaire but didn’t know the details; and a third source at the company said he knew of several instances when managers had overruled editors at Trump’s behest. Additionally, a conservative communications operative who works closely with Breitbart described conversations in which “multiple writers and editors” said Trump was paying for the ability to shape coverage, and added that one staffer claimed to have seen documentation of the “pay for play.”
But capitalism is what they believe in, and capitalism is what they've been getting -- Donald Trump allegedly buying sycophantic coverage of himself.
Trump is leading in some polls because a lot of people just see it as some kind of change.Most US voters are not very inquisitive.Trump knows very well how market shit.
He seems a lot more like the Democrat stereotype of a Republican than an actual Republian.

And I still don't think he has any intent to win this. Or even finish it. He may be running to get concessions. Hey may be running for an ego trip.

And why run as a Republican?

If that's the case, then it would seem that the Democratic stereotype of a Republican is pretty fucking accurate.

There's a reason that Trump is leading and that reason is that he appeals to the types of voters that Republicans have been catering to for the past couple of decades. The establishment candidates were never all that serious about this group, but pandered to them nonetheless because they were easy votes. Now that strategy has come back to bite them in the ass because someone is running who's gone to the logical extension of what they've been building.

The GOP made themselves a joke and now is complaining that everyone has started laughing. It's disingenuous for them to try and distance themselves from the natural results of their actions.
Trump is leading in some polls because a lot of people just see it as some kind of change.Most US voters are not very inquisitive.Trump knows very well how market shit.
This is a mistake (intentional by some, unintentional by others), when referring to the "US voters". Trump is getting trounced in the general election polls, so that means only a subset of the Republican Party is enamored with the guy, the group of people I can the Toddler Base. The reason they support Trump? Because they view the Republican party as the Democrat-Lite party. They think Boehner and Cantor has betrayed the party.

Trump is saying want they to hear and they believe only Trump can pull off these grandiose and completely undetailed in any way ideas, despite being wholly incapable of enacting change if he doesn't have Congressional support. His rants are childish, simplistic, not thought out, sometimes even vitriolic which really speaks to the Toddler Base of the Republican Party.
Supporters of BDS are ignorant of the facts, and have fallen hook line and sinker for left wing and anti Israeli propaganda and bigotry.

Not all in Israel believe that the deal is anti-Israel. See here.

“There are no ideal agreements,” declared Ami Ayalon, a military veteran who headed the Israeli Navy and later oversaw the Jewish state’s security service, the Shin Bet. But as Ayalon explained to J.J. Goldberg of the Forward, this agreement is “the best possible alternative from Israel’s point of view, given the other available alternatives” — including the most likely alternative which is, as Obama explained, another extremely dangerous Mideast war.

Efraim Halevy, who formerly ran the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence service, and later headed its National Security Council, concurs with Ayalon (and Obama). Writing in Yedioth Aharonoth, the national daily published in Tel Aviv, Halevy points out a profound contradiction in Netanyahu’s blustering complaints. Having warned that an Iranian nuclear weapon would pose a unique existential threat to Israel, how can Bibi logically reject the agreement that forestalls any bomb development for at least 15 years and increases the “breakout time” from one month to a year — even if Iran ultimately violates its commitments?

Such a deal is far preferable to no deal, the ex-Mossad chief insists, although it won’t necessarily dissuade Tehran from making trouble elsewhere. Halevy also emphasizes that no mythical “better” deal would ever win support from Russia and China, Iran’s main weapons suppliers, whose leaders have endorsed this agreement.

In short, both of these top former officials believe the agreement with Iran will enhance their nation’s security – and contrary to what Fox News Channel’s sages might claim, they represent mainstream opinion in Israel’s military and intelligence circles.

On the other hand the hardliners in Israel and in the US have been wrong about everything so far, predicting, incorrectly, that Iran has been only a year away from building a bomb for each of the last 9 or 10 years. That they are in agreement with the hardliners in Iran, the mullahs, who support Iran building a bomb and who also oppose the deal.

Couple that with the fact that conservatives in the US have opposed every disarmament treaty for the last fifty years, including the ones negotiated by their great otherwise infallible leader, Reagan. And you can see why we have no reason to assume that anything that the conservatives and hardliners say is valid. Why they deserve to be ignored.
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