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Why "Chinese Virus" is racist

But blaming China for THIS pandemic is apt. There needs to be consequences for it.

Maybe we should kill a few thousand of their people? Or maybe just take out our rage on random Asian people because after all, they're all the same...right?

Kinda like we should jail black people because they're mostly criminals...right?

Goodness knows we shouldn't hold our own leaders responsible for their incompetence! Just blame the Asians! Problem solved!
Well, as it stands right now, Democrats have REFUSED the aid package for Americans. Pretty damn sickening. Just goes to show that if the idea was thought of by Trump, they oppose it, despite the fact it would be great for the economy and Americans.

Trump's right. The do-nothing Democrats really hate him more than they like the American people.
Well, as it stands right now, Democrats have REFUSED the aid package for Americans.

No, they didn't. They don't want the majority of the money to go to corporate bailouts. They want the money to go to people like you--regardless of how ignorant you are about what the Republicans are doing to you and your family and friends--so they are rejecting the Republican TERMS of the relief package, not the idea of a relief package.
Well, as it stands right now, Democrats have REFUSED the aid package for Americans.

No, they didn't. They don't want the majority of the money to go to corporate bailouts. They want the money to go to people like you--regardless of how ignorant you are about what the Republicans are doing to you and your family and friends--so they are rejecting the Republican TERMS of the relief package, not the idea of a relief package.

The money needs to go to both. How are the corporations going to pay their bills and expenses if they have no money coming in from the customers?

It's easy to say "no corporate bail outs!" until those businesses go belly up and we have no more airlines, banks, etc. You guys would be the first ones asking, "Why are they all out of business??!?!"
Well, as it stands right now, Democrats have REFUSED the aid package for Americans. Pretty damn sickening. Just goes to show that if the idea was thought of by Trump, they oppose it, despite the fact it would be great for the economy and Americans.

Trump's right. The do-nothing Democrats really hate him more than they like the American people.

The Republicans want $500 billion to go to corporations and bank with no standards as to what the money could be spent on or who could actually get the money, completely controlled by Mnuchin and Bonespurs. It's the very definition of a slush fund. Not to mention that $1.5 trillion was just given to them two weeks ago with no visible positive results.
Well, as it stands right now, Democrats have REFUSED the aid package for Americans.

No, they didn't. They don't want the majority of the money to go to corporate bailouts. They want the money to go to people like you--regardless of how ignorant you are about what the Republicans are doing to you and your family and friends--so they are rejecting the Republican TERMS of the relief package, not the idea of a relief package.

The money needs to go to both. How are the corporations going to pay their bills and expenses if they have no money coming in from the customers?

It's easy to say "no corporate bail outs!" until those businesses go belly up and we have no more airlines, banks, etc. You guys would be the first ones asking, "Why are they all out of business??!?!"

The fed just lowered the interest rate to zero. It's like borrowing money for free. Let them borrow the money.

Poor people cannot do that, only the rich corporations can do that.
The US exposure occurred due to China's poor initial handling of the outbreak and the inevitable spreading of the disease.

The US exposure occurred before China had a chance to figure out what they were dealing with.
Nope. Can't come up with a response so you just "snip" the stuff you don't want to talk about and keep up the tantrum. Just like Trump.

That's right, I'm not interested in the tedious cheato bashing.

If it were just about past actions you would have a point. Fixing the situation is more important than fixing the blame. However, the reality is that he continues to fuck things up. There's little hope of dealing with this well while he plays 1000# gorilla messing with the attempts to actually fix it.
Well, as it stands right now, Democrats have REFUSED the aid package for Americans. Pretty damn sickening. Just goes to show that if the idea was thought of by Trump, they oppose it, despite the fact it would be great for the economy and Americans.

Trump's right. The do-nothing Democrats really hate him more than they like the American people.

Democrats have refused the aid package for the rich. There wasn't an aid package for Americans.
But blaming China for THIS pandemic is apt. There needs to be consequences for it.

Maybe we should kill a few thousand of their people? Or maybe just take out our rage on random Asian people because after all, they're all the same...right?

Kinda like we should jail black people because they're mostly criminals...right?
Goodness knows we shouldn't hold our own leaders responsible for their incompetence! Just blame the Asians! Problem solved!

This is fucking moronic. Certainly thousands, and possibly millions of American lives hang in the balance, and we have idiots focused on revenge???
Who raised these people?
There will be people who deserve consequences alright, but unfortunately the Trump virus is indiscriminate.
But blaming China for THIS pandemic is apt. There needs to be consequences for it.

Maybe we should kill a few thousand of their people? Or maybe just take out our rage on random Asian people because after all, they're all the same...right?

Kinda like we should jail black people because they're mostly criminals...right?
Goodness knows we shouldn't hold our own leaders responsible for their incompetence! Just blame the Asians! Problem solved!

This is fucking moronic. Certainly thousands, and possibly millions of American lives hang in the balance, and we have idiots focused on revenge???
Who raised these people?
There will be people who deserve consequences alright, but unfortunately the Trump virus is indiscriminate.

So, in the interest of science, I looked at the last flu epidemic (h1n1) and did the math. Much has been made about Obama's response to that outbreak, with right wingers screaming about the 12-17 thousand deaths attributed to the virus.

If we take the current very conservative estimate of the Covid 19 mortality rate of 1 percent, and assume the same number of Americans get infected as with that previous outbreak (61 million), we're looking at over 600,000 deaths. That's right up there with the number of people who die of heart disease, and more than die of cancer every year.

And that's assuming we have a competent government response starting on day one. We haven't. The US is facing a threat that could kill far more people than we lost in WWII, but our "leaders" are more concerned about who to blame and which cash rich industries should be given taxpayer bailouts. Then you have fucking morons who went from "Trump is right! This is all being blown out of proportion!" to "Gosh Trump is handling this so well! He's so Presidential!"
Well, as it stands right now, Democrats have REFUSED the aid package for Americans. Pretty damn sickening. Just goes to show that if the idea was thought of by Trump, they oppose it, despite the fact it would be great for the economy and Americans.

Trump's right. The do-nothing Democrats really hate him more than they like the American people.

Democrats have refused the aid package for the rich. There wasn't an aid package for Americans.

Actually, Fox News was talking about this. They just said, "The Dems are accusing the Republicans of bailing out the rich and the Republicans are accusing the Dems of only wanting their ideological terms in the package." So it seems the Dems aren't squeaky clean in this. Fox News said the Dems are acting like a bunch of children in kindergarten. "Now is not the time to play games with the American people. We need to get this done. Not stall."
This is fucking moronic. Certainly thousands, and possibly millions of American lives hang in the balance, and we have idiots focused on revenge???
Who raised these people?
There will be people who deserve consequences alright, but unfortunately the Trump virus is indiscriminate.

So, in the interest of science, I looked at the last flu epidemic (h1n1) and did the math. Much has been made about Obama's response to that outbreak, with right wingers screaming about the 12-17 thousand deaths attributed to the virus.

If we take the current very conservative estimate of the Covid 19 mortality rate of 1 percent, and assume the same number of Americans get infected as with that previous outbreak (61 million), we're looking at over 600,000 deaths. That's right up there with the number of people who die of heart disease, and more than die of cancer every year.

And that's assuming we have a competent government response starting on day one. We haven't. The US is facing a threat that could kill far more people than we lost in WWII, but our "leaders" are more concerned about who to blame and which cash rich industries should be given taxpayer bailouts. Then you have fucking morons who went from "Trump is right! This is all being blown out of proportion!" to "Gosh Trump is handling this so well! He's so Presidential!"

60 million-ish infected, 12,000ish deaths for that H1N1 outbreak for the year.

Less than a month with Covid-19: 40,000+ confirmed infected, nearing 600 dead and we are still exponentially growing.

It would take 6 months to record 1,000 deaths related to H1N1 in 2009 (ie the Swine Flu). We appear on track to hit that target in about 5 weeks, assuming around 2/15 being the beginning.
This is fucking moronic. Certainly thousands, and possibly millions of American lives hang in the balance, and we have idiots focused on revenge???
Who raised these people?
There will be people who deserve consequences alright, but unfortunately the Trump virus is indiscriminate.

So, in the interest of science, I looked at the last flu epidemic (h1n1) and did the math. Much has been made about Obama's response to that outbreak, with right wingers screaming about the 12-17 thousand deaths attributed to the virus.

If we take the current very conservative estimate of the Covid 19 mortality rate of 1 percent, and assume the same number of Americans get infected as with that previous outbreak (61 million), we're looking at over 600,000 deaths. That's right up there with the number of people who die of heart disease, and more than die of cancer every year.

And that's assuming we have a competent government response starting on day one. We haven't. The US is facing a threat that could kill far more people than we lost in WWII, but our "leaders" are more concerned about who to blame and which cash rich industries should be given taxpayer bailouts. Then you have fucking morons who went from "Trump is right! This is all being blown out of proportion!" to "Gosh Trump is handling this so well! He's so Presidential!"

50% of Americans say Trump's doing a good job. 45% say no. 5% said I don't know.
Some of you sound as ignorant as Trump!

Why wasn't the swine flu, aka H1N1 referred to as the American virus? It started in North America from infected pigs. Don't some of you understand that viruses can spread in numerous ways, not just from unusual customs that involve eating. It's believed that the Herpes virus has been around for millions of years. Why? Herpes doesn't kill its host, like COVID-19 often does. If a virus kills too many hosts, it's more likely to die out or go dormant. I'm not a virologist, but anyone with a high school education can look up things online from scientific sources and learn a little bit about how a virus can mutate.

Viruses are actually amazing life forms in that they can remain dormant for thousands of years, yet revive themselves when a host appears. Why not learn more about viruses instead of having this stupid argument! It's obvious to a thinking person that Trump is a narcissistic racist, as evidenced by many of the things he says, like calling a virus with the scientific name of COVID-19, the Chinese Virus. Maybe he's just too stupid to remember the term COVID-19 As an American, I feel disgraced to have such an incompetent, racist, mentally disturbed president represent my country.


How do these viruses reach humans from animals?
The simple answer to this question is through physical contact. The first case of swine flu in North America was reported in those individuals who were taking care of infected pigs in a barn. Recently, there was also a Nipah virus outbreak in some southern Asian countries. It was found that in these regions, individuals were infected by the virus through direct contact with infected pigs and their contaminated tissues.
Maybe he's just too stupid to remember the term COVID-19 As an American, I feel disgraced to have such an incompetent, racist, mentally disturbed president represent my country.
It is a red herring, it is meant to have people asking why is Trump being racist, instead of why are we putting our health workers in great danger by suggesting they use masks more than they should... or not see to allowing them to have protection at all.

It is how Trump wins. Create the BS, defend it a bit, then move on to next BS point, all the while to keep things emotional and keep the media from asking about why the Federal Government is interfering with States acquiring equipment and materials, all the while not exactly providing it to the states. Or why hasn't the entire nation not been put on pause for three to four weeks.
Maybe he's just too stupid to remember the term COVID-19 As an American, I feel disgraced to have such an incompetent, racist, mentally disturbed president represent my country.
It is a red herring, it is meant to have people asking why is Trump being racist, instead of why are we putting our health workers in great danger by suggesting they use masks more than they should... or not see to allowing them to have protection at all.

It is how Trump wins. Create the BS, defend it a bit, then move on to next BS point, all the while to keep things emotional and keep the media from asking about why the Federal Government is interfering with States acquiring equipment and materials, all the while not exactly providing it to the states. Or why hasn't the entire nation not been put on pause for three to four weeks.

As I and others have made mention on numerous occasions, Trumpo isn't the problem, he's a symptom. The problem is that our state is full of ignorant, xenophobic, scientifically illiterate, white, racist bigots. Being so feels good to them.
This is fucking moronic. Certainly thousands, and possibly millions of American lives hang in the balance, and we have idiots focused on revenge???
Who raised these people?
There will be people who deserve consequences alright, but unfortunately the Trump virus is indiscriminate.

So, in the interest of science, I looked at the last flu epidemic (h1n1) and did the math. Much has been made about Obama's response to that outbreak, with right wingers screaming about the 12-17 thousand deaths attributed to the virus.

If we take the current very conservative estimate of the Covid 19 mortality rate of 1 percent, and assume the same number of Americans get infected as with that previous outbreak (61 million), we're looking at over 600,000 deaths. That's right up there with the number of people who die of heart disease, and more than die of cancer every year.

And that's assuming we have a competent government response starting on day one. We haven't. The US is facing a threat that could kill far more people than we lost in WWII, but our "leaders" are more concerned about who to blame and which cash rich industries should be given taxpayer bailouts. Then you have fucking morons who went from "Trump is right! This is all being blown out of proportion!" to "Gosh Trump is handling this so well! He's so Presidential!"

50% of Americans say Trump's doing a good job. 45% say no. 5% said I don't know.

100% of morons. bigots and ignorant fools think Trump is doing a great job.
100% of reasoning people know he is an idiot who is putting the people of America - and democracy itself - at grave risk.
50% of Americans say Trump's doing a good job. 45% say no. 5% said I don't know.

100% of morons. bigots and ignorant fools think Trump is doing a great job.
100% of reasoning people know he is an idiot who is putting the people of America - and democracy itself - at grave risk.

And the percentage of Covid 19 virus that gives a flying fuck about approval ratings?


The virus is - as all viruses - a strand of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein shell. As such, it is incapable of feelings, or opinions, or anything approaching concern over the approval rating of a public figure. It's a virus. It infects people. That's what it does. That's all it does.

If such things were important to the virus (which they're not), it is worth pointing out that in the aftermath of 9/11, George W. Bush's approval rating topped out at 92 percent. It remained in the 80-90 percent range for months. If approval rating is a measure of how a leader deals with a crisis, Trump is a miserable failure.
50% of Americans say Trump's doing a good job. 45% say no. 5% said I don't know.

100% of morons. bigots and ignorant fools think Trump is doing a great job.
100% of reasoning people know he is an idiot who is putting the people of America - and democracy itself - at grave risk.

And the percentage of Covid 19 virus that gives a flying fuck about approval ratings?


The virus is - as all viruses - a strand of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein shell. As such, it is incapable of feelings, or opinions, or anything approaching concern over the approval rating of a public figure. It's a virus. It infects people. That's what it does. That's all it does.

If such things were important to the virus (which they're not), it is worth pointing out that in the aftermath of 9/11, George W. Bush's approval rating topped out at 92 percent. It remained in the 80-90 percent range for months. If approval rating is a measure of how a leader deals with a crisis, Trump is a miserable failure.

The Trump Virus isn't the only killer operating in this arena though - there is also Trump himself.

Man dies after self-medicating with chloroquine

Hopefully he keeps killing people who are stupid enough to believe what he says. That should improve the gene pool after a while...
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