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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

I don't think it was slow, just that not much actually happened over the 2+ hours. The film never lagged.

I agree. I was saying that *some* might, simply because there weren't a lot of action scenes, especially compared to the previous two movies.
I'd really love for someone to have the balls to just make a 3:30 hour long movie. Charge more for admission or something, but make the entire thing one cohesive unit. Granted, I'm on the outside looking in. But maybe the public would surprise Hollywood and like a single long film instead of two films that are good, but not great adaptations due to the break up of the plot.

But Hollywood makes money either way, so might as well go the easy route.
Right and Wrong in the Woods. Good to see an adult movie.
sex Tape When Annie (Cameron Diaz) and Jay (Jason Segel) first meet, they have an instant and intense romantic connection. However, 10 years and two children later, the flames of passion have dimmed to dull embers. To bring back the spark, the couple decide to record themselves trying out every position in "The Joy of Sex," which seems like a great idea at the time -- until they discover that their private recording has gone public via the Internet.
Into the Woods -- 9/10
Excellent capturing of the essence of the play. Converting to a movie added a bit of clarifications with flashovers to other action, and only distracted in a couple of places.

The Theory of Everything -- 5/10
Based on the book by Steven's wife Jean Hawking. Tried to tell their story, but seemed to gloss over everything. My impression is that they were trying to be "fair" to both Jean and Steven (and eventually their new loves) and it just came out bland.
Edge of Tomorrow -- 9/10

Groundhog Day meets Starship Troopers. Very engaging movie with Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt showing up with great performances. Nice to see Tom playing against type and there's some good humor in the film too.
Edge of Tomorrow -- 9/10

Groundhog Day meets Starship Troopers. Very engaging movie with Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt showing up with great performances. Nice to see Tom playing against type and there's some good humor in the film too.

I agree. I expected it to be Mission Impossible: Aliens Attack!, but I was pleasantly surprised. My son and I were laughing hysterically during the "MAGGOT!" montage.
Edge of Tomorrow -- 9/10

Groundhog Day meets Starship Troopers. Very engaging movie with Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt showing up with great performances. Nice to see Tom playing against type and there's some good humor in the film too.

I agree. I expected it to be Mission Impossible: Aliens Attack!, but I was pleasantly surprised. My son and I were laughing hysterically during the "MAGGOT!" montage.


I agree. Same thing here... :D
the wolf of wall street: 5/10
well done, in terms of a movie production, but the story is old and tired - stupid white people suck at being rich, we get it.

enemy: -47/10
this was quite possibly one of the worst movies i've ever seen, to the point where i can't quite remember stretches of it because i think i was blacking out from my brain hemorrhaging.
the wolf of wall street: 5/10
well done, in terms of a movie production, but the story is old and tired - stupid white people suck at being rich, we get it.


Aw, did they criticize members of the aristocracy instead of worshiping them? Oh, those terrible, terrible communist freedom-haters! Some of those aristocrats might have had their feelings hurt by that movie. Maybe we should shower them with more tax cuts and deregulation to make everything better? That always makes everything better.

Those terrible, terrible people who criticized their betters are just commoners who obviously don't know their place and don't know that they're not supposed to criticize their betters. You should be commended for knowing your place unlike those bad, mean ol' commies!
the wolf of wall street: 5/10
well done, in terms of a movie production, but the story is old and tired - stupid white people suck at being rich, we get it.


Aw, did they criticize members of the aristocracy instead of worshiping them? Oh, those terrible, terrible communist freedom-haters! Some of those aristocrats might have had their feelings hurt by that movie. Maybe we should shower them with more tax cuts and deregulation to make everything better? That always makes everything better.

Those terrible, terrible people who criticized their betters are just commoners who obviously don't know their place and don't know that they're not supposed to criticize their betters. You should be commended for knowing your place unlike those bad, mean ol' commies!
what in the actual, literal fuck are you going on about? do you just read posts on these forums for the sole purpose of looking for some slim excuse to shit out your own rant, regardless of whether or not your BS has any relation whatsoever to what was posted?

stupid white people DO suck at being rich, and the unmitigated greed of exploitive capitalist systems are socially damaging and ultimately unsustainable both individually and culturally.
that doesn't mean it isn't a tired and constantly re-tread theme in hollywood - like movies glorifying war and soldiers, or remaking nostalgia properties.
the message is accurate, it's just one that i think has been over done.
Nebraska 3/10; the story is about an elderly guy with a touch of dementia who thinks he has won $1m and has to travel to the sweepstakes office to claim his prize. The movie is sooo long and slower than a week in jail, I bailed before the end.

The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover 8/10; a very interesting and troubling movie. It's hard to get a handle on its message. Great cast includes Helen Mirren, Tim Roth and Michael Gambon
So in a fit of boredom I was clicking through the Netflix streaming library when I remembered that I'd never got around to watching Anchorman 2. I searched for it, started watching, and after only 30 minutes was thinking "oh my god how do I make this stop?"

Then I remembered that I had a remote control.

I'm fairly certain there is at least another 60 minutes worth of movie there, but I can't bring myself to hit "play" and see the rest of this steaming, stinking pile of shit. The only time I laughed during what was otherwise a half hour of staring at my television thinking "what the fuck?" was when Steve Carrell was on screen as Brick.

The only thing that remains for me to do is go back to my living room and very carefully hit the "stop" button on the remote, back up to the Netflix main screen, and never attempt to finish watching this movie again.

Edited to add...whoops! Almost forgot to give it a rating!

Nebraska 3/10; the story is about an elderly guy with a touch of dementia who thinks he has won $1m and has to travel to the sweepstakes office to claim his prize. The movie is sooo long and slower than a week in jail, I bailed before the end.

The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover 8/10; a very interesting and troubling movie. It's hard to get a handle on its message. Great cast includes Helen Mirren, Tim Roth and Michael Gambon

I liked The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. As far as I could tell, it was just meant to be absurd and had no discernible message, which is what I liked about it.
The Wind Rises
I never thought I would ever say this
But I thought this Hayao Miyazaki movie was bland and just kinda boring to watch
Now the animation is still brilliant, handling the bright fluffy scenes and the more intense and darker scenes very well and with all the skills we expect from the master
But this animation can't save the film when it is slow and plodding in it's plot, which admittedly does get a bit of life when Naoko comes around
And Naoko saves this movie from being completely bad, because honestly I was much more interested in her and her character (played very well by Miori Takimoto) to the point that I was kinda sad the movie wasn't about her
It doesn't help that Jiro is just absolutely booooring, he has basically got no character, plods around uselessly for a large chunk of the movie and Hideaki Anno (Yes the Evangelion Director) has absolutely no voice acting talent whatsoever and mumbles through his lines in this absolutely dead monotone
And all the other characters are pretty much just cutouts, with no real stories and serving only to move the plot along and push Jiro into actually doing things that might be interesting
Maybe if this movie had more Naoko?
Maybe if he picked a better voice actor?
Maybe if he focussed more on specific parts of Jiros life and cut out all the faffing about?
Then maybe I would have been less bored and disappointed
Yikes, that is too bad. I have it and did a one minute skim through a week ago and it looked boring. I will watch soon.

I did see his business partner Takahata's newest film The Tale of Princess Kaguya. While it also dragged at points and at times times the theme was belabored I liked it a lot. The animation was stellar. Apparently Miyazaki was pissed that Ghibli folks were crying at the end of the movie and called it unprofessional.

If you do like Kaguya you should see Only Yesterday by Takahata.
I did see his business partner Takahata's newest film The Tale of Princess Kaguya. While it also dragged at points and at times times the theme was belabored I liked it a lot. The animation was stellar. Apparently Miyazaki was pissed that Ghibli folks were crying at the end of the movie and called it unprofessional.
Princess Kaguya is on my list, but I have never seen it avaliable where I live
If you do like Kaguya you should see Only Yesterday by Takahata.
Only Yesterday was quite good (My second favourite Takahata movie behind Grave of the Fireflies)
The Other Woman, 2/10. Stars Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann and Kate Upton. Dear oh dear, where to begin ? Wife discovers her husband is having an affair , befriends the mistress and then go on to find there is another woman involved. This movie is just not very good, it was a struggle to watch and the only thing that kept me watching was I wanted to see Kate Upton. But even that was a let down. Kate showed up in an ill fitting bikini and she just looked weird. Cameron Diaz is past her sell by date for these types of movies I'm afraid.
The Other Woman, 2/10. Stars Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann and Kate Upton. Dear oh dear, where to begin ? Wife discovers her husband is having an affair , befriends the mistress and then go on to find there is another woman involved. This movie is just not very good, it was a struggle to watch and the only thing that kept me watching was I wanted to see Kate Upton. But even that was a let down. Kate showed up in an ill fitting bikini and she just looked weird. Cameron Diaz is past her sell by date for these types of movies I'm afraid.

She still has a to die for body! On screen anyway, as it could be they use a substitute body shot. :)
Speaking of Diaz, I streamed Sex Tape the other night. I think the stars are mismatched in this supposedly sexy romp actually. It's not at all what it could've been. The laughs are far and few between.

4/10 only because of Diaz's body. :p
Filth 7/10; Stars Jame McAvoy, Imogen Poots. this movie is based on the Irvine Welsh novel of the same name. I haven't read Filth but I have read a few Irvine Welsh books and this is pretty standard Welsh output. It's the story of an Edinburgh (Scotland) police detective doggedly trying to get a promotion spot on the force. He will use every dirty trick he can to undermine his colleagues' chances. In the background are his attempts to win his estranged wife back, chronic drug abuse and that he is the only witness to a brutal murder he is investigating that makes for a rather unstable character. A pretty good film overall and the bizarre scene with David Soul is a sit up moment. "Same rules apply". :thumbsup:
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