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Why "Chinese Virus" is racist

Don't some of you understand that viruses can spread in numerous ways, not just from unusual customs that involve eating.

Yes. But we know the source of this particular virus and the conditions that kicked it off. We also know these conditions exist in other parts of the world and some of us would like to see these "wet markets" shut down before another pandemic starts. And the Yulin Dog Meat Festival while we are at it.
Don't some of you understand that viruses can spread in numerous ways, not just from unusual customs that involve eating.

Yes. But we know the source of this particular virus and the conditions that kicked it off. We also know these conditions exist in other parts of the world and some of us would like to see these "wet markets" shut down before another pandemic starts. And the Yulin Dog Meat Festival while we are at it.

So, you actually believe this virus was created in China with the sole purpose of hurting Trump's reelection chances. And that the Chinese government conspired with "the media" and the Democrats to spread the disease to Italy, Iran, South Korea, and the US just because they all hated Trump.

What color is the sky in your world?
ETA: Sorry, wrong thread.


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Yes. But we know the source of this particular virus and the conditions that kicked it off. We also know these conditions exist in other parts of the world and some of us would like to see these "wet markets" shut down before another pandemic starts. And the Yulin Dog Meat Festival while we are at it.

So, you actually believe this virus was created in China with the sole purpose of hurting Trump's reelection chances. And that the Chinese government conspired with "the media" and the Democrats to spread the disease to Italy, Iran, South Korea, and the US just because they all hated Trump.

Doesn't matter, we just have to get REVENGE! This can't be any of our fault, so someone has to PAY! Millions of Americans will die, just for continuing to live their normal lives like they did before this damnpennick! So whose fault are all the deaths from Trump Virus? Sure, Trump could have heeded the CDC's advice 5 months ago, could have declined to call it a hoax four weeks ago, could have ordered supplies to be manufactured five days ago and any of those things might have cut the eventual death toll by some hundreds of thousands, but those things didn't cause it and now it's way more important to make somebody pay!

What color is the sky in your world?

Just a guess:

Look, there will be another pandemic regardless of whether the causes are understood.

Then shutting these places down is very important.

The cause of this one happens to be understood, and it is not China alone.

I never said it was China alone. But this particular outbreak came from China.

There are thousands of these wildlife markets in Asia, not just China, and those countries are now moving to control them as much as possible.

I have already said that. Shut every single one of them down now wherever they are. Countless pubs and restaurants have been shut down, get these places shut down. And not just because of the threat of a pandemic but for the general poor animal rights. These places are horrific. (yes, I know, we have some poor conditions in the west)

However, some novel infections start from other situations where people come into contact with animals, including livestock. So blaming China will do nothing to stop pandemics.

But blaming China for THIS pandemic is apt. There needs to be consequences for it.

No, it is not apt, because blaming China won't prevent future epidemics and it only serves a racist purpose now--to stigmatize people who are Chinese. China and other countries have made some of the wildlife trade illegal in the past, and they are now putting even more stringent rules in place. It is unnecessary to shut down all wet markets, because they alone are not the problem. The Chinese are doing that now without the need for ignorant racist fearmongering in other countries to inspire them to do it. It turns out that they don't like pandemics any more than we do.
Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety - The New York Times
As the coronavirus upends American life, Chinese-Americans face a double threat. Not only are they grappling like everyone else with how to avoid the virus itself, they are also contending with growing racism in the form of verbal and physical attacks. Other Asian-Americans — with families from Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, Myanmar and other places — are facing threats, too, lumped together with Chinese-Americans by a bigotry that does not know the difference.

In interviews over the past week, nearly two dozen Asian-Americans across the country said they were afraid — to go grocery shopping, to travel alone on subways or buses, to let their children go outside. Many described being yelled at in public — a sudden spasm of hate that is reminiscent of the kind faced by American Muslims and other Arabs and South Asians after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

But unlike in 2001, when President George W. Bush urged tolerance of American Muslims, this time President Trump is using language that Asian-Americans say is inciting racist attacks.
b-boy bouiebaisse on Twitter: "the predictable consequences of the president’s rhetoric. it’s rage inducing. https://t.co/Go6AOYc3ve" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yes. Many who’ve never had to deal with the consequences of such rhetoric think objecting to the President’s racism is about “political correctness.”
Really, it’s about protecting the millions of people who’ve become more vulnerable to hate crimes as a result of such language. https://t.co/WOgrUDrrta" / Twitter
TSwizzle Crisis Management: Put all available resources into preventing future similar crises from happening, while the existing crisis goes primarily undealt with.

There will be another pandemic if the underlying causes are not dealt with. You carry on with your virtuous (and fucking tedious) cheato bashing for the amusement of the clowns on here and yourself.

There will be another pandemic, period. Every few years, there it's a pandemic in one species of mammal or other, and sometimes it hits human. We aren't that special.

Biology us not your strongest suit?
Look, there will be another pandemic regardless of whether the causes are understood.

Then shutting these places down is very important.

The cause of this one happens to be understood, and it is not China alone.

I never said it was China alone. But this particular outbreak came from China.

There are thousands of these wildlife markets in Asia, not just China, and those countries are now moving to control them as much as possible.

I have already said that. Shut every single one of them down now wherever they are. Countless pubs and restaurants have been shut down, get these places shut down. And not just because of the threat of a pandemic but for the general poor animal rights. These places are horrific. (yes, I know, we have some poor conditions in the west)

However, some novel infections start from other situations where people come into contact with animals, including livestock. So blaming China will do nothing to stop pandemics.

But blaming China for THIS pandemic is apt. There needs to be consequences for it.

If there "need to be consequences", pork would be globally banned since a 100 years ago when the misnamed "Spanish flu" ot of Kansas took a global death toll comparable only to thay if the Black Death.
Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety - The New York Times
As the coronavirus upends American life, Chinese-Americans face a double threat. Not only are they grappling like everyone else with how to avoid the virus itself, they are also contending with growing racism in the form of verbal and physical attacks. Other Asian-Americans — with families from Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, Myanmar and other places — are facing threats, too, lumped together with Chinese-Americans by a bigotry that does not know the difference.

In interviews over the past week, nearly two dozen Asian-Americans across the country said they were afraid — to go grocery shopping, to travel alone on subways or buses, to let their children go outside. Many described being yelled at in public — a sudden spasm of hate that is reminiscent of the kind faced by American Muslims and other Arabs and South Asians after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

But unlike in 2001, when President George W. Bush urged tolerance of American Muslims, this time President Trump is using language that Asian-Americans say is inciting racist attacks.
b-boy bouiebaisse on Twitter: "the predictable consequences of the president’s rhetoric. it’s rage inducing. https://t.co/Go6AOYc3ve" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yes. Many who’ve never had to deal with the consequences of such rhetoric think objecting to the President’s raciAsm is about “political correctness.”
Really, it’s about protecting the millions of people who’ve become more vulnerable to hate crimes as a result of such language. https://t.co/WOgrUDrrta" / Twitter

His racist attacks on Asians are getting more serious, and that is finally beginning to sink in apparently. He is now belatedly, and weakly, trying to send a different signal--that the American Asians are not the ones people should be blaming. But we can still blame all those other ones, apparently. :rolleyes:

Trump says coronavirus not Asian Americans' fault
TSwizzle Crisis Management: Put all available resources into preventing future similar crises from happening, while the existing crisis goes primarily undealt with.

There will be another pandemic if the underlying causes are not dealt with. You carry on with your virtuous (and fucking tedious) cheato bashing for the amusement of the clowns on here and yourself.

There will be another pandemic, period. Every few years, there it's a pandemic in one species of mammal or other, and sometimes it hits human. We aren't that special.

Biology us not your strongest suit?

Careful...if you keep at this TSwizzle will quit the thread in a fit (and then go after you in the PMs.)
No, it is not apt, because blaming China won't prevent future epidemics

But shutting down the "wet markets" will certainly reduce the risk. That is where this virus started and it will happen again if they don't start shutting these places now.

China and other countries have made some of the wildlife trade illegal in the past, and they are now putting even more stringent rules in place.

It's a start but it is not enough.

It is unnecessary to shut down all wet markets, because they alone are not the problem.

But the one in Wuhan was and I believe it is shut now. Talk about locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. They need to start locking more stable doors now. Along with their other questionable practices.

The Chinese are doing that now without the need for ignorant racist fearmongering in other countries to inspire them to do it. It turns out that they don't like pandemics any more than we do.

Maybe if the Chinese government were made to pay reparations they would close them down a bit quicker, like before they unleash another virus on the world.
Well, as it stands right now, Democrats have REFUSED the aid package for Americans. Pretty damn sickening. Just goes to show that if the idea was thought of by Trump, they oppose it, despite the fact it would be great for the economy and Americans.

Trump's right. The do-nothing Democrats really hate him more than they like the American people.

Democrats have refused the aid package for the rich. There wasn't an aid package for Americans.

Actually, Fox News was talking about this. They just said, "The Dems are accusing the Republicans of bailing out the rich and the Republicans are accusing the Dems of only wanting their ideological terms in the package." So it seems the Dems aren't squeaky clean in this. Fox News said the Dems are acting like a bunch of children in kindergarten. "Now is not the time to play games with the American people. We need to get this done. Not stall."

Faux Noise isn't a credible source for what actually happened. They have actually been found to lie more than they tell the truth.

What the Republicans want is a big pool of money they can give to companies with no controls on it. That's a big boon to the rich, it will do little for the economy and the distribution would probably be very political. Not spending the money would be better than this crap.
"Now is not the time to play games with the American people. We need to get this done. Not stall."

Jesus H. Tap-dancing Christ are you serious?

Just a few weeks ago, the Republican President (presiding over a Republican Senate and overly conservative judiciary) declared that this was not only going to be over shortly...with cases dropping from 15 to zero...but that the "hype" was in fact nothing more than a "hoax" perpetrated by "the media" and the Democrats for no other reason than to hurt his reelection chances.

The virus was "contained" and we should all be dumping our money into the stock market, which was going to go through the roof when the "fake" crisis passed.

The CDC? The pandemic response team? Not needed. Nope, all we had to do was maybe take a day or two off work and everything would be just fine.

Now? Fucking morons who bought into this truckload of bullshit are all "we need to stop pointing fingers and come together to get things done."

Like it or not, but since the founding of this nation every single President has been given the credit and/or taken the blame for whatever happens on their watch. In just my life alone, Johnson was blamed for Vietnam (to the point where he refused to run again), Nixon was blamed for corruption (to the point where he resigned), Ford was blamed for the fallout from Nixon, Carter was blamed for the economic "malaise," Reagan was credited for the recovery, Bush was blamed for the subsequent recession, Clinton given credit for the 90s boom, Bush 2, Electric Boogaloo for the economic crash, and Obama for not bringing us out of the depths fast enough.

Now all of a sudden, Trump supporters want to act like none of this is the responsibility of their Dear Leader. Whether you think that's fair or not is irrelevant. Fragilego Mussolini is the current occupant of the White House, and the buck stops - despite his protestations to the contrary - at the Resolute Desk. And to bring it back to the OP, he's not just trying to shirk responsibility, he's trying to blame it on Asians in general! What the actual fuck? Trump is a spectacular failure of a leader at a moment when we've never needed a leader before. If the percentage of mortality for this outbreak is similar to the H1N1 virus, more Americans will die than were killed in WWII. As many Americans will die as in the Civil War. As many as die annually from heart disease and more than from cancer.

But hey, just listen to Fox News and support Trump no matter what, right? At some point I'd think your undying faith in Jesus would lead you to realize when you'd been lied to, but apparently I'm wrong.
To be fair, what he said was that labeling his administration preparation and response as terrible was the hoax. Which is what fragile Don really cares about.

But it was shitty so there was no hoax on the labeling.
50% of Americans say Trump's doing a good job. 45% say no. 5% said I don't know.

99% of people think that is a bullshit statement.

Actually, Fox News was talking about this. They just said, "The Dems are accusing the Republicans of bailing out the rich and the Republicans are accusing the Dems of only wanting their ideological terms in the package." So it seems the Dems aren't squeaky clean in this. Fox News said the Dems are acting like a bunch of children in kindergarten. "Now is not the time to play games with the American people. We need to get this done. Not stall."

You really need to stop using quotation marks until you learn how they are meant to be applied. Who said all the rhetorical crap you quoted and when?

Look, it appears you live, eat and breathe in the realm of youtube, so just to put things into your perspective, if you don't source whom you are quoting, then you come off sounding as completely full of shit as these people:

...But shutting down the "wet markets" will certainly reduce the risk. That is where this virus started and it will happen again if they don't start shutting these places now.

First, you need to understand what a "wet market" is. It is not the source of the problem. It is just a market that typically sells fresh seafood, and the name derives from water being splashed around. If you've ever been to one (which I'm pretty sure you haven't), the floor is typically very wet. Then you need to understand what caused this problem--a virus transferred from wild animals sold in some of these markets in China to humans. Such transfers can and do occur between livestock and humans in rural areas, but this one just happened to take place in a wet market. So that is the location, but not the problem. China and other Asian nations are addressing the problem by cracking down on the sale of wildlife in such markets, not by shutting down fresh seafood markets that feed millions of people all over Asia. You might as well shut down Pike Place Market in Seattle, while you are at it.

It is unnecessary to shut down all wet markets, because they alone are not the problem.

But the one in Wuhan was and I believe it is shut now. Talk about locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. They need to start locking more stable doors now. Along with their other questionable practices.

The wet market in Wuhan was shut down to decontaminate it. It will open again, but without the wildlife traffic this time. There are a lot of questionable practices on farms in the US that ought to be shut down, too.

The Chinese are doing that now without the need for ignorant racist fearmongering in other countries to inspire them to do it. It turns out that they don't like pandemics any more than we do.

Maybe if the Chinese government were made to pay reparations they would close them down a bit quicker, like before they unleash another virus on the world.

This advice is sure to fall on deaf ears, but don't be an idiot! Sanctions on China aren't needed, because the pandemic itself was sufficient to trigger drastic action in China. It caused far more economic damage than any sanctions imposed by the US could, and the Chinese have been behaving far more responsibly than the US lately. We are looking at an exponential growth in the number of infections in the US while the President is strenuously resisting efforts to curtail its growth. His fear is that the economic damage will be worse than the damage (i.e. massive number of deaths) we are facing. So we are quickly going to become a huge remaining problem for the rest of the world, since they are not going to want much to do with a country that leads world exports in COVID-19 disease.
First, you need to understand what a "wet market" is. It is not the source of the problem. {snip}

I know what a "wet market" is, I have never been to one but I have seen the footage and Wuhan was the source of this (COVAD-19) virus.

You might as well shut down Pike Place Market in Seattle, while you are at it.

And if Pike Place Market was slaughtering primates, bats, cats, rats, dogs and whatever critters it could find running/flying loose or smuggled in from abroad I would be all for shutting it down. But I'm pretty sure it isn't.

Sanctions on China aren't needed, because the pandemic itself was sufficient to trigger drastic action in China.
I'm not talking about sanctions, I talking about presenting the Chinese government with a $2 trillion dollar invoice for damage done to the USA. Europe should do likewise. And insist China do more to shut these "wet markets" and other questionable practices such as the Yulin dog meat festival. PERMANENTLY.
First, you need to understand what a "wet market" is. It is not the source of the problem. It is just a market that typically sells fresh seafood, and the name derives from water being splashed around. If you've ever been to one (which I'm pretty sure you haven't), the floor is typically very wet. Then you need to understand what caused this problem--a virus transferred from wild animals sold in some of these markets in China to humans. Such transfers can and do occur between livestock and humans in rural areas, but this one just happened to take place in a wet market. So that is the location, but not the problem. China and other Asian nations are addressing the problem by cracking down on the sale of wildlife in such markets, not by shutting down fresh seafood markets that feed millions of people all over Asia. You might as well shut down Pike Place Market in Seattle, while you are at it.

But the one in Wuhan was and I believe it is shut now. Talk about locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. They need to start locking more stable doors now. Along with their other questionable practices.

The wet market in Wuhan was shut down to decontaminate it. It will open again, but without the wildlife traffic this time. There are a lot of questionable practices on farms in the US that ought to be shut down, too.

The Chinese are doing that now without the need for ignorant racist fearmongering in other countries to inspire them to do it. It turns out that they don't like pandemics any more than we do.

Maybe if the Chinese government were made to pay reparations they would close them down a bit quicker, like before they unleash another virus on the world.

This advice is sure to fall on deaf ears, but don't be an idiot! Sanctions on China aren't needed, because the pandemic itself was sufficient to trigger drastic action in China. It caused far more economic damage than any sanctions imposed by the US could, and the Chinese have been behaving far more responsibly than the US lately. We are looking at an exponential growth in the number of infections in the US while the President is strenuously resisting efforts to curtail its growth. His fear is that the economic damage will be worse than the damage (i.e. massive number of deaths) we are facing. So we are quickly going to become a huge remaining problem for the rest of the world, since they are not going to want much to do with a country that leads world exports in COVID-19 disease.

Not too different from the policy of withdrawing help from central american countries, then declaring an emergency over people fleeing the unrest that resulted. Or slapping more sanctions on Iran while they're down, after withdrawing from the agreement with which they were abiding. The only difference is that the bodies that will be piling up in a couple of weeks will be Americans in the world's biggest shithole country - America. Making it Great, finally.
I know what a "wet market" is, I have never been to one but I have seen the footage and Wuhan was the source of this (COVAD-19) virus.

And if Pike Place Market was slaughtering primates, bats, cats, rats, dogs and whatever critters it could find running/flying loose or smuggled in from abroad I would be all for shutting it down. But I'm pretty sure it isn't.

Good, then you agree with me that wet markets should not be closed if they don't sell wildlife. That's precisely what is happening in China--a crackdown on that practice. So you are not in favor of shutting down wet markets generally, right? The Wuhan one can reopen, if it observes the new restrictions.

Sanctions on China aren't needed, because the pandemic itself was sufficient to trigger drastic action in China.
I'm not talking about sanctions, I talking about presenting the Chinese government with a $2 trillion dollar invoice for damage done to the USA. Europe should do likewise. And insist China do more to shut these "wet markets" and other questionable practices such as the Yulin dog meat festival. PERMANENTLY.

That would be as stupid and pointless as calling COVID-19 the "Chinese virus". Everyone should start sending bills to everyone else because that's going to have a good outcome. We can also be billed for the Spanish Flu pandemic (with interest, of course). You should think of a career in international relations. :rolleyes: As I pointed out earlier, China is already cracking down on the practices you refer to, and it does not need further incentives to do so.
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