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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Maybe we should start the impeachment process. Might be easier to impeach him after the fact than it is to prevent his presidency.
I'd sooner impeach Hillary for treason.
Expect her to play the vagina card. Trump doesn't have one (or so we're told).
The US previously voted for Ronny Raygun who had no idea what he was doing either. So you never know...

Reagan was a long time political activist, starting out as a Democrat before changing to Republican; he had been governor of California, and caused quite a stir at the '76 convention when he ran against Gerald Ford. Reagan was very experienced by the time he got elected to POTUS in 1980 and he was nowhere near as batshit as Trump.
My current prediction: because he is fighting with the media and not Hillary -- and has not toned down his remarks to be more centrist and unifying -- people will begin deserting him.
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In think that Clinton's temperament argument will be the most effective one. As he keeps on raging and insulting people as voters are constantly being bombarded by the question as to whether they'd trust this guy with power, it's going to freak people the fuck out. Mainly because the thought of someone like Trump having power is the kind of thing that should freak people the fuck out.
In think that Clinton's temperament argument will be the most effective one. As he keeps on raging and insulting people as voters are constantly being bombarded by the question as to whether they'd trust this guy with power, it's going to freak people the fuck out. Mainly because the thought of someone like Trump having power is the kind of thing that should freak people the fuck out.
I agree.
My current prediction: because he is fighting with the media and not Hillary -- and has not toned down his remarks to be more centrist and unifying -- people will begin deserting him.

I would add, "and because his brand is fumbling". I think he has a lot of sycophant supporters. And if they get a whiff of him being NOT a billionaire, his turd will have lost its shine for them and they will quietly disappear in droves.
Failure to guard state secrets. Treason.

What alleged "state secrets" did she allegedly fail to guard; and what federal statute or legal source are you quoting to say that it is "treason"?

There is no legal source that says that, so we can safely ignore the assertion without giving it another second's consideration.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

She planned and carried out Benghazi, and mentioned that the United States had a drone program.

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What alleged "state secrets" did she allegedly fail to guard; and what federal statute or legal source are you quoting to say that it is "treason"?

There is no legal source that says that, so we can safely ignore the assertion without giving it another second's consideration.

Not only that, but why weren't other secretaries of state not put on trial for treason when the Soviets stole secrets?
Sums up our major party choices pretty well.
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