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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Her Southern accent was too pronounced for her to play the role of an Englishwoman.

In the novels, Jane was American.

You're right! The plot thickens!...:)

"Glenn Close was famously called in to dub the role of Jane in "Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan" after Andie Macdowell's southern twang was judged to be too distracting." (G.Close is from CT)

Thank you for bringing that up.
Look Who's Back

I don't laugh out loud at movies. This is a rare exception. I think I may have even done a spit-take.

The premise is pretty straightforward. Hitler wakes up in modern day Germany, is discovered by a television journalist/filmmaker (who thinks it's a gag), and becomes a viral video sensation.

The neat trick is that while taking Hitler around the country, a lot of the people he interacted with were real, and were supportive. Imagine Sacha Baron Cohen sending out someone dressed as Hitler and filming the genuine reactions of real people. There's some brilliant comedy in these scenes, with "Hitler" being deadpan serious, and erstwhile fans of this new internet sensation unwittingly playing along.

The film (as you might expect) loses a bit of luster when it's Hitler interacting with actors in staged situations such as at the TV network where he lands a job, but that's a minor nit-pick. It does get a bit preachy near the end, but hey...if Germany can't make a satirical movie about Hitler...

Anyway, bottom line is the movie is funny as hell. 7/10
Eight Below

Starring Paul Walker, Bruce Greenwood. In Antarctica, a rescue mission is launched to retrieve a team of sled dogs left behind when the camp is evacuated many months before.

As a dog person perhaps I'm a little biased in rating this 9/10
A Netflix movie Murder Mystery. It stars some very accomplished actors such as Terrence Stamp and Jen Astin among many others. A fair old fashioned who done it murder mystery. The only disappointment for me is that Adam Sanders is in the lead role. Not surprising since it's made by his movie vehicle Madison Production.

The plot is.........................A New York cop and his wife go on a European vacation to reinvigorate the spark in their marriage. A chance encounter leads to them being framed for the murder of an elderly billionaire.

Yes, it looks interesting to me.

But I've made it this far in life without having seen an Adam Sandler movie, and I'm not going to weaken now.

I saw the trailer and I am tempted to cave and watch as the trailer was decent and Jennifer Aniston is in it. But Adam Sandler :worried:

Against my instincts, I tried to watch Murder Mystery. Lesson learned, trust my instincts. It was shit, turned it off after about 30 minutes.
I tried to watch Man Up a week or two ago. Didn't manage to finish it.

One day I gave it a second chance. This time I liked it.

I tried to show it to my wife, but she found the protagonist un-engaging. Didn't like her; Didn't want to watch her. She walked away.

I called her back, and fast forwarded thru everything that wasn't Nancy and Jack (Lake Bell and Simon Pegg). Now my wife liked it. She thanked me.

My brother came to visit. I tried to show it to him, but he was uncomfortable. I tried fast forwarding past everything but Lake and Simon, but still he couldn't take it. Far too painful.

Then we took a nine hour car ride together, and I talked about the movie at length.

When we got back, I showed him selected scenes, and blew him away. Gadzooks, what a wonderful movie!


But ... how to rate it? That's a tough one.

It has many great moves. It's wonderful. But I'm hard pressed to say whether you should show it to your friends or your enemies.

Personally, I love it.
Got The bank out of the library.

I've always been ambivalent about David Wenham. Not sure if he's laconic or wooden.

I loved this film when it came out and love it still, in spite of being familiar with it. The recent banking royal commission didn't detract from the humour of it one little bit. :D
Thanks to a podcast I'm enjoying, I watched M.A.S.H. last night, having only seen a few reruns of the TV show.

Oof, was that uncomfortable. Oh, the sexual politics. And this movie was critically acclaimed at the time?

A young Tom Skerrit plays HornDog #1 with a Jack-Nicholson-like leer.

Sally Kellerman plays as an Establishment nurse who wants to do her job right. But she's the target of merciless hazing in order to sexualize her. Except by the fifth vignette she's embraced her place as the Camp Easy Girl and even plays ditzy cheerleader.

Elliot Gould can't get it up one time, decides that this must mean that he's a latent homosexual, and thus he has no recourse but to commit suicide. <your laughs here> Donald Sutherland saves the day, though, by getting a nurse nicknamed "The Dish" to sleep with Gould while he's unconscious. The next day she's delirious with vacuous pleasure because of his enormous penis, and Gould is "cured."

This took place in an era where Christianity was not as accepted as it is during the Reagan-Bush era, so it's possible for Hawkeye and Pierce to openly mock Frank Burns' religion, and work to torment him until he's literally dragged away in a straight jacket. I can imagine what Sean Hannity and Phil Donohoe would say about this movie were it released today.

I can see how it was ground-breaking for 1970, an allegory of the Vietnam War via the Korean War. It's fun to see characters cross-talking past each other whereas in most movies everyone dutifully waits for their cue before reciting their lines. And you won't see many military movies where the two main characters are so valuable that they don't care one whit for military protocol.

But overall, I doubt I'll be visiting this one again. It simply hasn't help up well fifty years later.
Fatal Attraction, 8/10; Stars Michael Douglas and Glenn Close in a tense thriller about a married New York Lawyer Dan (Douglas) who has a weekend tryst with book editor Alex (Close) while his wife is away. Things start to get awkward for Dan as Alex starts to make her presence felt by calling him, dropping in at his office, making contact with his wife. Alex goes from being a bit clingy to downright unhinged as she becomes more desperate for Dan to remain in her life. This is a really good thriller but Glenn Close was not happy with the ending and she has a point. Her character Alex was clearly suffering from mental illness but the movie does not touch on that and instead the movie portrays the character as a psycho bitch who got what she deserved.
Before Fatal Attraction there was a Clunk Eastwood thriller Play Misty For Me With Jessica Walters as the psycho. After a one night stand this woman stalks Clint's character almost 24/7, including at his late night radio station program. In the same vein as the movie Psycho, a butchers knife is prominent as she goes after Clint's girlfriend.
A top notch thriller with a haunting song by Roberta Flack.

Secret Life of Pets 2 -

Producer: So... what do we have for new material on the animation front?
Writers: Well we have three 15 to 20 minute long unrelated 'shorts' for Secret Life of Pets.
Producer: Less than an hour total? Can we stretch it out long enough, hack in some connection and call it a sequel?
Writers: Well yeah, but wouldn't that be mocking the viewers?
*Room erupts in laughter*

1.5 of 4
Lego Movie 2 - This movie is much better when you aren't dozing off while watching it. On the surface it is a decent film, but once you actually start digging deeper this movie really does a great job telling a couple of stories. Bonus points for one of my favorite lines in a film ever.

Wyldstyle - People that put raisins in things.
Uni/Ultra-Kitty - It was perfectly fine WITHOUT RAISINS!!!

3.5 OF 4
Star Trek Into The Darkness

Superb special effects are somewhat spoiled by the ordinary plot. But being a Treky from way back I still enjoyed it. Of course, by far the best Captain Kirk was William Shatner in the original series.

Still rate it a fair/good 6/10
On Netflix. The Dilemma. About two best friends and one who spots the other's wife cheating on him. The dilemma is what does he do about it.

Worth a look if you have 1 hour 51 minutes to spare.

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