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Why Trump Will Win the GOP Nomination

Yes. They are real. White, primarily southern, poor, or at least working class. They are the kind who are really threatened by demographic changes and the need for racial equality in the US. As well as of course immigrant labor taking their jobs or at least driving down their wages. The Democrats need to do a better job speaking to these people. They used to because there were strong unions, and also because the South was never going to support the Republicans until at least 100 years after the civil war.

New demographics are emerging, but for now these people see their only salvation in a racist demagogue who is not afraid to speak their language. That indeed does make Trump real. He is on a roll to win the nomination. Will he win the presidency? I doubt it seriously. But there are black swans out there swimming in the offshore waters. Health problems. Terrorism. Financial meltdown.

But is Clinton a better option? A proven liar?

If proven liars are disqualified from running, the Presidency will remain vacant for a LONG time.

If the worst that can be said for a politician is that they are a proven liar, then they are FAR better than most of their peers.
But is Clinton a better option? A proven liar?

If proven liars are disqualified from running, the Presidency will remain vacant for a LONG time.

If the worst that can be said for a politician is that they are a proven liar, then they are FAR better than most of their peers.

Duh! This is such a shit criticism. She's a proven liar. I've said it a thousand times on these boards, show us precisely how exactly she's any more mendacious than average. It's such crap.

Clinton is no better than Trump? Are you fucking serious? You think that a man who advocates blatantly neonazi policies, including putting a class of people to wear identification tags on them, like little yellow stars, and promises more war for us is seriously better than Hillary? I am stunned anyone would even think that he'd be better than her. Trump is batshit crazy. And Cruz is even worse. Hillary may not have a high likability quotient, but she is thoughtful and deliberate in her actions and is thinking along the right ways. There is no comparison.

I tend to think a lot of the world would like to see Trump win. Mainly because he is a lot less likely to want war. He may want to wipe out ISIS as they have directly threatened the USA but I can't see him wanting war the way nearly all of the others do

Hillary Clinton is a despicable appalling low life. She is worse than Trump as a human being.
Ronald Reagan was described an imbecile before winning the Oval Office, but soon became very popular. Trump may be the same.
If proven liars are disqualified from running, the Presidency will remain vacant for a LONG time.

If the worst that can be said for a politician is that they are a proven liar, then they are FAR better than most of their peers.

Duh! This is such a shit criticism. She's a proven liar. I've said it a thousand times on these boards, show us precisely how exactly she's any more mendacious than average. It's such crap.

Clinton is no better than Trump? Are you fucking serious? You think that a man who advocates blatantly neonazi policies, including putting a class of people to wear identification tags on them, like little yellow stars, and promises more war for us is seriously better than Hillary? I am stunned anyone would even think that he'd be better than her. Trump is batshit crazy. And Cruz is even worse. Hillary may not have a high likability quotient, but she is thoughtful and deliberate in her actions and is thinking along the right ways. There is no comparison.


Yup. People might as well say "She can't be President, she is proven to be right-handed!!".
As an Australian I do not want to see a weak willed warmonger like Hillary Clinton as President of the United States. She doesn't have the sense or the willpower to stand up the the neocons, who could easily drag Australia into another war, or see Russia or China take out US military bases here, or see Australia charged with war crimes.

Fraser says get US forces out of northern Australia and close Pine Gap
Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser has made a radical call for Australia to break its alliance with the United States and become a “strategically independent” country.

In his new book Dangerous Allies, released today, Fraser warns that the ANZUS treaty – as now interpreted - might be the biggest threat to Australia’s security, rather than its major protector.

Strategic independence would mean ending the US presence in northern Australia, part of the American “pivot” to the Asia-Pacific region, and closing the Pine Gap facility, which he says nowadays could be used almost in real time to target weapons systems.

Such a stance would necessitate Australia spending much more on defence but it would not be caught up in any future conflict between the US and China. “If a war between China and the United States were to occur with a continuation of current policies, it would be very hard, if not impossible, for Australia not to be involved.”

Malcolm Fraser warns Australia risks war with China unless US military ties cut back
Australia risks being pulled into a disastrous war against China because successive Australian governments have surrendered the nation's strategic independence to Washington, former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser has warned.
With tensions rising in the East China Sea between China and Japan, Mr Fraser said there was a real danger of conflict and that he had become "very uneasy" at the level of Australia's compliance with the US's strategic interests.

"Our armed forces are so closely intertwined with theirs and we really have lost the capacity to make our own strategic decisions," Mr Fraser said.

I would prefer Trump.
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Every time some pundit talks about Trump's "ceiling" he breaks through it. First it was 20%. Then 30%. Now he's at 40%. Over in some polls. But any day he's going to top out and lose. Seems to me wishful thinking.

I ran into a Trump campaign worker the other day. He was very confident. Cocky really. He was sure Trump would win, and that he'd beat Hillary. He said Hillary would be indicted after her nomination and that would sweep the Donald into the White House. What a nightmare.


A lot of people predict that the general election is a ceiling that Trump could never break through.

It would be ironic through. He enters the GOP race to ensure a Hilldebeest victory in the general, and instead wins the general by accident.

Are you 7 years old? Seriously what kind of a person feels the need to write something like this when you are talking about national politics.

Here's a link to an article which reinforces my contention that Trump made the wiser bet by going full on racist and then extending his hand to the evangelicals, rather than Cruz, who banked only on the evangelicals to begin with. As I suspected, there was considerable overlap between the racists and the evangelicals (duh, you think?) and push come to shove, they'll choose the racist candidate over the evangelical one.
I tend to think a lot of the world would like to see Trump win....

Pure projection.

Most of the world is appalled by Trump and see the US as a joke that somebody like him can actually be taken seriously by anybody.

He is nothing but bluster and empty promises.

A joke.
A lot of people predict that the general election is a ceiling that Trump could never break through.

It would be ironic through. He enters the GOP race to ensure a Hilldebeest victory in the general, and instead wins the general by accident.

Are you 7 years old? Seriously what kind of a person feels the need to write something like this when you are talking about national politics.

I know who your primary vote is going to.
Are you 7 years old? Seriously what kind of a person feels the need to write something like this when you are talking about national politics.

I know who your primary vote is going to.

Seriously is it so hard to act like an adult?

I would not vote for Hillary BTW, but I am an adult and I can disagree with people without calling them names.
America needs a centre right government at this time. It matters little which candidate the GOP picks, as long as it's not a Democrat whitewash.
America needs a centre right government at this time. It matters little which candidate the GOP picks, as long as it's not a Democrat whitewash.

America has driven off the rails to the right for the last 35 years.

It needs to move hard to the left and put the pedal to the metal.

The people have suffered enough under right wing policies that end up putting all gains in wealth into the pockets of less than 1%.
America needs a centre right government at this time. It matters little which candidate the GOP picks, as long as it's not a Democrat whitewash.

America has driven off the rails to the right for the last 35 years.

It needs to move hard to the left and put the pedal to the metal.

The people have suffered enough under right wing policies that end up putting all gains in wealth into the pockets of less than 1%.

As all democracies, the USA will get the government they deserve, or deserve the government they get. Compulsory voting might be better, but would probably lead to another Civil War, with "defence of traditional liberties"proclaimed by both sides.
America needs a centre right government at this time. It matters little which candidate the GOP picks, as long as it's not a Democrat whitewash.
Well Clinton would be Center Right. Obama sure the heck has been. We haven't had a liberal President since Carter.
What ARE his chances of winning the presidency anyhow?
Trump? The gut would say no chance in hell. Of course, the gut also said Trump wouldn't make it to Iowa, let alone be a potential headliner looking to sweep the first three primaries/caucuses.

Trump has been running the best campaign and mostly by absolute luck. He appears to be the wrong person at absolutely the right time and is feeding off a racist, anti-liberty message in large part created by Obama being elected President, a man who has had people protesting him almost right during his inauguration.

But Trump can't ride this horse in on the General Election. Angry white males don't carry elections on their own. He has to go from a crusader of the racist right to a successful business man who has succeeded from nothing beyond all expectations***** (all the asterisks aside). A man who can make solutions. His trouble there is that he has said so many things to piss off too many important demographics, demographics that don't forgive too easily. Mainly the Hispanic and Women. He can recover a bit on women, but the Democrat is looking at a soaring percentage of Hispanics and with Trumps extremely visual positions, he may be driving a lot more typically non-voting Hispanics to the polls, which would give him a massive obstacle to overcome.
I would prefer Trump.
Only because you apparently don't understand that the American Government is a massive institution that can't be brushed aside by a single President. Even if Trump were elected, he needs a Cabinet and has to deal with Congress. Of course, we are so in the dark about what his positions actually are that it would be impossible to say you want him in charge for any other reason than uber partisan fandom.
I would prefer Trump.
Only because you apparently don't understand that the American Government is a massive institution that can't be brushed aside by a single President. Even if Trump were elected, he needs a Cabinet and has to deal with Congress. Of course, we are so in the dark about what his positions actually are that it would be impossible to say you want him in charge for any other reason than uber partisan fandom.

That might be true in the USA, but there are plenty of people in the other 95% of the world who want Trump elected president just so they can see America crash and burn.

The USA has a huge influence on the rest of the world; and as the rest of us get no votes in this race, we are cast in the role of serfs who want the king to be incompetent, because at worst it makes him a less effective oppressor; and at best it might lead to the overthrow of the entire rotten system.

Of course, others of us are less keen on the idea of giving the world's largest nuclear arsenal to a lunatic; so the 95% are not a united bloc.

But we are affected by the results of your elections; and we are not allowed to vote - so you can understand, perhaps, why some of us don't have any great love for your country. Personally, I wouldn't wish Trump on my worst enemy; but I do understand the feelings of those who would.
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