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Why "Chinese Virus" is racist

Maybe we'd be in a better place as far as that goes if Dear Leader {snip}

Waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!1111111

The pandemic wasn't started by Trump/Cheato/Bad Orange Man. Get to the source and deal with that. There will be another one if not. I don't want to go through this again.
Waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!1111111

That's a good impression of how Trump is handling this. Or more accurately, not dealing with it. His response reminds me of my dementia-addled uncle who raged at the nursing home staff when they stopped him from wandering off the premises.

I get that you're so invested in Trump that you can't bring yourself to criticize him, but that's your problem. We have bigger things to work on.
Maybe we'd be in a better place as far as that goes if Dear Leader {snip}

Waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!1111111

The pandemic wasn't started by Trump/Cheato/Bad Orange Man. Get to the source and deal with that. There will be another one if not. I don't want to go through this again.

The source right now in the United States are infected people not quarantining because they don't know they are infectious because Trump is refusing to do the proper testing. He is also refusing to make sure our healthcare system has the proper equipment to help keep those afflicted alive. Many people will die because of his inaction.
Maybe we'd be in a better place as far as that goes if Dear Leader {snip}

Waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!1111111

The pandemic wasn't started by Trump/Cheato/Bad Orange Man. Get to the source and deal with that. There will be another one if not. I don't want to go through this again.

The source right now in the United States are infected people not quarantining because they don't know they are infectious because Trump is refusing to do the proper testing.

See above.
Maybe we'd be in a better place as far as that goes if Dear Leader {snip}

Waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!1111111

The pandemic wasn't started by Trump/Cheato/Bad Orange Man. Get to the source and deal with that.
Meanwhile TSwizzle is criticizing the people trying to put sand bags up on the crest of the levee as the river is about to go over the top, but are being stymied by the guy who owns the sand stocks. TSwizzle is saying "We should be tearing the designers of a levee a new one for not designing it to stop the flooding. I don't want my house flooded again."
The source right now in the United States are infected people not quarantining because they don't know they are infectious because Trump is refusing to do the proper testing.

See above.

See what I wrote. Fixing things in China will do absolutely nothing to fix things here. It's a stupid, idiotic proposal you are making.

That doesn't mean helping the Chinese out should not be done. Obviously we can do both things at the same time. What you have to do is justify why your guy in the oval office refuses to do either.
The source right now in the United States are infected people not quarantining because they don't know they are infectious because Trump is refusing to do the proper testing.

See above.

See what I wrote. Fixing things in China will do absolutely nothing to fix things here. It's a stupid, idiotic proposal you are making.

That doesn't mean helping the Chinese out should not be done. Obviously we can do both things at the same time. What you have to do is justify why your guy in the oval office refuses to do either.
On the deck of the TItanic, TSwizzle is telling the crew not to bother abandoning ship... "We should be penning an angry letter to the designers of the ship so that this doesn't happen again. *smug*"
Can't muster up a response.

Got nothing.

Nope. Can't come up with a response so you just "snip" the stuff you don't want to talk about and keep up the tantrum. Just like Trump.
TSwizzle Crisis Management: Put all available resources into preventing future similar crises from happening, while the existing crisis goes primarily undealt with.
It is incredible how many people are willing to go down with Trump.

I'd be perfectly happy okay with letting them go down with Trump and the Trump Virus - if they weren't going to take the rest of us down with their stupidity.
TSwizzle Crisis Management: Put all available resources into preventing future similar crises from happening, while the existing crisis goes primarily undealt with.

There will be another pandemic if the underlying causes are not dealt with. You carry on with your virtuous (and fucking tedious) cheato bashing for the amusement of the clowns on here and yourself.
TSwizzle Crisis Management: Put all available resources into preventing future similar crises from happening, while the existing crisis goes primarily undealt with.

There will be another pandemic if the underlying causes are not dealt with. You carry on with your virtuous (and fucking tedious) cheato bashing for the amusement of the clowns on here and yourself.

The WHO has been monitoring animal viruses trying to keep an eye out for crossover to humans for many years.
The WHO has been monitoring animal viruses trying to keep an eye out for crossover to humans for many years.

Yes they have and they have been sounding the alarm about these "wet markets" for years but there is not enough pressure to get them shut down. I think it is time to start making people aware as to why we are now in the situation we are in and start ramping up the pressure to shut these facilities down before another pandemic kicks off somewhere else.

Oh and the Chines government ought to be paying reparations for the damage they have caused.
TSwizzle Crisis Management: Put all available resources into preventing future similar crises from happening, while the existing crisis goes primarily undealt with.

There will be another pandemic if the underlying causes are not dealt with.
The good news is, the affects of a future pandemic in the US could be quite mild after the deaths from the existing Coronavirus epidemic and the deaths of other treatable diseases and whatnot that couldn't be addressed because the existing epidemic overwhelmed our medical system. So we have that silver lining.

You carry on with your virtuous (and fucking tedious) cheato bashing for the amusement of the clowns on here and yourself.
Yeah... bashing.

- Why didn't he do anything for a couple months
- Why is he competing with States on equipment procurement
- Why no leadership in a economic support bill that would have allowed for states to shut down without as much fear of crashing their state economies

Yeah, so tedious.
Nope. Can't come up with a response so you just "snip" the stuff you don't want to talk about and keep up the tantrum. Just like Trump.

That's right, I'm not interested in the tedious cheato bashing.

Or honest criticism. Or any criticism. Or honesty.

Why don't you wow us with a breakdown of just how brilliant Trump was by downplaying the virus while it was spreading, talking up the stock market as it was tanking, and contradicting medical experts while they're standing next to him shaking their heads at his rank stupidity.

It's not "bashing" if it's valid. You seem to think Trump has done and cannot do anything wrong. You're like the King of Swamp Castle from Monty Python after Lancelot has inadvertently slaughtered the wedding guests. "This is supposed to be a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who!"
TSwizzle Crisis Management: Put all available resources into preventing future similar crises from happening, while the existing crisis goes primarily undealt with.

There will be another pandemic if the underlying causes are not dealt with. You carry on with your virtuous (and fucking tedious) cheato bashing for the amusement of the clowns on here and yourself.

Look, there will be another pandemic regardless of whether the causes are understood. The cause of this one happens to be understood, and it is not China alone. There are thousands of these wildlife markets in Asia, not just China, and those countries are now moving to control them as much as possible. However, some novel infections start from other situations where people come into contact with animals, including livestock. So blaming China will do nothing to stop pandemics. Neither will blaming Trump, although, in his case, it might help to stop foolish voters from trying to get him reelected and future presidents from behaving as stupidly and incompetently as he has. Sometimes it makes sense to bash a president for poor performance in office, just as you and other right wingers do when Democratic presidents are in office. That is why the Constitution protects freedom of speech.
TSwizzle Crisis Management: Put all available resources into preventing future similar crises from happening, while the existing crisis goes primarily undealt with.

There will be another pandemic if the underlying causes are not dealt with. You carry on with your virtuous (and fucking tedious) cheato bashing for the amusement of the clowns on here and yourself.

Look, there will be another pandemic regardless of whether the causes are understood.

Then shutting these places down is very important.

The cause of this one happens to be understood, and it is not China alone.

I never said it was China alone. But this particular outbreak came from China.

There are thousands of these wildlife markets in Asia, not just China, and those countries are now moving to control them as much as possible.

I have already said that. Shut every single one of them down now wherever they are. Countless pubs and restaurants have been shut down, get these places shut down. And not just because of the threat of a pandemic but for the general poor animal rights. These places are horrific. (yes, I know, we have some poor conditions in the west)

However, some novel infections start from other situations where people come into contact with animals, including livestock. So blaming China will do nothing to stop pandemics.

But blaming China for THIS pandemic is apt. There needs to be consequences for it.
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