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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

So, one of Trump's biggest supporters is putting his life in serious danger, but he won't be a martyr in my opinion.

Milo Yiannopolous (he calls Trump daddy and is a gay british version of Ann Coulter), on his "Dangerous Faggot" tour of Southern California universities, has been showing pictures of himself with rolls of cash. He is taking after trump for flashing more money to feel good about himself.

If he gets robbed when leaving his speeches, I won't feel sorry for him. He does trigger leftists well, but this shit is annoying.

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The picture on his phone is from a woman who tore down and then ripped up his "Feminism is Cancer" flyer.

This is a video of it:

another one of Milo's triggering victims: "keep your hate speech out of this campus"
Just wanna say that Trump is not racist because of The Wall.

Mexico is not a race!
This is one of her better speeches in this election cycle, in my opinion


Her comments about the "situation room" - starting at 30:45 - were particularly sobering.
Just wanna say that Trump is not racist because of The Wall.

Mexico is not a race!

Umm Buddy, it's Trump who is talking about the "Mexicans" all the time. He's the one who doesn't understand. I think that his parents must not have followed his childhood vaccine schedule giving him brain damage or something.
Trump is against racism:

Self-Hating Whites have no place in Trump's America! Be proud of who you are, no matter who you are!

Too bad he is a con-man and not a new version of George Lincoln Rockwell.
In reality, what are the chances Americans will vote for the trumpet? Unless he stops his speaking from his arse, surely Clinton will win the White House by a landslide.
The US previously voted for Ronny Raygun who had no idea what he was doing either. So you never know...
In reality, what are the chances Americans will vote for the trumpet? Unless he stops his speaking from his arse, surely Clinton will win the White House by a landslide.
I'm not following the logic. Speaking from his ass is something that helps him. You suggest that refraining from speaking from his ass will help him, but why you would think that refraining from doing what will help him will help him? I suspect you don't think speaking from his ass is helpful. You'd be mistaken about that.
In reality, what are the chances Americans will vote for the trumpet? Unless he stops his speaking from his arse, surely Clinton will win the White House by a landslide.
I'm not following the logic. Speaking from his ass is something that helps him. You suggest that refraining from speaking from his ass will help him, but why you would think that refraining from doing what will help him will help him? I suspect you don't think speaking from his ass is helpful. You'd be mistaken about that.

Agreed. Donald Trump speaking from his ass is a site to see. A lot of Republicans and Independents like to observe Donald Trump speaking from his ass which is why he won the nomination. Donald Trump speaking from his ass is really not as ludicrous as it sounds.
When I meet a Trumper I know I'm experiencing a not-so-bright person. Of that much I am certain. So if there are enough not-so-bright people voting in the U.S. the chances he'll be elected are very good. And sadly there are a LOT of those voters in the U.S. I rationalize it by telling myself that's exactly how democracy is supposed to work.
Interesting with the Latino judge for the Trump case. Haven't read the details, but this is interesting:


What he is saying is that the judge won't be able to get past his own nose. However, Trump is such a conman that this is his go to, anything that distracts.


Stealing this quote from twitter:

Lefties encourage "POC" to think tribally and then get pissy when someone assumes they might think tribally.
When I meet a Trumper I know I'm experiencing a not-so-bright person. Of that much I am certain. So if there are enough not-so-bright people voting in the U.S. the chances he'll be elected are very good. And sadly there are a LOT of those voters in the U.S. I rationalize it by telling myself that's exactly how democracy is supposed to work.

When I meet a Trumper I know I'm experiencing a not-so-bright person. Of that much I am certain. So if there are enough not-so-bright people voting in the U.S. the chances he'll be elected are very good. And sadly there are a LOT of those voters in the U.S. I rationalize it by telling myself that's exactly how democracy is supposed to work.

When I meet a Trumper I know I'm experiencing a not-so-bright person. Of that much I am certain. So if there are enough not-so-bright people voting in the U.S. the chances he'll be elected are very good. And sadly there are a LOT of those voters in the U.S. I rationalize it by telling myself that's exactly how democracy is supposed to work.

There, I made it true!
There, I made it true!
Like anything political the process is never top down. Trump is a viable candidate because he's tapping into something that is already there, not because he's creating something new.
When I meet a Trumper I know I'm experiencing a not-so-bright person. Of that much I am certain. So if there are enough not-so-bright people voting in the U.S. the chances he'll be elected are very good. And sadly there are a LOT of those voters in the U.S. I rationalize it by telling myself that's exactly how democracy is supposed to work.

When I meet a Trumper I know I'm experiencing a not-so-bright person. Of that much I am certain. So if there are enough not-so-bright people voting in the U.S. the chances he'll be elected are very good. And sadly there are a LOT of those voters in the U.S. I rationalize it by telling myself that's exactly how democracy is supposed to work.

There, I made it true!

Clever comeback! There are about 50 reasons why I'd never vote for Trump. One of the first, that no one discusses is the fact that he wants to relax the laws on libel allowing politicians to sue newspapers that publish "horrible and false articles about him"! Give me a break. Did you know that he's been involved in 3,500 lawsuits. He's a nasty bully that should never be allowed to control the military. If he is elected, I pray to the FSM that a democratic congress takes over that can at least check some of power.
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