Since the only operative definition of personhood is a legal one, why not call it a person when it takes its first breath?
So an en caul birth is not a person until the sac is opened?? How can removing the sac confer personhood??
Or even just an ordinary water birth. The baby will not drown even if not promptly removed from the water. Once again we are in a position with an action that clearly can't confer personhood meeting the definition?
And it AFIAK hasn't happened yet but what about ECMO? The viability limit is based on the lungs, if the ECMO setup were able to work on an extreme preemie you could have a baby that hasn't taken a breath. It's still very expensive and only used on a short term basis (which causes a hell of an ethical problem at times--what do you do with a patient who was saved by ECMO but whose lungs aren't going to recover?) but new technologies tend to drop in price over time.
Lungs are only part of the issue. How much physical and cognitive damage are we willing to allow/inflict in the name of ‘saving babies?’
It really is extremely complex and difficult.
There might be a bit of fuzziness that needs to be considered, but seriously, is the concept of viability such a mystery to so many of you?
It's not even that hard to address the fuzziness.
If, in the opinion of the doctor, the infant will not survive outside of the womb regardless of the degree of medical intervention, then there are no limitations at all.
If, in the opinion of the doctor, the infant will survive outside of the womb without any material medical intervention, then there needs to be a risk to the health of the mother or profound disability/risk/injury to the infant.
f, in the opinion of the doctor, the infant might survive but only with significant medical intervention, and survivability isn't guaranteed... then it defaults to the mother's choice.
Seriously, this isn't so difficult a concept.
Sure. Unless it is you, hemorrhaging badly because the placenta is over the cervix and this badly wanted pregnancy may kill you and leave your other child(ren) without a mother.
Unless your blood pressure keeps spiking despite repeated adjustments to meds and complete bed rest/ hospitalization,
Sure, unless your tumor has started growing again and is pressing badly on your kidneys which are failing and you have to decide whether to continue the pregnancy or to live long enough to deliver a healthy baby which will become motherless within days or weeks of birth.
Sure, unless your kidneys are failing or you have developed serious strain to your heart or your lungs or you are struggling to stay alive without the medications that control your severe mental illness because the ones deemed 'safe enough' for a developing fetus are inadequate to stop the demons inside your head.
Sure, unless you are afraid your ex who beat you badly and raped you when you told him you were breaking up with him will find you in the hospital and remove all future choices from your control.
And a dozen other things that I don't personally know women who have had to struggle with while pregnant.
I don't know how often you have had to make immediate literal life and death decisions for yourself or for others, but it's not nearly as easy as typing out letters on a keyboard that only strangers will read. Especially if it is not you bleeding out, struggling to keep from stroking out or to keep your demons quiet enough to allow you to rest and not go searching for sharp objects or windows in rooms on high floors.
Seriously: sometimes there are only seconds to minutes to make these decisions---under the best circumstances.