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What is the evidence Trump is racist?

Are you saying demanding proof of birth place and nationality is racist. In the UK, I have to produce such documents quite frequently. And the last sentence surely you understood what this meant and there is nothing 'racist' in that statement.

Well, when it is directed at only black candidates, yes, I do believe it is racist. Particularly since his very white opponent in the 2008 race was NOT born in the US but was born in Panama.
I need your help. I have some friends who aren't convinced Trump is racist.
Can someone point to the evidence so i can educate these poor lost souls. Thanks

I don't believe that Trump is a racist. There is no evidence that I have seen that he is.

Seriously, dude? I mean, haven't you listened to anything he's said? ld provided a short list of quotes, many of which were widely distributed through mainstream media for months.

If hiring Steve Bannon isn't enough for you, I don't know what it will take. He's probably not arrogant enough to be caught in a bedsheet burning a cross. Or participating in anything that would require much effort on his part. He's a casual racist, much the same way he's a casual sexist, although I think he probably devotes more energy to the second in his day to day life.
Are you saying demanding proof of birth place and nationality is racist. In the UK, I have to produce such documents quite frequently. And the last sentence surely you understood what this meant and there is nothing 'racist' in that statement.

Well, when it is directed at only black candidates, yes, I do believe it is racist. Particularly since his very white opponent in the 2008 race was NOT born in the US but was born in Panama.

Were there other black candidates. There is nothing wrong with having proof of ID. Media hype over nothing and public stupidity seemed to have blown this out of proportion.
I don't believe that Trump is a racist. There is no evidence that I have seen that he is.

Seriously, dude? I mean, haven't you listened to anything he's said? ld provided a short list of quotes, many of which were widely distributed through mainstream media for months.

If hiring Steve Bannon isn't enough for you, I don't know what it will take. He's probably not arrogant enough to be caught in a bedsheet burning a cross. Or participating in anything that would require much effort on his part. He's a casual racist, much the same way he's a casual sexist, although I think he probably devotes more energy to the second in his day to day life.

The press is expert at misquoting. There is no evidence of racism, or that he is working against Gay and female rights
Obama proved his citizenship many times, but that did not stop Trump from continuing his claims.
In the UK, I have to produce such documents quite frequently. And the last sentence surely you understood what this meant and there is nothing 'racist' in that statement.
My post gave 15 examples of Trump's racist actions and comments. There is a clear pattern there. In isolation, some of those examples might be excusable. But taken in context within his extensive 40 year + record, it is clear that Trump acts and speaks like a racist.

Now, I suppose it is possible that Trump is simply a demagogue and plays the racist to attract support from certain groups. Abstracting from the obvious point that until 2010 or so, Trump had no reason to demagogue, in my opinion that makes him even worse than a racist because at least racists are honest about their motives and thoughts.

You gave 15 examples of hearsay in a a particularly biased media article. I hardly thing a media report in itself is gospel.
I would say "he's not even racist" as in "he's not even right". He isnst coherent enough to be identified as snythibg.

I don’t know, I think he’s not that convoluted. laughing dog’s on the right track. It’s the overall lifetime behavior. Can a one-time racist “redeem” himself? Yeah, in action, but never just in words. And Trump’s a far cry from having done either.
I need your help. I have some friends who aren't convinced Trump is racist.
Can someone point to the evidence so i can educate these poor lost souls. Thanks

What is the evidence you have friends?
Well, when it is directed at only black candidates, yes, I do believe it is racist. Particularly since his very white opponent in the 2008 race was NOT born in the US but was born in Panama.

Were there other black candidates. There is nothing wrong with having proof of ID. Media hype over nothing and public stupidity seemed to have blown this out of proportion.

Proof of ID, citizenship, etc. should be applied equally for all candidates. It was applied only to one, and that birther movement was started, not coincidentally, by Donald Trump.
I would say "he's not even racist" as in "he's not even right". He isnst coherent enough to be identified as snythibg.

Please. He's both.

I'm being totally serious. I was listening to NPR and they were playing snippets of interviews he's done for the past 30+ years. I detest the man, but that's not what makes me think that he has a serious physical problem that is affecting his mental acuity. I don't know whether it involves substance abuse, as has been alleged, or is some form of dementia, but his speaking pattern is substantially different. In the '80's, he was still a hard core (not very ethical) businessman and sounded like it. But he sounded smart, if not intelligent. Now, he just sounds...smarmy. He contradicts himself continuously--which is the big tell, IMO. I would seriously like to see a genuine medical/psychiatric report on the man, conducted by a real, ethical, disinterested team of physicians and medical professionals. No laughable 'note' from his doctor.
Obama proved his citizenship many times, but that did not stop Trump from continuing his claims.
My post gave 15 examples of Trump's racist actions and comments. There is a clear pattern there. In isolation, some of those examples might be excusable. But taken in context within his extensive 40 year + record, it is clear that Trump acts and speaks like a racist.

Now, I suppose it is possible that Trump is simply a demagogue and plays the racist to attract support from certain groups. Abstracting from the obvious point that until 2010 or so, Trump had no reason to demagogue, in my opinion that makes him even worse than a racist because at least racists are honest about their motives and thoughts.

You gave 15 examples of hearsay in a a particularly biased media article. I hardly thing a media report in itself is gospel.
I can understand how someone might argue those examples are not sufficient evidence for them to conclude he is a racist.

There is no dispute about his statements or actions. Some of them are court findings. Under no generally understood notion of "hearsay" can those examples be thought of as "hearsay". Your position is either a good example of extreme ignorance, extreme intellectual dishonesty or extreme stupidity.
I would say "he's not even racist" as in "he's not even right". He isnst coherent enough to be identified as snythibg.

Please. He's both.

I'm being totally serious. I was listening to NPR and they were playing snippets of interviews he's done for the past 30+ years. I detest the man, but that's not what makes me think that he has a serious physical problem that is affecting his mental acuity. I don't know whether it involves substance abuse, as has been alleged, or is some form of dementia, but his speaking pattern is substantially different. In the '80's, he was still a hard core (not very ethical) businessman and sounded like it. But he sounded smart, if not intelligent. Now, he just sounds...smarmy. He contradicts himself continuously--which is the big tell, IMO. I would seriously like to see a genuine medical/psychiatric report on the man, conducted by a real, ethical, disinterested team of physicians and medical professionals. No laughable 'note' from his doctor.

Did you see the one where he says Mexicans are rapists. He was giving a speech to a group of people including Mexicans. He was saying they are rapists (referring to particular convicted felons).

Stopping illegal immigrants is apparently racist but is it??
Please. He's both.

I'm being totally serious. I was listening to NPR and they were playing snippets of interviews he's done for the past 30+ years. I detest the man, but that's not what makes me think that he has a serious physical problem that is affecting his mental acuity. I don't know whether it involves substance abuse, as has been alleged, or is some form of dementia, but his speaking pattern is substantially different. In the '80's, he was still a hard core (not very ethical) businessman and sounded like it. But he sounded smart, if not intelligent. Now, he just sounds...smarmy. He contradicts himself continuously--which is the big tell, IMO. I would seriously like to see a genuine medical/psychiatric report on the man, conducted by a real, ethical, disinterested team of physicians and medical professionals. No laughable 'note' from his doctor.

Did you see the one where he says Mexicans are rapists. He was giving a speech to a group of people including Mexicans. He was saying they are rapists (referring to particular convicted felons).

Stopping illegal immigrants is apparently racist but is it??

He made amends later though. Try to keep up.

I'm saying that if I was a pro-Russian troll I'd sound exactly like whichphilosophy.

In the UK, I have to produce such documents quite frequently.

Do you spread lies about the subjects when they're black?

there is nothing 'racist' in that statement.

There is something racist in it when a racist bigot does it in order to discredit a sitting President. Is that what you did in producing those documents?

Re the first point demanding proof of ID is demanding proof of ID. If someone were pro-Russian that doesn't mean they are racist; it means suggesting racism is word semantics.
What lies did he spread apart from asking for proof and reading the sheeple press like everyone else.

The third is per point 1, tough again the press handling was pretty stupid on this.

However, I thought the media hype about Trump was speculative as it was about Obama.
My question was (and would be) If the Press didn't believe he was a US citizen it had the duty to produce a birth certificate from another country The 'Press' didn't
A lot of people including Trump had strange ideas but pandering to media hype in itself is not racist.

I thought the UK was bad enough for calling people racists but what i have seen just on this thread tops it.
Did you see the one where he says Mexicans are rapists. He was giving a speech to a group of people including Mexicans. He was saying they are rapists (referring to particular convicted felons).

Stopping illegal immigrants is apparently racist but is it??

He made amends later though. Try to keep up.

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I suppose he would be accused of being racist because he says Mexicans make excellent Tacos (because maybe he should have hired them onto his management team)
I would say "he's not even racist" as in "he's not even right". He isnst coherent enough to be identified as snythibg.

Please. He's both.

I'm being totally serious. I was listening to NPR and they were playing snippets of interviews he's done for the past 30+ years. I detest the man, but that's not what makes me think that he has a serious physical problem that is affecting his mental acuity. I don't know whether it involves substance abuse, as has been alleged, or is some form of dementia, but his speaking pattern is substantially different. In the '80's, he was still a hard core (not very ethical) businessman and sounded like it. But he sounded smart, if not intelligent. Now, he just sounds...smarmy. He contradicts himself continuously--which is the big tell, IMO. I would seriously like to see a genuine medical/psychiatric report on the man, conducted by a real, ethical, disinterested team of physicians and medical professionals. No laughable 'note' from his doctor.

So you noticed that too? Early onset Alzheimer's?
I'm saying that if I was a pro-Russian troll I'd sound exactly like whichphilosophy.

Do you spread lies about the subjects when they're black?

there is nothing 'racist' in that statement.

There is something racist in it when a racist bigot does it in order to discredit a sitting President. Is that what you did in producing those documents?

Re the first point demanding proof of ID is demanding proof of ID. If someone were pro-Russian that doesn't mean they are racist; it means suggesting racism is word semantics.
What lies did he spread apart from asking for proof and reading the sheeple press like everyone else.

The third is per point 1, tough again the press handling was pretty stupid on this.

However, I thought the media hype about Trump was speculative as it was about Obama.
My question was (and would be) If the Press didn't believe he was a US citizen it had the duty to produce a birth certificate from another country The 'Press' didn't
A lot of people including Trump had strange ideas but pandering to media hype in itself is not racist.

I thought the UK was bad enough for calling people racists but what i have seen just on this thread tops it.

Why wouldn't anyone believe that Obama was a citizen?
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