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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Still, it is very disturbing that someone like Cruz or Trump is even this close to being president.

It shows you how detached from reality the Republicans have come. They have no new ideas and need to appeal to people's base emotions.

The Republican Party pretty much goes by the Wagstaff Doctrine.
I really think that Cruz is getting a boost because people don't like Trump or Clinton. But once people get a good look at him, his numbers will drop. We haven't had a president that repellent since Nixon. He has zero charisma. Zero.

He is worse than "zero charisma", worse than an incompetent boob like GWB, worse than an egomaniac like Trump - he is a Dominionist
I really think that Cruz is getting a boost because people don't like Trump or Clinton. But once people get a good look at him, his numbers will drop. We haven't had a president that repellent since Nixon. He has zero charisma. Zero.

He is worse than "zero charisma", worse than an incompetent boob like GWB, worse than an egomaniac like Trump - he is a Dominionist

The scariest thing is how much Dominionists have infiltrated the military academies, particularly the U.S. Air Force Academy. The only thing that could start - or stop - a totalitarian dictatorship is the military. Thankfully, I believe that the U.S. Military Academy is still relatively secular, but I'm sure the Dominionists are working on it.

The problem is that progressives and liberals can't actually strategize on the grand scale because large swaths of academia has become a hollow echo chamber of obfuscatory navel gazing where everyone pats each other on the back and plays oppression Olympics. And worse still, they've bought their own bullshit. While they love to talk about structural privilege and build grand theories about how these systems get put in place, for some reason, they can't seem to actually emulate this or stop it, which lends credence to the idea that they are really just full of shit. The only actionable advice they produce is shaming working class white America about their privilege, and talk about cultural appropriation and the horrors of being Japanese American in our current society, or how white people might wear sugar skull makeup on Halloween without understanding the syncretic tradition behind El Dia de Los Muertos -oh the horror!

The Dominionists, on the other hand, produce the Quiverfull movement and plan on how to take over the military by systematically infiltrating the officer corps. The only hope I see is that the youngest generation has a lot of optimism and genuine goodness. Unfortunately, I think academic leftism is going to fail them. Let's hope it doesn't, for all our sake, because what ultimately matters is who controls the guns and where those people's loyalties lie. And call me crazy, but denying those people, who are largely working class whites, any bit of dignity, even if the purpose is to redress real historical injustices, doesn't seem like good strategy to me if you want to hold off a descent into fascism.
The problem is several GOP factions are claiming to be true conservatives, but apparently, their supposed base does not agree with their approach. A lot of GOP voters now want an outsider to be president and that is Trump. Its hard to see where this will all be going post election season.Trumpism does not seem to me to be a sustainable ideology,and tea party crazy won't be winning any presidential elections any time soon.

What really matters now is that the GOP may very well lose control of the Senate. That will put a big dent into their ability to obstruct anything. What then?

I don't believe Trump support has anything to do with being an "outsider." If Lindsey Graham was saying the things Trump was saying, he'd have a lot of support too.
The Republicans have lost the KKK vote to Hillary. I guess that racists out of "True Republicans".

Will Quigg, KKK Grand Dragon in California, Switches Support From Trump to Hillary Clinton

A prominent white supremacist who was supporting Donald Trump has switched his support to Hillary Clinton, he said on Monday.

Will Quigg, a grand dragon with the Ku Klux Klan’s California branch, said he supports Clinton because she has a “hidden agenda.”

“We want Hillary Clinton to win. She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda,” Quigg, a grand dragon of the KKK’s California chapter who is responsible for recruitment across the Western United States, told the Telegraph.

Heard you the first two times you posted that tripe.


- - - Updated - - -

If Lindsey Graham was saying the things Trump was saying, he'd have a lot of support too.

No he wouldn't.

Why not?
If she can do the job and do it well, who cares if she has bedside manner? GWB had charm - look what that got us.
Lower, or both bottomed out? Hillary has all the charisma of a 3 week old dead fish. She's so cold inside if you poured boiling water down her throat she'd piss ice cubes.

50% Clinton 41% Trump

Latest polls show Clinton's lead over Trump widening. The claim that no matter what is said about Trump, it only helps Trump does not seem to hold any more. Polls that show many people do not like Trump and will never vote for him, including many Republicans, seem to show Trumps appeal is drooping even further, and its hurting him as far as possible general elections are concerned.

On the other hand...

48% Clinton 44% Cruz

For those of us who find Cruz just as objectionable, this is a worry.

I wouldn't put a huge amount of stock in general election matchup polls at this stage; it's too early in the year for them to be of a lot of predictive value. In 2008 at this time (late winter to early spring), polls of likely voters were showing McCain with a solid lead over Obama, for instance.
I almost feel sorry for Kasich...nah. Glenn Beck already has called him a delusional SOB. One would almost think Kasich was a NY Republican or such....
Today the National Organization for Marriage, which endorsed Cruz in December, sent out a plea for money to go after Kasich, who NOM’s president, Brian Brown, describes as “a liberal Republican who has abandoned the fight for marriage, is extremely weak on religious liberty and who cannot be trusted to appoint strong, conservative constitutionalist judges to the US Supreme Court who would reverse the Court's illegitimate marriage ruling.”
Lower, or both bottomed out? Hillary has all the charisma of a 3 week old dead fish. She's so cold inside if you poured boiling water down her throat she'd piss ice cubes.

That's rich coming from a Paulite.
I don't see how being a Ron Paul groupie has much relevance here. It must be noted that, for some reason, Ron Paul has succeeded in acquiring a loud and fervent following, including certain people who have been willing to do online ballot-stuffing.

That said, I don't see how Hillary is supposed to be as horrible as Jason Harvestdancer seems to think that she is.
Not only do American’s strongly dislike Clinton less, but they hold the Dums in far less disdain. With the Supreme Court fight in the background, this will be interesting.
On the Republican side, Trump scores a net negative of -33, with a favorable rating of 24% compared to 57% of voters who view him unfavorably. On the Democratic side, Clinton fares only slightly better with a net negative of -21, registering a 31% favorable rating and a 52% unfavorable rating, according to the poll.
Just 28% hold a favorable opinion of the Republican Party, compared to 46% of voters who view the Democratic Party favorably. Overall, 66% of Americans have a negative view of the GOP, which CBS says matches the lowest rating ever recorded in CBS polling.

Another poll puts Trumps negative rating at an earth shattering 64%:
According to a February Wall Street Journal/NBC poll, 64 percent of general election voters have a negative view of Trump, and only 25 percent give him a positive rating. Forty-three percent of respondents say they wouldn’t even consider voting for him. In addition, last month a Wall Street Journal/Telemundo poll found that 75 percent of Hispanic respondents hold a negative view of Trump.

Then there are a few neocon voices starting to speak up in favor of Clinton:
In a Washington Post op-ed published on Thursday, Kagan excoriated the Republican Party for creating the conditions for Trump’s rise and then asked, “So what to do now? The Republicans’ creation will soon be let loose on the land, leaving to others the job the party failed to carry out.”

Then referring to himself, he added, “For this former Republican, and perhaps for others, the only choice will be to vote for Hillary Clinton. The [Republican] party cannot be saved, but the country still can be.”

While many of Kagan’s observations about the Republican tolerance – and even encouragement – of bigotry are correct, the fact that a leading neocon, a co-founder of the infamous Project for the New American Century, has endorsed Clinton raises questions for Democrats who have so far given the former New York senator and Secretary of State mostly a pass on her pro-interventionist policies.
Sanders takes two crucial states, Idaho and Utah. Winning with about 80% of the vote in Utah seems to imply, without any doubt, that Sanders can win Utah in November!

Utah stands behind Sanders!

Meanwhile Trump lost in Utah but won in Arizona. Arizona was winner take all and Cruz won over 50% of the vote in Utah, which gave him all the delegates. Kasich won no delegates. This means Trump actually won more than 50% of the offered delegates last night. But with Cruz having such a resound victory in Utah and Sanders crushing so much in Utah, can the Republicans afford to run Trump? Will the Utah Republican voters not turn up for Trump and the Sanders support just washes him across the finish line?
Sanders takes two crucial states, Idaho and Utah. Winning with about 80% of the vote in Utah seems to imply, without any doubt, that Sanders can win Utah in November!

Utah stands behind Sanders!

The latest polls have both Clinton and Sanders beating Trump handily in Utah. If there's a situation where the Democrats are competitive in Utah, let alone favoured there, it spells a disaster for the GOP.
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