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Why Trump Will Win the GOP Nomination


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
Just the nomination. Not the election.


This is the GOP. It is at its core, white and racist. Saying that Muslims will be thrown out of the country and made to wear an identification badge is exactly what they want to hear. Trump will be the nominee.

Wow, that crowd is uuge. Must be tens of people there.
Not only are there no non-whites, I can see only a few dark-haired people. Christ!
Not only are there no non-whites, I can see only a few dark-haired people. Christ!

I thought I saw a hispanic, but it was just a guy with a tan.

I think that the GOP is finally beginning to realize that they've created Frankenstein's Monster here and are getting ready to chase it up to the Arctic. Hopefully, it will work out just as well as it did in the book.
Wow, that crowd is uuge. Must be tens of people there.

I'm not sure where this picture was taken, but I do notice an Auburn hat and that it looks like it's on a football field. If it is from the August rally in Mobile, Alabama than the crowd was 30,000 people. http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/08/how_big_was_the_crowd_at_donal.html Given that most people are wearing short sleeves I don't think this is from the more recent Birmingham rally.

So don't be so cocky about the number of people in the picture itself. This is a mass movement of southern white redneck christian racists. And they vote. Fortunately so do Californians, New Yorkers, Ohioans, and Virginians.

Not only are there no non-whites, I can see only a few dark-haired people. Christ!

I thought I saw a hispanic, but it was just a guy with a tan.

I think that the GOP is finally beginning to realize that they've created Frankenstein's Monster here and are getting ready to chase it up to the Arctic. Hopefully, it will work out just as well as it did in the book.
Once the GOP gets that monster into Canada, they will get Mexico to build a wall to keep it out.
I swear I've seen that woman before.

Ya, that's Crazily Excited Woman #42. She's at all the political rallies which are worth being at.

I thought she was photoshopped in from another photo. Is she looking behind Trump?

Like there is something behind the Donald she is afraid of...

Not sure if this is the same rally, but here's another pic showing more of the 30,000 crowd at the Mobile rally.

He's not going to get the nomination, but he WILL run as an independent.
He's not going to get the nomination, but he WILL run as an independent.

As long as he's running, that's all that matters. The general election is going to be a boring Clinton coronation anyways, so anything that will spice it up a bit is a positive.

His running as an independent will also have the added benefit of allowing the GOP to say that the only reason they lost was because of Trump's vote splitting, so they won't feel a need to deal with any of the internal problems with their party and will remain out of power for longer.
His running as an independent will also have the added benefit of allowing the GOP to say that the only reason they lost was because of Trump's vote splitting, so they won't feel a need to deal with any of the internal problems with their party and will remain out of power for longer.

I had that thought as well.
As seen in the last couple of days, Trump will not be the nominee, the Republican Establishment will prevent it. You'll notice how quickly the candidates raced to somewhat call out Trumps statement as kind of wrong! At this point the Republicans have finally picked up on why the Democrats wouldn't mind a Trump nomination. Some of his supporters were / are deluded enough because we are scared he'd beat Clinton. The truth is, he is starting to "tarnish" the Republican brand among the indie's and moderates. Those that don't pay much attention to politics will see Republican nominee leader making these statements on the front cover of the newspaper. They'll dismiss it as ludicrous and think the Republican party is nuts (which really isn't too inaccurate).

So the Republican Establishment is already making waves.

The trouble becomes the delegate issue. Right now, no one is winning the nomination unless Trump finally deflates. The competition is too broken up. It seems impossible for Trump to ride the primaries to an all out nomination. But what apparently seems also unlikely is Trump going away, as his support apparently is from right-wingers who don't normally vote. Which means he can't out crazy himself out of the polls. The delegates may be split and split and split amongst the Cruzers (idiot evangelicals), Trumps (idiot racists), and Rubios (establishment Republicans who crapped on inexperienced Obama but swallowing pride and voting Rubio who is of somewhat similar experience).

Which then causes more trouble, a brokered convention and a very likely Trump speech at the Republican Convention, where Trump may say "You'd be better off voting for Hillary Clinton over the douche the Republicans have nominated here."

In order to run as an Independent, Trump actually has deadlines to meet to get on the ballot. Depending on how IA, NH, and SC turnout, it may be too late to make an Indy run if he is accumulating too many Republican delegates. After SC, it may likely be Trump and Cruz running head and head, Rubio back in third trying to scratch through. What is funny is that the Republicans want a Cruz nomination only slightly more than a Trump nomination.
Ya, that's Crazily Excited Woman #42. She's at all the political rallies which are worth being at.

I thought she was photoshopped in from another photo. Is she looking behind Trump?

Like there is something behind the Donald she is afraid of...
I think that is a high quality photoshop if it is. Lighting is perfect, shadows are good and the woman behind her reaching out is spot on.
Not only are there no non-whites, I can see only a few dark-haired people. Christ!

I thought I saw a hispanic, but it was just a guy with a tan.

I think that the GOP is finally beginning to realize that they've created Frankenstein's Monster here and are getting ready to chase it up to the Arctic. Hopefully, it will work out just as well as it did in the book.

You should get a pretty good view of that from your place. See if you can get some video footage as they pass your house.
You should get a pretty good view of that from your place. See if you can get some video footage as they pass your house.

Dude, this is real life, not a horror movie. When monsters and Republicans pass by your house, you hide until they're gone. You don't start taking videos and risking their noticing you.
Wow, that crowd is uuge. Must be tens of people there.

I'm not sure where this picture was taken, but I do notice an Auburn hat and that it looks like it's on a football field. If it is from the August rally in Mobile, Alabama than the crowd was 30,000 people. http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/08/how_big_was_the_crowd_at_donal.html Given that most people are wearing short sleeves I don't think this is from the more recent Birmingham rally.

So don't be so cocky about the number of people in the picture itself. This is a mass movement of southern white redneck christian racists. And they vote. Fortunately so do Californians, New Yorkers, Ohioans, and Virginians.


It looks a bit like Nuremberg to me.
You should get a pretty good view of that from your place. See if you can get some video footage as they pass your house.

Dude, this is real life, not a horror movie. When monsters and Republicans pass by your house, you hide until they're gone. You don't start taking videos and risking their noticing you.
Kind of like the Toronto Maple Leafs.
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