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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Much the same formula as other Dirty Harry movies. But I can't help myself as I wish cops were that tough on the scum we sometimes have in society.

Maybe if they weren't so busy being tough on people who haven't done anything. It takes a lot of energy to properly frame someone.
Triple Frontier, 6/10; Stars Ben Afleck and Oscar Isaac. Isaac is a former special ops soldier working as some sort of DEA in Colombia. During a rather violent and bloody arrest of drug cartel foot soldiers, he gets information on the whereabouts of the hideout of the top man. He recruits his special ops buddies to go into the jungle and steal the drug cartel's vast amount of money. Which they do but the now the games really begin as they try to get an unwieldy amount of money across the Andes to the coast where their escape boat is waiting. A decent action movie but a little underwhelming.
Crazy Rich Asians - 7/10

A fairly cute romantic comedy about a girl who flies off to Singapore with her boyfriend for his friend's wedding and then he casually mentions to her on the flight over that he's the heir to the richest fortune in the country and he's about to introduce her to his arrogant and toxic family who kind of disdain poor people and don't want their kids involved with them.

She immediately breaks up with him for having lied to her about who he was for the past year and then completely sandbagging her with something massive like that when she thought that she was just in store for a fun little vacation.

No, she doesn't do that, and then it's a cute little fish out of water thing about this average girl being introduced to high society and all the cattiness of the mother and other potential wives for this guy trying to kick him out of his life. They did raise some very good points about how she'd be totally unprepared to be his wife and how tradition is very important to the family and it is basically a full time job to run the household and do all the various things the wife of a rich person needs to do to help maintain his standing in society and generate the business contacts and all that which come from this and she would need to kind of abandon her own life and devote herself to him to do that or have him give it all up in favour of a cousin so that he can live (relatively speaking) poor with her in New York. The basic idea would be that it's great that Cinderella is the belle of the ball, but what happens when Cinderella needs to plan her own ball or help run a castle? She has no training or experience for that and no real desire to do it.

Then they completely abandon any resolution to all of those interesting issues that they raised and the movie finishes off with everyone dancing and happy.
Much the same formula as other Dirty Harry movies. But I can't help myself as I wish cops were that tough on the scum we sometimes have in society.

Maybe if they weren't so busy being tough on people who haven't done anything. It takes a lot of energy to properly frame someone.

In this movie, a group of traffic cops led by David Sole and Hall Holbrook's characters work as vigilantes. Knocking off scumbags that through the flawed law system [ as it's portrayed in this movie] escape justice and meet Karma. As an action movie, I'd rate it 7/10
Hacked, 7/10 Documentary about how data points were used to win the Trump election and then Brexit. Worth the watch.

Do you mean "The Great Hack" on Netflix? If so, agreed. My only nit-pick is that there wasn't really a "hack" at all. Facebook gave the data to Cambridge Analytica, they said they deleted it when asked, but lied and used it anyway.

The thing that kinda blew my mind is that these people - who deal in information and data as their business - didn't seem to grasp that their lies could be exposed by someone leaking their emails.
Arthur and the Invisibles (2006) -- A kiddie movie, with live action and animation, and it pretty much fizzled, what with one of the oldest plot tropes in the biz (a meanie is going to repossess the kid's house and throw him and grandma out in the cold), but where else are you gonna get Mia Farrow along with the voice talents of David Bowie, Robert DeNiro, Maddona, Jimmy Fallon, Harvey Keitel, Jason Bateman, Snoop Dogg, Chaz Palim-whatever, I'd have to look up the spelling...
Robin Williams is sadly missed and I think Cadillac Man was one of his better movies. Made in 1990 and co stars Tim Robbins. A car salesman is told he must sell 12 vehicles in two days or he will be sacked.

This movie and Mrs Doubtfire must be rated as Williams better efforts. Both would, or should be rated 8/10.
Robin Williams is sadly missed and I think Cadillac Man was one of his better movies. Made in 1990 and co stars Tim Robbins. A car salesman is told he must sell 12 vehicles in two days or he will be sacked.

This movie and Mrs Doubtfire must be rated as Williams better efforts. Both would, or should be rated 8/10.
Aladdin, Paradise City, Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs Doubtfire..., and that is forgetting some of his good dramatic roles.

Williams had several great films.
Platoon, 7/10; 1986 Vietnam war movie that stars a plethora of well known actors, Charlie Sheen being the most famous one and he does a pretty good job. Directed by Oliver Stone and based on his experiences, the movie is about the Vietnam war and the conflict between two rival sergeants. The movie clips along at a good pace as the simmering dispute between the two sergeants heads towards it's inevitable conclusion. This movie stands the test of time and is still watchable.
Robin Williams is sadly missed and I think Cadillac Man was one of his better movies. Made in 1990 and co stars Tim Robbins. A car salesman is told he must sell 12 vehicles in two days or he will be sacked.

This movie and Mrs Doubtfire must be rated as Williams better efforts. Both would, or should be rated 8/10.
Aladdin, Paradise City, Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs Doubtfire..., and that is forgetting some of his good dramatic roles.

Williams had several great films.
Yup. Dead Poets Society, What Dreams may Come, Patch Adams....and one of my favorite Robin Williams roles, The Fisher King.

Damn, I miss him.
Robin Williams is sadly missed and I think Cadillac Man was one of his better movies. Made in 1990 and co stars Tim Robbins. A car salesman is told he must sell 12 vehicles in two days or he will be sacked.

This movie and Mrs Doubtfire must be rated as Williams better efforts. Both would, or should be rated 8/10.
Aladdin, Paradise City, Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs Doubtfire..., and that is forgetting some of his good dramatic roles.

Williams had several great films.
Yup. Dead Poets Society, What Dreams may Come, Patch Adams....and one of my favorite Robin Williams roles, The Fisher King.

Damn, I miss him.

And Good Will Hunting. I miss him so much.
Robin Williams is sadly missed and I think Cadillac Man was one of his better movies. Made in 1990 and co stars Tim Robbins. A car salesman is told he must sell 12 vehicles in two days or he will be sacked.

This movie and Mrs Doubtfire must be rated as Williams better efforts. Both would, or should be rated 8/10.
Aladdin, Paradise City, Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs Doubtfire..., and that is forgetting some of his good dramatic roles.

Williams had several great films.
Yup. Dead Poets Society, What Dreams may Come, Patch Adams....and one of my favorite Robin Williams roles, The Fisher King.

Damn, I miss him.

I miss him too



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I watched three movies recently. First up: Alita: Battle Angel

There's a lot that's great about this movie, but even more that's not-so-great. The setting is a seedy, gritty futuristic city underneath a floating citadel of wealth and luxury, with mostly cyborg citizens engaged in a cut-throat struggle for the slightest chance to ascend. The main character is a cyborg with anime girl eyes who somehow manages to avoid falling into the uncanny valley. Her looks are strange but not off-putting, and the way she moves through her world is very well done. Where this movie fails is how it presents her motives, feelings, and connections with others. Alita is convincing as a cyborg but not as a person. Moments that should carry an emotional punch don't, not even when we see her displays of anger, fear, sadness, etc. Things happen, she reacts, and good or bad it's all the same to the audience.

Maybe she didn't avoid the uncanny valley after all. 6/10

Next up: Sword of Trust

This is an odd, rambling movie about a pawn shop owner, his underachieving employee, a couple from out of town, the internet, conspiracy theories, money, regrets, and a whole lot more. The movie is a bit unfocused, but I can't complain because even the bits that didn't quite fit together were entertaining. The main point seems to be an examination of the morality of peddling bullshit for profit, and that's what drives the action, but the most interesting part was focused on something else entirely. In the end it just sort of... ends. 8/10

And third: Shazam!

This movie is fun! It doesn't take itself too seriously and hits the right comedic notes while still presenting a solid superhero story with an actual point. There are a few minor plot holes and it's not going to carry the DC franchise to greater glory all by itself, but it's an enjoyable romp through superhero lore and I'd recommend it to anyone. 8/10
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Closer To Home A little known gem of a movie, probably based on many fact based stories.

Closer to Home weaves a universal, haunting tale of two people inexorably drawn together for vastly different reasons. Dalisay struggles to journey from the Philippine countryside to New York City to marry Dean, a disillusioned ex-merchant marine. She's hoping to buy a cure for her dying sister and, ultimately, a future for her debt-ridden family, while he hopes to escape his disintegrating American family through love and a family of his own. A powerful, controversial film that quietly builds to a shattering collision of aspirations and cultures.

justice league: -2/10

it's on HBO so i let it run while doing other things. this isn't even a movie. it's like the room, or troll 2. this is a meteoric and shocking pile of shit.
i've seen the other DC films in some capacity or another and all of them are useless crap but this doesn't even rise to the level of being a competently shot and edited film.
Without a doubt, Mrs Fire was one of his best.
Robin Williams plays both roles so well, you almost forget he is acting. It is odd, because you know he is Mrs. Doubtfire, but you can't tell when watching it. It is a bit easier with all the masking and makeup and bodysuit, but still, when you can't really identify the actor from the character, that is when you've done remarkably.
Watching End Game again and really feel the movie is better on the second run through, and I thought it was very good after the first watch in the theater. While the plot breaks down a bit when you start pondering the real world complications of the resolutions and the 'controversial' Steve Rogers ending, the film did a great job of resetting after the unbelievably intense Infinity War (of which few films will ever match up with intensity wise). Stitching 21 (22?) films together into one finale was asking a tremendous amount of the writers. But they pulled it off remarkably well.
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