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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Hyuk! Looks like Palin is backing a David Brat type outsider against Paul Ryan. That should ingratiate her with establishment Republican types.

Oh, I hope that works. The more establishment republicans who get killed by the out of control monster they created, the better.
Meanwhile in You Thought '08 was a relative landslide?!

Georgia poll puts the state at full on purple status, Trump leading 42 to 41. There is an old Native American saying "If Republican can't win Georgia, he's fucked." A full 40 percent of I's are undecided. Interestingly enough, Clinton only holds a 5 pt margin on Trump with women.
Libertarians are basically Republicans who do illegal drugs.

I don't get it.

Republicans like business subsidies, Libertarians don't.
Republicans like policing the world, Libertarians don't.
Republicans like invading other countries, Libertarians don't.
Republicans oppose gay marriage, Libertarians don't.
Republicans want religious moral laws, Libertarians don't.
Republicans want to ban immorality, Libertarians don't.
Republicans like protective tariffs, Libertarians don't.

And all you can think of is drugs?

If you look at the Libertarian front-runner, he appears to disagree with you.


For one thing he ***LOVES** him some corporate subsidies in the form of complete tax relief. If you earn money for your home lifestyle by cleaning toilets, pay taxes! But if you earn money for your corporate lifestyle, Freeeeee! Give government mandated demand to private corporations - freeee customers! (prison, school)

For religious moral laws, he's all for saying religionists can decline birth control coverage to their employees. Woot!

It looks an awful lot like the republicans. Not exactly like, but many of the bad parts.
This is not good for Trump or the Republican Party.
article said:
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Monday he would step down as chairman of the Republican Party's July convention if presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump asked him to do so, a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter said on Twitter.
The rats may be jumping ship... of course, they are sailing in the North Atlantic.
She's backkkkkk! Palin suggests she might be good VP choice for Trump.


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) on Sunday said that she is ready to serve as Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate, but she worried about being a “burden” to the presumptive nominee.
“I think I’m pretty much as vetted as anybody in the country could be vetted,” Palin told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “I think there are so many other great people out there in American that could serve in this position.”

Shockingly, she doesn't seem to understand that the results of her vetting were entirely negative to all but the most feebleminded voters in the U.S.

But that's exactly what qualifies her to be Trump's running mate.
Shockingly, she doesn't seem to understand that the results of her vetting were entirely negative to all but the most feebleminded voters in the U.S.

But that's exactly what qualifies her to be Trump's running mate.
Actually she was an attack dog (not meant negatively). She was the abbrasive voice McCain couldn't be. Trump doesn't need that as he already is that.
Latest polls are odd.

Massachusetts (Boston Globe) - Clinton 55 v Trump 31. That isn't odd.
New Hampshire (Dartmouth) - Clinton 34 v Trump 29. WTF?!?! Nearly 40% undecided?!
Pennsylvania (Quinnipiac) - Clinton 43 v Trump 42. Okay, is PA actually in play? Certainly PA has more deep red sections than Massachusetts, but New York is a gimme for Clinton. Hard to see PA being that far off. Granted, 15% undecided. Even if PA is in play, Trump actually has trouble. Elections are expensive and PA isn't a cheap state. He already has to make plays for Battleground states. While eating into Democrat territory is nice, he can't afford to spend too much and still lose.
Ohio (Quinnipiac) - Clinton 39 v Trump 43. Ohio will likely be close. A good deal of red areas, disgruntled union people who like Trump's message of racism and misogyny. However, Ohio is rare in that some rural areas actually are more liberal than other places in the US.
Florida (Quinnipiac) - Clinton 43 v Trump 42. Typical battleground state. These numbers aren't good as Hispanics have a tendency to be underrepresented in polling.

So the early poll numbers are showing a couple things. Trump isn't doing well in the Northeast, which means the electoral college isn't likely shifting into his favor. Battleground states are tight, but mainly leaning in Clinton's favor. Trump, like any Republican, has to win all or almost all of the Battleground states. A decent amount of uncertain voters. I really don't recall previous elections, so I can't ascertain whether 15+% is unusual at this point. In Utah (outlying poll?), Georgia, and New Hampshire have enormous percentages of undecided voters, approaching 40%. This is bad for Trump, though not necessarily detrimental... yet, as long as the Republicans relax and settle for Trump over the anti-Christ.

Oh... and Sanders is kicking Trump's ass in the polls. But Sanders has not been targeted by ads. Come a General Election, I would expect those polling numbers to fall with the onslaught of anti-communist propaganda.
But that's exactly what qualifies her to be Trump's running mate.
Actually she was an attack dog (not meant negatively). She was the abbrasive voice McCain couldn't be. Trump doesn't need that as he already is that.

What I meant was her appeal to the "most feebleminded voters in the U.S." as Colonel Sanders put it in his post.
Actually she was an attack dog (not meant negatively). She was the abbrasive voice McCain couldn't be. Trump doesn't need that as he already is that.

What I meant was her appeal to the "most feebleminded voters in the U.S." as Colonel Sanders put it in his post.
Well, Trum p is that too. He really is a well rounded bad candidate. He will need a female VP. That is the only feasible way to deal with the woman vote deficit he is likely facing. Susana Martinez or Nikki Haley are probably two of the better bets. But do they want to commit electoral suicide?
JIndal said, ".I think electing Donald Trump would be the second-worst thing we could do this November, better only than electing Hillary Clinton to serve as the third term for the Obama administration's radical policies."

This is a theme that has been going around with the GOP that what's bad about Hillary is that she represents Obama.
And yet - Obama's ratings are rising.
So I wonder if this will turn out to be a benefit to her.
The conspiricist in me wonders if that is its passive-aggressive intent.
Maybe Trump should invite Hilary Clinton to become his running mate, it probably would give him the win. It would also give the Democratic nomination to Sanders and the vote would be really interesting. Clinton would then become prez when Trump chokes on a chunk of actual government politics.
JIndal said, ".I think electing Donald Trump would be the second-worst thing we could do this November, better only than electing Hillary Clinton to serve as the third term for the Obama administration's radical policies."

This is a theme that has been going around with the GOP that what's bad about Hillary is that she represents Obama.
And yet - Obama's ratings are rising.
So I wonder if this will turn out to be a benefit to her.
The conspiricist in me wonders if that is its passive-aggressive intent.
Naw. They aren't smart enough for that. Hilary Clinton is the anti-Christ. They've invested nearly 25 years into that narrative. The right-wing is saying, sure, Trump is unpredictable or a liberal or entirely unfit for office, however, Hilary Clinton will open up the gates to hell and let the Earth be swallowed into them.

What I find hilarious is that they are pinning Hilary Clinton to Obama. It'll be a third term of Obama's policies. As if he is now the Kingpin of the Democrat Party. That Hilary Clinton will be beholden to the will of President Obama and his policies.

Medved and Prager say the Supreme Court is the reason to vote for Trump, because while you have no idea what he'll do, maybe it'll be better than Hillary Clinton. Sure, maybe he'll turn the world into a flaming ball of fire, but that Supreme Court, who knows, could be a positive pick over Clinton.
It could be that Trump is enjoying a post-nomination win bump while Clinton is still slogging away.
No matter who gets the nomination and goes on to win the White House, it will be a politician. The equivalent to a used car or life insurance salesperson!
There is a ready made option available however, the Libertarian party.

It is on the ballot in all fifty states.

Not sure if that is accurate at this time. These graphics are from the Libertarian party website. Unable to get delegates in NY, PA, OH, VA and IL, they may have a hard time reaching 270.

View attachment 6704

Damn, there goes my rep as a political strategist.

So that is another reason that we haven't had a Libertarian president, that is other than the fact that they only poll about 2% of the popular vote.
Libertarians are basically Republicans who do illegal drugs.

I don't get it.

Republicans like business subsidies, Libertarians don't.
Republicans like policing the world, Libertarians don't.
Republicans like invading other countries, Libertarians don't.
Republicans oppose gay marriage, Libertarians don't.
Republicans want religious moral laws, Libertarians don't.
Republicans want to ban immorality, Libertarians don't.
Republicans like protective tariffs, Libertarians don't.

And all you can think of is drugs?

You guys are no fun at all.

I have to agree with you that Libertarian positions are much more unrealistic than the Republican ones.
I was joking that rather than back a third party or independent candidate for president against Trump the establishment Republicans should back the Libertarian candidate, that Libertarians are basically Republicans who do illegal drugs. Someone thought that I meant to run an establishment Republican as the Libertarian candidate for president. Joking once again I said that Paul Ryan already has too much on his plate inferring that he is the only one in the Republican party who they turn to when they need someone, for example, to be the Speaker of the House.

But it is hard to be serious when discussing Libertarians. They think that the only think that the government gets right and is worth preserving is the adjudication of civil lawsuits. I mean really.

I disagree considerably with your assessment of libertarians.

A libertarian to a considerable degree agrees with a true Republican (not a neo-con!) on economic matters and with a Democrat on non-financial social matters.

Furthermore, you don't need to be a druggie to see that the drug war causes far more harm than the drugs.

I do agree the civil suit approach to things is nuts.

I have to concede that Libertarian positions are much more pie in the sky and unrealistic than my simplistic Republicans who do drugs conveyed. Much more unrealistic than the Republicans' positions.

You don't have to make illegal drugs legal in order to end the drug wars. There are very good reasons why these drugs are illegal. Addiction is a disease. We shouldn't be encouraging a disease, we should be treating it. And not by sending the sick to prison either.

Their economic policies depend entirely on the very unlikely existence of the self-regulating, self-organizing free market. We have more than six thousand years of evidence that this free market can't exist. We have zero evidence that it can. *

They are proposing to institute a foreign policy based on isolationism and presumably a much weakened military. They will rely on the mutual benefits of free trade to guarantee peace through the world. This is so delusional it is hard to know where to start listing the reasons that it won't work.

They don't want to legislate morality. But which of our criminal laws aren't based on morals? Thou shall not kill. Or steal. Etc.

They want to replace before the fact, nationwide regulations with after the fact civil lawsuits that will result in different requirements in different jurisdictions. ***

They want to rely on individuals more when all of the acceleration of innovation has been the result of collective actions, including government actions. *

It is largely meaningless to support social matters on a non-financial basis. What does it mean, that Libertarians will be very distressed watching children starve or to die from inadequate health care but will do nothing because it costs something? ***

They support the economic suicide of re-instituting the gold standard. A monetary system that has always required a considerable amount of national government regulation to be put into place and to keep in place. They want to accomplish this by relying on the goodwill of all involved to put in in place and to prevent bad behavior, instead of government regulation. ***

They may or may not support the idea of transcendental property. The current 5 to 6 trillion dollars of such property that currently exist, ideas represented in patents, trademarks and copyrights. Their ideology doesn't point the way to decide if these things have to disappear or not.

They want to eliminate Social Security and to leave its functions to private enterprise but it is inconceivable that any private insurance company would be able to write policies to replace Social Security. Its risks are too high for any private company to take on. For example, what would happen to a private company if a cure for cancer or heart disease extends the lifetime of seniors by five years? ***

and many, many more....

* - partially supported by Republicans.

*** - largely supported by Republicans.
Oh, I read about the Quinnipac poll that showed Trump ahead: It unreasonably assumed a lower turnout among minorities, thus skewing the results towards Trump.

They assumed, contrary to evidence, that the electorate would be 5% whiter than it was last time around, thus giving a net +3% to Trump. This basically assumes blacks will sit out because there's no black person on the ballot (In reality, black voter turnout has been steadily increasing since hitting a low in 1996, in other words, this trend started long before Obama came to the scene, and thus it is silly to think his leaving will cause it to suddenly reverse) and that Hispanics won't turn out in droves to vote against Trump (which contradicts every bit of evidence available; around the country the numbers hispanics becoming citizens and registering to vote have vastly increased). It also flies in the face of the fact that populations are slowly but surely shifting away from whiteness. So this can be regarded as a republican junk poll, just like so many that convinced Romney he was going to win.
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