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What will be Trump's conditions of probation?

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
Just spitballing...

  • Must stay at least 1000 hands away from all pussies (as measured by normal-sized hands);
  • Must wear an ankle bracelet;
  • Banned from loans in NY and creating businesses there;
  • No truth social posts calling for another coup between midnight snack and morning poop times.

Anyone else want to take a crack at it?
I expect Trump will have a particular pre-sentencing probation officer, I’m anxious to know her race, gender, and physical attributes.
Someone has to interview him and make sentencing recommendation to the court. I hope they pick a good one.

Hillary is probably checking for job openings now.
I expect Trump will have a particular pre-sentencing probation officer, I’m anxious to know her race, gender, and physical attributes.
Someone has to interview him and make sentencing recommendation to the court. I hope they pick a good one.

Hillary is probably checking for job openings now.
According to Randi Rhodes, the probation office building is old, dirty and it smells horribly. I hope he spends a lot of time there.

It's too bad we won't get to see the probation report.
After watching much of his speech at Trump Tower, I would suggest an examination by a neurologist or other health professional. He starts out by addressing the camera/looking ahead, and after a few minutes he wound up looking off towards the right and rambling on for another half an hour. The usual grievances, peppered with some...uh...tangents (machetes, Congo, drywall, etc.). It was like one of his rally speeches, but without the crowd. And when you take away the adoring followers, it sounds like...well it sounds like a 77 year old man in mental decline rambling on for a half hour.
I expect Trump will have a particular pre-sentencing probation officer, I’m anxious to know her race, gender, and physical attributes.
Someone has to interview him and make sentencing recommendation to the court. I hope they pick a good one.

Hillary is probably checking for job openings now.
According to Randi Rhodes, the probation office building is old, dirty and it smells horribly. I hope he spends a lot of time there.

It's too bad we won't get to see the probation report.
If the the judge instead of prison assigns Trump to something called an "Alternative to Incarceration" program based on recommendation from the probation department, from a political point of view this could be a fate worse than prison.
1- Controlled substance search must involve searching under the comb-over...or removing it entirely, if...
2- Cavity search not required unless staff is fully briefed and offered supplemental hazardous risk pay.
3- After the next gag order violation, Trump must be transported to rallies while strapped to a dolly and wearing a goalie mask, a la the late great H.L.
4- Absolutely no association with former gang members, which includes most of SCOTUS, House Repubs, and Fox and Friends.
5- Probationer's citing of any aspect of the Bible (i.e., "One Corinthians") will be taken as prima facie evidence of deception and insincere attestations to probation officer.
6- Probation officers are encouraged to address probationer as Offender Trump, Criminal Trump, 34-Fold Felon Trump, or Orange Shit Gibbon.
7- Temperature in probation office to be maintained at 55 degrees F. Probationer's chair: metal folding chair, no arm rest. Officer may wear Arctic explorer team gear. Probationer, because of security requirements, to be in shirt sleeves. Appointment duration: 75 min. minimum.
8- If possible, and because of diversity initiative, officers assigned to the case should be African American women of various ages, from new hires to 40-year veterans. Not just one age bracket.
9- Probation terms to be extended one (1) month for each time probationer uses terms 'disgrace' or 'banana republic'.
10- Probationer to wear orange 'WARD OF STATE' shirt to all appointments.
Does Trump get to have a lawyer with him at the probation interview?

And if the probation officer was smart, they would video tape it.
Does Trump get to have a lawyer with him at the probation interview?

And if the probation officer was smart, they would video tape it.
The probation office (jurisdiction) may allow it but the defendant has no right to a lawyer at this stage. His lawyer can however provide input to the report for consideration. In the report the prosecutor can provide details to the court as to why the crime occurred. I can't imagine there's anything new under the sun here. Stormy made sure of it. Interesting tidbit, the probation's recommendation of sentencing is confidential. Only the judge gets to see that, not Cheese Doodle or his lawyer.
I suspect New York law will have its rules about such things. We would need a New York licensed lawyer to explain it all to us. I strongly suspect New York Probation offices will not allow many games from parolees. Security will probably be tight.

Is this a test to see if probation is feasible?

What do you mean by “test”? All that I have read and heard says this is standard process for convicted felons.

Your link says:

The probation interview is required by the court as part of the former president’s pre-sentencing report.
Is this a test to see if probation is feasible?

What do you mean by “test”? All that I have read and heard says this is standard process for convicted felons.

Your link says:

The probation interview is required by the court as part of the former president’s pre-sentencing report.

Yes, it's standard and it gets included in the pre-sentencing report. But how is it used in that? The Probation Officer makes a recommendation but pertaining to what? Can the recommendation lead to probation as opposed to prison? Can it lead to prison instead of merely probation if Trump can't follow the rules?

This video recommends not being defensive during the interview:

Can Trump handle not being defensive? and how might that impact the report and thus sentencing?

This guy also has a lot of recommendations:

I don't think Trump would be able to handle this either due to narcissism. His lawyers would need to speak for him the whole time and perhaps draw out such statements in a letter ahead of time.

Otherwise, the ramifications of either prison time, financial impact, or tougher probation restrictions would play out.

I think?
Orange's probation hearing is going to be a total fiasco. I hope he's given a strong probation officer who doesn't take shit. The last thing the orange ass-clown needs is another enabler.
As I understand, Trump is allowed to have his lawyer with him during the probationary interview. I think that sucks.
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