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Why do Christians outnumber atheists?

But atheists also disagree over why no Gods exist
The only time nonexistence requires an explanation is when there is evidence of prior existence. Since atheists do not belief Gods never existed, they have no need for an explanation for the nonexistence.

Your claim is illogical.
Can you offer an explanation for why those who believe in the Christian God greatly outnumber atheists?
It is true that most surveys of religious populations show that there are more Christians than any other religious category. But given my observations of Christians and experiences with Christians, it is not clear to me that they all believe in the same version of god.

Frankly, I do not care to explain why people hold irrational beliefs. Emily Lake in this thread gave some reasonable explanations. And, I don't see what relevance/importance in that there are more believers of X than believers of Y.
A more important question, why do the majority of Christians prefer Coke and atheists Pepsi?

A brief pause for comic relief.

The question of knowledge vs theology actually goes far back in history. A Jew Moses Maimonedes wrote in A Guide For The Perplexed circa 12th century that when scripture and science conflict interpretation of scripture must change.

While modern science has replaced a lot of superstition and pseudoscience, us humans appear to be largely unchanged over the last 2000 years.

The idea that humans collectively are going to become rational, without denting meaning, is like believing one day cats will start acting like dogs.

There has always been diversity of beliefs going back through recorded history.

It is the Muslims and Christians who have tried for over a thousand years to replace all of it with a single belief system.

Today we see it in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Harsh punishments for converting out of Islam. In Saudi Arabia even for switching Muslim sects form the majority. Haven't head anything recent, Saudi Arabia has executed people for apostasy.

In the midst of all this garbage, atheists who want no part of religion for obvious reasons.
I think I can now see why so many of the atheists here are getting upset: They're objecting to the apparent fallacy that the majority is right.

I think what you are mistaking for upset atheists is members of this forum indulging a dishonest Christian, trolling for lulz, in his quest.
I don't see what relevance/importance in that there are more believers of X than believers of Y.
But there must be some importance to you otherwise you wouldn't have posted comments on this thread.
You KEEP saying this, as if it hsn’t been addressed scores of times already.

You seem to imply that an atheist’s interaction or interest in the topic of Christians (who are real) has some bearing on a god (which is not real). And that’s really just a shallow trick. The existence of Christians and their negative impact (or positive impact) on people around them has nothing whatsoever to do with the veracity of Christianity, and it never has. The existence of christians and our willingness to talk about them does not have anything to do with whether they are right.

For example, a large number of us talk at great length about crime and criminals, but it’s obvious to the most casual observer that none of us think they are right or doing any good.

Can we make this the last time we see, “you must have some reason to post about this!” Pls?
I don't see what relevance/importance in that there are more believers of X than believers of Y.
But there must be some importance to you otherwise you wouldn't have posted comments on this thread.
I pointed out the errors in your argument.

If you look at the data, there are clearly many more non-believers of a Christian god than of a Christian god. Do you have an explanation for that?
500 A.D. -- "Why do so many flat-earthers outnumber non-flat-earthers?" by Roman philosopher VeritasSeekicus
I think I can now see why so many of the atheists here are getting upset: They're objecting to the apparent fallacy that the majority is right. I'm not arguing that Christians are right because they outnumber atheists, of course. But we must wonder!
No, we really don’t “must wonder.” It’s a fallacy.

Why on earth do you suppose that we “must wonder”? What makes you think that?
Why on earth do you suppose that we “must wonder”? What makes you think that
Because responses give him great new material to post on forums like CARM. About the atheist death culture and such.

He's not really an @Unknown Soldier anymore. He's a Christian, posting in the Christian Only section of CARM.
500 A.D. -- "Why do so many flat-earthers outnumber non-flat-earthers?" by Roman philosopher VeritasSeekicus
I think I can now see why so many of the atheists here are getting upset: They're objecting to the apparent fallacy that the majority is right. I'm not arguing that Christians are right because they outnumber atheists, of course. But we must wonder!
No, we really don’t “must wonder.” It’s a fallacy.

Why on earth do you suppose that we “must wonder”? What makes you think that?

Because he’s a Christian pretending to be an atheist?
I'm not arguing that Christians are right because they outnumber atheists, of course.
But we must wonder!
Why? That would seem to be a foolish and demonstrably dumb thing to do.

"I'm not arguing that the Earth really was flat in 500AD. But we must wonder!" - See? It's ludicrous and crazy to "wonder!" about such drivel.
But atheists also disagree over why no Gods exist
The only time nonexistence requires an explanation is when there is evidence of prior existence. Since atheists do not belief Gods never existed, they have no need for an explanation for the nonexistence.

Your claim is illogical.
Can you offer an explanation for why those who believe in the Christian God greatly outnumber atheists?
Can you offer an explanation for why those who don't believe in the Christian God greatly outnumber those who do?

Atheists are a small subset of non-Christians.
I don't see what relevance/importance in that there are more believers of X than believers of Y.
But there must be some importance to you otherwise you wouldn't have posted comments on this thread.
Not at all. You are making (yet another) error by ignoring the meta-importance people attach to correcting errors by others.

That is, it's important to people that you are wrong, regardless of how important it is what you are specifically wrong about today.

Can you offer an explanation for why those who believe in the Christian God greatly outnumber atheists?
It is true that most surveys of religious populations show that there are more Christians than any other religious category. But given my observations of Christians and experiences with Christians, it is not clear to me that they all believe in the same version of god.
I'd rather not get bogged down in intersect rivalry, so just understand "Christian" as any person sincerely claiming to be one.
Frankly, I do not care to explain why people hold irrational beliefs. Emily Lake in this thread gave some reasonable explanations. And, I don't see what relevance/importance in that there are more believers of X than believers of Y.
Then what are you doing on this thread?
Most Likely Answer: Many atheists are unhappy being in the minority.
Frankly, I do not care to explain why people hold irrational beliefs. Emily Lake in this thread gave some reasonable explanations. And, I don't see what relevance/importance in that there are more believers of X than believers of Y.
Then what are you doing on this thread?
When someone says "I don't see the relevance", it does not means the person has no interest. It means you should explain the relevance. As the OP-writer, it's on you to clarify your point when it is not understood.

Most Likely Answer: Many atheists are unhappy being in the minority.
Is that the relevance then? "Fringe" was meant to be a kind of jab?
I don't see what relevance/importance in that there are more believers of X than believers of Y.
But there must be some importance to you otherwise you wouldn't have posted comments on this thread.
You KEEP saying this, as if it hsn’t been addressed scores of times already.
Then I missed it scores of times. Some people hate some ideas and want to destroy the freedom of others to discuss those ideas. That's why they keep invading threads to complain and be disruptive.
You seem to imply that an atheist’s interaction or interest in the topic of Christians (who are real) has some bearing on a god (which is not real).
I might seem to imply that showing interest in Christianity has a bearing on a god (whatever that might mean), but you're probably wrong about my motives which are irrelevant anyway.
And that’s really just a shallow trick.
Are you afraid of being tricked?
The existence of Christians and their negative impact (or positive impact) on people around them has nothing whatsoever to do with the veracity of Christianity, and it never has.
That is correct.
The existence of christians and our willingness to talk about them does not have anything to do with whether they are right.
That's correct too.
For example, a large number of us talk at great length about crime and criminals, but it’s obvious to the most casual observer that none of us think they are right or doing any good.
I understand that discussing criminals is not necessarily condoning their crimes, of course.
Can we make this the last time we see, “you must have some reason to post about this!” Pls?
I will do that if the mods here actually do their job fairly by tossing the troublemakers out of the threads they want to destroy.
Sure, being ostracized by your community due to your personal beliefs can be less than pleasant.

Some people then wonder out loud if those beliefs must therefore be invalid.
Because he’s a Christian pretending to be an atheist?
Who is now pretending not to be an atheist.

His official designation is "Truth Seeker". Manages to be both Christian on CARM and atheist on IIDB.
"Christian on CARM"? LOL--Check this out on my Christianity: Friend or Foe to Science.
Here's a preview:
I think I will rest my case on the brutality and hatred that your religion fosters against homosexuals. Any reasonable person can see that your religion is guilty of creating homophobia.

One of the biggest problems with religion is that it leads people into life-threatening situations and glorifies their likely deaths.

If you seek truth like I have done, then you will find the truth that most people are good most of the time. Gods really have nothing to do with valuing people.

A real God wouldn't kill anybody. Only killer men who create Gods put words demanding death into the Gods they created.

Why can't you make up a God who doesn't kill people?

No. I'm just sensible enough to see the indelible stamp of violent, evil men on the Gods they've created. If God is good, then it's just plain crazy to make a killer out of him.

True, but what scares me is the possibility that once again those crafty God-creators will stuff words of hatred and violence into the Gods they've made.
Those are hardly the words of a Christian, but they are definitely the words of a truth seeker. I am indiscriminate: I'll pound anything both atheistic and Christian that gets in the way of truth and goodness.
Can you offer an explanation for why those who believe in the Christian God greatly outnumber atheists?
It is true that most surveys of religious populations show that there are more Christians than any other religious category. But given my observations of Christians and experiences with Christians, it is not clear to me that they all believe in the same version of god.
I'd rather not get bogged down in intersect rivalry, so just understand "Christian" as any person sincerely claiming to be one.
Frankly, I do not care to explain why people hold irrational beliefs. Emily Lake in this thread gave some reasonable explanations. And, I don't see what relevance/importance in that there are more believers of X than believers of Y.
Then what are you doing on this thread?
Most Likely Answer: Many atheists are unhappy being in the minority.
Why are Christians so arrogant that they believe atheists care about such trivia.

The atheists I know just want to be left alone by religionists.
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