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Why Trump Will Win the GOP Nomination

News is an outside PAC is now going after Cruz. Despite his self identification as a Christian and being a millionaire, he has given less than 1% of his income to religious causes. The ads they are running are interesting on this point. The question is, will it hurt Cruz? Stay tuned.
Jason said:
After the way she treated Obama in the 2008 primaries, I'm very surprised that Hillary is doing as well as she is among black voters.

Say what you will about Clinton, she's one of the few politicians who shows the ability to learn.
I just listened to a town hall on whether the Iowa caucuses is a make or break situation for Sanders. It was hosted by an alleged "progressive," who said that Hillary has the vast majority of all the minority voters and that Sanders is only popular with whites. On that basis he said that Sanders could win in Iowa but will ultimately be sunk by the minority voter who are aligned with Clinton. At last look, it appeared to me that Hillary is easily as white and Sanders and has a lot of negatives with people of color in her own right. I am hoping that Clinton does not actually own minorities as has been assumed. She really has no reason to be able to claim them. She is just a money grubbing politician and that money is all white and corporate.:thinking:
For once we're in agreement. :)
If Hillary has the minorities and Sanders has the whites (nice attempt by Hillary to denigrate Sanders again - a white woman accusing a white man of being white) then Sanders has Iowa and New Hampshire locked up. Those are two very white states. She won't have a showing until South Carolina.
If Hillary has the minorities and Sanders has the whites (nice attempt by Hillary to denigrate Sanders again - a white woman accusing a white man of being white) then Sanders has Iowa and New Hampshire locked up. Those are two very white states. She won't have a showing until South Carolina.

That is what they are saying.

But I'm saying something else.

I'm saying the present polls reflect nothing but name recognition.

They don't know who Bernie Sanders is. So it is reasonable they don't trust him.

If Bernie can win a few primaries he will become better known.

One thing that is clear here though. The press wants Hillary. They want the story of the first woman president. They want a bigger story, nothing else. They have no brains beyond that.
I'd rather see Bernie win the primary than Hillary. At least the former would lose fair and square based on his socialist politics, rather than some email handling bullshit.
If Hillary has the minorities and Sanders has the whites (nice attempt by Hillary to denigrate Sanders again - a white woman accusing a white man of being white) then Sanders has Iowa and New Hampshire locked up. Those are two very white states. She won't have a showing until South Carolina.

That is what they are saying.

But I'm saying something else.

I'm saying the present polls reflect nothing but name recognition.

They don't know who Bernie Sanders is. So it is reasonable they don't trust him.

If Bernie can win a few primaries he will become better known.

One thing that is clear here though. The press wants Hillary. They want the story of the first woman president. They want a bigger story, nothing else. They have no brains beyond that.

But..with what they know about Hillary, how can they vote for her? The mainstream press want Hillary because it is corporate and consolidated and part of the corrupt politics for money scheme Hillary is banking on to make her president. They are their own political machine and it is clear they also mute criticism of Donald Trump. The mainstream press makes big money on political ads paid for by corporations and billionaires. Any news that reflects badly on their bought and paid for politicians is ignored...just like the Sanders campaign is ignored. Hillary and the Repugs remind me of murderers confronted with evidence of their guilt who still deny they have ever done anything wrong.
That is what they are saying.

But I'm saying something else.

I'm saying the present polls reflect nothing but name recognition.

They don't know who Bernie Sanders is. So it is reasonable they don't trust him.

If Bernie can win a few primaries he will become better known.

One thing that is clear here though. The press wants Hillary. They want the story of the first woman president. They want a bigger story, nothing else. They have no brains beyond that.

But..with what they know about Hillary, how can they vote for her? The mainstream press want Hillary because it is corporate and consolidated and part of the corrupt politics for money scheme Hillary is banking on to make her president. They are their own political machine and it is clear they also mute criticism of Donald Trump. The mainstream press makes big money on political ads paid for by corporations and billionaires. Any news that reflects badly on their bought and paid for politicians is ignored...just like the Sanders campaign is ignored. Hillary and the Repugs remind me of murderers confronted with evidence of their guilt who still deny they have ever done anything wrong.

Do you really think that Sanders is ignored by the media??
I'd rather see Bernie win the primary than Hillary. At least the former would lose fair and square based on his socialist politics, rather than some email handling bullshit.

His socialist politics will kill him?

So telling the American people we should be more like Germany, have a good economy and good social services too, that will kill him?
Bernie is not so much as untrusted by minority voters as unknown. He has to gain minority voters to win. This is going to be hard. Another possible problem is religion. Bernie is simply not attractive to those who take their Christianity very seriously. Black voters represent a rather religious segment of the Democratic party voters. Clinton here has the advantage.
Bernie is not so much as untrusted by minority voters as unknown. He has to gain minority voters to win. This is going to be hard. Another possible problem is religion. Bernie is simply not attractive to those who take their Christianity very seriously. Black voters represent a rather religious segment of the Democratic party voters. Clinton here has the advantage.

There are big black churches and big white ones...about equally considering the numbers of attendees. I feel it is wrong to characterize black voters as religious democrats. There are some but black people I know are not particularly instructed as to their politics by preachers...Cornell West excluded.
I'd rather see Bernie win the primary than Hillary. At least the former would lose fair and square based on his socialist politics, rather than some email handling bullshit.

His socialist politics will kill him?

So telling the American people we should be more like Germany, have a good economy and good social services too, that will kill him?
Based on what I know about American political discourse, yes. But for full disclosure I have to admit, I didn't think Hillary was going to run at all, or that Trump had any chance of being anything more than a joke candidate, so my predictions in this area are notoriously unreliable.
Bernie is not so much as untrusted by minority voters as unknown. He has to gain minority voters to win. This is going to be hard. Another possible problem is religion. Bernie is simply not attractive to those who take their Christianity very seriously. Black voters represent a rather religious segment of the Democratic party voters. Clinton here has the advantage.

There are big black churches and big white ones...about equally considering the numbers of attendees. I feel it is wrong to characterize black voters as religious democrats. There are some but black people I know are not particularly instructed as to their politics by preachers...Cornell West excluded.

Surveys have repeatedly demonstrated a very high rate of religious belief among black Americans. They are the least likely to be "Nones". You can bet that the GOP will attack Sanders on the fact that he is not a doctrinaire Christian. Helping Clinton who has long established her religious belief credentials.
He's Jewish but not a hawk. He presents an interesting dilemma for Republican neocons. They can't exactly attack him for being Jewish, especially after they had a Mormon for their own candidate, considering their extreme hawkish support of the state of Israel.
His socialist politics will kill him?

So telling the American people we should be more like Germany, have a good economy and good social services too, that will kill him?
Based on what I know about American political discourse, yes. But for full disclosure I have to admit, I didn't think Hillary was going to run at all, or that Trump had any chance of being anything more than a joke candidate, so my predictions in this area are notoriously unreliable.

Based on what I know it would in no way kill him.

Especially if the only other choice is one of the clowns from the other side.
It's over today, finally. After a grueling 6 months of debates, ridiculous accusations, inane political speech, Palin endorsements, we'll finally know who the next President will be.
It's over today, finally. After a grueling 6 months of debates, ridiculous accusations, inane political speech, Palin endorsements, we'll finally know who the next President will be.

Golly, this is so exciting! Will Cruz do well? Will Bernie actually pull out a win?! Get a pizza and some beer and turn on the TV. Tonight is political junkie heaven.
But for full disclosure I have to admit, I didn't think Hillary was going to run at all,
Me neither. I thought some of the younger senators and governors would rule the 2016 nomination battle. And the only one of those running, Martin O'Malley, can't get no traction at all. Of course, he went full pro-illegal and you never go full pro-illegal!
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