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Why Trump Will Win the GOP Nomination

If we in fact launched a terrorist attack, there would be no refugees.

You mean if we had launched a different kind of terrorist attack.

How was what we did not terrorism?

By what universal understanding of morality?
By the standard that "terrorism" is defined by its TACTICS, not by its morality. What our government did was ABSOLUTELY immoral. That doesn't make it "terrorism."

If you know you are going to kill many civilians, and you have no NEED to attack because you are under no unusual threat or imminent attack, it is deliberately killing civilians to achieve a political aim.

How is that not terrorism?

Because terrorism is the use of violence and/or the disruption of public order in an act of political speech.

The invasion of Iraq, on the other hand, was a full blown invasion: they weren't communicating anything to the Iraqi government, they were completely REMOVING it from power. That crosses the line from "terrorism" to "warfare." State-sanctioned violence to achieve a political aim is, basically, the definition of "war." Political rhetoric notwithstanding, it is also the difference between "terrorism" and "rebellion."

That's not to say that the occupation didn't involve the USE of terrorism in an attempt to pacify the Iraqi people (and by the insurgents in an attempt to intimidate the occupiers and/or their allies). But the invasion ITSELF doesn't qualify. That was an act of unprovoked aggression, not an act of terrorism.
What do you call it when a lifelong Democrat runs for president as a Republican?

Playing the TRUMP card.

Even if Trump is a Democrat doing it to screw with the GOP, does that change anything about his run? The ideas he's espousing are popular amongst the Republicans. The damage that he's doing to the party is nothing more then putting on a display of how much the party is damaged.

Whether he's real or he's fake, the effectiveness of his campaign is based on the exact same thing and that thing is a problem that the GOP has and Trump is shining a light on, not a problem that Trump has.
Whether he's real or he's fake, the effectiveness of his campaign is based on the exact same thing and that thing is a problem that the GOP has and Trump is shining a light on, not a problem that Trump has.

Exactly. The embarrassment for the GOP is not the Trump campaign. It's the Trump supporters who are all unequivocally registered Republicans.
If we in fact launched a terrorist attack, there would be no refugees.

You mean if we had launched a different kind of terrorist attack.

How was what we did not terrorism?

By what universal understanding of morality?

If you know you are going to kill many civilians, and you have no NEED to attack because you are under no unusual threat or imminent attack, it is deliberately killing civilians to achieve a political aim.

How is that not terrorism?

You mean if we had launched a different kind of terrorist attack.

How was what we did not terrorism?

By what universal understanding of morality?

If you know you are going to kill many civilians, and you have no NEED to attack because you are under no unusual threat or imminent attack, it is deliberately killing civilians to achieve a political aim.

How is that not terrorism?


Terrorism, communism, savagery, barbarism, propaganda, perversion.....there are a number of words that are prime for motivating hatred against this or that group. As best I can tell, terrorism is a claim the over armed side of the conflict applies to those who cannot directly challenge their might. The side that labels its enemy terrorist may carpet bomb, donate cluster bombs to their allies, arm the allies and bluster but the powerful side in these conflicts is generally the creator of the conditions that cause terrorism. Like some of the posters the big guys try to bully the little guys with things like getting in the first insult, unexpected invasions, shock and awe, assassination, and drones, and getting in the last insult, then complain mightily when they experience reprisals...which are always called terrorism. There actually are no innocents in any of this...especially in Washington...especially in the CIA. Corporate greed drives the machine and it gets a regular shot in the arm every time some new "enemy" makes itself known.

We keep hearing more and more that there is nothing private in America anymore....and our leaders keep telling us to quit soiling our shorts over this because what they do here is NOTHING compared to what they do overseas and OUT OF SIGHT. How does this relate to Trump? He is just another greedy bastard with a hardon for brown people. He sees money and personal gain in war and in detention of refugees. He is in the end only just another greedy bastard.:rolleyes:
If we in fact launched a terrorist attack, there would be no refugees.

You mean if we had launched a different kind of terrorist attack.

How was what we did not terrorism?

By what universal understanding of morality?

If you know you are going to kill many civilians, and you have no NEED to attack because you are under no unusual threat or imminent attack, it is deliberately killing civilians to achieve a political aim.

How is that not terrorism?
Because that is not what the word "terrorism" means. You have redefined the term to mean "anything bad that America does".
You mean if we had launched a different kind of terrorist attack.

How was what we did not terrorism?

By what universal understanding of morality?

If you know you are going to kill many civilians, and you have no NEED to attack because you are under no unusual threat or imminent attack, it is deliberately killing civilians to achieve a political aim.

How is that not terrorism?
Because that is not what the word "terrorism" means. You have redefined the term to mean "anything bad that America does".

So then you agree that terrorism has a definition EVEN TO UNTERMENSCHE? I think it is just another propaganda term used to smear the character of hard pressed enemies of international subjugation.
Because that is not what the word "terrorism" means. You have redefined the term to mean "anything bad that America does".

So then you agree that terrorism has a definition EVEN TO UNTERMENSCHE? I think it is just another propaganda term used to smear the character of hard pressed enemies of international subjugation.
When a person uses a term to mean what they want it to mean instead of what it means, then it's a stipulative usage of a term. Such usage should not be regarded as lexical usage, since lexical usage isn't a function of what we want words to mean.
Because that is not what the word "terrorism" means. You have redefined the term to mean "anything bad that America does".

So then you agree that terrorism has a definition EVEN TO UNTERMENSCHE? I think it is just another propaganda term used to smear the character of hard pressed enemies of international subjugation.
If you are going to use a term, you might as well use the commonly accepted definition rather than make something up that suits your ideology. If the term is meaningless, don't use it.
Because of the uncertainty in the world, the illegal migration problem is causing many people to look at extreme right parties. Trump is making all the right noises such people are seeking. For that reason he may cause a boil over.

And the latest bit of news has Trump second on the list of most admired men for 2015, albeit tied with Pope Francis. Number one was Obama, at three times the amount of Trump, so perhaps that's a silver lining. Still overall it's pathetic. How anyone can admire him is beyond me.

Go Hillary! She's at 13%, more than twice as much as Trump.


And the latest bit of news has Trump second on the list of most admired men for 2015, albeit tied with Pope Francis. Number one was Obama, at three times the amount of Trump, so perhaps that's a silver lining. Still overall it's pathetic. How anyone can admire him is beyond me.

Go Hillary! She's at 13%, more than twice as much as Trump.

We have seen the US go from a feared, admired country to a wishy washy state of indecision under Obama. There
Will be no change under Clinton.
A nation under Trump would be a nation reeling from disaster to disaster. Mercurial whims and boorish behavior aren't a sound governing style. I would not be surprised if Trumps wins a bitter GOP nomination, but he'll lose to the Democrats.
The question is, just how weird will the GOP nomination get over the next year? Will Darth Trump get more outrageous as time goes on? Will desperate mainstream Republicans do something stupid? Will all of this end up resembling a Monty Python sketch? Will the GOP collapse like a wicked witch doused with a bucket of water? This is all becoming the most bizarre campaign season since H. Ross Perot flamed out. The world will watch in horror as the US writhes and twists over the next year.

Hillary beats even Rubio by 19 points amongst Hispanics. She beats Trump by 42 points. Hispanics will decide this election. They will be 13% of the electorate this year and they will be really big in swing states like Virginia, Ohio, Colorado, and Florida. Trump, really any GOP candidate, will have a hard time winning all four of those, and he will have to.

In the general election, there will be another factor to contend with. Young millenials voting for the first time. They grew up with Bush lying us into a war supported by the GOP. Cheney, torture et al. The worst economic collapse since the depression. And on and on. Young voters tend to not vote as much as older cohorts, but this cycles new voters will offset that by being more Democratic than Republican by 2 to 1 margins if Pew surveys are correct. Some commentators have spun theories how the GOP could win by energizing the white voters but these millenial voters will throw that sort of political calculations into the round file. Some years back, Rand Paul thought he could rally younger voters to his Libertarian tinged brand of conservatism, but polls suggest its Bernie Sanders that has been energizing younger cohorts. The problem is, many voters will not be paying all that much attention to the elections until some months down the line, and then things may differ quite a bit from today's political junkies that are making a big splash in early voting states.
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