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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Who's in and who's out:

Ted Cruz: 2015 Mar 23 -
Rand Paul: 2015 Apr 7 - 2016 Feb 3
Marco Rubio: 2015 Apr 13 - 2016 Mar 15
Ben Carson: 2015 May 3 - 2016 Mar 4
Carly Fiorina: 2015 May 4 - 2016 Feb 11
Mike Huckabee: 2015 May 5 - 2016 Feb 1
Rick Santorum: 2015 May 27 - 2016 Feb 3
George Pataki: 2015 May 28 - 2015 Dec 29
Lindsey Graham: 2015 Jun 1 - 2015 Dec 21
Rick Perry: 2015 Jun 4 - 2015 Sep 11
Jeb Bush: 2015 Jun 15 - 2016 Feb 20
Donald Trump: 2015 Jun 16 -
Bobby Jindal: 2015 Jun 24 - 2015 Nov 17
Chris Christie: 2015 Jun 30 - 2016 Feb 11
Scott Walker: 2015 Jul 13 - 2015 Sep 21
John Kasich: 2015 Jul 21 -
Jim Gilmore: 2015 Jul 29 - 2016 Feb 12

Hillary Clinton: 2015 Apr 12 -
Bernie Sanders: 2015 Apr 30 -
Martin O'Malley: 2015 May 30 - 2016 Feb 1
Lincoln Chafee: 2015 June 3 - 2015 Oct 23
Jim Webb: 2015 Jul 2 - 2015 Oct 2
Lawrence Lessig: 2015 Sep 6 - 2015 Nov 8

The glue factory must be busy!

Republican leaders adamantly opposed to Donald J. Trump’s candidacy are preparing a 100-day campaign to deny him the presidential nomination, starting with an aggressive battle in Wisconsin’s April 5 primary and extending into the summer, with a delegate-by-delegate lobbying effort that would cast Mr. Trump as a calamitous choice for the general election.
Recognizing that Mr. Trump has seized a formidable advantage in the race, they say that an effort to block him would rely on an array of desperation measures, the political equivalent of guerrilla fighting.


But should that effort falter, leading conservatives are prepared to field an independent candidate in the general election, to defend Republican principles and offer traditional conservatives an alternative to Mr. Trump’s hard-edged populism.

Well this is going to be interesting. Good luck with that.

Republican leaders adamantly opposed to Donald J. Trump’s candidacy are preparing a 100-day campaign to deny him the presidential nomination, starting with an aggressive battle in Wisconsin’s April 5 primary and extending into the summer, with a delegate-by-delegate lobbying effort that would cast Mr. Trump as a calamitous choice for the general election.
Recognizing that Mr. Trump has seized a formidable advantage in the race, they say that an effort to block him would rely on an array of desperation measures, the political equivalent of guerrilla fighting.


But should that effort falter, leading conservatives are prepared to field an independent candidate in the general election, to defend Republican principles and offer traditional conservatives an alternative to Mr. Trump’s hard-edged populism.

Well this is going to be interesting. Good luck with that.
Curious... they want a Republican that represents traditional conservatives? Because Trump is kind of like the other guys, he just says what they have been trying to allude to for over a decade or two.
The problem is several GOP factions are claiming to be true conservatives, but apparently, their supposed base does not agree with their approach. A lot of GOP voters now want an outsider to be president and that is Trump. Its hard to see where this will all be going post election season.Trumpism does not seem to me to be a sustainable ideology,and tea party crazy won't be winning any presidential elections any time soon.

What really matters now is that the GOP may very well lose control of the Senate. That will put a big dent into their ability to obstruct anything. What then?
The Republicans have lost the KKK vote to Hillary. I guess that racists out of "True Republicans".

Will Quigg, KKK Grand Dragon in California, Switches Support From Trump to Hillary Clinton

A prominent white supremacist who was supporting Donald Trump has switched his support to Hillary Clinton, he said on Monday.

Will Quigg, a grand dragon with the Ku Klux Klan’s California branch, said he supports Clinton because she has a “hidden agenda.”

“We want Hillary Clinton to win. She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda,” Quigg, a grand dragon of the KKK’s California chapter who is responsible for recruitment across the Western United States, told the Telegraph.
I follow Fivethirtyeight, and they have updated it.
Trump 695
Cruz 424
Kasich 144

Rubio has 165, and with those and the handful other ex candidates have form a substantial pool of potential non Trumpers.

50% Clinton 41% Trump

Latest polls show Clinton's lead over Trump widening. The claim that no matter what is said about Trump, it only helps Trump does not seem to hold any more. Polls that show many people do not like Trump and will never vote for him, including many Republicans, seem to show Trumps appeal is drooping even further, and its hurting him as far as possible general elections are concerned.

On the other hand...

48% Clinton 44% Cruz

For those of us who find Cruz just as objectionable, this is a worry.
I really think that Cruz is getting a boost because people don't like Trump or Clinton. But once people get a good look at him, his numbers will drop. We haven't had a president that repellent since Nixon. He has zero charisma. Zero.

50% Clinton 41% Trump

Latest polls show Clinton's lead over Trump widening. The claim that no matter what is said about Trump, it only helps Trump does not seem to hold any more. Polls that show many people do not like Trump and will never vote for him, including many Republicans, seem to show Trumps appeal is drooping even further, and its hurting him as far as possible general elections are concerned.

On the other hand...

48% Clinton 44% Cruz

For those of us who find Cruz just as objectionable, this is a worry.
Either Repug is of concern, just because there is always a risk. However, Hillary is a very known commodity. Everyone that hates her, already has their reasons. The smear campaign will have trouble convincing new people that she is 'horrible'. Cruz on the other hand, is not well known to the middle voters. Just imagine what a few hundred million dollars in adds letting everyone know he has personally coddled preachers who want homosexuality to be a felonious crime, and worthy of execution, or likes a preacher that has suggested that Hitler was raised by God to punish the Jews. I'm pretty sure a good advert could be made, making him look like he wants to set up a bedroom gestapo.
I really think that Cruz is getting a boost because people don't like Trump or Clinton. But once people get a good look at him, his numbers will drop. We haven't had a president that repellent since Nixon. He has zero charisma. Zero.
And I think that'll hurt Cruz if he is the nominee. Most of the talk is about Trump, Trump, Trump, Clinton, and Trump. Not much in the air about Cruz. Once that starts, his "appeal" will disintegrate.
I really think that Cruz is getting a boost because people don't like Trump or Clinton. But once people get a good look at him, his numbers will drop. We haven't had a president that repellent since Nixon. He has zero charisma. Zero.

If Hillary wins we'll have that again. Dick Cheney now in female, with Nixon's charisma.
I really think that Cruz is getting a boost because people don't like Trump or Clinton. But once people get a good look at him, his numbers will drop. We haven't had a president that repellent since Nixon. He has zero charisma. Zero.

If Hillary wins we'll have that again. Dick Cheney now in female, with Nixon's charisma.

I'm surprised that you consider Clinton's charisma to be lower than Cruz's.
It doesn't strike me that most people think that at all. Why do you?
Cruz is the clown that has sworn that as president, he will repeal Obamacare, "every word of it" (pause to smirk as crowd applauds). This will probably sell well to the thoughtless, not so well to those who rely on Obamacare to get insurance and their friends and family. Cruz's religious fanaticism will limit his appeal to modern day young secularists, nones and religious indifferents. His off the wall economics will not attract anybody but the most thoughtless doctrinaire far right wingers.

Cruz will take Utah and idaho, while Trump takes Arizona. But once the primaries move to the Northern Atlantic states and the West, Cruz's appeal is going to be limited. But Cruz will try to whip up support by claiming he is the only Republican who can beat Clinton.
There's different sorts of charisma Jason. One thing that has consistently impressed me about Clinton is her aura of cool competence, and her great fortitude in enduring endless, mostly groundless attacks upon her. I reiterate that attacks on her began when her husband was running for president, and have continued largely unabated for the last 24 years. For most of my life, I have been hearing them. While I have tired of them, obviously some of the more susceptible have been affected.

People seem to prefer moving speeches, but they won't be blind to her other qualities, especially when contrasted to those with no qualities.
I don't think Cruz has a chance of winning states like California, New Jersey, New York, or any state in New England. In addition to his theocratic views, he wants to eliminate the Dept. of Education, Commerce, Housing and Urban Development, and the IRS, just to name a few. He supports a 10% flat tax, which anyone with half a brain knows is absurd. And, he is simply creepy. Hillary may not have the most charming personality, but she is far more charming than Cruz. Besides that, she has a lot of pertinent experience and if she picks the right VP candidate, it will improve her image even more. She needs a younger, liberal minority member who has a lot of personality. While Cory Booker may not want to run, he would be ideal imo. Maybe Julien Castro would be willing to run.

Still, it is very disturbing that someone like Cruz or Trump is even this close to being president.
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