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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Down By Lay
I finally got around to watching this minimalist dark comedy by Jim Jarmusch, which had been recommended by my hipster friends for years. It stars Tom Waits, John Lurie (who are both more well known as musicians than actors), and Roberto Benigni as three men thrown together in a New Orleans jail cell. It is light on story, with not much of a plot evident, and light on laughs for a comedy, yet oddly intriguing. Then again, that is what minimalist cinema is all about. It's not for everyone, and starts a bit slow, but it also sucked me in slowly, and had me totally hooked by the time Waits and Lurie meet in jail.
Under The Skin 6.5/10. Interesting, if not at times slow and tedious. A story of an alien predator (Scarlett Johansson) who eventually tries to understand the humanity she has been preying upon. Set in Scotland, the movie is bleak, dreary and rain-soaked. Dialog is minimal. I found it interesting how hard it was for the alien to truly find humans that were "alone". Bonus points for featuring a Deacon Blue song in the soundtrack! Also the other character's accents were so heavy I think this might have qualified as a foreign language film.
High School Assassins
So this promised to be a silly low budget action flick about..... well the title kinda gives it away
But instead of some corny low budget fun the movie is basically a soft core porn movie for the first half and a boring and dull almost actionless slog for the second half
It fails at plot
It fails at acting
It fails at action
and it fails at porn
I'd just skip this one

Cuban Fury
So this is a story about a kid who loves to Salsa Dance, but when he is attacked by bullies he loses confidence and stops. Fast forward several decades and we follow him trying to dance again in order to woo the hot chick
As you can see the plot isn't exactly the most original story, and it ticks boxes most of the way
But Nick Frost is just a likeable lead and the rest of the cast work really well around him
Also the dancing was alll fast, well put together and enjoyable
And overall this movie was just fun to watch
It probably won't blow you away, but give it a chance and you should be entertained
Bill Murr I'm sorry you feel that way, a comedy special 5 out of 5, some strong language but he doesn't rely on it.
very funny, he mentions religion too, and it is funny
found it on youtube, originally on netflix I guess.
The Imitation Game

Well acted, slick very good production. Hard to see anything really wrong with the movie. The only thing that keeps it from being an excellent movie is that it is the Reader's Digest condensed version of Turing's life and achievements.

Turing's sexuality is dealt with, but off-handedly. I don't know if that's because that's how the man was or because the movie didn't want to focus on his sexuality.

Guess I'll have to read the book on that.

It barely scratches the surface of man and his work, so while it's not a shallow movie, it's just not as deep as the actors and the subject deserved.

I do, however understand why the movie makers didn't include expositions in an attempt to explain the calculations and math the codebreakers used. Lead actor Benedict Cumberbatch is quoted in some magazine as saying that whenever anyone in the production or acting team did ask for an explanation from those in the know, they would get a sigh from the mathematician, the reaction of someone who knows darn well he is going to lose his audience in a couple of minutes. And of course, the questioner did indeed get lost.

So they just omitted much of the math and how-tos, the audience is just told how smart the characters are, without seeing much of why they are. Keira Knightley's character has even less shown to indicate why she's even on the team.

Otherwise, flawless acting from everyone. Good period piece. Very touching. The plotline jumps back and forth a bit but it isn't hard to follow. As usual Cumberbatch in the lead role is much much better than the material he is working with. His award nominations are well-deserved.
Shark Hunter
Honestly I was rooting for the shark, who I assume died at the end, I can't really tell as I was barely paying attention at the end
And this movie was just silly
The main characters are all either bland or boring
And it keeps trying to make us sympathise with the main character even though he is an ignorant douchebag attacking an innocent Shark
And it is innocent, when you first meet the shark it has done absolutely nothing wrong except be the same species of shark that killed the main characters parents many many years before
Then this douche tracks this shark down, attacks it then whines about how evil it is for fighting back
Seriously screw that guy
And screw this idiotic movie

Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian
I found this movie to be a bit up and down
Sometimes it would come out with a genuinely funny gag involving some historical figure but then it would have equal amounts of people just mugging for the camera in scenes that go on for waaaaaay too long
Of the actors I would say only Amy Adams stood out as Emelia Earhart, with the rest generally ok but not as memorable
The effects are all ok
and the plot is serviceable
So if they cut down some of the gags this could have been funnier
But as it stands it is an ok movie
The Man in the High Castle


Could you give a more detailed response to these movies?



The Man in the High Castle is based on Philip K Dick's novel by the same title. Amazon is currently making the pilot episode which is available via prime instant video. Basically it's premise is that Germany and Japan were the victors in WWII and have taken over the United States.
Everything about this movie can be summed up with bland
The Characters....Bland
The Acting.....Bland
The Effects.....Bland
The Script.....Bland
Bland Bland Bland Bland
Jack the Giant Slayer

Fairy tale of Jack and the beanstalk, nothign particularly good about it but I suppose it's an ok film to watch with your kids who don't know any better. What's odd though is that right in the beginning there is a really, really bad stylized computer animation of the giants that is supposed to be woodcarvings or something, but it falls flat and ends up looking like five year old 3D game CGI or something.
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