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What is the evidence Trump is racist?

However, I thought the media hype about Trump was speculative as it was about Obama.
My question was (and would be) If the Press didn't believe he was a US citizen it had the duty to produce a birth certificate from another country The 'Press' didn't
A lot of people including Trump had strange ideas but pandering to media hype in itself is not racist.

I thought the UK was bad enough for calling people racists but what i have seen just on this thread tops it.

And how was the press supposed to do that?

1) In the US at least birth certificates are normally only given to the person or their guardian or the like.

2) You're assuming people even have a birth certificate. Not everyone does--caused some confusion when immigration wanted my wife's. No such thing had ever existed. The solution in her case is a document that functions like a birth certificate but is in reality an official declaration that government records show her birth to her parents. The Birthers would have a field day with something like it because it dates only from when one was ordered, not from when she was born. The underlying records on which it is based are not available to the public.

3) What if the birth certificate isn't under the same name? What even is one's true name? More than 20 years ago a mistake was made with my wife's name--some government records have one version, others (including all her photo ID) have another. While a human looking at the two versions will have no problem realizing they are actually the same person that can't be said for the computer--if the names are in the database in first, middle and last fields none will match and the total deviation is 13 characters. (If it's all one field the deviation is only one character.) If you looked for records with her SS# it's apparent, without that information (and it's not something the press is likely to have) I doubt the two identities could be matched up and without that they aren't going to find her birth name. While we have partially fixed the the name problem we haven't been able to get one government agency to fix things despite being given a legal name change from the erroneous version to the correct version. (I think this was just a lazy worker who didn't want to do his job.)
I would say "he's not even racist" as in "he's not even right". He isnst coherent enough to be identified as snythibg.
Obviously no proofreading there... should have been:

"I would say "he's not even racist" as in "he's not even wrong". He isn't coherent enough."

He is racist in the same way a vegetable is an atheist.
Please. He's both.

I'm being totally serious. I was listening to NPR and they were playing snippets of interviews he's done for the past 30+ years. I detest the man, but that's not what makes me think that he has a serious physical problem that is affecting his mental acuity. I don't know whether it involves substance abuse, as has been alleged, or is some form of dementia, but his speaking pattern is substantially different. In the '80's, he was still a hard core (not very ethical) businessman and sounded like it. But he sounded smart, if not intelligent. Now, he just sounds...smarmy. He contradicts himself continuously--which is the big tell, IMO. I would seriously like to see a genuine medical/psychiatric report on the man, conducted by a real, ethical, disinterested team of physicians and medical professionals. No laughable 'note' from his doctor.

So you noticed that too? Early onset Alzheimer's?

That's what I've wondered, early onset Alzheimer's. Or Alzheimer's. Speech is often a sign long before behavior or memory.
However, I thought the media hype about Trump was speculative as it was about Obama.
My question was (and would be) If the Press didn't believe he was a US citizen it had the duty to produce a birth certificate from another country The 'Press' didn't
A lot of people including Trump had strange ideas but pandering to media hype in itself is not racist.

I thought the UK was bad enough for calling people racists but what i have seen just on this thread tops it.

And how was the press supposed to do that?

1) In the US at least birth certificates are normally only given to the person or their guardian or the like.

2) You're assuming people even have a birth certificate. Not everyone does--caused some confusion when immigration wanted my wife's. No such thing had ever existed. The solution in her case is a document that functions like a birth certificate but is in reality an official declaration that government records show her birth to her parents. The Birthers would have a field day with something like it because it dates only from when one was ordered, not from when she was born. The underlying records on which it is based are not available to the public.

3) What if the birth certificate isn't under the same name? What even is one's true name? More than 20 years ago a mistake was made with my wife's name--some government records have one version, others (including all her photo ID) have another. While a human looking at the two versions will have no problem realizing they are actually the same person that can't be said for the computer--if the names are in the database in first, middle and last fields none will match and the total deviation is 13 characters. (If it's all one field the deviation is only one character.) If you looked for records with her SS# it's apparent, without that information (and it's not something the press is likely to have) I doubt the two identities could be matched up and without that they aren't going to find her birth name. While we have partially fixed the the name problem we haven't been able to get one government agency to fix things despite being given a legal name change from the erroneous version to the correct version. (I think this was just a lazy worker who didn't want to do his job.)

There's no law against asking for a copy. However I had no reason to believe Obama was not an American because the press who launched the allegations, failed to prove otherwise.

There can be problems if a Birth Certificate is wrong but since most reporters and CIA operatives couldn't find a hooker in a whorehouse then it would need someone to again consent to the corrected version being issues.
You gave 15 examples of hearsay in a a particularly biased media article. I hardly thing a media report in itself is gospel.
I can understand how someone might argue those examples are not sufficient evidence for them to conclude he is a racist.

There is no dispute about his statements or actions. Some of them are court findings. Under no generally understood notion of "hearsay" can those examples be thought of as "hearsay". Your position is either a good example of extreme ignorance, extreme intellectual dishonesty or extreme stupidity.

What laughing dog said.

Anyone who now argues that the media 'took Trump's words out of context' is free to post the entire quote and let us all look at how the 'biased media' accomplished that. IOW, back up your claim that the media was biased.
Also when a young white guy says it,

You mean it's racist now to say (put) America First. The context is very clear. Also American jobs come in all colours.
So it's racist to restrict Chinese steel being dumped in the country which its own government subsidises so it can be sold even below the cost of production.
Pushing industry into Mexico and other countries is okay but objecting is racist I suppose.
I suppose saying one is an American is somehow racist

No, calling Mexicans who come to the US rapists and drug dealers is racist. Which you would have heard if you actually watched and listened to the clip

LD posted a nice list of some of the racist things that Donald Trump as said which are racist. Why do you ignore those things? What is it that allows you not to hear the racism?
Please. He's both.

I'm being totally serious. I was listening to NPR and they were playing snippets of interviews he's done for the past 30+ years. I detest the man, but that's not what makes me think that he has a serious physical problem that is affecting his mental acuity. I don't know whether it involves substance abuse, as has been alleged, or is some form of dementia, but his speaking pattern is substantially different. In the '80's, he was still a hard core (not very ethical) businessman and sounded like it. But he sounded smart, if not intelligent. Now, he just sounds...smarmy. He contradicts himself continuously--which is the big tell, IMO. I would seriously like to see a genuine medical/psychiatric report on the man, conducted by a real, ethical, disinterested team of physicians and medical professionals. No laughable 'note' from his doctor.

I think he's been surrounded by yes-men for so long that he hasn't needed to think. Combine that with what certainly appears to be NPD and you get what we see today.

I think it's more than that. I truly do. His speech patterns, his habit of contradicting himself frequently, his tweets, his seeming inability to focus on tasks at hand or to assess reality--those are changes. He's always been a narcissist. Surrounding yourself by yes men will increase myopia but this is more than that, I think. I really do.

Oh, and Ben Carson surely has a serious brain disorder and/or serious drug problem. He's smart enough to get into med school, become a neurosurgeon of some renown and is utterly and completely unable to articulate a single idea with anything resembling intelligent thought or connection to reality.
LD posted a nice list of some of the racist things that Donald Trump as said which are racist. Why do you ignore those things? What is it that allows you not to hear the racism?

I suspect it's part and parcel of a contractual agreement with his Russian employers.
You mean it's racist now to say (put) America First. The context is very clear. Also American jobs come in all colours.
So it's racist to restrict Chinese steel being dumped in the country which its own government subsidises so it can be sold even below the cost of production.
Pushing industry into Mexico and other countries is okay but objecting is racist I suppose.
I suppose saying one is an American is somehow racist

No, calling Mexicans who come to the US rapists and drug dealers is racist. Which you would have heard if you actually watched and listened to the clip

LD posted a nice list of some of the racist things that Donald Trump as said which are racist. Why do you ignore those things? What is it that allows you not to hear the racism?

Now watch it again taking in exactly what he said in sequence. Do it twice. If not I can point some things out. He was actually in a meeting which involved US Latino (once Mexican) party members.

My point about his posts is hearsay is unreliable as evidence. I can go over 1 or 2 of these points after you watch that point.

- - - Updated - - -

LD posted a nice list of some of the racist things that Donald Trump as said which are racist. Why do you ignore those things? What is it that allows you not to hear the racism?

I suspect it's part and parcel of a contractual agreement with his Russian employers.

You suspect but of course don't know, just like the CIA :)
The context is very clear.
We agree.

If you don't think that it is racist to say put America first in the context it was meant to mean..

A matter of which you appoint yourself arbiter... nice try.

we definitely agree.

You and the frog in your pocket?
The evidence that Trump is a racist is the same as the evidence that fish swim: it's fucking obvious to anyone whose brain hasn't been addled by month or years of lies from Trump (or David Miscarriage).
The context is very clear.
We agree.

If you don't think that it is racist to say put America first in the context it was meant to mean..

A matter of which you appoint yourself arbiter... nice try.

we definitely agree.

You and the frog in your pocket?
The evidence that Trump is a racist is the same as the evidence that fish swim: it's fucking obvious to anyone whose brain hasn't been addled by month or years of lies from Trump (or David Miscarriage).

The evidence what you say it is. It's not obvious that putting America first is racist. The Chinese put China first and there's a lot of cut price Steel in the US to prove it. (It's government actually covers its steel maker's losses.
The context is very clear.
We agree.

If you don't think that it is racist to say put America first in the context it was meant to mean..

A matter of which you appoint yourself arbiter... nice try.

we definitely agree.

You and the frog in your pocket?
The evidence that Trump is a racist is the same as the evidence that fish swim: it's fucking obvious to anyone whose brain hasn't been addled by month or years of lies from Trump (or David Miscarriage).

The evidence what you say it is.

So do you think Trump was lying?
The context is very clear.
We agree.

If you don't think that it is racist to say put America first in the context it was meant to mean..

A matter of which you appoint yourself arbiter... nice try.

we definitely agree.

You and the frog in your pocket?
The evidence that Trump is a racist is the same as the evidence that fish swim: it's fucking obvious to anyone whose brain hasn't been addled by month or years of lies from Trump (or David Miscarriage).

The evidence what you say it is.

So do you think Trump was lying?

The Evidence is what Elixir says it is. :) Proof is such a heavy burden to bear.
This is the third time I am asking a direct question. Did Trump lie about ODonnell being right or not?
Elixir said:
The evidence that Trump is a racist is the same as the evidence that fish swim: it's fucking obvious to anyone whose brain hasn't been addled by month or years of lies from Trump (or David Miscarriage).

It's not obvious that putting America first is racist.

Actually doing so would not be racist. Mouthing those words knowing they will be heard by his core constituents as "putting white american men first" is racist.
It's not obvious that putting America first is racist.

Actually doing so would not be racist. Mouthing those words knowing they will be heard by his core constituents as "putting white american men first" is racist.
While I agree that there is often a disconnect between what is said and what is meant, whatever difference there is between "putting America first" and whatever might of been meant by that (which is doubtfully anyway near your mischaracterization), the difference between obama's "yes we can" and what was heard is substantially huge in comparison.
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