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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Polling aside, IMO Trump is a huge risk because he doesn't know what he doesn't know, and because of his personality he isn't likely to ever know what he doesn't know.

People like that are dangerous
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Can we quantifiably assess the positive impact of a presidency such that qualitative assessments cannot reasonably distract our biased and skewed opinions?
When are the FBI gonna arrest Hillary? :p

Last I heard, it was definitely going to be this past January at the latest. Since then, it's definitely never been more than a week away. Basically, her goose is cooked and she's done.
Polling aside, IMO Trump is a huge risk because he doesn't know what he doesn't know, and because of his personality he isn't likely to ever know what he doesn't know.

People like that are dangerous
He was caught lying about donations to the Veterans, getting people to cough up over a million dollars this past week in order to try and cozy up to his alleged number.

What bothers me is this $6 million lie. It appears, unless I'm mistaken, that he got people to raise over $4 million. That isn't chump change. Trump could have said "I raised $4 million for veterans", it'd be true, everyone would be happy. Yet, he lied about the amount raised... and the dispensing of the money seemed to come very late in the game, which makes one wonder whether that money was actually ever going to Veteran charities until the Washington Post article.

And then if you question him, he becomes the most thin skinned person on the planet. Berating reporters for asking for confirmation. The man with the tiny lady hands doth protest to much.
Latest polls in Georgia indicate the right-wing is consolidating for Trump. The poll indicated similar levels of support for Trump over Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. This possibly indicates that the Republicans will vote for Trump because they'll vote for anyone but a Democrat. Since a couple weeks ago, the RNC has been visible with a marked attempt to persuade people that Trump is ugly, but you have to support him. That effort is working to this point.

This seems to continue to suggest a '12 electoral college scenario, unless certain scandals deflate turnout for Trump.
Latest polls in Georgia indicate the right-wing is consolidating for Trump. The poll indicated similar levels of support for Trump over Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. This possibly indicates that the Republicans will vote for Trump because they'll vote for anyone but a Democrat. Since a couple weeks ago, the RNC has been visible with a marked attempt to persuade people that Trump is ugly, but you have to support him. That effort is working to this point.

This seems to continue to suggest a '12 electoral college scenario, unless certain scandals deflate turnout for Trump.

Yea, the right is always willing to vote for the lessor of two evils. The left, not as much. This gives the far right far more power than the far left. You'll see Trump making concession after concession to the far right.
Latest polls in Georgia indicate the right-wing is consolidating for Trump. The poll indicated similar levels of support for Trump over Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. This possibly indicates that the Republicans will vote for Trump because they'll vote for anyone but a Democrat. Since a couple weeks ago, the RNC has been visible with a marked attempt to persuade people that Trump is ugly, but you have to support him. That effort is working to this point.

In other words, Stockholm Syndrome is a thing.

It will be interesting to see how the Democrats play this on their side. Once the convention is over, Obama will be able to step in and use the bully pulpit to rally Dems behind Clinton.
Why can't we have a George Lincoln Rockwell now?

Trump has too many Jewish advisers and his spawn are also married to Jews.
Today in Trump.

The PGA pulled a tournament from one of Trump's Florida golf courses. He told the crowd, "When I'm President, this is going to stop."

The PGA is now roughly enemy #234 on Trump's revenge list.
So, one of Trump's biggest supporters is putting his life in serious danger, but he won't be a martyr in my opinion.

Milo Yiannopolous (he calls Trump daddy and is a gay british version of Ann Coulter), on his "Dangerous Faggot" tour of Southern California universities, has been showing pictures of himself with rolls of cash. He is taking after trump for flashing more money to feel good about himself.

If he gets robbed when leaving his speeches, I won't feel sorry for him. He does trigger leftists well, but this shit is annoying.

A nickel says it's one fifty around a roll of paper.
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