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Why Trump Will Win the GOP Nomination

Only because you apparently don't understand that the American Government is a massive institution that can't be brushed aside by a single President. Even if Trump were elected, he needs a Cabinet and has to deal with Congress. Of course, we are so in the dark about what his positions actually are that it would be impossible to say you want him in charge for any other reason than uber partisan fandom.

That might be true in the USA, but there are plenty of people in the other 95% of the world who want Trump elected president just so they can see America crash and burn.

The USA has a huge influence on the rest of the world; and as the rest of us get no votes in this race, we are cast in the role of serfs who want the king to be incompetent, because at worst it makes him a less effective oppressor; and at best it might lead to the overthrow of the entire rotten system.

Of course, others of us are less keen on the idea of giving the world's largest nuclear arsenal to a lunatic; so the 95% are not a united bloc.

But we are affected by the results of your elections; and we are not allowed to vote - so you can understand, perhaps, why some of us don't have any great love for your country. Personally, I wouldn't wish Trump on my worst enemy; but I do understand the feelings of those who would.
True, I was speaking nationally, when the post I was responding to was speaking internationally. My bad.

That said, how many could be swayed by Trumps complete campaign strategy of "I'm awesome, vote for me." The racist right in Europe, sure, but I doubt South America is high on him, nor the rest of North America. The Middle East... well, ISIS probably supports him.
America needs a centre right government at this time. It matters little which candidate the GOP picks, as long as it's not a Democrat whitewash.

America has driven off the rails to the right for the last 35 years.

It needs to move hard to the left and put the pedal to the metal.

The people have suffered enough under right wing policies that end up putting all gains in wealth into the pockets of less than 1%.

America has driven off the rails to the right for the last 35 years.

It needs to move hard to the left and put the pedal to the metal.

The people have suffered enough under right wing policies that end up putting all gains in wealth into the pockets of less than 1%.

As all democracies, the USA will get the government they deserve, or deserve the government they get. Compulsory voting might be better, but would probably lead to another Civil War, with "defence of traditional liberties"proclaimed by both sides.
You think Obama is from the right?
That might be true in the USA, but there are plenty of people in the other 95% of the world who want Trump elected president just so they can see America crash and burn.

The USA has a huge influence on the rest of the world; and as the rest of us get no votes in this race, we are cast in the role of serfs who want the king to be incompetent, because at worst it makes him a less effective oppressor; and at best it might lead to the overthrow of the entire rotten system.

Of course, others of us are less keen on the idea of giving the world's largest nuclear arsenal to a lunatic; so the 95% are not a united bloc.

But we are affected by the results of your elections; and we are not allowed to vote - so you can understand, perhaps, why some of us don't have any great love for your country. Personally, I wouldn't wish Trump on my worst enemy; but I do understand the feelings of those who would.
True, I was speaking nationally, when the post I was responding to was speaking internationally. My bad.

That said, how many could be swayed by Trumps complete campaign strategy of "I'm awesome, vote for me." The racist right in Europe, sure, but I doubt South America is high on him, nor the rest of North America. The Middle East... well, ISIS probably supports him.

Only because you apparently don't understand that the American Government is a massive institution that can't be brushed aside by a single President. Even if Trump were elected, he needs a Cabinet and has to deal with Congress. Of course, we are so in the dark about what his positions actually are that it would be impossible to say you want him in charge for any other reason than uber partisan fandom.

That might be true in the USA, but there are plenty of people in the other 95% of the world who want Trump elected president just so they can see America crash and burn.

The USA has a huge influence on the rest of the world; and as the rest of us get no votes in this race, we are cast in the role of serfs who want the king to be incompetent, because at worst it makes him a less effective oppressor; and at best it might lead to the overthrow of the entire rotten system.

Of course, others of us are less keen on the idea of giving the world's largest nuclear arsenal to a lunatic; so the 95% are not a united bloc.

But we are affected by the results of your elections; and we are not allowed to vote - so you can understand, perhaps, why some of us don't have any great love for your country. Personally, I wouldn't wish Trump on my worst enemy; but I do understand the feelings of those who would.
What's forgotten here is the limited power a US President has. Most major decisions, like going to war, has to be approved by Congress and the Senate.
America has driven off the rails to the right for the last 35 years.

It needs to move hard to the left and put the pedal to the metal.

The people have suffered enough under right wing policies that end up putting all gains in wealth into the pockets of less than 1%.

America has driven off the rails to the right for the last 35 years.

It needs to move hard to the left and put the pedal to the metal.

The people have suffered enough under right wing policies that end up putting all gains in wealth into the pockets of less than 1%.

As all democracies, the USA will get the government they deserve, or deserve the government they get. Compulsory voting might be better, but would probably lead to another Civil War, with "defence of traditional liberties"proclaimed by both sides.
You think Obama is from the right?
you don't?
America has driven off the rails to the right for the last 35 years.

It needs to move hard to the left and put the pedal to the metal.

The people have suffered enough under right wing policies that end up putting all gains in wealth into the pockets of less than 1%.

As all democracies, the USA will get the government they deserve, or deserve the government they get. Compulsory voting might be better, but would probably lead to another Civil War, with "defence of traditional liberties"proclaimed by both sides.
You think Obama is from the right?
you don't?
Obama Care is right out of a socialist manifesto.
America has driven off the rails to the right for the last 35 years. It needs to move hard to the left and put the pedal to the metal. The people have suffered enough under right wing policies that end up putting all gains in wealth into the pockets of less than 1%.
As all democracies, the USA will get the government they deserve, or deserve the government they get. Compulsory voting might be better, but would probably lead to another Civil War, with "defence of traditional liberties"proclaimed by both sides.
You think Obama is from the right?
you don't?
Obama Care is right out of a socialist manifesto.
ACA is a law requiring compulsory PRIVATE health insurance.
What's forgotten here is the limited power a US President has. Most major decisions, like going to war, has to be approved by Congress and the Senate.

That hasn't been true for a long time.

Well, a President Trump would make it true again pretty quickly. It's like up here in Toronto. The mayor used to have a whole lot of power, but then Rob Ford became the mayor and everybody realized that it's actually a bad idea to give a coked-up incompetent idiot a whole lot of power, so the city council rescinded most of his powers. Now, the new mayor has to work with the council instead of just doing whatever he wants. It was actually a productive outcome from a bad situation.
What's forgotten here is the limited power a US President has. Most major decisions, like going to war, has to be approved by Congress and the Senate.

Not necessarily. A President can order military action without the approval of Congress. Then Congress has 60 days to either approve of it or force the President to withdraw from the action. Should Congress fail to do that, then it's said that Congress has "acquiesced" to such action. It gets a lot more complicated after that.

But being that when America wakes up in the morning to find out that we've gone to war, the first reaction, and one that tends to last is, "Fuck yeah!" By the time the "Fuck Yeahs" have either been reconsidered or shouted down by other voices, it's probably going to be too late for Congress to do anything.

You're right in that people overstate the power of the Presidency, but that is generally more accurate as it relates to law-making, which of course, the President can't do. When it comes to foreign affairs though, that is the domain of the Executive and so the President can act how he sees fit with respect to that.
Some people are calling Trump derogatory names for his skipping of the debate and his comments about the debate moderator.

They're ignoring that everything Trump has been doing has been about staying in the headlines. Good news or bad news, he wants to be the one getting all the attention. One more debate, not much in the way of news coverage. Skipping the debate and pretending to throw a hissy fit? Now THAT overshadowed the entire debate and got more headlines than anything that happened with all those who were at the debate.

If he gets elected he'd be bad for the country, but you have to admit he certainly knows how to play the media and he is doing an excellent job at it.
Some people are calling Trump derogatory names for his skipping of the debate and his comments about the debate moderator.

They're ignoring that everything Trump has been doing has been about staying in the headlines. Good news or bad news, he wants to be the one getting all the attention. One more debate, not much in the way of news coverage. Skipping the debate and pretending to throw a hissy fit? Now THAT overshadowed the entire debate and got more headlines than anything that happened with all those who were at the debate.

If he gets elected he'd be bad for the country, but you have to admit he certainly knows how to play the media and he is doing an excellent job at it.

Yes, it was very well done. All the media stories were about him and about how he's not playing by the rules and blah, blah, blah. Whatever happened at the actual debate was a sideshow to his not being there and the only clips of it that I saw were of the parts when the other candidates were talking about him not being there. These other candidates just do not have what it takes to handle the Trump Self-Promotional Machine. Also, Trump's ability to fill a hall on one day's notice does speak to his ability to get his supporters out to vote.
Some good stuff about Bernie in here as well. It seems that the war party (in both parties) is having heartburn about Trump and Sanders. And the hawks warming up to Cruz and their adoration of Hillary.

Anti-anti-Trump, Anti-anti-Sanders - Extremism in defense of peace is no vice

I haven't had this much fun in years – of course I'm talking about the US presidential election season, with The Donald taking on all comers, and winning (at least so far), and Berne Sanders burning up the self-satisfied mandarins of the Democratic party Establishment.

What's great about this spectacle – and one must view it as a spectacle in order to gain maximum enjoyment from it – is that, as none other than Rush Limbaugh points out:

"Trump is so far outside the formula that has been established for American politics that people who are inside the formula can't comprehend it. They don't understand why somebody would want to venture so far outside it, because it is what it is, and there's a ladder of success that you have to climb. And somebody challenging it like this in more ways than one, as Trump is doing, has just got everybody experiencing every kind of emotion you can: They're angry, they are flabbergasted, they're shocked, they're stunned – and all of it because he's leading."

As I explained here, and here, one of the ways Trump is upending the rules is that he's broken with the GOP mandarins on foreign policy. Yes, yes, I know he bloviates about how he's "the most militaristic person" on God's green earth, but the fact is there's plenty of others out there who out-do him in that category. I've heard him say he wants to "bomb the s**t out of ISIS," but aren't we doing that already – to little effect? When Bill O'Reilly asked him why he didn't support putting ground troops in Syria, he answered "Do you want to run Syria?" O'Reilly demurred. Trump puffs up his chest and announces he wants us to have "the strongest biggest baddest military on earth" – but you'll note he invariably adds: "So we'll never have to use it."

Most significantly, he doesn't want to start World War III with Vladimir Putin's Russia: he's actually defied the anti-Russian propaganda blitz and said he'd like to be able to get along with Putin. This alone would've been enough for the neocons to start a holy war against him, but he's even gone further than that and said the Iraq war – the neocons' handiwork – was "one of the dumbest things ever," and Limbaugh describes their response to a tee (of course without naming them).

Oh yes, it's great fun watching the waterboarding of the neocons, because they count among their enemies the top two contenders for the Republican nomination, not only Trump but also Ted Cruz. The greasy-haired Canadian earned their ire when he attacked them by name, but as Rosie Gray reports in Buzzfeed they may be reconciling themselves to Cruz because he's the only viable Not-Trump:

"Some of the hawkish figures who Ted Cruz recently dismissed as ‘crazy neo-con invade-every-country-on-earth and send our kids to die in the Middle East' ... say they'd consider supporting Cruz anyway if he's the last man between Donald Trump and the Republican presidential nomination.\

"Cruz, it turns out, hasn't fully burned his bridges with that set of advisers and supporters of George W. Bush – figures like Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol and former National Security Council official Elliott Abrams, who aren't closed off to Cruz, especially in the case of Abrams. Indeed, despite some lingering resentment and suspicion, there are even glimmers of rapprochement as the Republican primary looks like it could become a two-man race. ‘I would not hesitate to back Cruz as the nominee,' Abrams – who not long ago told National Review that Cruz's use of the word neocon invoked ‘warmongering Jewish advisers' – told BuzzFeed News."

Cruz, for his part, is more than willing to smoke a peace pipe with the War Party:

"In an interview on his campaign bus in Iowa last week, Cruz told BuzzFeed News that, despite his jabs at neocons, he has ‘good relations with a great many foreign policy thinkers.' Cruz has in the past cited Abrams along with former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton and former CIA director James Woolsey as trusted foreign policy experts."

It's getting pretty cozy in that campaign bus. Rosie, who knows a thing or two about neocons, seems to be the designated ambassador from Kristol-land to the Cruz campaign, and as the Anti-Trump Popular Front – the widest coalition in the history of politics, stretching all the way from the New York Times to Charles Krauthammer – tries to sell us on the idea that the Establishment is now backing Trump against the "insurgent" Cruz, she provides some insightful analysis of just who is the Real Establishment:

"The neocons' willingness to consider Cruz stands in sharp contrast with a new line of current conventional wisdom in Washington that Cruz, who is the object of particularly intense personal dislike from establishment Republicans, is actually less acceptable to the establishment than Trump."

We know who is the Establishment: it's those brilliant folks who brought us the Iraq war, who want us to repeat our mistake in Syria, and who pine for a US-led regime-change operation in Russia to get rid of Putin and install a pliable Yeltsin-substitute in power. The Establishment, in short, is the War Party, otherwise known as the neoconservatives, and they are the tireless enemies of peace and liberty. Until and unless they are destroyed as a viable political force, either in the GOP or outside it, there will be no peace in this world. If and when Trump succeeds in sidelining them, that alone will be worth whatever price we have to pay in the – unlikely – event he makes it to the White House.

As even the usually clueless Ben Domenech, over at The Federalist, observes:

"On foreign policy, Donald Trump is exploiting American frustration with the elites of both parties. He cites over and over again his opposition to the war in Iraq as a smackdown for the neoconservative views which have ruled the roost in Republican foreign policy circles for 15 years. But he also uses his opposition to engagement in Libya to smack Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Marco Rubio.

"It is very telling that the two leading candidates in the GOP primary today are very critical of intervention in Iraq and Libya and Syria, and this has not only not hurt them, but potentially helped them reach more than 50 percent support in the polls. One would think Republican elites would recognize this and think about what it means about the views of their base. One would think, but one would be wrong."

With the triumph of Trumpismo having demolished the GOP foreign policy consensus – and the neocons' ideological and organizational stranglehold on the conservative movement – the way will be cleared for a libertarian-ish insurgency to arise out of the rubble and make some real headway. I realize it's hard to see this at the present moment: just like on HGTV, when some clueless couple on "Fixer Upper" or "Property Brothers" just can't see that the scary dilapidated wreck of a house they're being shown could become their Dream Home. Yet, in the end, they are bowled over by the luxurious and stunning result.

(Of course, there are no guarantees in life: a lot depends on if the fractious libertarians, beset as they are by right-wing opportunism and a brainless form of anti-political sectarianism, can finally get their act together.)

On the other side of the aisle – that is, in the Democratic party – a similar drama, with some significant variations, is being played out in the race pitting Bernie Sanders against Hillary Clinton. The latter is widely considered the presumptive heir, much like Jeb Bush was assumed to be the GOP frontrunner on account of his last name. Yet Bush has been humiliated and sidelined, and Mrs. Clinton may well be in danger of sharing his fate: Sanders is beating her in New Hampshire as well as in Iowa. This has "centrist" Michael Bloomberg, former New York City mayor and professional scold, so upset that he is threatening to launch a third party run if Sanders gets the nod.

The beleaguered Mrs. Clinton doesn't have major principled differences with Sanders when it comes to domestic policy: their disagreements are over strategy, not goals. The real split is over foreign policy, with Hillary the hawk pecking at Sanders over his relatively dovish stances on issues from Iran to Libya. And now a posse of "national security" bureaucrats has taken out after Sanders with a joint statement deploring his unwillingness to parrot the War Party's line:

"Over the past four debates, the subject of ISIS and Iran have come up a number of times. These are complex and challenging times, and we need a Commander in Chief who knows how to protect America and our allies and advance our interests and values around the world. The stakes are high. And we are concerned that Senator Sanders has not thought through these crucial national security issues that can have profound consequences for our security.\

"His lack of a strategy for defeating ISIS – one of the greatest challenges we face today – is troubling. And the limited things he has said on ISIS are also troubling.

"For example, his call for more Iranian troops in Syria is dangerous and misguided and the opposite of what is needed. Supporting Iranian soldiers on Israel's doorstep is a grave mistake. And while we support de-escalation of Sunni-Shia tensions, his argument that Iran and Saudi Arabia – two intense adversaries – should join together in a military coalition is just puzzling. Indeed, the Iranian government recently failed to stop protesters from ransacking and burning the Saudi embassy in Tehran, after which Saudi Arabia cut off diplomatic ties with Iran.

"We are all strong supporters of the nuclear diplomacy with Iran. Some of us were part of developing the policy that produced the diplomacy over the past several years. And we believe that there are areas for further cooperation under the right circumstances. But Senator Sanders' call to ‘move aggressively' to normalize relations with Iran – to develop a ‘warm' relationship – breaks with President Obama, is out of step with the sober and responsible diplomatic approach that has been working for the United States, and if pursued would fail while causing consternation among our allies and partners.

"Given these concerns, it is important to ask what he would do on other issues – on Russia, China, our allies, nuclear proliferation, and so much else. We look forward to hearing him address these issues.

"We need a Commander in Chief who sees how all of these dynamics fit together – someone who sees the whole chessboard, as Hillary Clinton does."

The only time the Clintonistas want to "move aggressively" is when it involves invading a sovereign nation like Iraq, Libya and Syria, and turning it into a cauldron of Islamist terror. Her "strategy" for defeating ISIS is to set up "no fly zones" in Syria, reoccupy Iraq, and fund the very head-chopping Syrian "rebels" from which ISIS and Al-Qaeda have sprung and with whom they are ideologically aligned. Indeed, Mrs. Clinton, who spearheaded the movement inside the US government to arm the Islamists in Syria and Libya, deserves the title "Mother of ISIS."

As for all the balderdash about Iran: this is clearly the Israel lobby talking, and if there was any confusion about Mrs. Clinton's role as their champion in the Democratic party, this should clear it up.

Yet the Clintonian arguments for an anti-Iranian foreign policy are not very convincing. For just one example: If "supporting Iranian soldiers at Israel's doorstep is a grave mistake" then is Israel supporting ISIS at their own doorstep an equally grave miscalculation? But of course you won't be hearing any criticism like that coming from this crowd.

From a noninterventionist perspective, neither Sanders nor Trump is perfect – both are very far from that. But to nitpick over their deviations is to entirely miss the point, as sectarians of both the left and right are bound to do. These two candidates represent, each in their own way, powerful and growing tendencies on both sides of the ideological spectrum that the movement for peace can utilize to its own advantage. For we cannot change the world until and unless we begin to understand it: only then can we take advantage of such openings as it allows. What is happening in this country is a rebellion against both wings of the War Party – and that is something to be celebrated and encouraged, even as we critique its shortcoming and urge the rebels to take their insurgency further.

We here at Antiwar.com do not endorse candidates for office: nevertheless, we encourage our readers and supporters to inform themselves and take an interest in the political process in order to bring about a more peaceful and a freer world. Insofar as this election season is concerned, the watchwords or slogans that give voice to the "correct" position are best expressed in terms of double-negatives. For my conservative Republican readers, that would be: anti-anti-Trump. For the progressive Democrats: anti-anti-Sanders.

We are hearing the voices of the Mushy Moderate Middle rise up in defense of the status quo: Democrats like the Washington courtier Dana Milbank are warning us against Sanders, while the neocons to a man are railing against the Trumpist Temptation. This should be enough to tell us what is the right road to take and what our answer to the Mushy Middletarians must be: Extremism in defense of peace is no vice – and moderation in the fight against the War Party is no virtue!
I watched these debates. Without Trump to distract all, it was an exercise in unabashed far right boosterism, jingoism and religious crap. Truly depressing. Trump's absence did not elevate things greatly here.
Always nothing but talk of the horse race and who is beating who.

You have this whole near to far right crowd, from Hillary to Cruz, Trump included, that has driven this nation into the dirt.

And you have one real alternative to the crowd that has been controlling this nation for the last 35 years.


And what does he want to do?

Make the US more like Germany. A nice healthy economy and good social services too.

Oh the inhumanity!!
^ ^ ^ ^ ^^

Unbelievable but for once I agree 100% with unter, as far as that post above goes.

But I don't think the US is ready for Bernie, even though the US knows full well that he could not bring in all he says he stands for, it is all electioneering propaganda. So the US does not deserve Bernie, he's too far ahead of that socially underdeveloped country and too honest for those politicians of right and left.
Oh, and the reason why I say the USA is a Third World country in its social arrangements?

The collective principle asserts that... no society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.
— Aneurin Bevan, In Place of Fear, p. 100
Some good stuff about Bernie in here as well. It seems that the war party (in both parties) is having heartburn about Trump and Sanders. And the hawks warming up to Cruz and their adoration of Hillary.
Trump does a good job at straddling the fence... ISIS is Obama's fault because he didn''t strike at Syria... but the US should use their military defensively. He also says we need to "strengthen" it. Apparently $600+ million a year isn't enough.

Only one and half candidates are for holding back on the military, Sanders and Paul.
I just listened to a town hall on whether the Iowa caucuses is a make or break situation for Sanders. It was hosted by an alleged "progressive," who said that Hillary has the vast majority of all the minority voters and that Sanders is only popular with whites. On that basis he said that Sanders could win in Iowa but will ultimately be sunk by the minority voter who are aligned with Clinton. At last look, it appeared to me that Hillary is easily as white and Sanders and has a lot of negatives with people of color in her own right. I am hoping that Clinton does not actually own minorities as has been assumed. She really has no reason to be able to claim them. She is just a money grubbing politician and that money is all white and corporate.:thinking:
As I have stated before, surveys show Sanders simply isn't known by man voters, and that includes Southern black voters. All you see is he's an old white guy from Vermont, a small state mainly inhabited by whites. Since black voters will not be going GOP, Bernie needs to go after that segment of the vote if he has any hope of winning. For black American voters, Hillary is the devil they know, as is the GOP, the GOP being the devil they know and despise. If Bernie cannot do this, he will lose and that is that. He probably won't be around for the next post-Hillary election.

If he loses, then what? Can he use his remaining years to create a nationwide Democratic Socialist wing of the Democratic party?
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