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What is the evidence Trump is racist?

The definitive evidence that Trump is a racist is that he says he's not.
I'm saying that if I was a pro-Russian troll I'd sound exactly like whichphilosophy.

Do you spread lies about the subjects when they're black?

there is nothing 'racist' in that statement.

There is something racist in it when a racist bigot does it in order to discredit a sitting President. Is that what you did in producing those documents?

Re the first point demanding proof of ID is demanding proof of ID. If someone were pro-Russian that doesn't mean they are racist; it means suggesting racism is word semantics.
What lies did he spread apart from asking for proof and reading the sheeple press like everyone else.

The third is per point 1, tough again the press handling was pretty stupid on this.

However, I thought the media hype about Trump was speculative as it was about Obama.
My question was (and would be) If the Press didn't believe he was a US citizen it had the duty to produce a birth certificate from another country The 'Press' didn't
A lot of people including Trump had strange ideas but pandering to media hype in itself is not racist.

I thought the UK was bad enough for calling people racists but what i have seen just on this thread tops it.

Why wouldn't anyone believe that Obama was a citizen?

I had no doubt logically or he would not have reached the level of candidature without being a citizen. He would have shown his ID on numerous occasions.
See my point on the stupidity of the Press.
The only joy in the US right now is the joy of racists who can't deal with a black president.

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I had no doubt logically or he would not have reached the level of candidature without being a citizen. He would have shown his ID on numerous occasions.
See my point on the stupidity of the Press.

The stupidity of the press because Trump squealed about this nonsense for years?
He sure does appeal to racists.

They see something they like a lot.

The Trotsyite in the UK support Labour but Labour is certainly not communist. There is some perceived distance relationship as the KKK thinks it has with the Republicans.

The only thing they could possibly like about him is that he isn't black.

There is no rational appeal.

And America first really means "White men first".
I had no doubt logically or he would not have reached the level of candidature without being a citizen. He would have shown his ID on numerous occasions.

Did you feel no moral obligation to point this simple fact out to Donald Trump or let as many of his supporters know as possible? (assuming you could find any who might understand something so complex)

See my point on the stupidity of the Press.

That point being that Trump is a lying bigot who can't see that his lies are as transparent as his motives, and the Press fails to report that fact?
Please. He's both.

I'm being totally serious. I was listening to NPR and they were playing snippets of interviews he's done for the past 30+ years. I detest the man, but that's not what makes me think that he has a serious physical problem that is affecting his mental acuity. I don't know whether it involves substance abuse, as has been alleged, or is some form of dementia, but his speaking pattern is substantially different. In the '80's, he was still a hard core (not very ethical) businessman and sounded like it. But he sounded smart, if not intelligent. Now, he just sounds...smarmy. He contradicts himself continuously--which is the big tell, IMO. I would seriously like to see a genuine medical/psychiatric report on the man, conducted by a real, ethical, disinterested team of physicians and medical professionals. No laughable 'note' from his doctor.

Did you see the one where he says Mexicans are rapists. He was giving a speech to a group of people including Mexicans. He was saying they are rapists (referring to particular convicted felons).
Didn't he say "some of them are rapists" not that Mexicans are rapists.
What he said was that MEXICO was SENDING it's criminals to the US.

It was total insanity.

Yes. Trump is both a racist and totally insane.

Thanks Trump supporters.
I'm saying that if I was a pro-Russian troll I'd sound exactly like whichphilosophy.

Do you spread lies about the subjects when they're black?

there is nothing 'racist' in that statement.

There is something racist in it when a racist bigot does it in order to discredit a sitting President. Is that what you did in producing those documents?

Re the first point demanding proof of ID is demanding proof of ID. If someone were pro-Russian that doesn't mean they are racist; it means suggesting racism is word semantics.
What lies did he spread apart from asking for proof and reading the sheeple press like everyone else.

The third is per point 1, tough again the press handling was pretty stupid on this.

However, I thought the media hype about Trump was speculative as it was about Obama.
My question was (and would be) If the Press didn't believe he was a US citizen it had the duty to produce a birth certificate from another country The 'Press' didn't
A lot of people including Trump had strange ideas but pandering to media hype in itself is not racist.

I thought the UK was bad enough for calling people racists but what i have seen just on this thread tops it.

Why wouldn't anyone believe that Obama was a citizen?

I had no doubt logically or he would not have reached the level of candidature without being a citizen. He would have shown his ID on numerous occasions.
See my point on the stupidity of the Press.

You didn't answer the question.
As Trump looked at Obama there was just this dark mystery about him. Something about him.

So of course he doubted he was a US citizen.
Please. He's both.

I'm being totally serious. I was listening to NPR and they were playing snippets of interviews he's done for the past 30+ years. I detest the man, but that's not what makes me think that he has a serious physical problem that is affecting his mental acuity. I don't know whether it involves substance abuse, as has been alleged, or is some form of dementia, but his speaking pattern is substantially different. In the '80's, he was still a hard core (not very ethical) businessman and sounded like it. But he sounded smart, if not intelligent. Now, he just sounds...smarmy. He contradicts himself continuously--which is the big tell, IMO. I would seriously like to see a genuine medical/psychiatric report on the man, conducted by a real, ethical, disinterested team of physicians and medical professionals. No laughable 'note' from his doctor.

Did you see the one where he says Mexicans are rapists. He was giving a speech to a group of people including Mexicans. He was saying they are rapists (referring to particular convicted felons).

Stopping illegal immigrants is apparently racist but is it??

Especially when an old white guy says it.

Also when a young white guy says it,

You mean it's racist now to say (put) America First. The context is very clear. Also American jobs come in all colours.
So it's racist to restrict Chinese steel being dumped in the country which its own government subsidises so it can be sold even below the cost of production.
Pushing industry into Mexico and other countries is okay but objecting is racist I suppose.
I suppose saying one is an American is somehow racist

This is something we have faced in the UK for years.
New ‘Really British’ store in Muswell Hill branded ‘racist’ by shoppers
Also when a young white guy says it,

You mean it's racist now to say (put) America First. The context is very clear. Also American jobs come in all colours.
So it's racist to restrict Chinese steel being dumped in the country which its own government subsidises so it can be sold even below the cost of production.
Pushing industry into Mexico and other countries is okay but objecting is racist I suppose.
I suppose saying one is an American is somehow racist

This is something we have faced in the UK for years.
New ‘Really British’ store in Muswell Hill branded ‘racist’ by shoppers

What does "American interests" mean? In terms of US foreign policy.

It means the interests of a few white men.

When we put American interests first, what does that mean?
Did you feel no moral obligation to point this simple fact out to Donald Trump or let as many of his supporters know as possible? (assuming you could find any who might understand something so complex)

See my point on the stupidity of the Press.

That point being that Trump is a lying bigot who can't see that his lies are as transparent as his motives, and the Press fails to report that fact?

Questioning is not the same thing as lying as per the definitions of this word.
I can't believe this thread is still going on after laughing dog's post of the Playboy interview where Trump pretty much admitted it.
laughing dog said:
1991: A book by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a black accountant: "Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control." Trump at first denied the remarks, but later said in a 1997 Playboy interview that "the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.".......

Any response to this (when in the context of a dozen other examples) that denies this as evidence is worse than a Christian Biblical inerrancy apologist.
I would say "he's not even racist" as in "he's not even right". He isnst coherent enough to be identified as snythibg.

Yeah, I used to think he was a racist but I'm questioning that. I think he attacks anyone he doesn't like with any term that in his mind remotely fits. I think the underlying motive is far more a dislike of the person or their policies rather than their race, though--they're just generic offensive terms, not specifically racist.
I would say "he's not even racist" as in "he's not even right". He isnst coherent enough to be identified as snythibg.

Please. He's both.

I'm being totally serious. I was listening to NPR and they were playing snippets of interviews he's done for the past 30+ years. I detest the man, but that's not what makes me think that he has a serious physical problem that is affecting his mental acuity. I don't know whether it involves substance abuse, as has been alleged, or is some form of dementia, but his speaking pattern is substantially different. In the '80's, he was still a hard core (not very ethical) businessman and sounded like it. But he sounded smart, if not intelligent. Now, he just sounds...smarmy. He contradicts himself continuously--which is the big tell, IMO. I would seriously like to see a genuine medical/psychiatric report on the man, conducted by a real, ethical, disinterested team of physicians and medical professionals. No laughable 'note' from his doctor.

I think he's been surrounded by yes-men for so long that he hasn't needed to think. Combine that with what certainly appears to be NPD and you get what we see today.
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