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Why Atheists Get the Idea of "Faith" Wrong

You faggots have discovered the power of community-building for defending the way you wish to live and love. Why would you deny that power to others?
Because we don't say or do things like:
It is time to separate these two races and put an end to all miscegenation between them.

We aren't interested in making other people do things our way, whatever that is. You Christian Dominionists are.
You do live your life as you see fit, and leave others to live their lives as they see fit, don't you?

Nazi, dominionist. You're pretty good with the slurs. Another thing I would have thought a faggot would have learned to avoid.
The kingdom? Hardly.

I am more in line with what I take to be Buddhism. We make our own heavn and hell. Ancient form of prescience psychology.

I prefer modern psychology part of which is based in empirical experiment and neuroscience over ancient religious mumbo jumbo.

Religion in part has become an ugly twisted cancer.

Spark of life? Fanciful poetry. Poetry as its place, but it is not a substitute for reality. It is an escape from reality.

The 'spark of life' lies in our brain chmistry. Reality versus poetry.
You faggots have discovered the power of community-building for defending the way you wish to live and love. Why would you deny that power to others?
Now we are seeing the true No Robots?

Christianity has always needed someone to revile and feel superior to.

I feel sorry for you, your beliefs have corrupted your 'soul'. You probaly have no idea what I mean.
The unsouled are relentless in their desire to eradicate the soul in others. They want everyone to be as spiritually blind as they are.

Do you realize how disgusting this sounds?
The "unsouled"?
It's synonymous with "everyone", even if some are oblivious of that fact.
Erm, the word "faggot" is in TomC's self-description. [insult removed]

I admire the achievements of the homosexual community. It is a good model for all those who want to establish a community based on shared understanding of life and love.
Maybe just social ignorance. Blacks use the word nigger among themselves. I would not use the word to describe blacks.

As to gays organizing why not you, as far as I know gays collectively have never oppressed anyone, it is Christians who routinely oppose others expressing themselves who do not reflect what Christians believe.

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You do live your life as you see fit, and leave others to live their lives as they see fit, don't you?

Nazi, dominionist. You're pretty good with the slurs. Another thing I would have thought a faggot would have learned to avoid.

It is the "You lesser folk must be prevented from impeding or miscegenate with us superior folks" that gets my dander up.

If all you're talking about is going your own way, have at it. But not everyone is on that page. Altogether too many people have attitudes such as you've described, from Nazis to TeaPartiers to Christian Dominionists. I have very low tolerance for that.
That's great, Tom.

I get how bad this all sounds. I'm just grateful that this place exists. It's the only place I can really get into this at all. Perhaps practice will make perfect, and I will make this all seem smooth as butter. I do hold to the principle of spiritual separatism, but I also think that there is much to be gained by talking over the fence.
I also think that there is much to be gained by talking over the fence.

By constructing self-imposed barriers, we limit our ability to see and experience as much as we could. Building fences only leads to unnecessary conversations over them.
That's great, Tom.

I get how bad this all sounds. I'm just grateful that this place exists. It's the only place I can really get into this at all. Perhaps practice will make perfect, and I will make this all seem smooth as butter. I do hold to the principle of spiritual separatism, but I also think that there is much to be gained by talking over the fence.
We are not questioning how smooth you are. I think we are questioning your faith in a dead author's interpretation of Jesus and the morality you espouse. You told us we would all become Jews because that resents morality.
^Glad you're following the train of thought, Steve.

To continue with materialist atheism will result in catastrophic social and environmental disaster. Socialists and the woke can scream at me all they want. Their progressivism is hoplesslessly retrograde and insufficient. There is only one way forward. Luckily, we have the map we need, thanks to giants like Moses, Christ, Spinoza, Brunner and Waton. These men are all Jews. There are three non-Jews in my gallery of heroes: Herder, Hegel and Robert T. Browne. The work of these men is more than sufficient to allow us to establish a harmonious bio-social order. The grotesque misrepresentation of the work and thought of these men by both conservatives and progressives must be fought.
^Heh. I've done some promotion of Waton online. I've managed to get hold of some very rare books by him. His work is a gold mine. It's unreal. Almost completely forgotten.
Yes Mzfk was Jewish andznti freedom of religion Chinese and Soviet communism was borne of Mark. Marx said 'relgion is the opium of the masses'.

Its been 50 years since I read Marx.

Wait a minute. Some spirit is making me speak. Oy Vey! Masugana, bubkus, putz,schlep pendejo..

OMG! I am speaking Yiddish. I must be becoming Jewish. Anybody got some lox and bagels?

How did perndejo get in there, that's the Latino version of putz.

Putz or pendejo, it means stupid, fool, jerk, asshole and so on. Both words for all occasions.

No Robots is shlepping for a dead author and a 2000 year old Jew.
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